It's late at night.

There was darkness between heaven and earth, but the landowner's courtyard in Wangjiazhuang was filled with flames.

More than two hundred households in Wangjiazhuang, with a total of 762 people, all came to the landlord's courtyard. Some people were a little confused because they were woken up from their dreams.

But soon, they realized something was wrong.

The warrior master sent by the Wang family was actually grabbed by the hair and pushed to the ground. The seven guards from the Wang family were also captured and knelt on the ground.

The firelight shone on these people, and the Wangjiazhuang villagers saw fear and terror on their faces.

For a moment, the eyes of the villagers in Wangjiacun suddenly changed.

It turns out that a high-ranking warrior master can also become a prisoner of others.

It turns out that the warrior master is no different from them.

Their eyes no longer showed awe, but instead showed an unknown emotion.

At this moment, the warrior from the Wang family who was captured by Chen Mo suddenly shouted: "Folks, these thieves are here to rob us. Kill the thieves quickly. Whoever kills the thieves, I will definitely report it to the generals to save you." One year’s rent.”

One year's rent, this figure, caused a stir in the villagers.

But it was just a commotion, and it quickly subsided.

Without it, Wang Yuan's reputation in the village would not be very good, and he would have little credibility.

Moreover, the Wang family warrior who just said this often bullied them.

Seeing that no one was moving, the Wang family warrior's expression changed and he was about to take a threatening approach.


The Tang knife in Chen Mo's hand instantly cut his throat, and a stream of blood spurted out from the cut neck and flowed all over the ground.

The villagers were all shocked, some were frightened.

Although the sense of awe in their hearts was not that strong, they were still afraid of the Wang family warriors. At this moment, they saw their throats cut, and their hearts beat faster.

The fear and awe then transferred to the person who killed the Wang family warrior.

Chen Mo tore off a piece of clothing from the Wang family warrior, wiped the blood off the knife, and said, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Mo. I am from Fuze Village and I am also a warrior."

When talking about warriors, Chen Mo suddenly turned around and struck the landlord's courtyard behind him with a knife from the air.


Invisible sword energy burst out, and with a loud noise, the landlord's courtyard instantly collapsed and fell into pieces.

The villagers were so frightened that they couldn't help but take two steps back. The "deserters" who had taken refuge with Chen Mo before were also dumbfounded, but then they became convinced.

The stronger Chen Mo is, the more protection he talks about makes them feel safer.

Chen Mo turned around slowly, put the Tang sword into its sheath, and said, "I came here only to do three things."

"First." Chen Mo raised a finger and said in a loud voice: "From now on, Wangjiazhuang is under my control!"

"Second, all your previous debts to the Wang family will be cancelled."

"Third, Wangjiazhuang will not collect taxes this year. Not only that, but starting from next year, it will only collect land taxes of three out of ten, and there will be no other exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes."

Chen Mo almost repeated what he said in Fuze Village to the villagers in Wangjiazhuang.

The imperial court and the royal family oppressed them for a long time.

The imperial court has imposed more and more exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes in recent years. Coupled with the disasters in the past two years, they simply cannot afford to pay taxes on just a few acres of farmland.

At this moment, the Wang family stepped forward and took the initiative to lend them money.

Of course, this money must be repaid, and a large amount of interest must be repaid.

But the taxes have been paid this year and they will have to pay next year, so they can only continue to borrow money to pay taxes.

Eventually, they became tenants of the Wang family.

However, the debts have never been paid off. Instead, they have been accumulated on them one by one, forming a huge mountain, allowing them to help the Wang family farm and make money for generations, and they will never turn over.

There was also a fire in their hearts.

But there has been no one to take the lead, and since it is not a dead end, the fire in their hearts cannot be vented.

But at this moment, Chen Mo helped them vent again.

The debts Chen Mo said they owed were written off, making their bodies feel suddenly light.

Afterwards, they asked Chen Mo the same question as the group of "deserters" when he was in Fuze Village.

Chen Mo answered again.

Finally, he said: "You don't have to worry about the government affairs, I will take care of them as well."

Everyone's heart was moved.

They don't care who is in charge of Wangjiazhuang. They only care about whether they can survive and live better than before.

They only care about their one-third of an acre of land, no matter who the county magistrate is.

"Now, after I have finished speaking, it is up to you who wants to leave, who wants to stay, or who wants to report to the official."

Chen Mo shouted loudly, then turned around and said: "Those who are willing to stay, these people, will be left to your disposal. If you have any grudges, you can take revenge."

As soon as he finished speaking, the seven guards from the Wang family shrank their pupils and turned pale.

Especially when he saw someone about to make a move, a nurse shouted: "I want to stay too, Brother Chen Mo, me"

Before he finished speaking, a villager rushed up and kicked him in the head: "My daughter was ruined by you and committed suicide out of her mind. Today I will avenge my daughter."

Someone took the lead, and soon a group of villagers who had been bullied by them rushed forward.

You punch me and I kick you.

Seven nursing staff were beaten to death.

The landlord's courtyard was set ablaze by someone unknown, and it burst into flames. The blazing fire shone on everyone's faces and reflected in their eyes.

This fire, like the anger in their hearts, was completely ignited.

At least at this moment, the fire swallowed up the cowardice in their hearts.

When Han Wu and others saw this scene, they felt the blood in their bodies boiling for no reason.

He is armed with sharp weapons and has murderous intentions everywhere.

Wait until they are done venting.

Chen Mo jumped onto a roof and shouted: "Since you all choose to listen to me, then go back to your homes, take your swords, and follow me!"

When Chen Mo came out of Wangjiazhuang, there were about 600 people following him.

These six hundred people are all men.

After that, Chen Mo took people to Liu Village, Xiaogao Village and several nearby villages.

There are many "deserters" who have fled back in these villages.

They didn't choose to go with Han San at first.

Instead, he ran back home on his own, planning to escape with his family.

But now, Chen Mo led people into the village and announced that he would take over their village, divide the fields, and exempt them from taxes.

Coerced by the general trend, they joined this team.

By the time Chen Mo and his people arrived at Dadong Lake, there was already light on the horizon.

This team, which started with three or four hundred people, has grown to more than eight hundred people.

When the Qinghe Gang disciples stationed at Dadong Lake discovered this group of people, they were all frightened.

Chen Mo raised his arms and said, "Do you still remember how the Qinghe gang bullied you when they were searching the village?

Go and take revenge! "

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