Those who kill will die, those who injure others and those who steal will not be punished.

These three chapters of the covenant seem to be the most basic, but in fact it is difficult to achieve. However, the effect it brings is very obvious and has been verified in history.

Sure enough, after hearing Chen Mo's simple and rude rules, the villagers nodded in agreement, as it should be like this.

The group of outsiders also nodded secretly.

"Okay." Chen Mo looked at the group of outsiders and said, "If you can accept these rules of mine, you can register to enter the village and get my protection. If you can't accept it, you can go back and forth wherever you want."

Just when everyone was hesitating, the sky had become bright, and a ray of light appeared on the horizon. At this moment, the horizon like a red silk curtain opened a corner, and an arc-shaped edge of the sun appeared. And it worked hard to rise until the light enveloped the entire Fuze Village, and a magical scene happened.

Chen Mo put on a purple Xiayi, and there was a purple halo behind his head.

Even people who have seen it once will instantly feel a sense of awe.

Not to mention the people we met for the first time, some older people had already knelt down to pray.

"I can accept."

"I can accept it too."

"Where to register? I want to register."

These outside villagers have chosen to accept it and are willing to join this big family.

Wang Ping and the other four had not finished the work at hand and were busy again.

Chen Mo asked Zhang He to come over and help.

According to statistics, there are about 200 households coming here this time.

One hundred and thirty-seven of them were young and strong.

Five hundred and sixty-six people in total.

Han Wu was very lucky. To put it bluntly, Dahan Village was much more united than Fuze Village. Except for some of the people who fled on Fengxian Road and followed Han San into the mountains, most of the rest returned to their own villages. .

Several of them returned to Dahan Village and told the villagers of Dahan Village what happened on Fengxian Road. So before the officers and soldiers from Qingting County came to arrest them, the villagers of Dahan Village had already fled into the mountains. , and then come back and stay after the officers and soldiers leave.

Therefore, Han Wu and his family were not arrested by the government, which was a blessing in misfortune.

Chen Mo looked at the five men carrying long bows and said, "Which village are you from, and what are your names?"

The five men suddenly became worried when they heard Chen Mo calling them, thinking that Chen Mo would blame them.

Looking at the purple aura around Chen Mo, one of the men looked in awe and said timidly: "My name is Hu Qiang."

Then he pointed at the other four men and said in turn: "These are Hu Shi, Hu Zhiyong, Hu Tie, and Hu Shan. We are all from Hujia Village, Qingting County."

"You carry a bow on your back, do you know how to hunt?" Chen Mo asked.

"We have made a living by hunting for generations."

"Okay, Hu Qiang, right? The five of you will go up the mountain with me later and let me see what you are capable of." Chen Mo said.

According to his understanding, archers are one of the important arms on the battlefield, and their pay is usually higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

Similarly, the cost of training a qualified archer is much higher than training an ordinary soldier.

If these five people really have this ability, Chen Mo will definitely train them well and put them to good use.

It’s just that there are too few talents around him now.

After teaching the Zhanghe sword technique, everyone clearly divided their labors.

Han Wu took the fishing team to fish.

Zhang He leads the patrol team and is responsible for patrol and security work.

Han Aniang also found the Liu family and summoned women from several villages to start a women's meeting.

The new villagers who joined in built houses in the village.

Chen Mo took Hu Qiang, five people and more than a hundred villagers, and headed straight to the mountains to find suitable terrain to build a mountain stronghold.

After finding a good place, Chen Mo asked more than a hundred villagers to build a cottage.

He took Hu Qiang and five others into the mountains to hunt and test their abilities.

After checking the results, Chen Mo found that these five people were really capable.

He drew a target the size of a washbasin on a big tree and asked five people to stand sixty paces away and shoot.

Ten arrows, each person can hit at least four.

It seems like a small amount, but according to what Chen Da told him about the archers in the army, they can shoot one stone and two shots at sixty paces. If six arrows hit the pile, they are qualified. If they can exceed eight arrows, they are a perfect shot.

Moreover, the book also mentions that those who are under the age of 40 must take the archery test to pass the imperial examination.

Set up the stack at sixty paces. Go to the shooter fifteen paces to oppose the two poles. Go twenty paces away from each other. Go to the ground two feet away and tie them across with a rope. The winner is the one who shoots three out of ten arrows and reaches the top of the pile with the rope.

The step here is 1.5 meters.

Chen Mo tried their bow, which was a specially made long bow with a draw force of at least one stone.

As a hunter, he can hit at least four out of ten arrows, which is already very impressive.

The strongest among the five is Hu Qiang, who can hit six out of ten arrows at sixty paces and seven out of ten arrows at forty paces.

Moreover, Hu Qiang is in his prime, only thirty-three years old, and is worthy of training.

However, Chen Mo is currently too poor to give him anything practical.

If these people in the village had not reached a dead end and just wanted to survive, Chen Mo, who did not give them money or food, would not have forced them to do hard work.

Even if you use force to force it, it won't last long. Instead, it will make them work hard and hate you in their hearts.

Therefore, Chen Mo decided to paint cakes for Hu Qiang and others. He first called Hu Qiang aside and said, "Do you want to become a warrior master?"

Hu Qiang was startled, who wouldn't want to do this?

But he didn't understand why Chen Mo told him this, but he nodded anyway.

"Very good." Chen Mo patted Hu Qiang's shoulder and said: "From now on, you will be in charge of the team building the stronghold on the mountain. You will be the captain. If you perform well, I can teach you Immortal magic.”

Chen Mo originally wanted to talk about the exercises.

But he is now the reincarnation of an immortal master in the hearts of the villagers, and it is obvious that he is more powerful when it comes to becoming an immortal.

Hu Qiang blinked, ate the cake, and said with some excitement: "Master Chen Xian, I will definitely work hard and won't let you down."

After teaching others the work of building a village, patrolling, fishing, and spring plowing, the burden on Chen Mo's shoulders became much lighter, but he was not idle because of this. He also had to measure the fields and then distribute the fields to the villagers. people.

As for whether the fields are enough to be divided, that is completely enough.

To be honest, for these lands outside the city, even before the land deeds were sold, the total land owned by the villagers in several villages was less than one-tenth. Most of the land was in the city. Those noblemen and warriors.

Chen Mo has now occupied these villages, and naturally he has also occupied the fields of the noble men. He can completely distribute the land of these noble men to the villagers.

When the lives of these villagers are better, those "deserters" who have not yet joined will naturally come to join them.

The remaining fields were prepared by Chen Mo to recruit the remaining "deserters".

Thanks to Xuan Guan Fan Arc for the total reward of 1,900 points, "Wine," for the reward of 688 points, Time Rugeyi for the reward of 100 points, Fatty Chaos for the reward of 8,888 points, and Mu Jiang Yi for the reward of 100 points. Thank you for your monthly votes.

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