Just then, there was a bang!

The wooden door was pushed open again, and Lupin rushed to the scene.

Ron was holding the wall with his hands, and the wooden door that was knocked open just pinched his left hand, causing him to howl in pain.

However, Lupin seemed not to hear it, as he was completely stunned.

Unlike the original book, Harry was caught by Harry using the Marauder's Map, so he knew in advance that Peter Pettigrew was alive and indirectly guessed the truth.

At this moment, Lupin still thought that Sirius Black was the murderer. He had seen the traces of the big black dog in front of the window of the castle office before, and recognized that it was the Animagus transformation of his former good friend. He was worried that the other party would attack Harry, so he hurriedly chased after him.

Who would have thought that he would see Peter Pettigrew lying on the ground as soon as he entered the door.

He felt his head buzzing and almost crashed.

"Hahaha, Lupin, you are here too, did you see it, did you see it? This beast is not dead, he is not dead yet!!" Sirius laughed crazily.

"So, it really wasn't you back then!" Lupin's expression gradually became shocked, and then puzzled, "Then why don't you refute it? Are you stupid?!"

"Refute? Why refute?! James and Lily are dead. If it weren't for me, they wouldn't have died..." Sirius burst into tears.

This answer directly silenced Lupin. Without saying anything, he stepped forward and gave Sirius a hug.

Hermione's wand swung slightly between the two of them. She had heard something and asked, "So, the secret keeper back then was Peter Pettigrew?"

Harry also looked at the two of them eagerly. He needed an accurate answer.

Sirius was about to answer here.

There was another bang!


Ron screamed again, this time his forehead was hit by the door.

Snape, who had been staring at Lupin, rushed into the room with his wand raised. As he said before, in order to ensure Harry's safety, he almost always kept an eye on Lupin's movements. After discovering that the other party ran out of the school, he immediately chased after him.

Like Lupin, he was stunned for a moment after seeing Peter Pettigrew.

Hermione couldn't stand it anymore, "Ron, come here!"

The injured Ron, like an outsider, hissed and moved behind Hermione and Harry.

"I don't think anyone else will come. Can you tell the truth now?" Hermione looked at Sirius.

"The truth? The truth is stupidity and betrayal!" Sirius laughed crazily, "I was too stupid to believe him, don't you think so, Peter!"

Sirius came to Peter Pettigrew and kicked him down one by one, "Isn't it right? Is it right? Is it right, Peter?!"

"At the beginning, James asked me to be their secret keeper. Haha, I was worried that Voldemort would know about our relationship, so I deliberately transferred the secret keeper to someone he didn't expect, but," Sirius leaned down, "I didn't expect this person..."

At this point, Sirius' words seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, "He actually chose to betray and defected to Voldemort, and said James And Lily..."

"Shut up!"

The murderous intent in Snape's eyes almost solidified. He raised his wand, came close and pointed directly at Sirius, "Don't mention that name! You, don't, deserve it! !"


"And you, Remus, you have been the source of disaster from the beginning to the end, nothing has changed, not at all!"

"Hahaha, yes, yes!" Sirius laughed and showed his dark teeth, "We are the source of disaster, we will bring misfortune, kill me, Snape, you have always wanted to do this, right, come, kill me!"

"You are looking for death!" Snape's eyes flashed with cold light, and his arms were raised suddenly.

"Stop! Severus..."

"Shut up!"

"It's not him who murdered, it's Peter Pettigrew, he's been in Azkaban for twelve years!"

"He deserves it!"

"Why?! Can he be blamed for all this? He just trusted the wrong person and has paid the price!"

"Not enough! Not enough, do you understand Remus? He must die!"

"You are just venting your emotions!"

"What did you say?!"

"I said you were just venting your emotions. Lily didn't choose you back then..."

"Shut up!"

Snape pointed his wand at Lupin.


Harry roared, the light of the wand in his hand flashed, and Snape was knocked away and fainted.

Hermione opened her mouth, but didn't say anything.

"I want to know everything about the past! Everything about my parents!!"

The dilapidated house fell into absolute silence, leaving only Harry's roaring voice and his violent ups and downs of breathing.

No one noticed that Peter Pettigrew, who was lying on the ground, moved his fingers slightly.

After a long time, Sirius smiled and nodded, "I will tell you, Harry, everything about them."

So the matter was settled.

The group decided to take Peter Pettigrew back to the castle to find Dumbledore. If they wanted to overturn Sirius's case, Peter Pettigrew alone would not be enough, and they must have the help of this old man.

So Hermione used the levitation spell to carry the fainted Snape, Harry supported Sirius, Lupin took Peter Pettigrew, and they, oh, and Ron who was injured alone.

They returned the same way and got out from under the Whomping Willow. At this time, the sky outside was completely dark.

Hermione carefully raised her head to look at the top of her head, and the branches of the Whomping Willow rose and fell.

After looking for a long time, Hermione was sure that the tree was asleep.

The group rushed to the castle. No one spoke on the way, only the rustling sound of footsteps on the grass leaves. Perhaps everyone was worried at the moment.

However, as they moved forward, the road under their feet became brighter and brighter.


A soft call suddenly came from the quiet road.

The voice was very soft, and everyone who was moving forward looked back.

But just this one glance, everyone's expression changed.

Under the moonlight, Peter Pettigrew, who was caught by Lupin, was smiling very cunningly at this moment.

"NO, NO, NO!" Sirius shook off Harry and rushed towards Lupin, "Don't look back!"

However, it was too late.

Lupin just turned his head to look at Peter Pettigrew, and his peripheral vision caught some changes, and he looked almost instinctively.

At some point, the dark clouds in the sky retreated, and a full moon was already hanging high in the sky.

With just one glance, Lupin's gray pupils turned completely black.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The strong heartbeat made everyone present hear it clearly, and the werewolf factor in the blood began to riot at this moment.

Lupin naturally let go of Peter Pettigrew's hand.

"Damn it! Lupin, look at me, you are a professor at Hogwarts, you can control it! Look at me!" Sirius hugged his brother whose body shape began to deform.

At this time, the cunning Peter Pettigrew immediately turned into a mouse and jumped into the woods.

"Come back!"

Harry was furious when he saw that the dead mouse was about to run away, and rushed out regardless of anything.

"Ron, look at Professor Snape!"

"Wait a minute, I..."

However, before he finished speaking, Hermione had already chased him out.

But at this moment, with a sound of flesh and bones being torn, Sirius Black was thrown directly away.


Under the moonlight, a werewolf nearly two and a half meters tall howled at the moon.

Hermione, who was planning to help Harry, immediately stopped.

She found that she couldn't leave for the time being because the werewolf had already set its sights on them.

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