"It looks like the statue will attack everyone who comes near here. I'll deal with one first!"

McGreg spoke, and with the wave of his wand, the stone pillar next to him quietly turned into a giant octopus. Two tentacles wrapped around the knight's sword-holding hand, and with a pull, the whole body was sucked up.

Eight tentacles quickly wrapped around the statue's limbs.

With a thump~!

The statue fell to the ground, and every time it struggled to stand up, tentacles would wrap around its feet.

On the other side, Flitwick claimed the second statue.

After several spells were cast, the surface of the statue began to decay, like Alzheimer's disease, unable to recognize the direction during movement, and the joints creaked. In the end, because of the loss of control of his legs, he fell straight to the ground.

I thought the guards in the cave were solved, but I never thought that these two were just the beginning.

Soon four more identical knight statues came to the passage.

"This seems to be a cyclic magic, Minerva. Once you defeat it, it will reappear, and the number will only increase." Flitwick saw something wrong at a glance.

"It's a bit troublesome, Severus, we will hold it here, you concentrate on solving the barrier problem!"

In fact, Hermione and Snape were already close to the defensive barrier.

To Evelyn inside, Hermione shouted loudly: "Hey! Can you still hear me? Evelyn, stop, you will be blown up!"

However, no matter how she shouted, Evelyn did not respond, and her consciousness seemed a little confused.

Helplessly, Hermione and Snape had to study the problem of the defensive barrier.

There is no doubt that it is easier to destroy this thing from the inside, but it seems that they have to force their way in now.

Hermione simply threw a "flame explosion" at it.


The huge sound echoed in the cave, shaking everyone's ears.

But even with such a violent explosion, the light shield only shook for a while, and there was no instability or cracking.

"If you don't want this place to collapse and bury us in advance, then use less noise spells." Snape said disdainfully, but in fact he was somewhat shocked by the power of Hermione's explosion spell.


Hermione apologized, but her eyes noticed that Evelyn was looking here.

Is this regaining consciousness?

She hurriedly shouted again, "Evelyn, can you hear me?!"

This time the black pearl girl spoke, her tone full of hatred, "None of you can stop me, I need power, absolute power!"

"You are almost dead, what are you talking about power, feel your body!" Hermione shouted.

But Evelyn, with scarlet eyes, looked even more ferocious, "I must gain power, I want to liberate the fate of my family, and I want to lead my people to resist."

"Don't waste your energy, her mind is obviously affected, and she can't recognize you at all now." Snape said, and suddenly swung an invisible air blade at a certain node.

Hermione, who was standing nearby, could see clearly that Snape's move was effective. At least there were violent fluctuations on the surface of the barrier, and it was almost cut.

However, this attack reminded her.

It naturally reminded her of the cutting spell that Lu Yuan had used when he borrowed her body.

If it was an attack of that level, it should not be difficult to cut the barrier in front of him.

However, Hermione, who knew that this was a test for herself, did not speak to Lu Yuan.

Instead, she carefully recalled the feeling at that time, and kept trying the magic wand on the surface of the barrier.

Snape, who saw this scene from the corner of his eye, was a little speechless that Hermione was actually using the first-year cutting spell, but when he thought of the other party's current age, it was rare to have a beautiful explosive spell. If she was not allowed to use explosive magic, it seemed that she could only try the cutting spell.

Just as he was thinking about this, he heard a hissing sound!

He glanced over and was immediately shocked. The barrier was actually cut open. Although it was small and healed quickly, it did exist!

"You just used the Cutting Spell?"

"Yes, I have some new insights, but it's a pity that I'm still a little short!"

Snape glanced at the wand in his hand and said, "Try my spell, it's the same origin as the Cutting Spell."

Hermione was surprised, "Professor, teach me at this time?!"

"Stop talking nonsense, follow me!"

Snape immediately broke down the spell bit by bit and continued to demonstrate.

What Snape said was right, this spell was indeed derived from the Cutting Spell, but the power was undoubtedly much stronger, with silent attacks, extremely sharp, and the effect of wounds unable to heal.

If Snape hadn't said there was a counter-spell, Hermione would have thought it was some kind of forbidden black magic.

However, for this spell, under the blessing of various conditions, Hermione did learn it very quickly, and at the same time constantly imitated Lu Yuan's feeling of using the Cutting Spell, using the barrier as a target, the damage was visibly improved, and the cuts were getting bigger and bigger.

"Professor, what's the name of this spell?"

"God of War, keep going!"

Snape answered and said nothing more, but his body was actually ready.

Until a certain moment, Snape's figure jumped into the interior like black smoke.

Turning his head, he found that Hermione had also rushed in, and he was about to scold her.

However, before the two had a chance to speak, a scarlet magic shock swept in a ring.

Snape dodged in front of Hermione, used armor to protect himself, and blocked the attack.

"Thank you, professor, but I'm very strong!"

Hermione finished speaking, and her figure had already rushed out in the aftermath, at a very fast speed, circling to the altar behind Evelyn.

"Another stupid lion!"

Snape had a dark face and chose to go around Evelyn from the other side.

"You are the ones who forced me, so go to hell, all of you!"

While speaking, Evelyn raised her hands to one side, and dense red beams shot at the two people like a rocket launcher.

Hermione showed her exaggerated physique while running, and with the blessing of the extreme spell, her speed almost left an afterimage. She stepped on the raised rocky ground, her figure was as light and graceful as a butterfly flying through flowers, and the explosion seemed to be left behind by her forever.

On the other side, Snape was surrounded by black smoke, and his movements were like a ghost walking.

As the distance between the two approached, Evelyn began to become angry and anxious.

"Go to hell!"

She no longer sprayed beams in her hands, but raised scarlet flames on both sides, and the flames faintly transformed into medieval charging chariots.

A bit like Fiendfyre, it can also transform and is extremely violent.

Snape's flashing figure was blocked for a moment, and he activated the armor defense with a wave of his wand. At the same time, he poured a bottle of fireproof potion into his mouth neatly, and then continued to go deeper.

On the other side, the ground under Hermione's feet suddenly shattered while running. The whole person jumped high before the arrival of the flame chariot. In mid-air, the wand pointed at himself, turned running into flying, and waved the wand from time to time to raise a wall of earth to block the entanglement of the flames.

As for why he only resisted and did not fight back?

Just kidding, what if Evelyn was injured and detonated in advance?

Therefore, their target is the energy sphere at the altar, and cutting off the transmission is the most important thing.

"You can't stop me, you can't!"

As Evelyn got angry, a bloody gale began to blow.

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