"What's the big problem? You mean the Dark Lord has an extra ally?" Ron said while biting the pie.

Harry was a little speechless and could only look at Hermione.

"You mean how quickly they learned the news, right? We just found out little Barty last night, but they already knew about it in the middle of the night." Hermione pointed out the question.

"That's right!" Harry said excitedly: "It's too fast. It's like someone in the castle is specially telling the news, and they also mentioned some plans!"

Ron stopped chewing and opened his mouth wide: "There are only a few people who know about last night's incident. Do you doubt Snape or Dumbledore?"

"I don't know, but it just spread too fast!" Harry frowned, and the pie in his hand was deformed by him.

"It can't be Dumbledore and Snape, I can feel the kindness in their hearts," Hermione looked at Harry, "Actually, the person who leaked the secret may not be in the castle. Do you remember what Dumbledore said last night? Someone from the Ministry of Magic will be here today. It is very likely that Dumbledore sent a message to the Ministry of Magic last night, and we only need to ask the principal then."

The facts were similar to Hermione's guess. It was not until the afternoon that the three of them returned to the principal's office and learned the specific situation.

The news was indeed notified to the Ministry of Magic last night, and the person arrested last night was also named Barty Crouch, but he was a second generation, so he was called Barty Jr., and his father was the one who spoke at the opening dinner. Director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department.

As early as more than ten years ago, Barty Sr. personally sent his son to Azkaban, but that was just an appearance. In fact, Barty Jr.'s mother used Polyjuice Potion to sneak him out of prison. After more than ten years, Little Barty was quietly kept at home by his father until he connected with Voldemort again.

Later, he used the Imperius Curse to control his father, which is why Hermione noticed that the other party seemed to have a dual personality.

The purpose of Little Barty, who lurked in this time, was to bring Harry to Voldemort and help him to be completely resurrected.

Of course, this information was asked in front of the Ministry of Magic, using veritaserum.

It's a pity that Fudge, as the Minister of Magic, firmly does not believe these contents, just like he did when he argued with Harry.

The Triwizard Tournament, which might have been affected, was given a strong decision by Fudge to continue. In his words, it was impossible for the British Ministry of Magic to lose face because of such a trivial matter.

As for Crouch and his son, they will be kidnapped directly by Aurors and sent to Azkaban.

"So their plan is actually to capture Harry!" Hermione concluded.

"That's right!" At this time, another person walked in outside the principal's room.

Seeing him, Harry and Ron retreated at the same time, while Hermione frowned slightly.

"Don't be afraid, this time it's really Professor Moody." Dumbledore explained with a smile.

"I heard that you guys helped me." Moody came closer and glanced back and forth from the three of them with his prosthetic eye. "Thank you very much. If you can tell me the details, don't tell me about luck or luck. Then It’s just an excuse to subconsciously hide a secret!”

Harry and Ron were both a little frightened, but Hermione frowned and stared at each other.

"Look, there is a child who is not afraid of me. This look is so familiar. He is a born Auror embryo. Of course, he may also be a reserve member of the Dark Wizard. So, do you have anything to say?"

"Sorry, Professor, I sincerely suggest you go to St. Mungo's before you completely lose your mind." Hermione imitated the other person's tone.

Moody suddenly showed a charming smile and was about to continue speaking.

"Okay, Alastor, you don't look like you're saying thank you at all." Dumbledore interrupted Moody and turned to look at Hermione and the three of them, "I remember you had a History of Magic lesson this afternoon. Even though Professor Binns won’t call you by name, it’s better not to be late.”

The three of them had no intention of staying any longer and walked out of the principal's office under Moody's scrutiny. Even when they went downstairs, they could still hear Moody's suspicious remarks upstairs.

"I believe it now, he is definitely a madman!" Ron said fearfully.

Harry nodded in understanding.

Hermione remained silent, but was actually communicating with Lu Yuan in her heart.

"Mr. Lu Yuan, is that man really Moody just now? Why do I feel that he is equally hostile to us? We obviously saved him."

Hermione was puzzled, which was why she frowned before.

[I can only say that it is indeed a real person. As for hostility, I have no leisure to peek into the heart of a madman. 】


The next day, a piece of news in the Daily Prophet made Hermione and the others frown.

The eye-catching headline on the front page is "Crazy prisoner robbery, seven Aurors sacrificed, two prisoners died and one was injured."

"Who did you say died?"

"Of course it goes without saying that it must be Old Barty. This must be the work of a Death Eater!"

Hermione said nothing, feeling like something bad was brewing.

Time came to Thursday night. Teachers and students from the three schools and the Ministry of Magic gathered in the auditorium. Today is the day when the three warriors are revealed.

Blue flames burned and rose in the center of the field.

Dumbledore walked to the front and announced loudly: "The selection of warriors has officially begun!"

As the old headmaster finished speaking, the blue flames began to boil, like a volcano erupting. In the rising fire, a piece of parchment with a name on it flew out and spun into Dumbledore's hands.

"The first warrior, Viktor Krum of Durmstrang!"

The Durmstrang students immediately applauded and cheered.

Krum walked out confidently in the crowd with a wild smile on his face and entered the lounge.

Then the flames continued to spit.

"The second champion is Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons!"

The same cheers came from the students of Beauxbatons.

Fleur waved around and followed into the lounge.

The Goblet of Fire began to spit for the third time, and all the Hogwarts wizards focused on it.

"The third champion is... Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts!"

The applause that was far more enthusiastic than before broke out. There was no way, there were so many people in Hogwarts.

This made the shy Cedric blush, and after nodding to the surroundings, he also strode to the lounge at the back.

"Okay, the three champions have been selected, and next..."

However, Dumbledore had just said half of his words when the blue flames behind him began to stir again.

Everyone's eyes were all looking at it at this moment.

When the restlessness reached its peak, the blue flame suddenly jumped up and reached the ceiling.

In the raging fire, two pieces of parchment with names written on them flew out.

Dumbledore reached out to take them, looked at the contents on them, was silent for a moment, and still read out the names on them: "Harry Potter and Hermione Granger."


All the students in the field suddenly burst into a commotion.

Harry faced the gazes from all around, and he was at a loss, and could only look at Hermione.

At this moment, facing the eyes of those around him who were questioning cheating, Hermione was much calmer. If she had put it in the previous school year, she would not have been able to do this. This was a mentality honed by strength and killing.

At this moment, her eyes met with Dumbledore's, and the old headmaster shook his head slightly, which made Hermione sure of one thing, that the person belonging to Merlin was definitely in Hogwarts.

Who could it be?

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