When night falls, a faint mist rises in the Forbidden Forest, and an old horse lantern moves through the forest with its dim light.

"The fire dragons used in this competition were specially brought by Brother Ron from Romania. Some of them started to have diarrhea after they arrived. I have been busy with this for the past two days. Of course, it would be great if you can select them during the competition. They're all quite docile," Haig said in a loud voice.

Harry, who was hiding in the invisibility cloak next to him, couldn't agree, "Those are dragons, Hagrid, unless you can make them have diarrhea from now on until the day of the competition."

"Good idea!" Ron nodded in agreement.

Hagrid shook his head and said, "Harry, your idea is too Slytherin. In fact, fire dragons are not as scary as you think."

As he was speaking, a dragon roared in front of him, and a long pillar of fire shot up into the sky, burning several giant trees along the way.

The scene was awkward for a moment, and Hagrid touched his beard uncomfortably, "Of course, there are also some naughty ones. Hey, by the way, little Hermione, are you still there?"


"Very well. If you didn't speak, I thought you were lost."

"Hagrid, have you combed your hair?"

"Oh, little Hermione, you are careful enough. Yes, I always have to make some changes."

The group of people chatted and quickly arrived at the place where the fire dragon was imprisoned.

Inside the thick iron cage, five lizard-like fire dragons were roaring and restless while being served by the experimenter. They seemed very restless, and streams of flames were constantly being sprayed out, which looked quite scary.

After seeing this, Harry and Ron had forgotten to speak. Hermione's eyes were shining and she asked in her heart: "Mr. Lu Yuan, there are so many dragons here, should it be okay if we draw some blood?"

【pattern! Hermione, there are only five dragons here. When the first round of competition is over, they will be sent back to where they came from. At that time, we will go directly to the Romanian dragon farm to collect more dragon blood. The blood after fusion and stimulation can be more powerful. high. 】

Hermione heard a gleam in her eyes, "It has to be you, Mr. Lu Yuan."

[Little Doyle. 】


On the way back, Ron chattered excitedly, while Harry, who was nervous, looked at Hermione frequently.

"Just say anything, Harry."

Hearing this, Harry scratched his head and said awkwardly: "Hermione, aren't you worried? That's a dragon!"

"You want to ask me how to deal with them?" Hermione turned around and looked.

Such straightforward words made Harry even more embarrassed. Although everyone had a good relationship, once they entered the competition, they would become competitors. This kind of behavior of directly asking the opponent's solution was really a bit authentic.


"Harry!" Hermione looked at him and said seriously: "You have to see clearly the essence of this game. The game itself is only secondary. You need to pay more attention to the methods Voldemort will use to capture you."

Harry's face became serious when he heard this. It was indeed the case. Just now, his mind was full of how to deal with the dragon, and he completely forgot about other things.

"But Harry also has to think of a solution regarding the competition, right?" Ron said at this time.

"That's right, but haven't you already learned the spell to deal with it?"

After being reminded, Harry's eyes lit up, "You mean the magic spell?"

"Hmm, dragon skins are very resistant to magic. It is difficult for ordinary spells to work on them, but the phantom spell targets the soul. This is a very restrained spell for dragons, not to mention Harry. You also have the flying broom, which is also your trump card, the magic spell and the firebolt. I think it is enough to cope with this event, unless the task we receive is to kill the fire dragon, but this is obviously impossible. "

After listening to Hermione's analysis, Harry felt much more enlightened.

"Thanks, Hermione, I know what to do!"

"It's not over yet, Harry, remember what I said at the beginning? You have to continue to pretend to be distressed, and you can see who will help you!"

When Harry and Ron heard this, they immediately understood the meaning. This was about fishing!

In the following week, the "worried" Harry was indeed helped, and there were more than one person. Snape had hinted that he used the Dreamless Sleep Potion, Moody had ridiculed Hermione for not helping her friends, and the most surprising thing was Malfoy. , awkwardly mentioned an eye-disease curse in front of Harry.

At this time, Harry felt a bit nervous.

During this period, he told Cedric the news about the fire dragon. He had no choice but to keep it secret before the game, but now only Cedric among the five warriors didn't know about it. He was bullying an honest person to some extent.

It is worth mentioning that Rita Skeeter of the Daily Prophet has released several previous interview articles one after another, seemingly to maintain the popularity.

The content is mainly about hunting for novels, and maybe it was so well edited that even the Ministry of Magic felt embarrassed. Minister Fudge personally stood up and said some kind words for the five warriors. Even Harry, who didn't like it very much, also praised Quidditch. Amazing talent.

The time soon came to the game day.

Overnight, a wooden ring-shaped dragon fighting arena was built on the cliff. Magic infrastructure never pays attention to science.

There are thousands of seats around the stadium, which are already full at this time. Waves of shouts are heard in the tent in the backcourt, making people's hearts beat faster.

"Take a deep breath, Harry. Excessive tension will cause the body to become stiff and unable to keep up with the brain." Hermione spoke from experience.

"I know, I'm getting used to it." Harry nodded.

At this time, Dumbledore led everyone to the waiting room.

"Okay, warriors, come around, it's time for your blind selection."

Fudge personally brought a bag and asked everyone to put their hands in and catch the dragon.

The first one was Fleur. When she took back her hand, she had a palm-sized Chinese Fireball Dragon in her palm. Then Krum chose the Welsh Green Dragon, Cedric the Swedish Short-nosed Dragon, and Harry also drew the Hungarian Horntail as in the original plot. When it came to Hermione, there was only one dragon left.

The Ukrainian Iron Belly, the largest dragon in the world, weighs up to 6 tons and is a very dangerous big guy.

Fudge immediately announced the rules of the competition. Each warrior will face a dragon, and each dragon will guard a golden egg. Their task is to take the golden egg from the dragon's guard by their own means, and the golden egg is also the clue to the next level.

"Good luck to you!"

After that, the competition started immediately.

Cedric was the first to appear. Amid the cheers of the audience, he approached with the Disillusionment Charm and used the Levitation Charm to divert the dragon's attention, thus successfully taking the golden egg.

The second one was Fleur. She used her own Charm Baby ability and the Enchantment Charm to steal the golden egg when the dragon was dizzy.

The third Krum used dark magic to fight the dragon. He saw that the dragon was bound by chains and had limited movement distance, which annoyed the dragon and eventually took the golden egg.

When Harry came, his situation was much better than in the original book. The dragon not only did not go crazy, but also did not break free from the chains. Although he fell a few times because of being too nervous at the beginning, after he gradually found the rhythm, Harry took the golden egg into his arms with the continuous release of the magic spell.

In this way, it was the last time Hermione appeared.

In fact, Hermione secretly watched the previous four games, and the overall feeling she gave her was that they were weak.

The power of these dragons seemed to have been weakened, and they were much weaker than what they saw that night. It was impossible that they were really as Harry said and had diarrhea until now?

With thinking, Hermione walked into the field with a wand in hand.

(PS: There is only one chapter tonight, my family~~~)

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