True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 6 Chapter 579 Destroying Demons

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I saw the green light instantly shining on the top of Elder Hai's head. Suddenly, countless black energy burst out from Elder Hai's body, and there was an explosion like the sound of a soldering iron entering the water.

"Ouch!" Elder Hai screamed, and his figure flew backwards toward the gourd. He was about to be sucked in by the gourd. Suddenly, Elder Hai's figure kept squirming, and countless The black light and flames swirled, and the figure continued to expand, turning into a humanoid monster.

I saw that this monster was extremely tall, more than ten feet tall, with two huge horns, its eyes glowed like a wild beast, and its big mouth like a lion had long fangs. It was pitch black scales, with a pair of huge black wings behind it. The arms were thick and long, almost touching the ground. There were actually many spikes growing on them, and the nails were long and pointed, as if they were upside down. Like a sharp knife on a hook, bursts of black energy were emitted, his feet were like tiger claws, covered with long black hairs like steel needles, and there was a frightening fluctuation of mana all over his body. If Li Xiaoya saw this scene, he would definitely I will recall that when I was in Tianyuan Continent, the monster transformed by the four elders looked like this, but this monster was nearly twice as big as the monster transformed by the four elders, so it was obviously not that easy to deal with.

Aww, the monster roared, and black energy surged all over his body. As he roared, tangible light waves surged in all directions, and a pitch-black light shield shone out, forcibly destroying the gourd. The green light that came out was pushed away, and the figure paused in the sky, no longer looking like it was sucked in by the green light of the gourd. At the same time, the pair of extremely huge black wings behind him flapped with all their strength and made a roar. The thunderbolt exploded, stirring up a large gust of wind. It was instantly separated from the illumination of the gourd green light, and its speed surged several times, blasting away in the direction of Tiandu Peak.

Although this is a long story, in fact, in just two breaths, Elder Hai suddenly transformed into this humanoid monster and then escaped from the gourd treasure. The green light's brightness increased several times and flew away.

Now even the Rejuvenating Medicine Lord can't catch up.

"Hum, I want to run." I saw another green light has caught up with the rejuvenating medicine master. Who is that person from Qianshan Mountain? In an instant, he passed by the Rejuvenating Medicine Lord and caught up with the monster nearly a hundred feet behind him. With a flick of his finger, a green light blade tens of feet in size burst out, scratching a huge hole in the void. In a blink of an eye, Bai Hen was behind the monster.

"Aw, damn humans!" I saw the monster roaring and cursing. A pair of extremely huge arms burst out with dark light, and two dark blades of tens of feet of black light gathered at the monster's claws. He twisted his body with all his strength, and instantly a black light blade rushed towards the green light blade.

There was a shocking thunderbolt of "ping", and countless black and green lights splashed everywhere like sharp swords. The void was filled with an astonishing twist and shake, and a storm of hundreds of feet exploded, rumbling in all directions, and hundreds of It looks like you can't get close within ten feet.

"Ouch!" I saw the humanoid monster transformed by Elder Hai. A scream came from the explosion. Its huge body rolled several times in the sky and flew upside down. There were also two huge severed hands rising into the sky. He stood up, and it was obvious that he was cut into two pieces by a knife from Qianshan Mountain.


A surprising scene appeared

I saw the monster suddenly burst into black light in the sky. A pair of extremely huge hands had been broken into two pieces, but no blood flowed out. The monster roared: "Aw, damn humans." I could only see in the air. The pair of huge severed hands were a burst of strange runes that kept flashing out. They continued to expand and turned into a pair of giant hands dozens of feet in size. They smashed in the direction of the Qianshan Mountain Man and the Rejuvenating Medicine Lord.

"Monster!" At this time, the Qianshan people also saw the origin of this monster, and their expressions changed. The dark one raised his hand and clapped it over

The rejuvenating medicine master also roared angrily, pointed his finger, and a red gourd rose into the sky. When it saw the wind in the sky, it swelled and turned into a super gourd nearly a hundred feet long. Countless red lights burst out from the gourd, and its mouth opened, and a The frightening red light and flames blasted towards the giant hand that came towards me.

"Boom!" There was a shocking explosion, and the green light blast from the Qianshan Mountain people was smashed into pieces by the huge green light hand. Countless black and purple blood burst out, and an unpleasant smell of blood rose into the sky. Obviously this time, he smashed the giant hand that the monster attacked with force.

"Puff, puff, puff!" At the same time, the red flames from the gourd released by the Rejuvenating Medicine Master also hit the giant hand, with a popping sound, followed by a burst of sizzling fire. , forcibly burned that giant hand until there was no residue left.

"Ouch" At this time, the huge monster screamed. It was obvious that it had really hurt him this time. The black wings behind him were flashing continuously, and dozens of black light lightning were seen behind him. They kept gathering together, and there was a thunderclap.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!" I heard a burst of lightning and thunder like a storm, and black lightning balls tens of feet in size bombarded the Rejuvenating Medicine Master and the Qianshan Man in the sky.

"Hell Lightning!" When the Rejuvenating Medicine Master and the Qianshan people saw the lightning, they exclaimed in unison. Obviously, the name of Hell Lightning was not so easy to come up with. Their figures flashed continuously in the sky. , although there were many hellish lightning balls, they were actually ready to hit those two people at once.


The monster took the opportunity to flap its black wings and escaped several miles away.


A long buzzing sound of "咻——————" burst into the sky, and a red beam of dozens of feet in size was instantly shot from the direction of Tiandu Peak towards the monster in the sky. Come

"Ouch!" The monster opened its eyes and exclaimed. The black wings on its back flapped vigorously and continuously. A black light flashed in the sky, and it instantly avoided the huge red beam.

Not completely avoided

There was an explosion of "Kara", and half of the monster's body was caught by the red beam. Suddenly, half of its body was combined with a black wing. The red beam was scraped into powder, and countless black and purple blood splashed everywhere. The red beam It soared into the sky, pierced through all the clouds in the sky, and disappeared into the sky.

"Ouch" the monster screamed with its big frightened eyes.

And this time

"call out------"

"call out------"

"call out------"

Several long air-piercing buzzing sounds erupted, and seven or eight red beams of dozens of feet in size were instantly shot out from the direction of Tiandu Peak, towards the monster.




There were several continuous explosions, and the monster was hit by red beams. It was instantly crushed into powder, with no trace left.

"Then... what kind of treasure is that??" Seeing this scene, the Rejuvenating Medicine Master exclaimed in disbelief. Naturally, he was shocked not by the power of the light beam. But he was surprised by the range of the beam. As far as he could see, the beam burst from a certain direction on Tiandu Peak seven or eight miles away, and he couldn't help but sweep towards that place with his consciousness.

I saw several black metal spiritual cannons like spiritual cannons set up in a square. There were many monks near the spiritual cannons. They were all Jindan stage monks. Only one Nascent Soul stage monk looked towards them. Come, I saw that the monk was young and handsome, looking like he was only in his twenties, but his cultivation level was that of the Yuanying Empress, and it felt that the young monk's cultivation level was far better than that of the average Yuan Ying Empress. The cultivation level of monks in the later stage of infancy is much higher.

"Hahaha, old medicine jar, our Tiandao Sect's spiritual cannon is pretty good." The people from Qianshan Mountain naturally sensed the scene at Tiandu Peak with their spiritual consciousness. They laughed with pride and said to the rejuvenating medicine master. He looked extremely proud of himself.

"Then... is that the spiritual cannon of your Tiandao Sect?" The Rejuvenating Medicine Master said to the Qianshan people in a daze. It's not that he has never seen such a powerful treasure, but the spiritual cannon can have There are very few spiritual cannons with such power and accuracy, and I have never heard of Tiandao Sect having such a thing. The most powerful spiritual cannons of Tiandao Sect are much larger than those.

"Haha, not bad." The Qianshan people laughed proudly. It was so satisfying to see the expression of the Rejuvenating Medicine Lord. He paused in his voice and suddenly thought of something, and asked hurriedly: "By the way, who is this monster?" Where did it come from? And it should be at the level of Demon General? Our Tiandao Sect’s restrictions are on, so it shouldn’t be that easy?”

""The Rejuvenating Medicine Lord's face changed when he was asked like this by the Qianshan Mountain man. He felt a little embarrassed. The relationship between the two was really not that good. He was thinking about whether to hide the past...

"Senior Uncle Master Yaozun" saw a golden escaping light from Tiandu Peak flying towards the direction of the two of them like lightning (to be continued)

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