True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 6 Chapter 669 Joining forces to obtain treasure

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"Ahem!!! Grandma Tianling is right. I'd better study it carefully before speaking!" The Hehuan Young Master looked at Grandma Tianling deeply, and said with some embarrassment.

"Grandma Tianling is right!" The others suffered a big loss and said hurriedly. In fact, everyone knew that it was not that simple to get the treasure, but some people could not hold back their excitement. You know, it was the treasure of the creation of the sky, a rare treasure that did not exist in the entire human world. There were only a few pieces in the legend of the ancient times. Naturally, everyone could not hold back their excitement. If they had this treasure of the creation of the sky, when they reached the peak of the cultivation of the Tao Tongshen period, using this treasure of the sky to resist the ascension calamity would not be a very easy problem?

After all the demons suffered a big loss from the broken Yuan Jiuzhuan Tower, they were much calmer after being reminded by Grandma Tianling. There was no point in fighting for the treasure before they got it. Besides, there were Old Dragon Head and Qianshan Shangren of Tiandao Sect who were eyeing them covetously!

Everyone calmed down. The Hehuan Master suddenly moved his lips slightly and sent a message to the others. When the others heard it, they were moved and started talking to each other. They seemed to be discussing something. Naturally, the content of the discussion could not be known to Li Xiaoya and others.............

While the demon cultivator was taking the treasure, Old Dragon Head was also discussing countermeasures with Qianshan Shangren Li Xiaoya and Huichun Yaozun. However, in fact, it was Qianshan Shangren, Old Dragon Head and Huichun Yaozun who were discussing. With Li Xiaoya's knowledge and cultivation. But he couldn't offer any useful suggestions, so he could only listen............

"Tsk! I didn't expect this old lady Tianling to be so calm!" The old dragon head said to everyone in annoyance.

"Yes! Otherwise, let them fight among themselves!" Qianshan Shangren said with some regret.

"This old lady usually hides in Tianling Sect to practice every day and never comes out, so she naturally doesn't show her face!" Huichun Yaozun also said with emotion.

"But! I see that her cultivation seems to have broken through the middle stage of Tongshen! But it seems that her aura is a little wrong!" Qianshan Shangren continued.

"Hey! Don't care about this old lady! How should we get this treasure?" The old dragon head changed the topic.

"Well! This treasure of the beginning of the world is just a legendary thing. There has been no method of getting the treasure since ancient times! It's not easy!" Huichun Yaozun nodded and said with his hands folded on his chest.

"I have an idea! How about we work together to get the treasure later?" The old dragon head suggested.

"Hey! Old Dragon Head, let me ask you! If we get the treasure later, how should we divide it?" said Master Qianshan.

"..............!" The old dragon head was stunned when he heard the words, and was silent for a while. Suddenly, he said in a voice transmission: "What do you think?" He kicked the ball to Master Qianshan again.

"Tsk! Well! We can only rely on our own means!" Master Qianshan was stunned when he heard the words, and thought to himself. He continued to say in a voice transmission: "However, I think it is not possible to work together to get the treasure! Look, the old demon Hehuan and others are going to work together!"

"Huh?" The old dragon head was stunned when he heard the words, and hurriedly looked at the Hehuan Twin Demons and others, only to see that the Hehuan Twin Demons and others seemed to have discussed a countermeasure. They stood up one by one, and their bodies moved quickly. It really looked like they were going to work together to get the treasure.

"Everyone! If they succeed, we will do it!" The old dragon head said to everyone with a gloomy face.

"Yes!" Master Qianshan and Huichun Yaozun just nodded hurriedly, but found that Li Xiaoya looked absent-minded. Master Qianshan hurriedly sent a voice message to Li Xiaoya: "Xiaoya! What's wrong?"

"Hmm?" Li Xiaoya came back to his senses and hurriedly replied: "No! Nothing!"

"Oh!" Master Qianshan looked at Li Xiaoya deeply and didn't ask any more questions.

"Tsk! Where did the fat guy go? If he was the first to enter this treasure mountain, he should not miss the Broken Yuan Nine Turns Tower and the spiritual medicine in the medicine garden!" Li Xiaoya thought so in his heart. It turned out that when he was in the medicine garden and saw the Broken Yuan Nine Turns Tower, Li Xiaoya remembered the disappearance of Dong Santong. If it was really Dong Santong who entered this treasure mountain first, with Dong Santong's innate magical power that ignored the restrictions, he should have been able to reach the pagoda easily, but the pagoda and the spiritual medicine in the medicine garden were all intact, and there was no sign that anyone had been there. This made Li Xiaoya even more worried about Dong Santong coming...

Not far from the steps of the other entrance, a pair of eyes were quietly watching all this. This person was the Emperor Hantian. He looked at the Poyuan Jiuzhuan Tower and was shocked. The breath emitted by this thing made his skin numb. It actually emitted a breath of death that frightened him. He was shocked. If it weren't for the order of the Demon Emperor, he would have turned around and ran away. But seeing that nearly half of the human monks in the Divine Stage were here, if he could find a way to kill these Divine Stage monks, then his plan would be completely successful. You know, the biggest obstacle for the Demon Realm to attack the Human Realm is actually the death of these human Divine Stage monks. As long as these Divine Stage monks are gone, as long as the passage to the Demon Realm is opened and the Demon Realm army is allowed to come in, isn't it a very simple matter to destroy and assimilate the Human Realm? So I suppressed my anxiety and waited for an opportunity here..........................


"Swish, swish, swish!!!" I saw the two Hehuan demons spinning around the pagoda quickly, and soon they were divided into six directions to surround the pagoda. Everyone looked at each other and suddenly began to pinch their fingers one after another, and actually released defensive armor and defensive treasures one by one, which made Lao Longtou and Qianshan Shangren and others narrow their eyes. These old guys were also on guard against everyone!

However, the two Hehuan demons and others were not completely on guard against Lao Longtou and others. Just now, everyone had suffered from the loss of the Broken Yuan Nine-Turn Pagoda, so they naturally had to resist it.

Everyone released defensive treasures and armor, and each of them was full of spiritual light and arrogance. The whole venue gave off a trembling breath. The six great Tongshen period monks cast spells together, which was indeed not covered up. Seeing that everyone was ready! The Hehuan Master said with a serious face: "Let's go!!!" After that, the six people ran towards the pagoda quickly! There were flashes of spiritual light in front of them, and everyone's magic weapons appeared in front of them!

"Buzz!!! Buzz!!!" When everyone approached the pagoda for dozens of feet, they saw the pagoda buzzing, and then a burst of golden light, and circles of mysterious runes surged in all directions! !

"Do it!!" Seeing this scene, the Hehuan Master opened his eyes and shouted, and then pointed his finger, and a large piece of green light from the ghost mixed Yuan staff magic weapon in front of him rushed towards the pagoda. Others also pointed their fingers, and the magic weapons in front of them burst into bursts of precious light, and pieces of amazing and suffocating magic power rushed towards the pagoda.

"Bang!!!!" In an instant! The amazing mysterious runes emitted by the Poyuan Jiuzhuan Tower collided with the magic light blasted out by the six magic weapons, boom! ! Boom boom boom! ! ! The two collided, making a rumbling sound, and the whole square was shaking with great shock. The light of the mysterious rune of the pagoda was actually the magic weapon of the six great magic cultivators in the God-level period. It collided with each other, making a shocking roar and explosion! It was actually a stalemate in the air.

The stalemate between the two rumbled and sent out countless strong winds, stirring up circles of strong winds rushing in all directions, including Li Xiaoya, the old dragon head and others who were a hundred feet away. They were all affected and hurriedly used their Qigong to cast a protective shield to resist the strong wind.

Qianshan Shangren and the old dragon head looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes, and looked at this scene with a serious face..........

"Go!!!" When the Hehuan Twin Demons and others saw this, their faces were very solemn. They didn't expect that the treasure light alone could resist the combined force of everyone. Suddenly, they looked at each other, and suddenly they made hand gestures and tapped their fingers, which immediately increased the output of mana!

"Swish, swish, swish, swish!!!!!!"

"Boom!!! Boom!!!!!!!" The treasures in front of the Tongshen period monks were shining brightly, emitting even more amazing mana fluctuations. The magic power of the magic weapons emitted by the demon monks surged, and they actually suppressed the mysterious rune light of the Poyuan Jiuzhuan Tower! ! Gradually, the mysterious rune light emitted by the Poyuan Jiuzhuan Tower shrank, and was suppressed back quickly! ! !

"Buzz!!!!" The Poyuan Jiuzhuan Tower hummed again, and suddenly the golden light was strong, and another circle of mysterious runes burst out! ! Instantly, it swung towards the treasure light blasted by the crowd!

"Boom, boom, boom!!!!" The circles of runes roared out, and instantly blasted away the mana exerted by the crowd, emitting a series of amazing and continuous roars! !

It blasted away the mana bombarded by the crowd again! !

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The demonic cultivators were shocked and could not help but retreat several steps!

"Tsk! Everyone, go all out!" He Huan Gongzi shouted angrily. After that, he quickly made hand gestures, and his whole body's mana surged! The ghostly Hun Yuan Staff magic weapon in front of him shone brightly! !

"Good!" Seeing this, the others did not hold back their mana! They made hand gestures one after another, and the magic weapon shone brightly! !

"Boom!!!!!!!" The mana of the six great cultivators surged instantly, and they quickly suppressed the mysterious runes of the Po Yuan Jiu Zhuan Tower!

"Get ready!" Seeing this! The old dragon head's face changed, and he stood up and said to Li Xiaoya Qianshan Shangren and the other two... (..)


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