True Immortal Fate

Volume 1 Five Elements Colored Ganoderma Lucidum Volume 2 Chapter 69 Vacuum Ring Spirit Device

"Haha! Senior Brother is the idol of several of our fellow disciples. He can form a golden elixir with the qualifications of three spiritual roots. I don't know how many fellow disciples and fellow Taoists envy him!" Liu Hang did not notice Li Xiaoya's expression and said with a smile.

"But! Qi'er has been out for training for decades, and I haven't seen Qi'er for a long time!" Daoling Tianzun noticed Li Xiaoya's abnormality and changed the subject.

"Master!" Li Xiaoya suddenly knelt down to Daoling Tianzun and said firmly: "Disciple will work hard to cultivate in the future and form a golden elixir, so as not to embarrass Master!"

"You have such a tenacious heart to pursue the Tao, and Master is very pleased!" Daoling Tianzun said seriously: "But! Master's expectation for you is not just to form a golden elixir, Master hopes that each of you can advance to the Great Dao and ascend to the spiritual world!"

"This! Disciple will follow Master's teachings!" Li Xiaoya was stunned at first, then kowtowed, straightened up, and said firmly.

"Good, good, good!" Daoling Tianzun seemed to feel the sincerity in his words, and praised him several times. After that, he stroked his sleeves lightly, and Li Xiaoya stood up involuntarily, smiling: "But! My disciple is not a praying maniac! Get up! No need to be so polite!"

"Yes! Master!" Li Xiaoya said respectfully. He didn't know why, in front of Daoling Tianzun, he unconsciously felt a kind of respect from the bottom of his heart for Daoling Tianzun.

"By the way! Xiaoya!" Daoling Tianzun said again: "The ring that the master gave you is still there!"

"Ah!" Li Xiaoya was stunned at first, then immediately showed the ring in his hand and said: "Yes! I have been wearing it on my hand!" As he said this, Li Xiaoya remembered that he wanted to ask Brother Liu Hang about the purpose of this ring last night, and then asked: "By the way, Master, is this ring a magic weapon? It has saved my life..." At this point, Li Xiaoya suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and exclaimed: "By the way! That person is you!"

"Hey! Brother, what are you talking about? How can you yell so loudly!" Liu Hang saw him yelling and startled, and said angrily. Just now, the master said that he was much more knowledgeable, hey! Not long after, it returned to its original state.

"Ah! This... Uh! This disciple is reckless, please punish me, Master!" Li Xiaoya said hesitantly, and seeing that Liu Hang was a little angry and had no definite evidence, he changed his words.

"Forget it!" Daoling Tianzun waved his hand and taught: "We cultivators must avoid being impetuous during cultivation, remember this!"

"Disciple respectfully obeys Master's teachings!" Li Xiaoya said with a guilty look.

"Yes!" Daoling Tianzun nodded with satisfaction and said: "The ring I gave you as a token of your master's sect is actually a top-grade defensive spiritual weapon. I believe you have been in Tiandao Sect for so long, you should know what a spiritual weapon is."

"Top-grade defensive spiritual weapon!" Li Xiaoya exclaimed: "This is a spiritual weapon that is one level higher than a magic weapon! It is not something that ordinary disciples in the cultivation period can have!" After saying that, he happily put the magic weapon in front of his eyes and looked at it over and over again.

"Look at you! You are so happy about a spiritual weapon!" Liu Hang laughed and scolded: "When you advance to the Golden Core Stage, Master will give you the magic weapon!"

"Haha! Thank you Master for the reward! I didn't know it if you didn't tell me! This thing has saved my disciples several times!" Li Xiaoya smiled from ear to ear and thanked Daoling Tianzun repeatedly.

Daoling Tianzun looked at him with a smile but no words. Of course, he understood Li Xiaoya's joyful expression, which reminded him of his joy when he first got a spiritual weapon in a cultivator's ruins. After a long while, he laughed and said: "Haha! Don't you want to hear the purpose of this spiritual weapon? If you don't know the purpose, it's equivalent to a piece of waste!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Master, please tell me!" Li Xiaoya begged repeatedly.

"Yes!" Daoling Tianzun smiled upon hearing this, "This spiritual weapon is called the Vacuum Ring. It is a water-attributed defensive magic weapon that was personally refined by the master in his early years. For your senior brothers and sisters in the Jindan period, it is just a token of trust, but for you, it is an incredible defensive treasure, so you must not show it off everywhere, so as not to bring about a fatal disaster."

"Yes! Yes!" Li Xiaoya nodded repeatedly upon hearing this. The situation that the Five Evils of Huangling wanted to kill people and rob the treasure when they saw this treasure still made him feel scared.

"Yes! It's good that you know. Although we are in the right way, we will not do anything to kill people and rob treasures! But!" Daoling Tianzun said with a serious face: "There are always some demons and some righteous disciples with low moral character who do this kind of thing. You must not show off your treasure in the future!"

"Disciple will keep it in mind!" Li Xiaoya nodded repeatedly. For the first time, he realized that the master was so nagging, but would the righteous really not kill people and rob treasures? What do you mean that the righteous disciples with low moral character do such things? It is clear that there are people in the righteous path who do such things! Master is so pedantic! Li Xiaoya muttered in his heart.

"Yes!" Daoling Tianzun nodded and said, "I didn't tell you the use of this thing before because you didn't have the magic power at that time and couldn't use the spiritual tool. Now you can't use this magic tool because it is a special spiritual tool that can only be used by dripping blood to recognize the master."

"Drop blood to recognize the master?" Li Xiaoya said puzzledly.

"When some magic tools are refined in the spiritual world, the refiner will add some special magic arrays to them. The user needs to drip blood to achieve mind-to-mind communication, and then it can be driven!" Liu Hang explained when he saw Li Xiaoya's puzzled look.

"Oh~~! That's why." Li Xiaoya suddenly realized. No wonder he couldn't drive this spiritual weapon. But the question that had puzzled him for a long time came to his mind again: "However, how can it be used in the Monster Valley? Could it be..."

With such doubts, Li Xiaoya asked: "Does it mean that this kind of magic weapon and spiritual weapon that has not been recognized by blood can no longer be driven?"

"That's not necessarily the case. If it is the refiner of the magic weapon and spiritual weapon, they know the structure of the magic array inside thoroughly and can still use it, but they can only exert less than half of its power!" Liu Hang explained, not noticing the somewhat ugly face of Daoling Tianzun.

"Plop!" Li Xiaoya suddenly knelt down in front of Daoling Tianzun, kowtowed three times with force, and said with a sob: "Master! Disciple has caused you trouble!"

{Piaotia Literature

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