True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Chapter 705 The Immortal Path Chain Mutation

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"Yeah!" Hearing this, everyone's face changed and they looked at the person who came!

The leader was a white-faced and beardless man, who looked quite handsome, but his hair and eyebrows were as white as snow, wearing a gray-white Taoist robe, and carrying five long swords of different lengths on his back. Looking at this appearance, it is not known that he is the sword god of Zhongjian Mountain, Dongling Daojian!

There are two people behind this man, one of whom has a brown-red face, white hair and beard, and a very tall figure. He is wearing an unknown animal skin costume, which is very majestic, while the other one is wearing a Confucian robe, a tall hat and a long gown, with a white face and a long beard, and is very elegant, like a scholar, but his appearance is a bit sorry for the audience, and the long robe is wasted.

At the entrance of the passage where everyone came out was a long stone passage, leading to the bottom of the huge spiritual stone mountain. There was nothing under the stone passage. On the surface of the stone were countless runes that emitted bursts of spiritual light. It seemed that it was because of these rune formations that supported the platform of the whirlwind in the air. There were more than a dozen other passages around the platform that led to the center. The three people of Dongling Daojian came out of a passage dozens of feet away from them.

"Ah! It turned out to be Da Luo Daoyou and Xuanmen Daoyou!" The scholar in Confucian robes and Dongling Daojian also noticed Da Luo Jin Gang Liu Xian'er and the other four people, and looked in the direction of Da Luo Jin Gang and Xuanmen Buddha, exclaiming.

"Is it you?" Da Luo Jin Gang naturally recognized the two people and said in surprise.

"Hello, three Taoist friends!" Xuanmen Buddha said politely.

"Greetings to the great Confucian Tian Gang, the beast god Tianjun, and the senior Shenjian!" Zhang Hong and Liu Xian'er naturally recognized the three people, and hurriedly bowed to the three people respectfully.

Yes, in addition to Dong Ling Dao Jian from Zhong Jian Mountain, the other two were the Beast God Tian Jun from Beast Spirit Valley and the great Confucian Tian Gang from Kun Qi Sect, two great masters of the Spiritual Stage. When these three met, the three masters of the Spiritual Stage took a lot of effort to pass through the passage. They were also very surprised to see Xuanmen Buddha and Da Luo Jin Gang, who were actually one step faster than the three of them!

"No need to be polite!" The great Confucian Tian Gang said in a graceful manner.

"Yes!" The Beast God Tian Jun nodded casually. And Dong Ling Dao Jian didn't even look at it, and his attention was all on the huge spiritual stone that looked like a small hill in his eyes. Seeing this, everyone also focused their attention on this huge spiritual stone-like hill.

"It seems that this thing is the source of this amazing spiritual energy!" Everyone observed for a while. The great Confucian Tian Gang exclaimed.

"It should be!" The Da Luo Jin Gang said in a deep voice.

"Let's go and take a look!" The great scholar Tian Gang said hurriedly, and ran towards the platform quickly. Others also rushed towards the platform..........

"Huh!? What is that?" When everyone gathered in the middle of the square, they suddenly saw countless small beads of colorful spiritual light in the air. They emitted a little colorful spiritual light. Originally, everyone thought that these were just points of colorful spiritual light, but they didn't expect that they were small beads of colorful spiritual light.

"Look! There are words on the ground!" Zhang Hong seemed to have discovered something and pointed to a small stone tablet on the side.

"Huh? Go and take a look!"


Just when Liu Xian'er, Zhang Hong, Daluo Jin Gang and others arrived at the interior of the treasure mountain!

Now on the gravity stairs leading to the top of the mountain. The Tongshen period monks are still on the stairs, and no one has waited to reach the top of the mountain as time passes!

The old dragon head at the front had only advanced three steps in such a long time, and there were only three steps to the peak. But now the old dragon head looked painful, half kneeling on the peak. With his strength, he was forced to bend down. He couldn't stand up straight anymore. But he seemed unwilling to give up. His fingers were pinching very slowly, as if he was performing some magical power. The red runes on his body had disappeared long ago, and it seemed that he had consumed all his strength.

The old dragon head was like this, and the others also moved forward a few steps more or less. But they were not much better.

The Qianshanshang people who followed the second only advanced three steps, and now there were still ten steps to the peak.

The Hehuan Twin Demons can be said to have advanced the most steps during this period. They climbed six steps, and there were still seventeen or eighteen steps to the peak. Now they looked depressed, and they were gritting their teeth to persist.

Li Xiaoya had also advanced several steps, but there were still twenty steps to go! What made him very helpless was that although he tried his best, he couldn't move forward any more. He could only stand there with all his strength, and let the mana in his body continue to be consumed.

The others behind him were not much better. The last Ghost King Demon Lord only advanced four steps during this period, and was still more than thirty steps away!

It is worth mentioning that the Ghost Sword God seemed to have recovered a lot from his injuries, lying on the steps and recovering from his injuries.

At this time!

The old dragon head at the front suddenly moved slowly, and there was a burst of red light all over his body. Countless red light lightnings continued to gather on him. Gradually, the old dragon head's whole body was wrapped by countless red light lightnings, giving off an astonishing and suffocating sound. The mana surged, and the old dragon head slowly bent down, clang clang clang clang! There was only a metallic buzzing sound, and the old dragon's claws and five fingers all exploded with five black sharp nails.

Then slowly inserted it towards the ground!

"This! What does this old guy want to do?" Seeing this scene, Li Xiaoya couldn't help but thought to himself. Apparently others thought the same, and they all looked in the direction of the old dragon head.

I saw that the old dragon's head moved extremely slowly, and his entire body was lowered in an illusion.


"Clang!!" A shocking sound of metal collision sounded, and the old dragon's claws finally touched the steps in front of him!

"Boom!!!" Then the entire mountain stairs seemed to shake.

I saw that the old dragon head was actually on all fours, trying to climb up. You must know that although he is a monster, as a top-notch cultivator of the Fire Dragon Palace, he actually used such a shameful crawling posture. It can be seen that he There is no other way, but for that thing, I have no shame at all!

However, the old dragon head grasped the steps so sharply. There is no trace of the steps at all, which shows that they cannot be ordinary objects.

"叽” ”!" And the old faucet grabbed the steps on that step, and sent out an unpleasant metal friction. A golden spark burst out, and the old dragon's head was full of red light. It actually moved slowly and moved up another level. There are only two steps left from the end.

"Damn it!" When the Qianshan people saw this, they became anxious. Suddenly, their eyes showed determination, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in their hands, and the magic weapon of the bright green frost gloves actually appeared in their hands. He bent down slowly without caring about his face. It seemed that he had to climb the stairs.

"!" Seeing the two top monks climbing up the stairs regardless of their face, it was obvious that the treasure at the top of the peak was attractive to everyone. They all looked shocked, gritted their teeth, and slowly squatted down. I'm in shape and ready to crawl!

Li Xiaoya gritted his teeth when he saw this, and the two great cultivators in the Theosophy Stage crawled away. What does it mean to be a Nascent Soul Stage monk? There was also a burst of golden light, and I had to bend down to crawl.

"Hey 叽” ”!" At this time, the old faucet seemed to be desperate for a while of red light, his eyes suddenly rose, and the dragon mouth was opened, and his waist was fierce! Bang! ! A sound. It actually went to another level! ! There is only one step left from the finish line!

Just one step!

"Bang!!" And this time! The Qianshan people also lay down, their bodies bursting with green light, and their entire bodies were lying on the steps. Clang, clang, clang! ! I saw that the countless green lights on the bright green frost gloves on the hands of the people on the Qianshan Mountains could not flash, and they also forcibly climbed up a ladder. But there are still nine steps, and it is impossible to catch up with the old leader. The only hope now is that the old leader can't hold on and fall headlong on the last step of this important step!

Others were constantly praying and cursing the old dragon to fall down on the last step!


It seemed like everyone was screaming with prayers and curses!

"!" And the old dragon head burst into red light, obviously trying hard for the last step. Suddenly he staggered, his whole body shook, and he actually looked like he was about to fall.

"Boom!!" And the old dragon head silently and violently hit the dragon's mouth, his whole body was shocked, and he forcefully stabilized his body, which greatly disappointed everyone behind him!

If this old dragon falls down at the last moment, everyone will have great hope!

"Hey 叽” ”!" The old faucet was a little frightened. If so, I was afraid that it would be over, and a bite of teeth was a little trembling, yes! He's trembling! But he was not afraid, he was excited, because the treasure was finally going to fall into his hands!


"Crack!!" A clear and crisp sound of bone cracking came from the crowd, but because everyone was now in a crawling posture, it was extremely difficult to raise their heads, so who could be seen, the second bone was broken Got it! But I could tell by the voice, it seemed that the voice came from Li Xiaoya!

"Xiaoya!" Upon hearing the voice that seemed to come from the direction of Li Xiaoya, the people in Qianshan Mountain were shocked and couldn't help but feel frightened.


"!" Li Xiaoya is lying on the ground now, looking in pain! Indeed, the moment his hands landed on the ground, his center of gravity was unsteady and he staggered. The finger bones of his left hand had cracked at this moment. His fingers were in excruciating pain, so much so that he almost fell down. Go down. Fortunately, he knew the consequences of falling, so he endured the excruciating pain and stabilized his body, so he didn't fall!

but! This seemed to be a matter of time. He could only lift his limbs until the joints were shaking. There was a mountain of pressure behind him. Coupled with the heartbreaking pain in his fingers, this hellish torment was really unbearable for Li Xiaoya. But after hundreds of years of cultivation and experiencing so many things, his spirit and state of mind have become as tough as steel, and he is still gritting his teeth and persisting.

"Bone fracture! What's a bone fracture? Even if it means being crushed to pieces, we must move forward!" Li Xiaoya shouted to encourage himself in his heart. Suddenly, countless colorful lights burst out from his body, and countless colorful flames burst out from Li Xiaoya. Li Xiaoya used both hands and feet to climb up the first step!

"!" After hearing the sound of bone fracture, everyone was surprised that they didn't hear the sound of Li Xiaoya falling to the ground. The man on the Qianshan Mountain breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, green light burst out. He gritted his teeth and climbed up another step. There were only eight steps to the end!


"Clang!" A deafening sound of metal collision burst out!

"Boom!!!" Everyone only heard a shocking vibration!

The old dragon head's whole body moved, and a pair of dragon claws burst out with light. He actually jumped several feet and stuck to the step and crossed the last step!

"Bang!!!" With a loud bang, the old dragon head's half body had already smashed on the top of the peak, while the dragon's tail smashed on the steps, causing the entire ground to shake!

"Crack! Crack!" A series of crackling sounds of bones came from his tail, and it was obvious that his entire tail was smashed to pieces by the last blow.

"Ouch!" The old dragon head howled in pain! !

"Can you make a sound?!" Hearing the howl of the old dragon head, everyone was stunned and thought in shock.

Sure enough!

"Hahaha!! I'm coming up!!" The old dragon head's extremely excited and ecstatic voice came out.

Crash! The old dragon head's tail was still on the steps, and he could only endure the pain of the broken bones and forcibly pull the tail up!

"Damn it!" Everyone was discouraged when they heard this!



"Bang!" A sound of bone fracture came from behind Li Xiaoya, followed by the sound of someone hitting the stairs. The Poison King Immortal Venerable fell to the ground, following the footsteps of the Ghost Sword God, and his bones were smashed to pieces.

"Not good!" When Li Xiaoya heard this sound, his left wrist suddenly snapped, his hand bones broke, and he fell to the side, about to follow the footsteps of the Ghost Sword God and the Poison King Immortal Venerable!


"Swish!" A dazzling white light flashed, and the Immortal Chain on Li Xiaoya's wrist actually emitted countless white light runes, and suddenly, a white light shield appeared on Li Xiaoya's body.

"What's going on?" The mountain-like gravity that Li Xiaoya had lifted and suppressed on him suddenly disappeared, and his body rolled on the stairs, but he was not smashed to pieces! He couldn't help but be surprised. (..)


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