True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Chapter 724 After the Victory

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The fierceness of the battle at the Divine Miracle Treasure Mountain in the Daode Cave of the Wan Zhang Sea was really shocking. In this battle, 70% of the high-level monks in the Great Fantasy Continent participated in the battle, and almost all the great monks of the Great Fantasy Continent participated in this melee. , in the depths of the sea, headed by the three demon dragon kings and the Wan Zhang King, almost seven levels of eighth- and ninth-level high-level demon beasts participated in this melee]

This war lasted for three or four days.

In the end, the overwhelming number of human monks and the great monks in the divine realm and the prohibition of Baoshan blocked the attack of the three demon dragon kings. The unlucky guy, the Wan Zhang King, was defeated by the two great gong king kong and Dong Ling Dao sword. The great monks of the divine stage joined forces to kill, but only the demon pill and the demon infant escaped. In the end, the three demon dragon kings were still unable to withstand the siege of many human great monks of the divine stage. They were so injured that they had to flee, and the other monsters naturally He also ran away

The morale of the monks was greatly shaken. In addition, more than a dozen monks in the realm of divine powers chased down countless fleeing monsters. They chased them for thousands of miles before stopping. They killed countless high-level monsters and hunted countless materials for the inner elixirs of monsters. , on the contrary, human monks argued endlessly because of these things, and many conflicts occurred. Fortunately, the twelve sects of the great monks of the divine realm and the four major casual cultivators of the divine realm restrained themselves, which reduced the friction... ...

Although the human monks won this battle, the losses to the human monks were not small. Not to mention the fallen Golden Core monks, there were more than a dozen Nascent Soul monks who died, and the Tiandao Sect suffered a lot. It brought the most Golden Core-stage monks, and at the same time lost the most Golden Core-stage monks. Several Nascent Soul-stage monks also died. The most unexpected thing among them is that Elder Wang did it for several Golden Core-stage disciples of Xue Yufeng. , he actually blew himself up and died together with several demonic beasts, which surprised everyone.

Later I found out that the disciples protected by Elder Wang turned out to be Elder Wang's direct grandsons. Elder Wang's affection and love really made all the elders sigh.

In fact, Li's mother and Li Muzhi were almost attacked and killed by monsters. Fortunately, Liu Xianer and Zhang Hong tried their best to protect them. If something happened to these two elders, they would not be able to explain to Li Xiaoya. Because of this, both Zhang Hong and Liu Xianer were seriously injured, and several of Li Xiaoya's senior brothers and sisters were also more or less injured. Fortunately, other senior brothers and sisters worked together to rescue each other, and still saved their lives... ...

And among the fallen monks, there seemed to be no one who was close to Li Xiaoya. The treasure ship market of Tiandao Sect was almost in pieces. It was actually destroyed in this battle, and it was impossible to use it again. After the battle, thousands of people The people on the mountain decisively gave up the restoration of Baochuanfang City and asked the monks to move everything they could to the mountain peak occupied by Dao Sect that day. They also sent people to protect the entrance of the mountain and set up a ban to allow other monks to pass through.

Other sects have also set up restrictions to protect the treasure mountains occupied by their sects and clean up the mess.

As for the great monk of the twelve major sects, or to be precise, the great monk of the eleventh sect, Lao Longtou, has ascended. Although I don’t know whether he succeeded or failed, he will not appear anyway. Everyone is here. Although everyone was more or less injured after the battle with the three demon dragon kings, they were not very serious. It was just that they consumed too much mana. The reason why the three demon dragon kings were able to communicate with so many gods The main reason why the first-level monks fought for so long is because the major spiritual-level monks seemed to have the upper hand, so naturally they would not use up all their magical powers to fight desperately, so as not to be killed by others accidentally.

The eleven major sects of theosophical monks plus the four major casual cultivators are now sitting cross-legged in the Morality Hall on the main peak of Baoshan Mountain. They are discussing the follow-up matters, as well as the utilization and distribution of Baoshan Mountain, as well as the monks who resist the demonic world. matters, and now coupled with the threat of the three demon dragon kings, everything is related to the safety and interests of the entire human cultivator, neither the good, the devil, nor the casual cultivators can stay away.

Especially the interests of Baoshan. Every monk knows the great benefits of occupying one or two peaks of Baoshan. No matter what, it is naturally indispensable to sit down and discuss the distribution of the benefits. Among the great monks of the Tongshen stage, he is the only one who The only one who is not a monk in the Theosophy stage is Sun Haotian.

The monks of the Fire Dragon Palace, headed by Sun Haotian, had no monks to rescue the Fire Dragon Palace because of the old dragon head. The flying boat of the Fire Dragon Palace was also destroyed by monsters, causing heavy casualties. Sun Haotian was also seriously injured and almost died in this battle. Among the many sects, the Fire Dragon Palace suffered the greatest loss. Almost one-third of its monks died. The name of the twelve major sects of the Fire Dragon Palace and the largest sect of the demonic path naturally existed in name only. The monk still called Sun Haotian over. As soon as the monks of the magic path sat down, the monks of the magic path and the spiritual stage all launched an attack in unison, saying that they would drive the Fire Dragon Palace out of Baoshan and make way for the peak occupied by the Fire Dragon Palace.

Although Sun Haotian was only a monk in the Yuan Ying stage, he argued hard when he saw this. He insisted on keeping the peak of the occupied Baoshan Mountain, which was the third highest mountain. Sun Haotian said angrily: "Seniors, although we The Fire Dragon Palace suffered a lot of casualties and its strength was greatly reduced. However, we, the Fire Dragon Palace, were also the disciples who lost their lives while trying to protect the safety of Baoshan. Although the hard work is not a great achievement, it is still hard work. Seniors, we, the Fire Dragon Palace, defended the treasure mountain. After making such a big sacrifice, shouldn’t we, the Fire Dragon Palace, be given a mountain to restore our strength?” After saying this, Sun Haotian said with indignation: “Besides, this treasure mountain is also ours. It's also first come, first served. We, the Fire Dragon Palace, occupied the mountain peak first. Is it possible that the seniors are so unreasonable and want us, the Fire Dragon Palace, to give up this treasure mountain? Is this too unkind? Then will that sect still contribute to the world of immortality? " Sun Haotian's words were clear and logical, as if they were really what they said.

However, in front of all the great monks of the Divine Power Stage, who didn't know whether he was real or not? Looking at Sun Haotian's appearance of plausibility, in fact, everyone could see that he was unsure. After all, the old dragon head of the Fire Dragon Palace had ascended to the throne. It seems that the great monk from the upper realm has been offended. It will be difficult for the Fire Dragon Palace in the future. Besides, the so-called sacrifices made by the Fire Dragon Palace to defend the treasure mountain are just words to put gold on one's own face. The Fire Dragon Palace will not lose much. It's true, but they didn't die to protect the treasure mountain. Most of them were protecting the flying boat of the Fire Dragon Palace and a large number of monks died. Of course, the words of protecting the treasure mountain are just lies.

As for the first-come-first-served statement, not only the demonic monks in the spiritual realm sneered at it, but even the orthodox spiritual monks would not take it seriously. If that was the case, then why would everyone fight against the monsters and the various sects? Just compare them directly. The three demon dragon kings came and said directly, ah, we humans discovered this treasure mountain first and arrived first. Let’s see if the three demon dragon kings will listen to this.

"Hey, Mr. Sun, I'm not bullying you, Fire Dragon Palace." After hearing what Sun Haotian said, the Hehuan Master stood up and snorted coldly. Seeing that Sun Haotian's face changed and he hesitated to speak, he continued coldly. Said: "Do you know how the old dragon head harmed our comrades?" After that, he told the story of what the old dragon head did at the top of the mountain, making Zhengdao who was not present The monks in the spiritual realm and the four casual cultivators were shocked when they heard that the old dragon head ascended. They were still in the passage at the time, so naturally they did not see it with their own eyes. However, as soon as they came out, the battle with the three demon dragon kings had already begun. After getting up, naturally no one had time to talk about that matter. After the war, although I heard some words from the disciples and elders, they were immediately jointly invited to the main peak by Qianshan Mountain and Master Hehuan.

The four casual cultivators knew nothing about it. Lord Fengling's face changed drastically and he said, "This old guy, Old Longtou, actually ascended? What on earth is going on?"

"Yes," Qianshan people stood up and said, and did not let Mr. Hehuan say anything, so that Mr. Hehuan would not add fuel to the fire. He hurriedly said, "This is what happened..." Qian Qianshan said. The mountain man explained the matter again, but naturally he did not tell everyone what they had learned before. He only emphasized the key points. The old dragon head used the conspiracy to steal the treasure alone and then ascended. The second key point is naturally to talk about Regarding the conversation between the monks from the upper world and the monks from the demon world, Qianshan people spoke out the conversation between the two people word for word. The monks who had not seen it were naturally shocked, and at the same time they also felt a little regretful. In the colorful spiritual light channel, I didn’t get any benefits, and I also missed seeing the supernatural powers of the great monks in the upper world. And according to what the people on Qianshan Mountain said, when this happened, almost all the monks on Baoshan Mountain had relatives. What you have heard with your ears and seen with your own eyes will certainly not be lies.

Seeing that the other monks were nodding in agreement, he naturally took the opportunity to propose: "...This is probably what happened. Listening to the conversation between the great monk from the upper world and the demon cultivator from the demon world, this invasion of the demon world... The matter must be true, so today we have to discuss it, stop the disputes between the good and evil cultivators, and unite as one to resist the evil calamity." The words of Qianshan people were impassioned and upright, which made everyone Can't help but admire

"Tsk, only an old guy like Qianshanren can do this kind of thing." The demonic people all agreed with each other, secretly saying with some disdain in their hearts.

"Well, since it is true, then of course we and other casual cultivators can't ignore it." I saw Lord Feng Ling also echoing. He paused, looked around everyone, and suddenly announced: "In order to resist the invasion of the demon monks, I The four of them are preparing to establish the Sihai Sect and then unite all fellow Taoists to jointly resist the evil calamity."

"Why do the four of you want to establish a sect?" As soon as these words came out, the great monks of both good and evil paths couldn't help but look at the Wind Spirit Lord in astonishment (To be continued)

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