True Immortal Fate

The Fifth Volume of True Immortal Romance: The Long Journey Chapter 754: Danger at the Treasure Moun

At this time, Li Xiaoya himself had no other elixirs except the Liangyi Purple Frost Pill used in the Taixu stage. His cultivation level had also reached the Great Perfection stage of the Divine Awakening stage, and it was impossible for him to get out. It still takes a long time for the chain to completely turn into milky white. %net

Li Xiaoya made an extremely bold decision! .

Determined to start practicing and advance to the Taixu stage!

This is the reason why Li Xiaoya turned into that colorful light ball. This is because he is hitting the spiritual stage.

The reason why Li Xiaoya wanted to attack the Taixu stage was because at first he thought that if the Great Perfection of the Divine Realm went out to fight against the demon monks, especially if the leader of the Demonic Realm came, he might be a great monk in the late Taixu period. Not many hands win.

On the other hand, I also feel that it would be a pity not to hit the Taixu stage when the right time, place, and all conditions are in place. First, the five elements spiritual roots of the Taixu stage have been fully replenished. Second, like A place like the Mysterious Land with extremely pure Five Elements of Heaven and Earth spiritual energy is very difficult to find even in the upper world. It would be a pity not to advance to the Taixu Stage here. Thirdly, there is no need to worry about advancing here. The other monks were bothering and there were all the guardians of the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma, and the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma also greatly encouraged Li Xiaoya to advance here. Naturally, Li Xiaoya's advancement to the Taixu Stage was also related to the benefits of the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma itself, and Li Xiaoya also understood it! Fourth, Li Xiaoya still has the Taixu Stage technique in his hands, the Five Elements of Heavenly Dao Jue, which is also a great magical technique, and all the conditions for its advancement have been met. Naturally, I decided to advance!


Li Xiaoya also advanced here because of several bad conditions. Li Xiaoya doesn't have any pills like the Nine-turn Divine Pill that can increase the advancement of the Taixu stage. What he has is just a few pills taken during the Taixu stage. Secondly, there are no powerful monks or formation protectors. There are two difficult things.


After careful consideration, I decided to give it a try. With the time I have left now, even if I fail, I still have time to restore the Great Perfection of the Taoist Divine Stage. Only when I advance to the Taixu Stage can I truly be able to withstand this. The demonic invasion!

After making up your mind!

Li Xiaoya first adjusted his state of mind for a few years, and then took several pills of the Taixu stage Liangyi Zishuang Dan. Just like that, the impact on the Taixu period began!


As the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma said, although Li Xiaoya has met all the conditions, it is quite painful to advance to the Taixu stage. This is because he wants to obtain the infinite cycle of longevity. First of all, to break up and stand up, you need to mix the five elements of spiritual energy in your body with each other to form a chaotic state of heaven and earth, so that a natural cycle of heaven and earth can be formed between the five elements. The five elements are interlocked and interconnected, and they are endless. Then you will truly successfully advance to the Taixu stage.

Although this sounds simple, doing it is completely different!

When Li Xiaoya took the first step to break away and stand up, confusing all the five elements of spiritual power in his body, the pain was undoubtedly like going crazy. The five elements of spiritual energy in his body are constantly rushing. Fortunately, Li Xiaoya's body has reached the extreme strength of a human being. Although it is extremely painful, it cannot burst his physical body! Whenever he is in pain, he almost goes crazy and it takes several days to calm down! Even if Li Xiaoya shut down all five senses of nerve pain, his body would still twitch in pain and madly...

After more than a hundred years of transformation after round of transformation, Li Xiaoya was advancing in an ultimate half-dream and half-awake state! !

This also caused the second update to be so worried about Li Xiaoya.


This is also the necessary process for a monk to become a monk in the Taixu stage. This is also the result of Li Xiaoya not having auxiliary elixirs. If there were auxiliary elixirs from the upper world, Li Xiaoya would not be in so much pain. The conditions were like this, so Li Xiaoya had no choice but to persist!

And when Li Xiaoya struggled in this mysterious place to advance to the Taixu stage!

On the vast sea treasure mountain!

The twelve sects have great monks in the theosophy stage of each sect. They were all sitting together in the Morality Hall on the main peak, discussing matters. Everyone was arguing, and the whole venue was noisy. They looked like the top monks in the human world!

"Everyone, be quiet!" Seeing that the commotion was really getting worse, the people from Qianshan Mountain shouted loudly. The people from Qianshan Mountain now have the best reputation and status in the world of immortality. They are the most powerful faction when something happens. The Supreme Elder of Tiandao Sect finally stopped everyone's quarrel when he spoke. Seeing that everyone had stopped quarreling, he continued: "Fellow Taoists! What everyone said is absolutely true. This Baoshan's The spiritual energy is indeed declining year by year, but it is not advisable to drive other monks below the spiritual level of each sect away from Baoshan just because of this decline in spiritual energy!"

"Hey! Fellow Taoist Qianshan! Your Tiandao Sect has the most monks on this treasure mountain, so naturally you don't want to let others go!" Upon hearing this, the Poison King Immortal stood up and retorted rudely.

"No!" The Qianshan people heard the words and hurriedly replied: "The spiritual energy of Baoshan is declining year by year, and it is not because there are too many immortal cultivators on Baoshan. As early as decades ago, Liu Xianer and Zhang Hong of our Tiandao Sect A junior sister has discovered the fact that Baoshan's spiritual energy is declining..."

"Discovered decades ago?"

"Didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Yes! Why did your Tiandao Sect deliberately conceal this matter?"

"Huh! You said it's not for your Tiandao Sect!"


Before the Qianshan people finished speaking, the other monks started talking, and even started to accuse Tiandao Sect and the Qianshan people.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Seeing this scene, Mr. Hehuan stood up and shouted in a deep voice. After hundreds of years of practice, he and Fairy Hehuan were both at the peak of the ninth level in the late stage of divine connection. The Great Consummation of the Divine Stage is only one step away, and his reputation in the world of cultivators is naturally increasing. As soon as he spoke, other monks in the Divine Stage stopped talking and blamed the Dao Sect for coming that day. Seeing that everyone was quiet, Mr. Hehuan Then he continued to say: "The consumption of Baoshan's spiritual energy should indeed not be caused by too many monks on Baoshan, but because of Baoshan itself!" After a pause, he continued to say to the people on Qianshan: "Fellow Taoist Qianshan, you Keep talking!"

"Ahem! Not bad!" The Qianshan people coughed slightly when they heard this, and said, "The spiritual energy of Baoshan has begun to decline. It is not because the monks of Baoshan have consumed too much! Everyone! The appearance of Baoshan in our human world has already begun. It's been more than seven hundred years, and this treasure mountain is spewing out such amazing spiritual energy every day. Even the treasures in the fairy world are limited. When my fellow Taoists and I discovered this treasure mountain, we already talked about it. I'm afraid this treasure mountain will... It has existed in the human world for about a thousand years, and now it has been more than 700 years. It is normal for the spiritual energy of Baoshan to decline!" At this point, the people in Qianshan stopped and saw that all the great monks in the spiritual realm were surprised! After falling silent, he continued with a solemn expression: "Furthermore, I can make a bold guess that the spiritual energy of this treasure mountain will continue to decline in the years to come. It is extremely likely that before the invasion of the demon monks, the entire mountain will be completely destroyed." It’s not certain that Baoshan will disappear in the human world!”

"Baoshan will disappear? How is that possible?"

"Yes! Then what should we do to resist the catastrophe?"

"Yes! How can we ascend without the treasure mountain? That would be too dangerous!"

"Damn it! Qianshan, don't be alarmist!"


All the spiritual cultivators, especially the demonic cultivators and the casual cultivators of the divine cultivators, spoke with plausibility and anger.


"Hmph!! You guys have figured it out for me!" The people from Qianshan finally yelled with uncontrollable anger. The sound was so loud that the entire Morality Hall shook with an astonishing buzz, and it seemed that the entire palace was shaken by it. After a while, seeing everyone looking at the Qianshan people in horror, the Qianshan people said angrily: "You have to figure it out. Is this treasure mountain appearing to allow you to ascend to the upper world? Impossible! Morality Heaven The reason why Senior Jun allowed this treasure mountain to come out was not so that we, the monks in the realm of spiritual enlightenment, could ascend, but so that we humans could enhance the strength of the entire human world before the invasion of the demon world, in order to resist the invasion of the demon world, hum! It's a good idea. If you want to rely on this treasure mountain to ascend, you might as well be accused by the monks of the upper realm as soon as you ascend to the upper realm!" After saying this, the Qianshan people looked around and said coldly. Leng said: "Speaking of ascending, I am more qualified to ascend than any of you! I have been able to ascend for so many years, but I still don't ascend. It is for this reason! Humph!" After saying that, he snorted coldly and then became angry. Uneven sit down!

"...!" After hearing the angry words of the people on Qianshan Mountain, all the great monks in the spiritual realm looked at each other and began to think deeply!

"Ahem! What Fellow Taoist Qianshan said is absolutely true! This is the situation now!" Seeing everyone's silence, Mr. Hehuan coughed lightly and said, "The invasion of the demon world is a certainty, and we have to be lucky. It means that we have ascended at this moment! Everyone should work together to survive this demonic world!" In fact, Mr. Hehuan and Fairy Hehuan have long planned to ascend when the demonic calamity comes in these years, but no matter how hard they work, This person has never been able to advance to the Great Perfection of the Divine Realm. I have also observed the people on Qianshan Mountain for hundreds of years, and I still don’t understand that these people on Qianshan Mountain have obviously reached the Great Perfection of the Divine Realm and have not ascended. Later, the two of them were unable to After reaching the Dzogchen stage of the Advanced Path to God, I truly understood that it was not that people on Qianshan did not want to ascend, but that they were unable to ascend.

"Uh! Okay!" Everyone saw that Mr. Hehuan said this, and they could only nod!


"Woo! Clang, clang, clang!" A long whine and three strange metal knocking sounds sounded! It was the signal that Baoshan was under attack!

"The monster is attacking?" Upon hearing the sound of the alarm, all the great monks in the divine realm exclaimed.

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