True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 5: A Long Journey Chapter 827: The War Begins

"Huh?" The Qianshan people saw the red light, and in the red light was a communication talisman. His face moved, his finger flashed green, and he pointed towards the red light!

"Poof!" With the sound of the Qianshan mountain man's finger, the communication talisman in the red light exploded, and a monk's urgent voice came out: "Report! The demon army has already rushed out of the ten thousand feet sea and is heading towards The Great Fantasy Continent is coming!”.

"What?" When the monks heard this, they thought, how long has it been? The attack speed of this demon army is too fast, right? The faces of all the monks changed greatly and they exclaimed.

"Everyone, please take your seats!" The people from Qianshan didn't hesitate, and had no time to wait, so they hurriedly stood up and said to everyone.

"Okay!" Everyone quickly took their seats, and soon all the elders took their seats. Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong naturally sat at the head of the table. However, major events in Tiandao Sect are usually presided over by Qianshan people and Xuanmen Buddha. Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong Although Dong Santong's cultivation level is higher than that of other monks, his experience is naturally far inferior to that of the Qianshan people. Naturally, it is the Qianshan people who will handle it...

After a while, although there were still a few elders who were late, the people on Qianshan Mountain saw that all the spiritual monks and the elders in charge of the peaks and other important figures had arrived. They stopped waiting and stood up and said: "Everyone, please be quiet! "

"...!" All the elders who were discussing in low voices stopped their discussion and hurriedly looked towards the Qianshan people...

"Time is running out, so I won't go on rambling!" Qianshan people said in a deep voice: "The demon monks have been teleported from Tianyuan, and the current news knows that they were teleported from Wan Zhanghai, so. According to the attack route of the demon army , I think the first place they attack is the Tianling Sect, or the Huichen Sect, which is closest to the seaside of Wanzhanghai...!" The Qianshan man pointed his fingers as he spoke. A huge map flew out of his storage bag and unfolded in the hall.

Tianling Kingdom and Ling Kingdom, where Tianling Sect and Huichun Sect are located, are both countries close to the seaside of the Great Fantasy Continent. In addition, there are several other countries close to the seaside, and these two are the only ones close to the Wanzhang Sea. countries, and if the Demon Lord attacks from the Ten Thousand Zhanghai, these two countries will naturally be the first to suffer.

"...Although the Hui Chun Sect and Tian Ling Sect are considered big sects, the Hui Chun Sect has only recovered 80% of its strength since it was captured by the Fire Dragon Palace. The Tian Ling Sect only has two spiritual masters, Zhou Xiaoya and Tian Ling Grandma. Monk, once they are attacked by the Tao Demon Lord, I think they may not be able to resist it, so...!" The Qianshan man said quickly, and then he said in a deep voice: "These two. Once this sect is attacked by the main force of the demon army, it will definitely ask for help from our Tiandao Sect and other sects! And the Tianling Sect and Huichun Sect are the barriers to our Tiandao Sect Liang Kingdom, and it will be our turn once they are captured. Tiandao Sect! Therefore, once these two ask for help, we, Tiandao Sect, must do our best to help these two sects resist the demonic army!" At this point. He looked at Li Xiaoya and said, "What do Xiaoya think?"

After all, Li Xiaoya is the monk with the highest cultivation level in the human world and Tiandao Sect, so people from Qianshan Mountain are just asking. Regarding the plan for this battle, the monks of the divine realm and Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong did not know how many times they had discussed it. Li Xiaoya is not a person who is greedy for power, he just wants Li Xiaoya to express his position.

"The lips are cold and the teeth are dead! We naturally want to help these two sects, but we must also prevent them from attracting our troops like last time, and then they attack from other places!" Li Xiaoya said in a deep voice after hearing this.

"Yes!" The Qianshan people nodded when they heard this. Naturally, they knew that what Li Xiaoya was talking about was that not long ago, the demon soldiers pretended to attack Devil's Cliff and destroyed the teleportation array. They came to attack Tiandao Sect... Let's think about it. , continued: "So, our Tiandao Sect is divided into three groups this time. The first group is the monks who support the major sects, the second group is the monks who are in charge of the Tiandao Sect, and the third group is the monks who killed the demon head...! "

These matters have already been discussed within the sect.

The first batch of monks are actually mainly monks in the spiritual stage. Almost half of them are in the spiritual stage of Tiandao Sect and Yuanying stage monks. Everyone has already discussed it. The bright light where Tiandao Sect is located is almost in the Great Illusion Continent. In the center of the center, no matter where the demon army attacks from, the first priority is to conquer several sects first. It is really not a good plan to directly attack Tiandao Sect without attacking other sects. With the restrictions of Tiandao Sect's mountain gate and countless With a series of super-spiritual cannons, demon-killing weapons, and hidden ancient weapons, attacking Tiandao Sect is obviously the greatest threat to the demon army. In addition, if other sects are allowed to send armies to encircle and suppress them, there will be a lot of casualties. Then Dagan Demon Lord He claimed to have attacked countless small star realms, so he would not be such a stupid person, so the first battle was definitely not to attack Tiandao Sect!

And Tiandao Sect can't just sit idly by. With lips and teeth dead, plus the alliance, it is natural to send the most capable monks to fight, and the teleportation arrays sent to various sects cannot be infinitely teleported. It can reach hundreds of monks at a time. The limit has been reached, so the monks in the spiritual stage formed a support army. Liu Xianer, Zhang Hong, Li Mu, Dao Ling Tianzun, Fairy Qingxia and other monks in the spiritual stage who have indeed magical powers are all in this team, and this group of monks has been stationed in the teleportation array for a long time. Nearby, ready to attack at any time.

The second batch of cultivators are mainly cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage who are stationed in the Tiandao Sect. Naturally, they rely on the forbidden defense of the Tiandao Sect. There is no need for too many high-level cultivators. As long as the two Tongshen stage cultivators, Qianshan Shangren and Xuanmen Buddha, who are in charge of the overall situation, are left, with the defense of the Tiandao Sect's mountain gate, even if the Great Qian Demon Lord attacks, it is impossible to break through the Tiandao Sect.

The third batch! In fact, there are only two people, Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong. Their only task is to kill the leader of the demon army, the Great Qian Demon Lord. Usually, the two sit in the Tiandao Sect and do not participate in the war. The human cultivators are thinking about killing the leader of the demon army, the Great Qian Demon Lord, and the Great Qian Demon Lord is also thinking about Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong?

Once Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong fall, the cultivators in the human world will not be able to defeat the Great Qian Demon Lord no matter how many means they have. Failure to defeat the Great Qian Demon Lord naturally means that human cultivators cannot win.

Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong must not fail. This is what all major sects have reached a consensus on. Although Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong both planned to fight, they had to hold back for the sake of the overall situation, and the two could not act separately because the Great Demon Lord was too powerful. If they were alone, they might be killed by the Great Demon Lord.

And just when the Tiandao Sect had just agreed on the battle plan!

At the gate of the Tianling Sect in the Tianling Kingdom! The Tianling Kingdom!

The Tianling Kingdom of the Tianling Sect was built on two huge mountains. It was a huge circular castle hundreds of feet high. The castle was surrounded by thirty-two smaller castles. There were huge iron chain bridges between the castles, forming a huge ring that wrapped the entire castle. In the middle of the huge castle in the middle, there was a huge statue. If Li Xiaoya was here, he would definitely recognize that this statue was the Holy Demon Queen that Zhou Xiaoya had summoned when she was in the Psychedelic Mountains.

And behind this huge statue was a huge palace. In the palace, a large group of monks were discussing countermeasures. It can be seen that although the Tianling Sect is not a sect like the Hehuan Sect that practices dual cultivation, the high-level female monks in the Tianling Sect are obviously half more than the male monks...

And the meeting was chaired by the two great monks in the Tongshen period, Grandma Tianling and Zhou Xiaoya.

"...Okay! The specific battle is like this!" Grandma Tianling said in a deep voice: "First withstand the first wave of attacks from the demon soldiers, and then we will ask for help from other allies!"

"Okay! Everyone, go and prepare!" Zhou Xiaoya also said hurriedly, although her voice was still childish and pleasant. But the power was already established, and no one objected.

"Yes!" The monks answered hurriedly. They went out quickly...

"Xiaoya! Let's go out and take a look!" Grandma Tianling smiled at Zhou Xiaoya.

"Okay! Let's try the power of this demon king first!" Zhou Xiaoya said confidently with her porcelain doll-like face.

"Okay! I don't believe that the defense of our Tianling Kingdom will not be able to withstand the attack of the demon army!" Tianling Grandma also said so.

Are you kidding!

Tianling Church has experienced the last Demon War. The demon army besieged Tianling Kingdom for several years but failed to break through. No wonder Tianling Grandma and Zhou Xiaoya are so confident.

"Swish!" Tianling Grandma and Zhou Xiaoya flew out of the hall and flew up to the sky, overlooking the layout of the entire Tianling Kingdom. They saw that hundreds of chain super spirit cannons were set up on the 32 castles on the periphery. On the bridge, there were also Tianling Church's unique super puppet Tianling giant soldiers. These giant soldiers were hundreds of feet tall, wrapped in countless black cloths, holding a huge skull shield in one hand and a huge black-gray bone knife in the other hand. The whole body was emitting an aura no less than that of a spiritual monk.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Now, the entire Tianling Kingdom began to shine with a dazzling gray light, and a huge gray light shield was constantly strengthening.

In these castles, countless monks were busy commanding and preparing to fight...

The chain super-spiritual cannons were naturally sold from the Tiandao Sect. With the relationship between Zhou Xiaoya and Li Xiaoya, the Tianling Sect has a lot of chain super-spiritual cannons, more than other sects...

The Tianling Giant Soldiers are naturally the biggest reliance of the Tianling Sect!

The reason why the Tianling Sect did not ask for support from other sects was that they were not clear about the enemy situation. It was too cheap to ask for help before the enemy came to attack. Secondly, it was naturally because of these reliances that they were confident that they could withstand the first wave of attacks!

That Tianling Grandma and Zhou Xiaoya floated in the sky and took a look around, looking very satisfied.

"Grandma! The breath in the distance makes me feel a little uneasy!" Zhou Xiaoya looked at the layers of mountain mist in the distance, frowning and saying to Grandma Tianling.

Although the various sects have dangerous places or city restrictions to defend in many places, the Tianling Sect also has several independent dangerous places outside the mountain mist, but according to the number and powerful attack power of the demon army, if the monks are sent to those dangerous places or city markets, they can't resist for long, and it would be a waste of monks to let go. All the major sects chose to shrink all the monks' troops and defend at the main gate. After all, even if it is a small sect, the defense of the sect mountain gate is the most amazing. Those city and city dangerous places are gone, and the demon calamity is not a sect war. The most important thing is to preserve the sect inheritance.

"Uneasy?" Grandma Ling's heart skipped a beat when she heard this that day. Zhou Xiaoya's status in the Tianling Sect was not ordinary. She comforted her with a wry smile and said, "It's probably because of this evil calamity. If we survive this time, our Tianling Sect can survive." "

"Yes!" Zhou Xiaoya nodded after hearing this, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Grandma! Let's ask Tiandao Sect for help!"

"Ask for help now?" Grandma Tianling was stunned when she heard this, and said in surprise, she was making good words just now, why did she suddenly change her mind? While hesitating...


"Phew!" A gray light flashed from the sky like lightning, and flew in front of Grandma Tian Ling in the blink of an eye. It was a communication talisman!

"Huh?" Grandma Tianling was stunned and quickly pointed her finger!

"Poof!" A gray light flashed, and the communication talisman suddenly exploded.

A monk's voice said in a panic: "Report! The Demon Realm's army has already broken through Qianlongmen and has begun to advance towards our religion. It is estimated that the Demon Realm's army exceeds two million!"

"Two million??" Grandma Ling was horrified when she heard this that day and exclaimed. An army of two million monks wouldn't be very scary, but if the lowest cultivation level of the two million army is above the golden elixir stage Yes, that would be scary.

"Could it be that all the demon army is coming towards our Tianling Sect?" Zhou Xiaoya also exclaimed. She went to Tianyuan with Li Xiaoya and others. Naturally, she knew that there were only about two hundred demon soldiers left in the demon army. About ten thousand, and the Qianlongmen is also a medium-sized sect on the edge of the Tianling Kingdom. It has been uniting with other Tianling Kingdom sects to fight against the Tianling Sect. Although their mountain gate is not as strong as the Tianling Sect, it is not easy to break. Otherwise, he would have been destroyed by the Tianling Sect long ago!


It had only been a few hours since they discovered that the demonic army had already breached the mountain gate of the Thousand Dragon Gate. Why didn't the two of them be surprised?

"Tsk! Go and ask for help from the various sects immediately!" Grandma Tianling said categorically without caring about her face. After saying that, she pointed her finger, and seven or eight talismans flew out. She muttered words, and a string of characters meant "Chao." The talisman flew in, and with a little finger, the talisman flew quickly towards somewhere in the mountains!

And this time!

"Rumble!!" An astonishing sound of blasting through the sky came from the horizon, and a black line appeared where the sky and the earth met...

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