True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 844: The Battle of the Demonic Trib

"How is it possible?" Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong couldn't help but exclaimed in shock when they saw this scene. Although the two of them fought fiercely with the Demon Dragon General, and even captured the Demon Dragon General alive, in fact, the time did not pass. How come it was breached all at once? It’s really impossible!

And this time!

"Damn Sun Haotian!" The large array of monks in the spiritual realm bombarded a monk indiscriminately! .

"Haha! Li Xiaoya didn't expect it, right? You humans actually took the initiative to help our demon world!" The Demon Dragon General, who was caught by Li Xiaoya's Immortal Binding Rope, laughed wildly and roared!

"Sun Haotian?" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard this, and exclaimed in surprise. His heart moved, and he suddenly understood what was going on. He always felt that with the hatred between the Fire Dragon Palace and Tiandao Sect, Sun Haotian would not give up so easily. The hatred of killing his son and the great hatred that turned their Fire Dragon Palace into a weak faction, but the thousand-year catastrophe contract between Tiandao Sect and Fire Dragon Palace has just passed, but Sun Haotian's performance is quite satisfactory, and with the alliance relationship, Li Xiaoya is not easy to deal with Sun Haotian took action, planning to wait for the demonic tribulation to pass before dealing with him. With his current magical power, squeezing to death a cultivator in the spiritual realm would be worse than squeezing to death an ant.

And what exactly happened?

turn out to be!

Although Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong blocked the Demon Dragon General, Demon Lord Daqian was also harassed and intercepted by other monks in the spiritual realm!

But the other monsters and demon soldiers did not stop. Although the series of super-spiritual cannons and demon-destroying magic weapons continued to bombard those demon soldiers and monsters, there were still many demon soldier leaders among the demon soldiers who were commanding them. A big battle, but many magic soldiers and monsters rushed over!

Those powerful magic soldiers were on the ground in front of the formation. Constantly bombarding the colorful spiritual light formation, those lightning magic soldiers were floating in the sky and constantly releasing black lightning bombardments. Those ordinary magic soldiers and magic soldier elites formed large formations to help these magic soldiers block the attack. A series of attacks from super-spiritual cannons were continuously bombarded, and the other flying dragon demon soldiers and monsters were the most cunning. They actually flew higher into the sky and continuously bombarded countless black light balls of fire in the sky. The cooperation between them was actually very tacit, constantly consuming the spiritual energy restricted by the Tiandao Sect's five-color light shield.

Fortunately, the monks of Tiandao Sect are not vegetarians either. The continuous bombardment of a series of super-spiritual cannons was fine for a while!

And that’s the bad thing!

When this stalemate situation continued, Sun Haotian, who had originally rushed out to entangle Demon Lord Daqian, suddenly flew back. The monks thought that he could not bear it and went back. Who knows, as soon as Sun Haotian came back? , first killing dozens of monks who controlled the serial super-spiritual cannon. Then countless black metal balls were thrown from the storage bag, specifically hitting the weak points of the formation. The forbidden formation could only barely resist it, but the explosion from inside was even more destructive. Only then did the entire formation explode at once!

The monks still don’t know that Sun Haotian is from the demon world! Let’s talk about using magical powers to kill this guy one by one!

And this Sun Haotian actually did this to a human being at this juncture. Obviously, he was determined to die!


"Hahaha! Li Xiaoya! Tiandao Sect! We'll see you in hell!" Sun Haotian laughed wildly and suddenly gave up on defense, allowing countless magic weapons, spells and other attacks to continuously bombard him. In an instant, he was turned into ashes. The monks were very upset!

"What should we do now?" The monks who were originally determined to win were frightened and turned pale as they looked at the sky full of demon soldiers and monsters rushing in...

"Haha!! Human beings!! Today is the end of you!" The Daqian Demon Lord laughed wildly. That laughter was like an evil ghost from hell, making countless monks tremble with fear!

"Huh!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly at this time, and he didn't know when he grabbed a colorful aura and grabbed the magic dragon general with his hand. He said coldly to the Daqian Demon Lord: "Daqian Demon Lord! Don't forget that you are the only Taixu Stage monk left!"

"Humph! It's useless to have such useless trash!" Upon seeing this, the Daqian Demon Lord's face darkened, and he snorted several times with an expressionless face, and suddenly shouted to the Demon Dragon General: "Demon Dragon ! Do you know how to do it?”

"Yes!" General Demon Dragon's face changed greatly when he heard this, and he suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Li Xiaoya! I tell you...!"

"No need!" Li Xiaoya didn't wait for the Demonic Dragon General to finish, so he didn't know that this guy wanted to trigger the forbidden self-destruction? The big hand of colorful aura suddenly flashed. He pinched the Demon Dragon General's jaw and immediately made the Demon Dragon General speechless. He said coldly: "Humph! Since you want to die, I will make it happen for you!" After saying that, the fire dragon sword in his hand burst into yellow and red light, and he stabbed the magic dragon general in the stomach with a fierce sword!

"Poof!" How could General Demon Dragon block Li Xiaoya's extremely sharp Fire Dragon Sword without that armor? I saw the fire dragon sword stabbing into the belly of the demon dragon general!


Something even more shocking happened!

"Phew!" I saw the Fire Dragon Sword thrust into the belly of the Demon Dragon General, and suddenly a burst of extremely hot breath rose into the sky from the Fire Dragon Sword, sizzling! ! The Fire Dragon Sword was shaking crazily, and the flesh and blood on the Demon Dragon General's body was squirming in alarming bursts, with a very painful expression on his face...

"Huh?" Li Xiaoya, who had seen this situation countless times, suddenly showed a look of surprise when he saw this scene. Isn't this situation equivalent to the Fire Dragon Sword absorbing the blood of the Demon Dragon General? Could it be that the Demon Dragon General really has the blood of a dragon?

"What's going on?" The Great Qian Demon Lord exclaimed when he saw this scene!

"Swish, swish, swish!!" The speed of the Fire Dragon Sword's absorption was too amazing. In a blink of an eye, it absorbed the soul, flesh, blood, and demon baby of the Demon Dragon General! ! Only a layer of scales and skin was left tied up by the immortal rope.


"Boom!" The Fire Dragon Sword in Li Xiaoya's hand was surging with an astonishing breath. The air in the sky was shaken by the shocking breath of the Fire Dragon Sword, and countless light circles appeared. With a roar, the Fire Dragon Sword was like a dazzling sun, and suddenly burst into an extremely amazing light. The whole world was illuminated by a golden-red light, which made countless monks, demons, and monsters unable to open their eyes. Their eyes were in pain, and countless demons, monsters, and humans couldn't help but howl and scream!

"What...what is that?"




The light converged!

Li Xiaoya looked at the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand and saw that the Fire Dragon Sword had changed a lot. The huge dragon head handle turned purple-black, like a ferocious demon dragon head. There were many more sword tips on the sword body, and the sword edge turned into a serrated shape, one blue and one black, like the teeth of a demon dragon. The aura emitted by the whole thing made Li Xiaoya feel frightened. He couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart: "After the Fire Dragon Sword devoured the three demon dragon kings, it was already a top-grade real immortal spiritual treasure. And this Demon Dragon General is obviously already at the peak of the late Taixu period. After being absorbed by the Fire Dragon Sword, doesn't it mean that the Fire Dragon Sword has already broken through the grade of the real immortal spiritual treasure?"

At this time!

"The treasure of the beginning of the world!! The treasure of the beginning of the world is in your hand!" The face of the Great Qian Demon Lord changed drastically and exclaimed. A pair of blood-red eyes were full of greed, staring at the Fire Dragon Sword in Li Xiaoya's hand!

"The treasure of the beginning of the world!" Li Xiaoya was secretly shocked when he heard the words. Suddenly, looking at the greedy look of the Great Qian Demon Lord, he said coldly: "Huh! You want it very much, right?" After that, the colorful spiritual light on his body burst out, and the spiritual energy on his hand rushed into his hand. Suddenly, the Fire Dragon Sword shone brightly, and a dragon roar shook the world, rushing towards the Great Qian Demon Lord!

"Here!" Li Xiaoya roared, and the black, red, and gold light of the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand shot up into the sky. The sky was shaken by countless light threads, and he fiercely slashed at the Great Demon Lord with a sword!

"Boom!" The sky and the earth seemed to be cut off, and a sword light dozens of miles wide instantly cut through countless space cracks. In an instant, it had already cut the top of the head of the Great Demon Lord! !

"Ah!!" Seeing this, the Great Demon Lord roared, and his whole body burst into black light. Countless black lights of the Sky Demon Shaking Hammer in his hand shot up into the sky, and slammed into the Fire Dragon Sword that was slashing down from the sky! !


The earth-shaking sound of metal collisions became violent. The whole sky was shaken out of countless light circles, and the whole sky was constantly collapsing into countless space cracks, and countless black, gold, and red lights burst out everywhere.

"Clang!" With a sound, the Heavenly Demon Shaking Hammer in the hand of the Great Demon Lord suddenly made a earth-shaking sound of metal and iron clashing, and was actually cut into two pieces by Li Xiaoya's sword. The Fire Dragon Sword did not change its direction and blasted towards the head of the Great Demon Lord! !

"Ahhh!" The face of the Great Demon Lord changed drastically, and he roared in anger. He threw the Heavenly Demon Shaking Hammer with both hands, and a pair of black metal hands suddenly glowed with black light, and he actually blocked the Fire Dragon Sword with his bare hands! !

"Break!" Li Xiaoya opened his eyes and roared, and the colorful spiritual light on his hand rose violently, and the black, red and gold light of the Fire Dragon Sword became even brighter, and he blasted the dark metal giant hand of the Great Demon Lord with a sword! !

"Block!!!" The earth-shaking sound of metal collision and fighting suddenly rose, and the whole sky was rippling with thousands of feet of spider web-like space cracks. The sky within a radius of dozens of miles was surging with circles of black light, and the whole sky seemed to be collapsing...!

"Boom! Boom!" The feet of the Great Qian Demon Lord shook violently, and his body was hit by Li Xiaoya's blow and staggered, and he retreated repeatedly.

"Uh!!!" Li Xiaoya only decided that a shocking recoil force rushed towards his Fire Dragon Sword, causing Li Xiaoya's entire body to be blown away!

Li Xiaoya's shocking sword did not hurt the Great Qian Demon Lord, but was blown away?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The Great Qian Demon Lord was not much better. His entire huge body broke through three high mountains in a row, and then stopped, and it turned out that he was not injured at all.

"Hehe! Not bad! Not bad! It's really a treasure of creation. My hands are numb!" The Great Demon Lord was shaking his fingers, and his black metal hands made a series of unpleasant metal friction sounds. He sneered and said. Li Xiaoya looked carefully. There was a sword scar several feet deep in the black metal palms of the Great Demon Lord's giant hands. It was actually slowly healing and repairing. Li Xiaoya couldn't help but squint his eyes and was shocked. Last time in Tianyuan, Li Xiaoya's Fire Dragon Sword was still at the level of a true fairy treasure, which didn't hurt the Great Demon Lord at all. Now his own is already at the level of a treasure of creation, but it only cut a sword scar several feet deep. Could it be that the armor on the Great Demon Lord is also...

Sure enough! Li Xiaoya expected!

"I didn't expect that such a small star world has a treasure of creation!" The Great Demon Lord sighed and said, "It seems that I, the Great Demon Lord, will have another treasure of creation! Haha!"

"You! You also have a treasure of creation?" Li Xiaoya exclaimed after hearing this, although he had guessed 80% of it.

"Hehe! This treasure is what I got when I attacked a small star world for the first time! Do you think I will be afraid without help? As long as I wear this Haotian treasure armor, even the Qiankun cultivator can't hurt me!" The Great Demon Lord sneered, paused, and suddenly said to Li Xiaoya: "Li boy! I have some appreciation for you now. As long as you give me that sword and join our Demon Star Realm, I can consider letting you go, how about it?"

"Let me go?" Li Xiaoya sneered and said disdainfully after hearing this.

"That's right! Your formation has been broken! The sect is about to be destroyed! Why don't you surrender?" The Great Demon Lord said coldly!

"Our formation was broken? Which eye of yours saw that our Tiandao Sect's formation was broken?" Li Xiaoya asked coldly.

"Huh?" Daqian Demon Lord was stunned. He saw countless demon soldiers and monsters had already rushed into the sky of Tiandao Sect, but they were like headless flies, wandering back and forth in the sky, fighting each other, making waves of earth-shaking roars and explosions, while the human cultivators below looked like they were watching a show. The chain of super-spiritual cannons continuously fired red beams to bombard the demon soldiers and monsters fighting each other. Countless demon soldiers and monsters were black and exploded continuously and fell from the sky to attack, while the human cultivators were slaughtering the monsters and demons one-sidedly!

"This... what's going on?" The Great Demon Lord exclaimed in disbelief, and suddenly remembered what happened to Tian Yuan that day, and exclaimed: "The psychedelic array!"

"Hmph! Are you worried that our Tiandao Sect's sect formation only has one layer of defensive restrictions?" Li Xiaoya said sarcastically, and then his whole body burst into colorful spiritual light, the fire dragon sword in his hand flashed, and he continued to rush towards the Great Demon Lord!

{Piaotian Literature Thanks to all the book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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