True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 851: The Upper World

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In a huge black and purple castle

"Damn Demon Lord Daqian is dead too! Damn it!" An earth-shattering roar rose into the sky, shaking the entire city gate and making it buzz and shake. It seemed as if the entire castle was about to collapse. Fortunately,

"Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much"

The castle suddenly experienced an astonishing surge of aura, and countless black runes appeared on the walls of the entire castle. It seemed that it had directly touched the restriction, and then it stopped...

In a super hall in the center of the castle, there is a huge black shadow full of horns, and its eyes are extremely bloodthirsty...


"Rumble!" Suddenly there was a sound of wind and thunder in the center of the hall. Circles of black light surged. A monstrous evil energy continued to emerge in the sky. The vast aura continued to flow in the sky. The skyrocketing surge caused the huge black shadow's aura to be suppressed immediately.

"See the Demon Emperor," the huge figure knelt down in fear and shouted loudly.

"Enter." A lake-sized black light curtain appeared in the dark space, and an invisible shadow appeared in it and said in a deep voice. As soon as this shadow spoke, the entire sky The air was trembling alarmingly, as if it contained some law of heaven and earth...

"I don't dare," the figure said with extreme fear.

"Well, that's it for the small star realm of humans. That small star realm already belongs to the humans of the Thirty-Three Star Realms." The voice said in an extremely casual manner.

"But...don't we have another chance?" The kneeling figure said hesitantly.

"That's it, I've agreed to that old guy from the Immortal Star Realm," the voice said undeniably.

"My subordinates understand." The figure was shocked when he heard the words, and replied hurriedly and respectfully. He didn't dare to say anything more.

"As for your inability to do things well," the voice suddenly said in a deep voice: "Go to the Demon Heart Palace immediately and accept the 30,000-year Demon Star Trial."

"" The figure was shocked when he heard the words, as if he couldn't believe it, and his whole body trembled. Finally, he said respectfully: "Yes... I obey my order."

"I hope you can come back alive," the voice said. After saying that, it turned into a pool of black gas and disappeared into the air.

"Devil Star Trial..." the figure murmured...

And at a place where the sky and the earth meet, there is a huge and boundless mountain mist suspended in the sky, and the whole thing is wrapped in a burst of colorful spiritual light. If the monks from the human world are here, they will find that this extremely huge suspended mist is actually the same as before. The Baoshan floating up from the vast sea is almost exactly the same, but it is many times bigger, and it is full of life, with countless white-light giant birds and cranes flying around, and there are countless figures flying and walking on the mountain mist.

And in the main hall in the center of Shanlan

A huge figure wearing a piece of clothing with colorful aura flowing from time to time was sitting cross-legged in the main hall. Although he was very close, his face could not be seen clearly. It was as if before the world, this figure seemed to have merged into the law. bingo……



Circles of white light flashed in the sky above the entire hall, and the space began to shake alarmingly. Countless air twisted and turned, and countless star-like light spots rotated.

"Moral" only heard a voice that suddenly came from the whirlpool of white light. The voice seemed to be ringing deep in the monk's soul, shaking out circles of light of law...

"Master Immortal Emperor," the figure with colorful auras suddenly revealed an astonishing light from a pair of divine eyes, and he respectfully replied

"The one who wants you to come from the small star world has given up. Now that small star world belongs to you humans," the voice said.

"Have you given up? Haha, that's so good!" the monk named Daode exclaimed in surprise.

"Hahaha, it's so satisfying to have that person admit defeat." The late emperor seemed to be very happy and laughed.

"Thank you, Lord Immortal Emperor, for making the decision," the Daode said happily.

"However," the Immortal Emperor said with some hesitation: "In this case, you humans will completely offend that person. You thirty-three-stars must be careful."

"Thank you, Lord Immortal Emperor, we understand," the man said respectfully.

"Then you can take care of yourself." After the Immortal Emperor said that, a burst of white light flashed and slowly disappeared into the air...

"..." The Daode watched the white light disappear, and suddenly murmured: "Well, we finally succeeded. Now it depends on the fate of us humans..." After the monk said this, he quickly made kneading with his fingers. When you move it, the space begins to twist and shake continuously, as if it contains extremely profound laws of heaven and earth...

Between the vastness of the day and the earth

I saw eight suns hanging high in the sky. I saw that these eight suns formed a huge ring, rotating slowly, emitting warm sunlight to shine on the entire earth.

And below the heaven and earth

A bloody and shocking scene is taking place. Earth-shattering roars rise into the sky, and the whole ground is shaking...

"Oh kill"

"Ouch ouch"

"Go ahead"

"Kill those damn bugs"

"Boom boom boom"

Countless giant bull-like mounts that were three to four feet long, with a single horn on their heads and covered in blue-purple battle armor were riding on them. The mounts were roaring and roaring, looking like humans but not human beings. , but the cavalrymen with strange and strange skinned animal faces roared and charged forward, wielding various weapons.

The number of these cavalry was astonishing. There were dozens of these strange beast cavalry within a radius of dozens of miles. There were millions of them. Countless sandstorms rolled up behind them, and the whole ground was shaking and exploding.


"Kill all those orcs"

"Swish, swish, swish"

And directly in front of these beast cavalry were countless huge, countless strange-shaped, astonishingly numerous humanoid insect-like monsters of all kinds, overwhelmingly rushing towards the beast cavalry, and countless air vibrations and tears. , these demonic insects burst out with astonishing momentum and rushed towards the countless beast cavalry.

"Boom boom boom boom"

I saw the two collide, and the world exploded. In general, countless beast cavalry and monster insects collided together. Countless monster insects and beast cavalry were knocked into the air. The beast cavalry kept waving the weapons in their hands, and kept Those demonic insects bombarded the past, and the world was shaken by the astonishing cry of killing. Countless dark green liquid splashed from the demonic insects, and those demonic insects also bombarded them with countless means, venom, Fei Lian, Chao Beast Cavalry They rushed in, and there were shocking shouts of death for dozens of miles around. The whole thing was like a meat grinder...


on the sky

"Boom" was an earth-shaking thunderbolt, and countless colorful auras continued to gather in the sky, gradually forming a huge vortex, and the vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and the amazing multi-colored auras were transmitted from the multicolored vortex. , in just a few breaths, the huge whirlpool of colorful spiritual light covered the entire sky in a short time.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom" bursts of lightning and thunder, and countless colorful lightning roars in the colorful whirlpool, reflecting the entire sky with countless flashes of light...

This sudden celestial phenomenon caused many people to stop and look up at the sky even though the beast cavalry and monster insects below were fighting inextricably.

And this time

In the phalanx of countless beast cavalry a hundred miles away, there is an extremely huge elephant, with a huge and steel throne on it, a huge body several feet tall with four huge green eyes, The orc with dark blue skin and a pair of cow ears on his head looked straight at the vision in the sky and exclaimed: "What's going on? Could it be that a strange treasure has been born?"

On the other side, among the countless monster insects, there was a woman with a green body, a voluptuous and plump figure, a head with green hair, and three pairs of green translucent wings on her back. She was extremely beautiful and enchanting. The monster insects were also surprised to see it. Looking at that phenomenon, he looked astonished and murmured: "What's going on?"

And the spiritual energy in the five-colored vortex became thicker and thicker, and countless black space cracks began to crack in the center of the five-colored spiritual light, making an extremely harsh cracking sound.



There was a thunderbolt, and countless light filaments were continuously cracking out from the center. A huge multi-colored spiritual light burst out from the multi-colored vortex, bombarding the battle group below, hitting the beast cavalry and the fighting beast cavalry. Among monsters and insects

"Boom" was a heaven-shaking explosion, and countless rocks were splashed on the ground, and sand and dust exploded. Suddenly, the colorful spiritual light on the ground continued to shatter and explode in all directions. Countless beast cavalry and monster insects emitted A shrill scream flew out in all directions...

In the vaguely colorful spiritual light pillar, two figures dodged and fell from it...

"Rumble" The colorful spiritual lightning in the sky continued to bombard the ground, one after another, endlessly...

I saw constant violent earthquakes on all sides, and sandstorms were rushing everywhere, and they couldn't stop for a long time.

Finally waited for the explosion to stop

"Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" The man is among them, and next to him is a female monk wearing a set of pitch-black armor. She is wrapped in countless colorful spiritual lights, and her face cannot be seen clearly... To be continued)

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Volume 1 of the True Immortal Romance: Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma lucidum Chapter 851: The Upper Realm

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