True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 887 Dragon Ancestor

"Thanks to the Dragon Ancestor! My cultivation has broken through to the middle stage of Taixu!" The monk with red scales hurriedly replied, a pair of huge dragon eyes showing a hint of joy.

"Well! The dragon soul that the boy brought back to me is very useful for my recovery from injuries. My injuries should be recovered within ten thousand years!" The Dragon Ancestor said in a deep voice, with a hint of joy in his tone. Then, a dragon-shaped multi-colored spiritual light flew towards the dragon-shaped monk with red scales and said: "Give this thing to that little guy! It will do a lot of good to his bloodline!"

"Thank you, Master, for the reward!" The dragon-shaped monk with red scales excitedly took over the dragon-shaped multi-colored spiritual light. It turned out to be a dragon-shaped liquid with multi-colored spiritual light, constantly emitting multi-colored spiritual light!



A flash of inspiration!

The four-color dragon-shaped monk appeared in the air. In front of him was a huge castle-style building. It covered an area so wide that it felt like he couldn't see the edges at a glance. And above the city, there were all kinds of buildings. Monks with human-shaped dragon faces were constantly flying around in the sky. In the center of the city, there was a huge building in the shape of a coiled dragon, and the four monks with human-shaped dragon faces appeared in the sky.

"Haha! Lord Hongyan is so lucky! Your beloved son can be appreciated by Lord Longzu!" The old dragon with blue scales said to the old dragon with red scales, with a hint of envy in his voice. appearance.

"Being able to steal this dragon soul from humans! This little guy is quite a talent! Master Flame is indeed very lucky!" The black scale armor also said with some approval.

"Two adults, thank you!" Hong Yan, the monk with red scales, said with a humble look, and said in a hurry: "Although Huoyang is lucky, if Master Zulong can recover from his injuries, our Dragon Clan will return The glory of the past is just around the corner!”

"Yes!" The other three people's faces turned hot when they heard this, and they murmured, with waves of fire flashing in their eyes!

"But!" And this time! The monk with black scales suddenly said: "Lord Ancestor Long said that thing has appeared! It's still in the Ancient Demon Continent or Dongxia Continent, so that's going to be troublesome!"

"Yes! Why did that damn thing appear?" The golden-scaled monk who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke and touched his chest involuntarily, remembering the incident that almost killed him. sword. His face really didn't look good.

"Tsk! Three of you! Then we should send some tribesmen over to look for it!" The blue dragon chirped and said with a solemn expression.

"No! The Ancient Demon Continent and Dongxia Continent are the sworn enemies of our Dragon Clan. If our people go there, they will be besieged and killed by those damn Demon Clan and Human Race monks in less than three days!" The black dragon said He said in an angry voice through gritted teeth. After a pause in his voice, he continued: "Besides, these two continents are so huge that it would be really difficult for us to find them! We don't know how long it will take to find them!"

"Well! Then what should we do?" Jin Long said hurriedly.

"Easy to handle! I guess the monk who owns that thing doesn't know the function of that thing. Let's ask our vassal races and spies in these two continents to find it! And launch a racial mission to put a reward on that thing!" The black dragon seemed to be The leader of these old dragons said in a deep voice.

"Okay! Make the rewards richer and let more high-level monks participate, the better!" As soon as this was said, the red dragon was the first to agree.

"Okay! I agree!" The golden dragon also replied.

"In that case, I agree!" Blue Dragon flashed a cold light and answered.

"Well! I'll contact those races right away. You can go back first!" said the black dragon.



And this time!

In a small valley in the Nayad territory of the Ancient Demon Continent who doesn’t know how far away!

I saw that this small valley was completely out of shape, and the entire valley had been blasted open. It turned into a strange circular pit dozens of miles wide, with Li Xiaoya looking like he was in it!

When Li Xiaoya thrust the Fire Dragon Sword into the last dragon egg, the Fire Dragon Sword finally emitted that amazing aura. And that’s what caused such signs!

Li Xiaoya looked at the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand with a look of astonishment. He saw that the appearance of the Fire Dragon Sword had changed drastically. The entire sword body was eight feet long. The blades on both sides were shaped like crescent arcs. On both sides were countless amazing swords. There are countless mysterious purple runes in the middle of the awn, and the entire hilt is a strange dragon head that no longer looks like anything else, and the whole thing is a pair of dragon eyes, with a strange red-gold light flashing in it.

There were some crossed dragon scales on the hilt of the sword, which made Li Xiaoya feel surprisingly comfortable holding it in his hand. The light emitted by the entire sword has also changed a lot. It emits circles of red, blue, purple and gold in four aura colors, emitting bursts of suffocating aura!

"Haha! You have indeed advanced!" Li Xiaoya burst out laughing with great excitement, waving the Fire Dragon Sword at will!


"Boohoo!" As Li Xiaoya casually waved the Fire Dragon Sword, strange cracks of light were pierced through the air. You must know that Li Xiaoya had not input any mana yet. It was already so sharp, the air was cut off and light filaments came out?

"Wow! It's so powerful, what level is it? Is it a top-grade treasure?" Li Xiaoya shouted excitedly, staring at the Fire Dragon Sword with a look of excitement that could not be suppressed.

"Try it!" Li Xiaoya said with a fiery heart, and the mana in his body suddenly surged, and the mana was input into the Fire Dragon Sword!



When Li Xiaoya started to use his mana to input the Fire Dragon Sword, something happened that shocked Li Xiaoya. When Li Xiaoya's mana continued to input the Fire Dragon Sword, the aura of the entire Fire Dragon Sword continued to rise wildly, and countless dragon-shaped phantoms continued to roar on the Fire Dragon Sword. The Fire Dragon Sword was actually constantly absorbing the mana in Li Xiaoya's body. Even if Li Xiaoya wanted to cut it off, it was too late!

"What...what's going on?" Li Xiaoya felt that his mana was flowing like water, and was rapidly input into the Fire Dragon Sword. In just a few breaths, Li Xiaoya only decided that 50% of his mana had been absorbed by the Fire Dragon Sword. He couldn't help but exclaimed in horror, but the Fire Dragon Sword still didn't stop absorbing Li Xiaoya's mana!

"Boom! Boom boom boom!" As the Fire Dragon Sword continued to absorb Li Xiaoya's mana, the entire Fire Dragon Sword exuded an astonishing and suffocating surge of mana! The dragon-shaped phantoms were getting more and more. The Fire Dragon Sword was also constantly expanding and surging. After a while, the entire Fire Dragon Sword turned into a super giant sword thousands of feet high, rushing straight into the sky. The air on all sides trembled, and countless black space cracks were forcibly shaken out!


When Li Xiaoya thought that his mana was about to be sucked dry by the Fire Dragon Sword, there was only 10% of his mana left in his body. Li Xiaoya's face turned pale. Li Xiaoya himself didn't dare to think how sharp the Fire Dragon Sword that gathered 90% of his mana was!

He had no choice but to try!

"Go!" Li Xiaoya shouted angrily, and suddenly the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand burst into light. A hundred miles in radius!

"Swish, swish, swish!" Countless colorful spiritual lights surged, and suddenly they turned into countless spiritual lights and rushed towards the Fire Dragon Sword in Li Xiaoya's hand!

"Heaven and earth spiritual energy! This attack of the Fire Dragon Sword actually mobilized such amazing heaven and earth spiritual energy?" Li Xiaoya was greatly shocked in his heart!

Before Li Xiaoya could be surprised!

"Boom!"  There was a loud bang that shook the earth, and countless colorful spiritual lights flashed in the sky. Li Xiaoya's hand turned into a Fire Dragon Sword of thousands of feet and slashed it down!

The air continued to break apart, creating a space crack that was tens of miles long!

"Boom! Boom!" The space was constantly being broken apart, and finally a sword hit the ground, and a sword light thousands of feet long suddenly rose up, one after another. The amazing roar of the demon dragon soared into the sky, and the sword that the Fire Dragon Sword blasted out continued to spread forward!

"Boom! Boom!" An even more amazing explosion. The whole world exploded, countless rocks flew, and the Fire Dragon Sword seemed to cut the world apart, constantly advancing forward...!

It was not easy for the whole explosion to slowly stop. Li Xiaoya looked horrified. He saw a bottomless straight groove in front of him, spreading forward all the time, and the end was invisible. The air was also cut into a huge space crack, constantly flashing with amazing space tearing force. It was constantly shaking!


This sword was actually blasted out by the Fire Dragon Sword! That's really too amazing, isn't it? Li Xiaoya looked at the situation in front of him in disbelief!


"Ugh!" Li Xiaoya suddenly felt weak, his feet softened, and he knelt on the ground, his face pale, and then he remembered, yes. Although the power of this Fire Dragon Sword is amazing, that sword has drawn 90% of his magic power. You must know that his magic power is much stronger than that of ordinary late Taixu cultivators. This sword has completely surpassed the sword that cut off the neck of the Earth Demon Dragon. Although this power is amazing, the price he paid is not small. Just like this, using 90% of his magic power, Li Xiaoya has lost his combat effectiveness!


At the moment when Li Xiaoya slashed down, his spiritual consciousness was also drained, and he was incredibly weak. Even when he fought with the Great Qian Demon Lord, he was not injured to such an exaggerated extent!

"Tsk! Let's leave here first!" Li Xiaoya hurriedly took a few pills, thinking to himself that this was too big a battle to mobilize the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth for hundreds of miles. He didn't know when a high-level cultivator would come. In his current situation, even an ordinary Taixu period cultivator could easily take his life. Thinking so, his hand flashed with a flash of light, and the Fire Dragon Sword was put into the Qiankun bag. Although the Fire Dragon Sword was upgraded again, it was still the same as before. It could not be put into the body and could only be placed in the storage bag and other space objects!

Then Li Xiaoya turned into a beam of light and rushed into the sky...

More than an hour later!

A figure with extremely amazing escape skills appeared on the ground!

"Tsk! Is this the place where the breath is emitted?" The figure was covered by circles of red light, and it was unclear what the face looked like. He exclaimed in surprise.

"Could it be a great cultivator in the Great Power Period?" The figure hesitated for a moment and slowly fell to the ground...

At this time!

Li Xiaoya was already in a small cave thousands of miles away, sitting cross-legged and meditating to restore his magic power...

I don't know how long it has been!

Li Xiaoya opened his eyes and suddenly let out a long sigh: "Huh! Fortunately, I didn't upgrade the Fire Dragon Sword in the territory of the Huangling Sect. This scene is too scary!" After saying that, a flash of light appeared in his hand, and the Fire Dragon Sword suddenly appeared in his hand, emitting an astonishing and suffocating spiritual fluctuation, with waves of dragon-shaped runes flashing in it!

"It seems that the Fire Dragon Sword can't be used much in the future!" Li Xiaoya looked at the Fire Dragon Sword, stroking it lovingly, and felt that the spiritual energy emitted made his skin numb. Suddenly, he murmured.

Although the Fire Dragon Sword has been upgraded and its power is extremely amazing, trouble has also come. This attack has taken away 90% of Li Xiaoya's mana and drained Li Xiaoya's consciousness. It will take half a year to recover to its original peak state. The mana is okay, and it can be recovered in about seven or eight days, but the consciousness is very difficult to recover. Li Xiaoya has to use a lot of high-quality elixirs to recover consciousness, which can be seen how much the Fire Dragon Sword has affected Li Xiaoya himself!

Half a year of recovery time, even Li Xiaoya dare not say whether he will encounter any strong enemies in half a year, especially if he uses a treasure like the Fire Dragon Sword. It is estimated that by then, he will become a mobile treasure house pursued by the cultivators of the thirty-three-star world!

On the other hand!

Li Xiaoya felt that even if he did not use the Fire Dragon Sword, the Fire Dragon Sword could not be easily taken out and used. Who knows when it will be exposed?


Li Xiaoya thought that if he refined all the fifty drops of the Earth Demon Dragon's blood, his magical powers and skills would be even more powerful. Even without the Fire Dragon Sword, no cultivator below the Taixu Stage would be his opponent, especially since he also had treasures such as the Heaven Shaking Fire Stick!


None of this was important. Li Xiaoya put away the Fire Dragon Sword again, looked at Zhang Hong's body on the side, and murmured, "It seems that I have to find a way to go to the Dongxia Continent as soon as possible!"

So far!

Li Xiaoya didn't know that because of the advancement of the Fire Dragon Sword, a greater crisis had been brewing...

{Piaotian Literature Thanks to all the book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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