True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 921 Xilan Yuru

In a space in a lake filled with colorful auras, a gray-light figure was floating and sitting over the lake. The whole lake was covered with countless colorful auras, which were constantly pouring out from the lake. The gray figure poured into it. It was really surprising that the surface of the lake was actually filled with liquid spiritual energy from the five elements...

I don’t know how long it took...

"Hey!" A burst of blue light flew in from nowhere and flew towards the gray figure.

"Huh?" The gray figure flashed with gray light, seeming to be a little dissatisfied. He pointed his finger, and the blue light swirled. A small blue light vortex appeared and exploded, and then a blue light swirled and turned into There was a blue light screen, and a beautiful fairy-like person appeared on the light screen. It was the disciple of the Great Ancestor of Ten Thousand Bones, Qian Lan.

"Master!" The light blue man said respectfully to the gray figure.

"Well! Why are you so anxious to find me?" The gray figure said directly in the voice of the Great Ancestor of Ten Thousand Bones.

"It's about Li Xiaoya!" Qian Lan knew the master's character and said hurriedly and respectfully.

"Li Xiaoya! Speak!" The gray-light figure flashed upon hearing the words and said hurriedly.

"Yes! Master!" Qianlan said hurriedly and respectfully, and suddenly told the story of Li Xiaoya entering the secret inheritance realm: "Then when Li Xiaoya entered the inheritance spirit pool, he actually refined it in the spirit pool. More than four months later..."

"It's surprising that after staying in Cai Lingchi for more than four months, he is now ranked second in the ranking of inner disciples?" The gray figure also looked very surprised and asked hurriedly.

"Yes!" Qian Lan hurriedly replied after hearing this, with a look of surprise on his face. Now he understood why the Great Ancestor Wan Gu paid so much attention to Li Xiaoya. His face moved and he hurriedly added: "And the disciple also carefully checked It’s true, it’s true!”

"It seems that I have really chosen the right person! Haha!" The Great Ancestor of Ten Thousand Bones laughed with some joy when he heard this.

"Congratulations, master!" Qianlan said respectfully.

"Yeah! But!" The Grand Ancestor of Ten Thousand Bones suddenly changed the topic and said hurriedly: "This kid is a bit too high-profile. I think I want him to keep a low profile!" After a pause, he suddenly made up his mind and said in a deep voice. : "Forget it! Just send a space spirit bead to Li Xiaoya. I want to talk to him personally!"

"Yes! Master!" Qianlan's delicate body moved when she heard this. There was a trace of surprise on his face, but he also remembered the importance of that thing to Grand Ancestor Wan Gu, so he felt relieved and hurriedly said respectfully.

"Well! You go ahead!" The Great Ancestor of Ten Thousand Bones ordered.

"That's right! Master! There's one more thing!" Qian Lan said hurriedly as if he remembered something. Without waiting for the instructions of the Grand Ancestor of Ten Thousand Bones, he hurriedly continued: "During the process of investigating Li Xiaoya's inheritance spirit pool, I discovered that It’s about the Jiu Zu Taizu family!”

"Huh? Tell me!" The Great Ancestor of Ten Thousand Bones was stunned when he heard this and said in a deep voice.

"After investigation, the disciple discovered that the three Taixu stage monks who guarded the inheritance spirit pool teleportation formation were all monks from the Jiuzu Taizu family!" Qianlan said thoughtfully: "And those three people have been obstructing the monks all year round. Entering the No. 13 Spirit Pond, and Li Xiaoya's ability to stay in the No. 13 Spirit Pond for such a long time has something to do with it!" His voice paused and continued: "Moreover, I investigated the records and found that. When the Nine Heads Grand Ancestor was a disciple of the Inner Clan, he entered the 13th Spirit Pond for the first time. The disciples think there may be some connection there!"

"Is this so?" The Great Ancestor of Ten Thousand Bones said in surprise when he heard this. He suddenly remembered something and murmured: "I remembered that after the Nine-Sou boy entered the inheritance spirit pool, his cultivation began to show... !" At this point, the Great Ancestor of Ten Thousand Bones suddenly made up his mind and said in a deep voice: "You must investigate it yourself and find out!"

"Yes! Master!" Qian Lan said respectfully after hearing this.

"Well! You did a good job on this matter! Just remember not to make any noise!" Grand Ancestor Wan Gu said in a deep voice, his voice paused. Then he said: "After you have finished this matter, come to my place. The Shen Shenling Pill is about to be released. Take one!"

"Thank you for the reward, Master!" The light blue man said in surprise with a look of overjoyed expression on his beautiful face after hearing this.




Li Xiaoya was sitting cross-legged in the cave abode practicing, and there were only four days left before the rewards for the ten-year ranking on the Heavenly Ranking were distributed. He has not been out since he got second that day. He is quite low-key waiting for the reward of the ranking. These are the benefits and changes he has brought to himself after studying the inheritance of the spiritual pool, which surprises Li Xiaoya Fortunately, his five senses have improved a lot, and the benefits have begun to emerge. Although most monks do not pay special attention to this aspect, because as long as the monk's spiritual consciousness is completely covered, many of the five senses can be used. As for eyesight, no matter how good your eyesight is, as long as there is something blocking it in front of you, you can't see very far. However, spiritual consciousness is different. Divine consciousness can scan long distances and even penetrate the earth to detect, so most monks I have never paid much attention to the cultivation of the five senses...

but! After these five senses were greatly improved, Li Xiaoya found that his grasp of fighting skills was more comprehensive. In terms of eyesight, he could easily detect the strangeness of the monks when they cast spells, and even feel the changes in the magic power. It's amazing. Although the improvement of his five senses did not make him improve in cultivation, at the critical moment, it had unexpected benefits. He was able to gain an advantage in the battle with the Titan. This was because of his keen sense. reason.

The other one is that when Li Xiaoya was in the hall of Xining Mo Feng, no one felt the demonic fire, but his five senses actually felt it...

And Li Xiaoya made a further extension. If the five senses are further strengthened, if in the future, they encounter some restricted places that cannot be sensed by the spiritual consciousness, the role of the five senses will be great. This makes Li Xiaoya quite happy and studies some of the five senses. The magical power is coming!

And this time!

"Ding bell!" Li Xiaoya suddenly heard a strange ringing sound from outside, which made Li Xiaoya come back to his senses from meditating. He stood up quickly, and when his consciousness moved, he felt a strange breath outside.

"Hello! Is this Junior Brother Li Xiaoya?" As soon as Li Xiaoya opened the cave, he saw a beautiful female monk in red standing at the door, with lavender hair and skin as delicate as mutton fat and jade. Her facial features and red clothes made Li Xiaoya stunned, but he also felt keenly that this female monk was in the late Taixu period, and her strength was quite high, at least around 20 on the Heavenly Ranking, towering There was actually a sign of discipleship hanging on her chest... As soon as the female monk saw Li Xiaoya, she said confidently that she was minding her own business.

"Yes! What's the matter with you?" Li Xiaoya asked coldly.

"Uncle Qianlan asked me to come!" When the female monk heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly spoke to Li Xiaoya, but she said in her mouth: "My name is Xilan Yuru! I have admired Junior Brother Li for a long time. Daimyo, come and visit!”

"Oh! Come in!" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard the words, and said in his mouth, letting the light blue come in, and secretly thought in his heart: "Maybe you want to ask me out?" He thought so in his heart, when he saw the Xilan Yuru, closed the door As soon as you enter the gate of the cave, you will see a hall with a radius of more than ten feet, with a few seats placed, but it is very simple.

He did remember that Xilan Yuru should be at the twenty-fifth position on the Heavenly Ranking. I wonder if the ranking has changed...

"Senior Sister Xilan, please sit down!" Li Xiaoya said to Xilan Yuru. With Li Xiaoya's ranking, he could have applied for a bigger and better cave, but he might not be able to stay here for very long, and he was too lazy to move. , and there is no way to save it...

"No!" Nazhilan Yu shook her head and said, her voice paused, and she looked Li Xiaoya up and down. She was also secretly shocked: she had also heard about Li Xiaoya's name and his astonishing performance on the Heavenly Ranking these days. After defeating more than a dozen monks in the top fifty on the Earth Ranking, he immediately challenged the No. 6 monk on the Heavenly Ranking, another great victory, and then challenged the second-place Ning Mozi. Ning Mozi actually avoided the battle and gave way. She inherited the secret here. She has been in this state for nearly a thousand years. Naturally, these people have magical powers. How can she not be shocked? This Li Xiaoya, a Tauren, looks very ordinary... I thought so in my heart, but I didn't dare to underestimate Li Xiaoya, and said hurriedly: "Uncle Qianlan sent me!" After that, he patted the storage bag and took it out. A sealed mirror box came out with a talisman seal on it. He handed it to Li Xiaoya and said, "Uncle Master asked me to send this!"

"Oh!" Seeing this, Li Xiaoya hurriedly took it and replied with an oh, but he felt keenly that the look of doubt and envy that flashed in Xilan Yuru's eyes was probably not false. Divine consciousness After scanning the talisman, I didn't find any strange smell, and I felt a little relieved.

He also knows that in this secret realm of inheritance, there are already restrictions. Monks above the Qiankun stage cannot come in. Even the spiritual consciousness transmission instrument cannot fly in. At the same time, the transmission of the Taixu stage monks Talisman and other things can't get out either...

"Also! This is the musical instrument that Uncle Qinglan gave you!" Xilan Yuru took out another musical instrument and said, handing it to Li Xiaoya.

"Oh! Okay!" Li Xiaoya took it.

"Junior Brother Li, I have to leave first and come back to visit when I have time!" Xilan Yuru saw Li Xiaoya taking it and said goodbye quickly. In fact, if Qianlan hadn't warned her to leave the things immediately after giving them to Li Xiaoya, she would have really She wants to have a relationship and friendship with Li Xiaoya, who is second in the rankings, has the ability to challenge the number one, and has the trust of Uncle Qinglan, so why doesn't she want to have a relationship with Li Xiaoya? (To be continued...)

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