True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 943: Mysterious Rainbow Wood Beast

"Isn't it possible?" Others also exclaimed in surprise, especially Titan who screamed the loudest.

"How is it impossible? We didn't encounter many obstacles along the way. Someone is probably walking ahead of us!" Ning Mozi said in a deep voice with an ugly face.

"Tsk! It's true!" After everyone thought about it carefully, they encountered much fewer monsters or forbidden obstacles along the way. It is estimated that this is really the case, and they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Could it be Li Xiaoya and Yao Huo?" Jingang Zhan said in a deep voice as if he remembered something.

"No! It shouldn't be them!" Ning Mozi said with certainty. Seeing others looking at him with some confusion, they suddenly showed a look of surprise. Obviously, Ning Mozi knew much more than everyone else. Sure enough, Ning Mozi paused and explained: "The matter of the ancient ruins medicine garden is related to the development of our Tianyao clan. No Taizu would selfishly let outsiders go to that medicine garden! Don't worry, everyone! "At this point, he said again: "Now I am more worried that someone else will get there first!"

"What? Someone else got there first?" Others exclaimed after hearing this.

"Tsk! Never mind! Let's speed up!" Ning Mozi suddenly said with a sneer, and with a movement of his body, he glided straight towards the cliff and jumped down. The others quickly followed. But it concerns everyone’s interests, so naturally I have nothing to object to...

And on the other side!


"Boom!" I saw several hundreds of large, black needle-like cones that instantly pierced through a thousand-foot-long giant bear like steel brush with golden steel needles all over its body. A giant monster with a pair of golden pointed teeth...

"Ouch!!!" The monster roared and screamed, and countless black and purple blood splashed in all directions. Its huge arms, which were hundreds of feet long, grabbed wildly in all directions, clawing in the air. Countless cracks appeared, and they continued to explode.

"Get out of the way!" One of the five or six figures roared angrily. It was the demon clan and the other five people who quickly moved out of the way...

The demonic beast frantically bombarded for a while, and then "Boom!" There was a loud bang, and its entire huge body hit the ground hard. The earth shook wildly, and countless sand, stone, and dust flew into the air. They finally died. On the ground of the entire small valley, there were monsters of different sizes that looked somewhat similar to the giant bear-like monster. The corpses of the gray giant bear monsters looked like there were thousands of them...

"Huh!" I saw the holographic demon looking around. He took a long breath and said calmly: "This second level is really difficult to deal with!"

"Yes!" The other old demons also replied solemnly when they heard this. After a pause, Prince Mo Dong turned to the Fire Demon Lord with a solemn expression and asked: "Fire Demon! The Heavenly Demon Ancestor tells you that Jiutian Transformation On which level is the fairy grass?"

"It should be on the bottom floor!" The Fire Demon King hurriedly replied respectfully after hearing this, and then added in his voice: "The demon monks should have something important to do on the second floor that day, and they probably found something good. Already..."

"Well? Then what are we waiting for? Let's go over and kill those guys from the Sky Demon Clan!" The Mystery Demon Lord said in a deep voice when he heard this. The tone was full of passion, and the eyes of others also showed excitement, asking so many inheritance disciples to personally take care of the treasure. Obviously it's not a mortal thing, so naturally I have to find a way to get it...

"No!" Prince Mo Dong's face changed and he said in a deep voice. Seeing that the holographic demon king was also hesitant to speak, his face darkened and he said in a deep voice: "Our mission is to find the Nine Heavens Immortal Grass. Others Let’s just leave it alone!”

"Perhaps they are just after the Nine Heavens Immortal Grass?" The holographic demon said with some unwillingness to give up.

"Don't worry! Only a few Taizus of the Sky Demon Clan know about the Nine Heavens Transforming Immortal Grass. So many people are definitely not coming here for the Nine Heavens Transforming Immortal Grass!" The Fire Demon Lord hesitated for a moment, then answered. . Although he also wanted to intercept and kill the monks from the demon clan that day, it was crucial to successfully complete this mission...

"Okay! We don't care about the Demon Clan that day! Let's go to the third floor!" Prince Mo Dong said in a deep voice, and after a pause, he said to the Fire Demon Lord: "The Demon Lord that day will give you the third floor!" Is there an entrance to the floor?”

Among the demons, the hierarchical system is very strict. Prince Mo Dong can naturally decide everything.

"Yes! In the center of the second floor!" The Fire Demon Lord replied hurriedly. After a pause, he hurriedly said: "But it is said that the guards and monsters among them are very powerful!" After that, without being wordy, he quickly led the way.

"Yes! Let's go!" Prince Modong nodded and replied. The monks quickly rushed forward, and other monks also hurriedly followed. From the beginning to the end, the two ghost demons did not say a word. It seemed that everything started from that The appearance of the decision made by Prince Modong and others...


In a deep forest of huge and ancient trees with powerful aura!

"Whoosh!" Li Xiaoya and the one-horned tiger lion beast turned into two majestic lights, one red and one gold. They quickly shuttled on the ground in the deep forest and flew forward quickly. This second level was comparable to the first. The layer is much wider, and he has been flying non-stop for several days. He has not reached the direction of the medicine garden yet, which makes Li Xiaoya secretly surprised. However, he heard the one-horned tiger and lion beast say that the medicine garden is in the second layer. In the gap between the first floor and the third floor, the entrance should be at the edge of the second floor. It is normal to be a little far away...

Li Xiaoya was thinking like this...

"Fellow Taoist!" The one-horned tiger and lion beast suddenly turned around and said to Li Xiaoya. Seeing Li Xiaoya looking towards him, he hurriedly said: "We are about to reach the entrance to the edge of the second floor! Act according to the plan! Be careful to hide your body!" Then, an orange light flashed all over his body, and earth spiritual energy surged through his entire body, merging with the earth. Even if Li Xiaoya was so close, he couldn't reveal a breath...

"Phew!" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard the words. He felt that the spiritual energy coming from the edge was very amazing. His body also flashed with spiritual light and turned into a burst of white mist and disappeared into the air...


Li Xiaoya and the one-horned tiger and lion beast turned into a burst of white mist and slowly rushed forward. After a quarter of an hour, they escaped the search of many strange monsters. After passing through this tree full of ancient trees, they finally saw After seeing the situation in front, in the sky above the vast white mist of spiritual energy, one can vaguely see a cliff thousands of feet high blocking the front. It can't be seen to the edge or top at a glance.

As Li Xiaoya and the one-horned tiger and lion beast flew towards the cliff, they saw a huge arch wrapped with huge ancient trees and rattans on one side of the cliff. Under the cliff, it was very impressive. I could clearly see the side of the cliff. Directly in front of me was a looming gray light curtain. From time to time, circles of sparkling white light vortexes emerged from it. If I looked closely, I saw that there were countless mysterious white light runes. It's spinning, but it's just too far apart and can't be seen clearly.

In front of this huge arch, there is an open space that is extremely flat, and in the middle of the open space, there is a sprouting plant that is only a few feet tall and has only two huge green leaves. It looks like It's quite cute.


And this time!

"Stop! Fellow Taoist!" The one-horned tiger and lion beast that was somewhere suddenly called out to Li Xiaoya.

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya stopped in a hurry and said back to the one-horned tiger and lion beast.

"I'm so happy, fellow Taoist!" I heard the one-horned tiger and lion beast shouting to Li Xiaoya with an overjoyed look. After a pause, he continued to say to Li Xiaoya: "Did you see the plants sprouting in the open space? That's the guardian. ! The Xuanming Rainbow Wood Beast! The ban on the medicine garden is still there. This medicine garden must be good. This time we are prosperous... we will act according to the plan!"

"Okay!" Li Xiaoya was secretly happy when he heard this, and hurriedly replied. After saying that, Li Xiaoya's hidden figure carefully and silently touched the open space on the ground.

As Li Xiaoya got closer, he slowly felt the breath of sprouting plants exposed by the Xuanming Hongmu Beast. Ruoyouruowu seemed to be an ordinary plant, but Li Xiaoya's consciousness felt the green sprouting plant. The aura of life contained in plants is astonishing, as if they are some extremely precious treasure of genius!

"If it hadn't been for the reminder from the one-horned tiger and lion beast, I might have regarded that thing as some kind of genius treasure!" Li Xiaoya's consciousness was fully activated, shielding the breath of his whole body, and he slowly revealed his body towards the Xuanming Rainbow Wood Beast. He slowly touched the sprouting tree on the ground, maintaining a very high vigilance.


When Li Xiaoya had already touched the 100-foot range of the sprouting sapling exposed by the Xuanming Hongmu Beast.


"Huh?" Li Xiaoya suddenly felt an almost insensible vibration coming from the ground. His heart moved. Li Xiaoya's figure instantly appeared in the air. An astonishing golden light appeared on his hand. A layer of astonishing white light covered his arms, making it impossible to leak any spiritual energy.

"Go!" Li Xiaoya stepped heavily towards the sprouting sapling exposed by the Xuanming Rainbow Wood Beast, and shouted. At the same time, Li Xiaoya's entire figure also stepped heavily on the ground. The ground continued to crack and explode, and his entire figure moved towards The rear jumped away.

"Whoosh!" With an extremely sharp sound, a golden sword light that was dozens of feet in size suddenly burst out and shot towards the sprouting tree.

And at this moment!

"Boom!!" There was a heaven-shaking explosion, and the earth shook violently. A huge arm composed of dark green rattan instantly burst out of the ground where Li Xiaoya was, and grabbed Li Xiaoya fiercely. It's over... (To be continued...)

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