True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 955 Great Immortal Hao Cang?

"Huh? Unicorn Daoist?" Li Xiaoya's heart skipped a beat and he exclaimed. His consciousness hurriedly protected his whole body and scanned in all directions, but he found nothing. The unicorn tiger-lion beast was just beside him, how could it disappear in an instant? Li Xiaoya was shocked. It disappeared silently like this. Even though Li Xiaoya was brave enough and had a high level of cultivation, he didn't feel it at all and it completely disappeared into the air. How could Li Xiaoya not be surprised and worried? This was too weird...

"Tsk! Unicorn Daoist?" Li Xiaoya shouted again. It was empty everywhere. The only answer he got was the echo of the air. It seemed that the unicorn tiger-lion beast was not here at all. Li Xiaoya hesitated a little and suddenly said, "Tsk! I'd better go back to the passage on the second floor first..." He said so and looked towards the entrance to the second floor...

It didn't matter if he saw it, but something even more shocking happened.

"Then... where is the entrance?" Li Xiaoya looked back and saw that the entrance to the huge metal passage that was only a few dozen feet away from him was gone. Li Xiaoya couldn't help but exclaimed with a change of expression. He remembered clearly that he and the unicorn tiger-lion beast had stopped at the entrance of the passage as soon as they came out of the passage on the second floor. They had not moved at all. Not only did the unicorn tiger-lion beast disappear silently, but even the entrance to the second floor was gone. Even though Li Xiaoya had been cultivating for a long time and encountered many strange things, he had never encountered such a situation. How could Li Xiaoya not be shocked?

"Tsk..." Although Li Xiaoya was shocked, he remained calm and composed. Naturally, he was not panicked, nor was he in a hurry to move. He was thinking on the spot...


"Go!" Li Xiaoya's expression moved, and the golden light suddenly shot out of his body, and he shouted in a deep voice. With a continuous tap of his fingers, countless golden sword blades shot out in all directions. The sound of breaking through the air like a violent storm rose wildly, and the whole sky was pierced with amazing air waves. Soon, circles of golden light circles were stirred up in the sky, piercing the extremely thick white mist into amazing waves, and swept out strong winds in all directions, as if trying to blow away the white mist...


Although the white mist was blown out into a space of hundreds of feet, it was still white mist when looking around, and the scene in the distance could not be seen at all, which naturally made Li Xiaoya depressed. But it was not surprising to Li Xiaoya, who had already seen that there was something wrong with the white fog. He was just testing it...

"It seems that I am either trapped in a maze or I have entered some kind of restriction..." Li Xiaoya murmured helplessly. After that, he was not in a hurry to move. You know, if you are trapped in a maze of formations. The most taboo thing is to rush around without knowing it. First, it is easy to fall into a more powerful maze or the depths of a restriction, and you may encounter greater danger. It will be even more difficult to get out. Second, if you rush around, it may cause the formation to be affected... Li Xiaoya has Li Mu, a master of formations. Although the way of formations is not very good, she knows a lot. Naturally, it is better not to rush around. Instead, he stagnates in the air and observes vigilantly. He can trap himself silently without leaking any breath. Obviously, this formation or restriction is too mysterious, no wonder the unicorn tiger-lion beast dared not come...


Just as Li Xiaoya was thinking and observing...

"Daoyou!" The unicorn tiger-lion beast now had a confused face, looking around and shouting loudly. His situation was naturally similar to Li Xiaoya. In a blink of an eye, he could not see Li Xiaoya's existence. He was also a little nervous. Others did not know the true cultivator of Hao Cang Daxian, but he knew it clearly. Naturally, he understood that the forbidden area of ​​Hao Cang Daxian was not something that he could break into with his cultivation level. He felt a little regretful in his heart.


Although he was a demon beast and did not understand the formation, he was also an ancient demon beast that had lived for tens of thousands of years. He had extraordinary knowledge and did not break in. He looked around vigilantly on the spot. The huge eyes on the lion-tiger head rolled around, and it was obvious that he was also thinking of a way...

Just as the unicorn tiger-lion beast was thinking!


"Swish, swish, swish!" A white mist surged wildly in front of the unicorn tiger-lion beast, which shocked the beast and it exclaimed, "Who?" The whole body was emitting golden orange light, which wrapped around the whole body, staring at the surging white mist in front of it.

"Hoo, hoo!" The white mist quickly gathered and formed a white mist figure. The eyes opened, a golden light flashed, and a cold snort was uttered, and a deep voice said, "Hmph! Unicorn! Do you know your crime?"

"You...!" The unicorn tiger-lion beast heard the sound of the white mist figure, and its two heads were like electric shocks. The whole eyes were wide open, and the hair on the body suddenly stood up. It seemed to be frightened. It stammered, "! Master! Are you still alive?" The unicorn tiger-lion beast changed the words quickly, and exclaimed with a look of surprise and joy.

"Hmph! I see you wish I were dead, right?" The figure in the white mist snorted coldly and shouted in a deep voice.

"I don't dare! I don't dare!" the one-horned tiger and lion beast shouted in succession, with its two heads filled with fear, Great Immortal Haocang? Could it be that this figure in the white mist is the Great Immortal Haocang? Isn't he dead? Why did it appear again? The one-horned tigon was also confused about this matter, and he was a little unsure about paying attention... Naturally, he didn't care about offending the one-horned tigon.

"Don't you dare? Aren't you the one who brought those foreign monks back?" The figure in the white mist shouted in a deep voice, looking very angry.

"No... no! Those monks were not let in by their subordinates!!" The one-horned tiger and lion beast yelled and said unfairly, and quickly explained: "Master! Since you disappeared, there have been visitors from outside every once in a while. The monks and monsters came in, not the subordinates who let them in...!"

"Hmph! Even so!" Before the one-horned tiger and lion beast finished speaking, the white mist figure snorted and shouted angrily, interrupting the one-horned tiger and lion beast's words, and his voice sounded very angry. He shouted: "Even so, why don't you keep a close eye on that door and get mixed up with that foreign monk?"

"This...!" The one-horned tiger and lion beast choked when he heard the words, and was a little speechless. To put it bluntly, he was a watchdog of the Great Immortal Haocang. It was a big crime to have stranger monks get involved together... However, the one-horned tiger and lion beast was also muttering in its heart: It's strange. Although this guy's tone is that of the Great Immortal Haocang, why can't he feel the strangeness in that guy? My blood ban, is it possible that this guy is fake? But how come these voices are so similar? However, if it is really the Great Immortal Haocang... The one-horned tigon suddenly remembered something, and it calmed down a little and hurriedly explained: "Hey! Master! Didn't you use that bundle of divine gold chains to lock me up? That monk has a This treasure has cut off the bundle of divine gold chains, and I can't defeat him, so I can only obey his orders and hope that the master will forgive me!" After that, the one-horned tiger lion beast bowed his hands in a hypocritical manner...

The one-horned tiger lion beast suddenly understood in his heart that if it were really the Great Immortal Haocang, he would have slapped him to death without saying a word. Then he would talk nonsense to him like this, but he couldn't be sure. He couldn't say for sure. Immortal Haocang has lost his magic power, or something happened, or he may even be distracted or something... Naturally, there is no need to be too afraid...

"Cut off the golden chain that binds the gods?" After hearing this, the white mist figure exclaimed in shock. He was obviously very shocked. He was silent for a moment, and suddenly murmured: "It's impossible. Could it be a treasure from the sky?" He suddenly glared at the one-horned tiger lion beast and said, "Go! Go kill that monk and bring me his treasure!" He commanded the one-horned tigon with an arrogant look, as if it was a matter of course...

"Uh...!" The face of the one-horned tiger and lion beast changed when he heard this. He was actually 90% sure that the damn white mist figure should be the Great Immortal Haocang. He was a little hesitant in his heart, but he was even more certain. Although this figure in the white mist is the Great Immortal Haocang, he should have lost his magic power or be unable to use it. Otherwise, using the method of the Great Immortal Haocang, he could have captured Li Xiaoya through a time and space transformation, so he would still have to take action. ...However, it would be difficult to deal with the fact that Immortal Haocang is actually still alive. He has not forgotten that he and Li Xiaoya have just destroyed the elixirs in Immortal Haocang's medicine garden. If Immortal Haocang knew If this is the case, I'm afraid...

A series of ideas flashed through the One-Horned Tigon's mind like lightning, and he hurriedly said: "Uh! Master! I was forced to perform a soul contract by that monk. If I do anything with him, I'm afraid my life will be in danger... The voice paused, and then he said hurriedly: "My life is a small thing, but not being able to complete the master's mission is a big deal!" Seeing that the white mist figure stopped talking, the one-horned tiger and lion beast asked again: "Master! How about that?" , you help me unlock the soul contract, and I’ll go again?”

This one-horned tiger-lion beast is cunning and does not refuse. It pushes all towards Li Xiaoya. Secondly, it is also a test. Seeing the possible appearance of the white mist figure, I feel more and more sure. I think so in my heart, there is an undetectable flash of research and development. The cold glow... (To be continued...)

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