True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1077 Entrance to the Sixth Floor

"Take it!" Yao Zixiu fell to the ground, holding a storage bag with his fingers. He muttered words with his fingers, and pointed at the body as big as the mountain of the one-eyed giant bull beast. The body was transformed into A spiritual light shrank rapidly and flew into the storage bag in Yao Zixiu's hand...

"That's right!" Lin Qilu looked at all this, as if he was remembering something, and hurriedly said to Yao Zixiu: "Brother Yao, who was that human monk just now? Did I hear the monster in the ground call him Li Xiaoya? Is it Li Xiaoya from the demon clan?"

"Tsk! Well..." After hearing this, Yao Zixiu's expression changed and he murmured: "Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case, but this is the Taixu period, and the stick-shaped magic weapon he used should be him. "Okay, but does this look like a human being?" The voice paused and said firmly: "And although the appearance is different, the aura is very familiar..."

"I think so, but is this Li Xiaoya really a monk in the Taixu stage? Isn't this too powerful?" Lin Qilu said hesitantly, and after a pause, he suddenly sighed and said: "It's a pity. , Situ Xiuya and Gongyang Yuhua are two elders..." Although he said this, a hint of excitement flashed in Lin Qilu's eyes...

"Hmph! I think that boy probably followed us all the way here. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?" Yao Zixiu said with a cold snort, as if he remembered something.

"Tsk! I thought so too. He was probably the one who got in ahead of us!" Lin Qilu also seemed to think of something when he heard this, and hurriedly said that although everyone had discussed it back then, it seemed that someone had touched the entrance to the Lingxiao Secret Realm. , but I didn’t speculate on Li Xiaoya. Now that I saw Li Xiaoya appear in the secret realm of Lingxiao, why don’t I think about Li Xiaoya...

"Damn it, I guess I've been watching the show for a long time, and I guess I deliberately waited for the two elders to die!" Yao Zixiu was furious when he heard this. He cursed angrily: "Otherwise, that monster wouldn't be Li Xiaoya!"

"Then what should we do now? Senior Brother Yao! I guess that two-headed purple phoenix beast can't beat that kid!" Lin Qilu frowned and said, "Should we wait for that kid?"

"No!" After hearing this, Yao Zixiu shouted categorically and coldly. He paused and said hurriedly: "Based on the current situation of the two of us. Coupled with the magical power displayed by Li Xiaoya, I estimate that the two of us may still be able to survive." He is no match for this kid. Who is this kid? He is so powerful... Let’s go to the sixth floor!”

"Sixth floor!?" Lin Qilu was stunned when he heard this and said in shock.

"Let's go!" Yao Zixiu said in a deep voice without explaining, and flew into the sky. It flew in one direction, and Lin Qilu hurriedly followed suit...

in the sky……

"Li Xiaoya and these monsters are concentrated on this floor. Obviously, even if they know the entrance to the sixth floor, they don't know the method and key to open it. We rush in first and then close the entrance. Li Xiaoya can't find us even if he wants to. Way!" Yao Zixiu explained to Lin Qilu...

"Haha! Wonderful!" After hearing this, Lin Qilu suddenly realized and exclaimed excitedly...

A quarter of an hour later!

"That's weird! Where did these two guys go?" Li Xiaoya sat on the back of the two-headed purple phoenix beast. Appearing on this land, looking at the traces of battle and blood stains on the ground, he frowned and murmured...

"Could he be chasing the one-eyed demon baby?" The two-headed purple phoenix beast heard this. He hurriedly spoke.

"It's possible!" Li Xiaoya said lightly after hearing this, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong. He felt vaguely uneasy and said with a solemn expression: "But why do I feel that something is wrong..."

"Hey! What could be wrong? Could it be that these two guys were also afraid of their master and escaped on their own? How about we chase them down?" The two-headed purple phoenix beast said with some gloating after hearing this, although he was already He was accepted as a slave by Li Xiaoya, but naturally he would not forget the great hatred of being chased by the demon monks that day!

"That's right! That's it!" When Li Xiaoya heard this, an idea flashed in his mind, and he exclaimed with a sudden realization...

"Ah? Is this really true? They have already escaped?" The two-headed purple phoenix beast was stunned when he heard this and said, he was just making a random guess...

"No! They are not escaping!" Li Xiaoya said categorically after hearing this: "They are indeed afraid of confronting me. Therefore, they should be the first to go to the sixth floor!"

"The sixth floor?" After hearing this, the two-headed purple phoenix beast was stunned and exclaimed: "How can they go to the sixth floor? It's very difficult to get there!"

"Stop asking so many questions, go to the entrance of the sixth floor!" Li Xiaoya urged after hearing this: "Take the shortest way!"

"Okay!" The two-headed purple phoenix beast naturally did not dare to disobey Li Xiaoya's order, and its whole body suddenly burst into red light. A pair of huge wings flapped continuously, speeding up and flying away in one direction, and asked fiercely: "Master! How do you know they have gone to the sixth floor? Do they have a way to open the entrance to the sixth floor?"

"That's right! And they are indeed afraid of meeting me. They must be planning to go to the sixth floor first, and then close the restriction so that we can't go to the sixth floor!" Li Xiaoya explained with a solemn face: "I think the sixth floor The sixth floor can’t be opened with violence, right?”

"Yes! The entrance to the sixth floor has a very powerful restriction and a big door! In the past, even the monsters on the fifth floor could not break it open!" The two-headed purple phoenix beast explained while flying away quickly. Having said that, the two-headed purple phoenix beast was not stupid, but it also woke up. The whole body suddenly burst into red and purple light, and flew in that direction...

"Tsk!" Li Xiaoya was a little anxious. Suddenly he remembered something. Suddenly, a light flashed in his hand, and a hexagonal mirror appeared in his hand. Look at the model It was the mirror treasure used by King Kaiersha...

This thing was naturally found in the body of King Kaiersha. What surprised Li Xiaoya was that this thing was just an ancient treasure. It seemed to have been specially restricted. It was connected to the entire fifth floor and could illuminate every corner of the fifth floor...

"Start! Demon Clan!" Li Xiaoya was muttering to himself. A wonderful formula kept coming out of his mouth. The mirror treasure in his hand flashed with a spiritual light. The mirror treasure was A flash of spiritual light flashed, and there were amazing ripples on the surface of the mirror, and a series of images slowly appeared on it...

I saw a flash of light in the mirror, showing that Yao Zixiu and Lin Qilu were flying quickly in one direction while talking...

"They really have killed the one-eyed giant bull beast!" Seeing this scene, Li Xiaoya murmured, and suddenly said to the two-headed purple phoenix beast in a deep voice: "Speed ​​up, A Zi!"

"Yes! Master!" With the answer of the two-headed purple phoenix beast, it rushed forward at an astonishing speed. , and flew away...

"That's right!" Li Xiaoya suddenly remembered something, and a flash of light flashed in his hand. He took out a shining talisman, muttered something, and a string of characters flew into the talisman. He raised his hand and shouted, "Go!"

"Swish!" The talisman flashed red and turned into a ray of light that rushed into the sky...


In a huge forest on the third floor, the forest was full of towering ancient trees, hundreds of feet tall, and it seemed that more than a dozen cultivators could hardly surround them...

And on the crown of a big tree!

The second and the Snow Eagle King were stagnant on it. The entire third floor was shaking constantly. It was obvious that the next battle had affected the third floor. Seeing the fierce battle...

And at this time!

"Huh?" The second looked anxious, and saw that the shaking of the entire earth had stopped. The second and the Snow Eagle King exclaimed in surprise!

"Stop the vibration! Did they stop fighting?" The two looked at each other, and the second one was surprised.

"It should be!" Snow Eagle King nodded, but he didn't seem very sure. Snow Eagle King took the second one to the third floor to hide in no time. They were waiting here for Li Xiaoya...

"Hey! I don't know how Brother Li is doing!" The second one muttered to himself, and suddenly said to the Snow Eagle King: "Senior Eagle! Let's go back to the fifth floor to see how it goes?"

"No!" Snow Eagle King shook his head and said: "We can't help much if we go back with our cultivation level, so we'd better wait here!" He naturally didn't want to go back. He knew the magical powers of the Qiankun period monster cultivator very well, and he could resist them. But from the bottom of his heart, he hoped that Li Xiaoya could win, otherwise, if those monsters such as King Kaiershadi looked for trouble with him later, it would be difficult to deal with...

"Tsk! Then can't we wait here?" The second one said depressedly with a smack of his mouth.

"Don't worry! I think Brother Li should be fine!" Hearing this, Snow Eagle King comforted the second one and said, "We just need to wait here! Brother Li will definitely come to us after he finishes his work..."

"Okay!" The second one hesitated for a moment, but still answered. Indeed, he couldn't help much with his cultivation level...


"Swoosh!" A ray of spiritual light flashed in the sky and shot towards the direction of the second one and the Snow Eagle King...

"Huh?" Both of them seemed to sense something, and looked in that direction, showing surprise, and shouted: "Is it coming?"

Sure enough, the spiritual talisman arrived in front of the two in an instant!

"Go!" The second one pointed at the talisman with a red light flashing on his finger.

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