True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1097 On the Ascension Stage

"Oh! This treasure is called the Ten Thousand Words Bell! It is used exclusively by us guides! In this world, there are many languages ​​in the lower worlds of the Great Star Realm and the Small Star Realm. This Ten Thousand Words Bell has collected a large number of languages ​​in the Small Star Realm! It can be converted naturally!" The Huaxia human cultivator explained.

"So that's how it is. It's really amazing! May I ask, fellow Taoist, what are these so-called small and large star realms?" Dong Santong and Liu Xian'er looked at each other after hearing this. Dong Santong sighed and asked the Huaxia human cultivator.

"We will send you the scrolls of ascended cultivators about these basic information about the star realms in a while. You will understand after reading them!" The Huaxia human cultivator continued.

"Okay! Stop talking endlessly. You will naturally know a lot of things after staying in the Thirty-Three Star Realm for a long time!" At this time, the black cultivator saw that the two sides were talking endlessly, and interrupted and said, "There may be other cultivators who want to ascend in a while, so don't occupy this ascension platform. Come with me!" After that, he flew towards the flying boat on his own. Another blue-skinned cultivator who had been silent also hurriedly followed, and seemed to have no good feelings towards Li Xiaoya and others...

"Okay! Come with us!" The Huaxia human cultivator smiled and said hurriedly.

"Okay!" Dong Santong and Liu Xian'er hurriedly replied. Suddenly, as if remembering something, Liu Xian'er hurriedly asked the Huaxia human cultivator: "Excuse me, if you guide the cultivators, do they have to go through this ascension platform?"

With the intelligence of Liu Xian'er and Dong Santong, they had already guessed the function of this ascension platform...

"Yes! This ascension platform is a guiding formation that our human race has used a lot of resources to build to connect the ascension channels of various small star realms. Basically, all the cultivators who have successfully ascended have ascended on this ascension platform!" The Huaxia human cultivator hurriedly answered.

"Oh! So that's it!" Hearing this, the two said as if it was just what they thought. Liu Xian'er whispered to Dong Santong, "Brother Dong, ask about Xiaoya's situation?" Liu Xian'er was only at the Great Perfection of the Divine Stage. Naturally, her status was not as good as Dong Santong, who was at the Middle Stage of the Void Stage. After all, whether in the upper realm or the human realm, cultivators still followed the principle of cultivation and strength first...

"Okay!" Without Liu Xian'er asking, Dong Santong was also very eager to know about Li Xiaoya's situation. He answered hurriedly, his face straightened, and hurriedly asked the Huaxia human cultivator, "By the way! Fellow Daoist, if all ascending cultivators have to pass through this ascending platform, I wonder if you have seen an ascending cultivator named Li Xiaoya?" His voice paused. He added to the Huaxia cultivator: "Oh! That's right! He looks like us... but not like the two Daoists..."

"What's different?" The Huaxia cultivator asked in confusion, paused, thought for a while, and said hurriedly: "I don't have any impression of the cultivator named Li Xiaoya you mentioned. After all, I have only been here as a guide for more than a thousand years..."

"More than a thousand years? That cultivator named Li Xiaoya only ascended about two hundred years ago!" Dong Santong explained in surprise, paused, pointed at the two guides in front and said hurriedly: "I mean our basic appearance is the same!" His skin is similar to that of the Huaxia cultivator, but one of the two guides has blue skin. One was black-skinned, and the Huaxia cultivator was obviously much better to him. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell the trick. It was clearly because of the racial difference. However, Dong Santong didn't know what their races were, and it was difficult to say it directly, so it was difficult to describe it, and he was a little hesitant...

"Oh! So that's it!" The Huaxia cultivator seemed to understand after hearing this, and explained: "Look at your appearance. You should be cultivators of the Huaxia race like me, so I will be the one to guide you..." As they spoke, everyone flew to the flying boat, but Liu Xian'er and Dong Santong were listening to the explanation of the Huaxia cultivator, and they were also thinking about the news of Li Xiaoya. The two were not bumpkins, so they naturally didn't care about this flying boat...

This flying boat was far better than the giant flying boat that Dong Santong and Liu Xian'er had in the human world. I'm afraid that only the treasure ship in the human world could compare with this giant flying boat, but this treasure ship looked more ancient. This flying boat feels brand new and gorgeous...

"...But! I don't remember the Li Xiaoya you mentioned! There shouldn't be such a person!" The Huaxia cultivator casually introduced the difference between the Huaxia and the two guides. He remembered Dong Santong's question. As a Taixu cultivator, he naturally remembered everything he saw. As long as the cultivators who had been guided by him, he should remember them. However, he really didn't have any information about a cultivator named Li Xiaoya in his mind. He paused and saw the disappointed look of Liu Xian'er and Dong Santong: "Haha! After all, there are too many ascended cultivators in the small star realm. I didn't ask many of their names. It's been more than two hundred years. I can't say for sure if I don't remember them!"

"So that's it!" Hearing this, Dong Santong and Liu Xian'er said in a disappointed tone. The two had communicated with the Huaxia cultivator for so long, and the Huaxia cultivator didn't ask their names. Dong Santong continued to ask: "Daoyou, think about it carefully?"

"Oh! Maybe you can describe their appearance and characteristics to me. If they are special, I should remember them!" The Chinese monk thought for a moment, shook his head to show that he still didn't remember it, and continued hurriedly: "For example, someone like you who ascended from the Taixu stage is very special!"

"Huh? A person who ascended to the Taixu stage?" Dong Santong was delighted when he heard this, and said hurriedly: "That's right! My senior brother is very good-looking, and he is also a monk who has cultivated in the Taixu stage, and is also in the middle stage of Taixu!" Li Xiaoya is a Taixu master! The two of them naturally knew that Zhang Hong had been promoted in the middle stage of Xu...

"Is he also a Taixu stage monk?" The Chinese monk didn't seem to be in a hurry. He chatted with Dong Santong and Zhang Hong on the deck. However, the other two Taixu stage monks didn't want to talk to them and walked into the cabin. Knowing what he was doing, after hearing Dong Santong's words, the Chinese monk was surprised and said: "Your small star realm in the human world is too powerful. There are actually monks in the Taixu stage. Generally, monks ascend after completing the Great Consummation stage. Well, aren’t you afraid of rejecting the heavenly calamity?”

"Haha! It's just a coincidence for me!" Dong Santong laughed when he heard this, and continued after a pause in his voice: "That Taoist friend has seen a very handsome man from the middle stage of Taixu..." Dong Santong was painted by Bibi. He quickly described some of Li Xiaoya's basic external characteristics to the Chinese monk, and Liu Xian'er on the side also helped to add some...

"Yes!" The Chinese monk began to think deeply after hearing this, and murmured: "This ascended male monk is also a male monk in the Taixu stage, within the range of two hundred years..." The Chinese monk murmured to himself As he said this, he really wanted to help. He was thinking carefully. Liu Xianer and Dong Santong did not bother the Chinese monk. They pondered for a while and then said, "Hey! I can be sure there is no such person..."

"No?" After hearing this, Liu Xian'er said anxiously and in surprise, her voice paused, and she quickly continued: "Fellow Taoist... No! Senior! If you think about it carefully, he must have ascended within two hundred years! "When Liu Xian'er heard that her lover had not ascended, she almost forgot to address the monk respectfully...

"I'm very sure!" The Chinese monk didn't care about this after hearing this. After all, Liu Xian'er and Dong Santong seemed to be very anxious about this, which must be very important. He also replied in the affirmative, and after a pause, he added: "In the past two hundred years, although there have been ascended monks in the Taixu stage, there are only two monks in the middle stage of Taixu. One of them is from the black race and the other is from the Hongyan human race. There are no monks from the middle stage of the Taixu stage from our Chinese race. …”

"Tsk! It's impossible..." After hearing this, Liu Xianer's face turned pale and she murmured bitterly.

"Hey! Junior Sister Liu! Calm down!" Seeing Liu Xian'er's sad look, Dong Santong tried to persuade him. He was also anxious, but it wasn't like that. After thinking about it for a while, judging from the words of the Chinese monk, this Chinese Naturally, the human monk had no intention of deceiving the two of them. With his cultivation in the Taixu stage, he would not remember things wrongly. So, Dong Santong thought so in his heart, and hurriedly continued to ask: "Dare you ask my friend! This is How many ascending platforms are there in this upper realm?"

"Oh! This Ascension Platform! There are quite a few in the Thirty-Three Stars Realm!" The Chinese monk heard this and replied hurriedly. Liu Xianer's face softened slightly, but the Chinese monk continued: "However, generally speaking, if the same small star realm ascends, it should appear on the same ascension platform!"

"That's it!" After hearing this, Liu Xian'er's face turned gloomy and she murmured, her voice trembling a little, obviously she was trying her best to hold her nerves down.

"Is that true?" Dong Santong's face changed a little when he heard this. He looked at the Chinese monk with a surprised expression. He suddenly thought of something and asked hurriedly: "Fellow Taoist, have you seen an eyebrow... and a bald head... …They are all Chinese people…”

Dong Santong then described the appearance of the Qianshan people and the Xuanmen Buddha to the Chinese monks. Naturally, he hoped that Master Shi and the Qianshan people would be fine...

"Oh! What do these two Chinese monks say?" The Chinese monk heard the words and said oh, thought for a while, and hurriedly replied: "I have seen these two monks, and they have all successfully ascended. They have ascended from this One came out more than a hundred years ago, and the other one came out within a hundred years, right?”

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