True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1132 Heavenly Fire Furnace

"This fellow Taoist!" The huge giant monk greeted Li Xiaoya politely and said, "Are you here to use the Heavenly Fire Furnace?"

"Yes! Yes!" Li Xiaoya knew why he was so polite when he heard this. It was just because Li Xiaoya was in the middle stage of Qiankun, and the giant monk only had the cultivation level in the early stage of Qiankun, so he was naturally a little polite to Li Xiaoya.

"Oh! I'm the elder in charge here! Fellow Taoist is a monk in the Qiankun stage, so you don't have to queue up to get your number! You will be next!" I saw the giant monk saying to Li Xiaoya.

"Oh! It turns out that fellow Taoist is the elder in charge here! Disrespectful, disrespectful!" Li Xiaoya was stunned after hearing this, and saluted the giant monk.

"You're welcome! By the way! Fellow Taoist!" The giant monk said in a very kind manner. After saying that, he actually sent a message to Li Xiaoya and said: "I think fellow Taoist is relatively unfamiliar, and he should not be the Qiankun in our area. Are you a monk?"

"Haha! Fellow Taoist, you have good eyesight!" Li Xiaoya did not deny what he said, and sent a message to the giant monk and replied: "This is indeed my first time here. I heard that this is the Heavenly Fire Furnace, so I came to take a look. And there are some unnecessary treasures that would be a pity to lose, so try melting them!”

"Oh! That's it!" The giant monk was stunned when he heard the words, nodded, and suddenly said enthusiastically to Li Xiaoya: "Since this is your first time here, I will introduce to you the Heavenly Fire of our Zi Xing Sect. How about the furnace?”

"Well! Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist!" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he heard this, but he didn't know why this giant monk was so enthusiastic. But he didn't pay much attention to it, Chuanyin replied.

"This is the Heavenly Fire Furnace! In fact, there are only three of them in the entire Thirty-Three Star Realm!" The giant monk proudly sent a message to Li Xiaoya and said: "Three of them are in the Dongxia Continent of our human race, that is to say, apart from us Race, other races don’t have such a thing as the Skyfire Furnace!”

"Ah! Is there such a thing?" Li Xiaoya was a little surprised when he heard this, and asked via voice transmission: "Isn't it true that only we humans can smelt those unnecessary treasures and magic weapons?"

"No! Fellow Taoist, you are wrong!" The giant monk shook his head and said to Li Xiaoya: "Do you know why only our human race has this Heavenly Fire Furnace? That was the result of the great rise of our human race and the battle between the demons and demons. When the clans were fighting for the Thirty-Three Stars Realm, they used a huge meteorite from the sky as raw material and gathered the power of three human true immortals to refine it. It was a furnace specially used to smelt the demonic energy and dissolve the demonic energy! "

"Huh? So this Skyfire Furnace can only be used to smelt magic weapons and treasures?" Li Xiaoya was stunned and said in surprise after hearing this.

"That's not the case. In addition to smelting magic weapons and magic treasures, it can also smelt treasure fragments and treasures that have lost their spirituality!" The giant monk explained the sound transmission to Li Xiaoya and said: "Of course, it is only limited to metal treasures. , if what you take out is a refined treasure such as the Ten Thousand Years Iron Spirit Wood, or a treasure such as the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Ice, don’t worry about it. If you put it in, it will directly turn into nothingness, so don’t even think about taking it out. "

"Oh! That's it! Thank you fellow Taoist!" Li Xiaoya said politely after hearing this, but he didn't care. Originally, he was still wondering why someone would take the intact treasure and use it to smelt. It turns out that this so-called Skyfire Furnace is specially used to refine remnant treasures or demon treasures and magic weapons, which is very thoughtful. If you get some irreparable damaged treasures in some ancient place, it would be a pity to lose these damaged treasures, but the power generally cannot exert its full power, and it is also useless, used to refine materials, that is It couldn't be better, some of the remnant treasures are still made of very good materials, and the magic treasures and magic weapons are even simpler, these things. If it spreads and is obtained by some demon-cultivating monks, it will be even more harmful. If it is even taken back by the demon monks, wouldn't it increase the strength of the demon clan in vain?

Therefore, this Skyfire Furnace may still be a product of the Great Star Realm War... It is a good strategic method to obtain the demon treasures to refine materials and then enhance one's own strength...

"Yes! It's good if fellow Taoist understands!" The giant monk didn't mean to stop talking, and continued to send messages to Li Xiaoya: "Haha! I wonder what kind of treasure you want to smelt? Haha. I won't hide it from fellow Taoist. He said, I have been here for a long time and have little opportunity to go out to hunt for treasures, and the skills I practice are somewhat demonic. If you have any magic weapons, you might as well consider giving them to me! "

"Is this so?" Li Xiaoya was secretly angry when he heard this, and instantly understood what this giant monk meant. It was clear that this giant monk's aura was not a magic skill he practiced, but he made an excuse to practice magic skills by himself and wanted to join Li Xiaoya in the practice. The transformed magic weapons and magic treasures are obviously intended to be resold. You must know that auctions of magic treasures and magic weapons are not allowed in public markets on the territory of the human race and the territory of the demon race. .

But this does not mean that there are no monks to auction and sell. Naturally, there are underground auctions or monks privately trade magic weapons and magic treasures. And some monks may be hindered by some feelings and the hatred of the human race towards the demons. He is unwilling to take these magic weapons and magic treasures to be auctioned, and this giant monk is just doing his job of guarding the Skyfire Furnace, collecting some of the monks' magic weapons and magic treasures, and then going out to make huge profits... No wonder this damn guy is so polite to him. As for enthusiasm, it turned out that this was what he had in mind when he made this idea. Li Xiaoya cursed secretly in his heart, but his face was as usual and he didn't show it, but he didn't speak...

"Haha! Fellow Taoist, don't worry. As long as what you bring out is good enough! I will definitely not let you suffer!" Seeing the hesitation of Li Xiaoya's silence, the giant monk hurriedly opened his mouth and continued to transmit the message. Temptation said, his voice paused, and seeing Li Xiaoya still hesitating, he continued to transmit the message to Li Xiaoya and said: "Fellow Taoist! You have to know that this Skyfire Furnace has a success rate in smelting magic weapons and magic treasures. Sometimes the materials that come out are very... It’s rare! Fellow Taoist, please think about it!”

"I dare you to say that the smelting failed!" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he heard this, and he secretly thought in his heart, but he sent a message to the giant monk and said: "Hey! I accept the kindness of fellow Taoist! However, I I just came here to take a look first, and I didn’t bring any magic weapon with me. I’ll give it a try next time!”

"That's it! What a pity!" The giant monk was disappointed when he heard this. He didn't have any doubts in his heart. Every time he talked to these strange monks like this in the past, as long as he had the magic weapon and calligraphy treasure, he could basically do it. He got it in exchange for a relatively low price. There are also monks who want to come over and have a look, but they are here to see the situation. There are also some who will come over next time. Some monks have reached an agreement with him. If they have any magic treasures or magic weapons, they can go there. He gave it away directly here, which is a good deal... thinking so in his heart, he hurriedly continued to convey the message pointedly to Li Xiaoya: "Then next time, fellow Taoist, if you need anything, just ask me. I have always been the elder in charge here!"

"Yes! There is a chance!" Li Xiaoya replied ambiguously, but he had already made up his mind. When he returned to Zi Xing Sect, he would tell Ziguang Daozu about this so that he could get rid of this human race worm...

"Then it depends on fellow Taoist." Naturally, the giant monk didn't know that he had provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked, and he said to Li Xiaoya in a serious manner. After a pause, he was chatting with Li Xiaoya about home affairs. Come: "By the way! Fellow Taoist, which district are you a monk in? Which sect do you belong to?"

"Oh! I am..." Would Li Xiaoya tell the truth to such a monk? I just made it up and said...

The giant monk didn't think much about it. After all, the Dongxia Continent is too big. The giant monk stayed here all the year round. Naturally, he couldn't tell the truth from the false. He chatted with Li Xiaoya in a serious manner...

Not long after Li Xiaoya chatted with the giant monk, a monk from the Taixu stage came and approached the giant monk mysteriously. The giant monk said goodbye to Li Xiaoya and took the Taixu stage monk with him. Somewhere else...

It is obviously the object of some long-term transaction mentioned by the giant monk...

And this time!

In the cave of Ziguang Daozu on the seventh floor of Ziyun Pavilion!

"This damn moth!!" I saw the Ziguang Daozu getting up in anger and scolding angrily.

"Hey! Ziguang boy! You really don't know this?" In front of Ziguang Daozu was a figure with sparkling lights of five colors. He said coldly with a hint of dissatisfaction. Next to the figure with sparkling lights of five colors was a screen of light with sparkling lights of five colors. , and in the light curtain, only the brown-skinned giant monk could be seen talking to a blue moon human monk in a furtive manner...

Originally, the two of them were exchanging their cultivation experiences. The Ziguang Daozu didn't know what the whim was. His spiritual consciousness had long sensed that Li Xiaoya had gone to Nafang City, and Li Xiaoya had been shopping in Nafang City for several days without coming out. Just like this colorful The figure with sparkling ideas made a bet to see how many days Li Xiaoya could spend shopping in Fangshi...

When Li Xiaoya flew out at that time, when the Ziguang Daozu was almost winning, he didn't expect that Li Xiaoya went to the inner circle again, and even went to the furnace of that day's fire, causing him to lose... and he became very unconvinced...

This figure with colorful auras was also curious about what Li Xiaoya was doing in that day's fire furnace. He used the magical power of the multi-colored auras and discovered the fishy nature of this giant monk. How could he not be so angry?

"Do I have time to take care of this? You wait until I ask someone to bring this damn thing up!" Ziguang Daozu said coldly, with an angry look, and disappeared into the air with a flash of inspiration...

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