True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1186 Venom


Those tree stems seemed to be alive, and they rolled towards Li Xiaoya's magical power crazily!

"Drink!" Li Xiaoya, who could allow the countless tree stems to wrap around his body, roared angrily, and slashed at the countless tree stems with the golden sword in his hand!

"Clang, clang, clang!" A series of earth-shattering sounds of metal collisions rose up into the sky, and the tree stems that were thousands of feet long were violently stirred away...

"Ouch!" And the monsters around him attacked Li Xiaoya crazily!


There were three Qiankun cultivators protecting Li Xiaoya on both sides and behind him. Those monsters came close to him, and the sea bitter flow led Dong Liuzu and Qiongqi. The three of them released spells and treasures continuously and withstood the monsters. The siege of beasts…

Di Long Yunyi and Alishan on the other side were also fighting hard. Countless monsters were blasted away by the purple and blue light. They were either dead or injured. These two people were not so easy to deal with...

"Damn it! Human beings! Die!" And the thousand-year-old tree spirit roared into the sky, and the whole body was filled with dark green light. Suddenly, the wrinkles on the tree trunk like grimaces twisted and squirmed crazily, opening a huge An incomparably large hole of thousands of feet opened up, and circles of dark green light surged from the mouth...


"Gululu!!" I saw this thousand-year-old tree spirit roaring with anger, and the whole mouth was filled with a gurgling sound, which came from the huge tree hole...


"Pfft!" The huge holes of this thousand-year-old tree spirit directly spurted out countless dark green liquids with extremely stinky smell. It turned into a curtain of light and sprayed towards the monks...

"Zizzizi!!" Wherever the dark green liquid passed, the air began to squirm crazily, as if it was being corroded...

Venom that can corrode even the void? Isn't this amazing?

"Puff!!" The dark green venom was extremely powerful, and the void was constantly being corroded until it exploded. Black holes in space were corroded out, and the boundless dark green liquid was like a vast screen of light. Everyone in Li Xiaoya covered their heads...





I saw that some demonic beasts were the first to be contaminated by the dark green liquid. Those demonic beasts couldn't bear it and emitted dark mist, howling and roaring...

And the behemoth Li Xiaoya has become the biggest target, and it is definitely impossible to avoid it. As soon as he opened his eyes, he let out a shocking roar, and the golden light of the golden sword in his hands burst into the sky, and he slashed forward with a sword!

"Boom!!" Two huge golden sword lights shot out into the sky, slashing towards the countless dark green venom!


"Bang bang!!" With two earth-shaking muffled explosions, the huge golden sword light instantly hit the countless dark green venom. The golden sword light was corroded in an instant, causing continuous muffled explosions. , countless surging golden lights exploded continuously in the void...

"Not good!" The others' expressions changed when they saw this, and they made quick succession of seals. They all used teleportation powers to avoid... Li Xiaoya's entire huge body was exposed to the air...

"Hmph!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly when he saw this, and suddenly the golden light curtain all over his body suddenly changed. In an instant, all the mana in his body turned into orange sparkling earth aura. He muttered something in his mouth, and the mana in his body surged crazily towards the ground under his feet...

Just when the dark green venom was about to spurt out on his body.

"Boom boom boom!!" Suddenly a shocking sound of muffled explosions burst into the sky. The whole ground shook wildly, and a thousand-foot-long earth wall broke through the ground and exploded in the sky. It turned into a huge earth wall blocking Li Xiaoya and Li Xiaoya!

at the same time!


"Kakaka!" Li Xiaoya's feet moved violently, and his whole figure flew into the sky...

And this time!


"Zizzizi!!" The countless dark green venom instantly hit the huge earth wall. The earthen wall was corroded quickly...


The earth wall was obviously much tougher than the golden light. It took three breaths for the earth wall to be corroded and penetrated...

Three breaths of time!

Li Xiaoya has been given enough time!

I saw Li Xiaoya flying up and his extremely huge body shrank sharply. He took three breaths! No more, no less, the figure returned to its original shape with one blow, but the clothes on his body were torn and disfigured. Fortunately. This specially refined pair made Li Xiaoya less embarrassed...

And this time!

Those dark green venom just spurted towards Li Xiaoya!

"Boom!" Although Li Xiaoya's physical body may be able to resist the poison, looking at the posture of the poison, it will not kill Li Xiaoya. But it was certain that Li Xiaoya would be injured after consuming a lot of mana. Li Xiaoya naturally did not resist. He saw golden light all over Li Xiaoya's body. There was a flash of golden light from behind, and the storm golden light wings appeared behind him. He flapped hard and his body exploded towards the back. He jumped back into the sky and instantly dodged the spewing dark green venom...


"Boom boom boom!!"

"Qiang Qiang Qiang!"

"Bah bang bang!"

"Ahhh!! Damn human!" A series of earth-shaking roars and explosions, metal collisions, cracking and muffled explosions, and the howling, screaming and cursing of the ten thousand year old tree spirit suddenly burst out...


Dillon Yunyi and others were not easy to deal with. They took advantage of the opportunity to dodge and evaded the attack of the ten thousand year old tree spirit's venom. They surrounded and attacked the ten thousand year old tree spirit madly!

I saw Dillon Yunyi's blue sword light, Alyssan's purple-red jade hairpin and jade ruyi blasted out countless extremely sharp beams of light, Qiong Nanqi's flaming three-pointed knife blasted out extremely sharp flaming three-pointed knife, Hai Kuliuyin and Dong Liuzu also took out attack treasures and attacked madly...

Although many of these attacks were scattered by the ten thousand year old tree spirit in time, the tree stems and countless leaves flew away, blocking many attacks!

But there were still many attacks that directly hit the trunk of the ten thousand year old tree spirit...

The ten thousand year old tree spirit's body was blasted with countless cracks hundreds of feet long. Countless dark green liquids splashed everywhere, constantly bursting, and leaves also splashed everywhere...

Although the life of this tree spirit is terrifyingly long, it moves very slowly, or even cannot move. This ten thousand year old tree spirit is a typical example!

It has lived for too long and is too big. Although it can move, it is definitely impossible to move its body quickly...

And at this time!


"Zizizizi!" The ten thousand year old tree spirit was attacked like this. He thought he could not take care of spraying poison to attack Li Xiaoya. He saw countless poisons falling on the ground like raindrops, corroding the entire ground, corroding huge holes on the ground...


The attack of Di Long, Yun Yi and others caused the thousand-year-old tree spirit to be seriously injured. He kept howling and roaring, trying to spray poison to attack the monks, but they were very slippery and kept flashing. He could not spray the monks...

"Ha!" Li Xiaoya did not stop and flew away. They also started to attack the ten thousand year old tree spirit...

As soon as Li Xiaoya joined in, the ten thousand year old tree spirit was hit with more wounds...

"Damn it! Humans! All of you die for me!!" The ten thousand year old tree spirit suddenly burst into dark green light and roared in extreme anger. The leaves of the ten thousand year old tree spirit that covered the sky and the sun began to shake wildly. Suddenly, countless dark green venom fell from the leaves, and the area below dozens of miles was covered by the venom...

"Tsk!" The monks didn't want to resist the venom, and they flew out of the range of the dark green venom...


"Zizizizi!" The venom like raindrops kept falling on the ground, and the ground was corroded by Feikui...

An amazing scene appeared!

A lot of dark green venom fell on the trunk of the ten thousand year old tree spirit itself!

"Gulululu!" The wounds on the ten thousand year old tree spirit caused by the attacks of the monks. Waves of dark green light surged up, and it healed quickly...

This... the ten thousand year old tree spirit can actually heal itself?

"Damn it! Go! Cut off all the leaves of this guy!" Li Xiaoya suddenly cursed angrily, and suddenly golden light burst out all over his body, and golden light suddenly burst out on his hands, and countless golden swords shot towards the top of the ten thousand year old tree spirit...

"Okay!" Everyone answered in unison after hearing this, and continuously cast spells, shooting at the head of the ten thousand year old tree spirit...

This is a good idea!

The biggest weakness of this ten thousand year old tree spirit is that it cannot move. The attack range is limited, and those other monsters can't help much. As Li Xiaoya's crazy attack, countless leaves on the top of the ten thousand year old tree spirit were constantly bombarded and splashed. Countless leaves were flying everywhere crazily, and in a short while, nearly one-fifth of them were cut off...

"Stop! Stop! I give up!" The thousand-year-old tree spirit suddenly shouted for mercy...

But the monks listened to him and continued to attack crazily...

"Stop!" The thousand-year-old tree spirit shouted repeatedly: "Don't you want to go down? I'll let you go while I talk!"

"Boom boom boom!!" But the monks still attacked!

"Stop it now!"

"I'll let you go!" The thousand-year-old tree spirit felt that the leaves on his head were getting fewer and fewer, and he kept begging and shouting, suddenly! The entire huge tree trunk began to wriggle crazily, and soon it split into two sides. In the middle was a platform several dozen feet high, and in the middle was a portal with a colorful light curtain...

"Hmph! You're smart! Let's go in!" Seeing this, Di Long Yunyi's eyes flashed with a hint of joy, but on the surface he snorted and shouted, and his figure quickly flew towards the colorful light curtain...

Li Xiaoya and others also hurriedly followed...

Although everyone was sure to kill this ten thousand year old tree spirit, it was not a fool. When it was really in danger, the ten thousand year old tree spirit could just burrow into the ground and escape, so it would not waste time...

More importantly...

There was really nothing useful on this ten thousand year old tree spirit...

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