True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1232: Evolution of the Steel Beetle

"Buzz buzz buzz!" The steel beetle turned into a red cloud and rushed towards the red gold corpse puppet madly...


"Kakakaka!" Although the red gold corpse puppet was not killed instantly by Li Xiaoya's punch, it was broken by the punch. The body and neck were broken. After a piercing buzzing sound... Even the corpse puppet of the Qiankun period could not bear it. A shocking red cloud rolled over, and soon the Qiankun period red gold corpse puppet was completely swallowed up....

At this time!

"Buzz buzz buzz!" Among the red clouds of those steel beetles, about a quarter of the steel beetles began to change. Those steel beetles were seen with red and white flashes all over their bodies. Their bodies were constantly growing and making piercing buzzing sounds. After a while, they were seven or eight times larger. The blood-red light on them was constantly converging and gradually poured into the body of the enlarged steel beetle...

"Kakaka!" At this time! The bodies of the steel beetles that had expanded several times suddenly stiffened, and the hideous blood-red shells began to turn into a gray keratin-like thing. The wings could not be flapped, and they fell down!

"Get up!" Li Xiaoya's hand flashed with a flash of light, and he pointed at the falling steel beetles and shouted

In an instant!

"Swish, swish, swish!" A flash of light wrapped all the falling steel beetles wrapped in gray keratin...


"Hmm?" Li Xiaoya found that the falling steel beetles wrapped in gray keratin were actually absorbing the magic power he used to hold them up...

After a while, the steel beetles absorbed all the magic power released by Li Xiaoya in an instant...

"Whoosh whoosh!" The steel beetles wrapped in gray keratin fell straight down in the sky, and seemed to become extremely heavy and smashed down to the ground, making an amazing sound of breaking through the air in the sky...


"Whoosh whoosh!" I saw a large number of corpse puppet insects suddenly transformed from all directions into a large gray cloud, rushing towards the falling steel beetles...


"Squeak!" The steel beetle wrapped in gray keratin suddenly produced an amazing vortex. The corpse puppet insects seemed to be sucked by the big mouth of the five elements. They rushed towards the steel beetle frantically. A piercing buzzing sound was heard. These corpse puppet insects were like a tide pouring into a bottomless pit, rushing into the body of the steel beetle frantically...

"What's going on?" Li Xiaoya stopped his rescue action and stared at this scene blankly, thinking in his heart with extreme surprise...


"Buzz buzz buzz!" At this time, a series of crazy buzzing sounds rang out, and more and more amazing buzzing sounds rang out. The swarm of corpse puppet insects that rushed in from all directions was increasing, and it was more and more amazing. After a while, tens of millions of corpse puppet insects poured into the interior of these steel beetles...

At this time!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" A series of shocking explosions erupted, and these steel beetles hit the ground heavily, and the entire ground was splashed with countless bone powders, smashing huge holes in the ground...

"Swish, swish, swish!" These steel beetles wrapped in gray keratin produced an extremely shocking suction force, and a huge vortex formed on the ground. The entire ground was surging, and the shock was even more shocking...

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" Similarly, the ground was also full of corpse puppet insects, constantly pouring into those steel beetles wrapped in gray keratin...


"Crack, crack, crack!" This situation did not last long. After a while, the gray keratin on these steel beetles wrapped in gray keratin began to crack, and bursts of red-gold light projected from these cracks, and an astonishing violent breath rushed out, which was very shocking...


"Bang, bang, bang!" A series of muffled explosions. The gray keratin wrapped in the steel beetle's keratin burst into a series of amazing explosions in an instant, exploding into red-gold halos, and huge explosions and huge holes were blown out in the area of ​​hundreds of feet...

"Buzz buzz buzz!" A burst of red-gold light shot up into the sky...

"Taixu period!" Li Xiaoya reacted immediately, and said with surprise, and then he looked at the steel beetle's nirvana clearly. He saw that the steel beetle was now covered with a red-gold nirvana, and its iconic steel teeth It was longer, with countless barbs on it, making it look more ferocious, but the whole shape was smaller than before, becoming more slender, and the color of it was red gold. The biggest change was the legs. Now the red-gold steel beetle actually had twelve legs, all of which were covered with amazing barbs, long and sharp. Obviously, its attack and swallowing power was even more amazing, which made Li Xiaoya gasp. The attack power of this red-gold steel beetle was obviously much different from before, and something that surprised Li Xiaoya happened...

"Buzz!" I saw these red-gold steel beetles suddenly making an alarming buzz, and circles of astonishing red-gold light surged up. The aura of the red-gold steel beetles actually surged crazily. After a while, the kung fu skyrocketed to Nirvana at the peak of the Taixu period, but this reminder further shrunk into Nirvana the size of a head, which surprised Li Xiaoya even more...

And this time!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" The Corpse Puppet Insects within a radius of dozens of miles seemed to have suddenly gone crazy. Suddenly, they all surged crazily from all directions, sweeping towards Li Xiaoya like a tide...

"Buzz!" And those red-gold steel beetles didn't wait for Li Xiaoya's command. Suddenly, there was a shocking buzzing sound, and the big mouth suddenly opened, and the red-gold steel beetles could be seen. An astonishing red-gold vortex surged through the mouth, and an astonishing suffocating suction force suddenly formed in the void...

"Boom, boom, boom!" This astonishing suction force formed an astonishing vortex in the air, and a series of astonishing whirlpools were formed in the sky. This vortex is an increasingly amazing nirvana, like an infinitely open nirvana, suddenly forming a The shadow of a gigantic red-gold steel beetle that was several thousand feet in diameter suddenly opened its mouth in the air...

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

"Buzz!" The corpse bugs that surged in like a tide involuntarily poured into the huge mouth transformed by the red-gold steel beetles...


"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" The suction vortex that merged into the huge mouth thousands of feet long surged, and the corpse insects sucked in were stirred up like a meat grinder, letting out a series of screams, and instantly transformed into Countless gray gas surged into the big mouth of the red-gold steel beetle...

"Tsk! So powerful?" Li Xiaoya exclaimed with surprise when he saw this: "But why do these guys reach the peak of the Taixu stage so easily?" After thinking about it, he immediately understood that these steel beetles had devoured the Taixu stage people before. There are too many zombie worms, and a large amount of corpse worms' spiritual energy and blood have been accumulated in them. That's why this figure has grown so big. If it hadn't swallowed the corpse worms that had been in the Qiankun stage, it would still be here now. In order to continue to grow Nirvana, and the reason why this steel beetle cannot evolve, it is obviously because at the beginning, it only swallowed corpse bugs of the Taixu stage and below. It seems that if it wants to evolve to the Taixu stage, it still needs to devour them. Only zombies from the Qiankun period will do...

"Go!" He thought in his heart. Li Xiaoya understood the reason and naturally wanted to evolve the remaining steel beetles that had not yet evolved to the Taixu stage. First of all, he had no time to pay attention to this influx of zombie insects. , pointed his finger at the corpse bugs, and shot forward quickly...

Next up!

It would be much easier for Li Xiaoya to evolve other steel beetles as well.

He directly found a place where there were more high-level Taixu stage zombie worms and waited for those corpse worms to devour each other. He even took action to kill some of the Taixu stage corpse worms to speed up their devouring. After a while, something happened. He caught a Corpse Puppet Insect of the Qiankun Stage, and then killed the Corpse Puppet Insect and directly commanded other Steel Beetles that had not evolved to the Taixu Stage to devour...

It took a lot of effort...

All Li Xiaoya's steel beetles evolved into Taixu stage steel beetles, and then he continued to move forward.

With the steel beetles in the Taixu stage, Li Xiaoya was walking in this sea of ​​countless insects. It was like entering a deserted land. These red-gold steel beetles were constantly rotating around him. The steel beetles in the Taixu stage were The devouring power is simply too incredible. Corpse worms below the Taixu stage pose no threat to Li Xiaoya. If one or two corpse worms of the Qiankun stage appear occasionally, Li Xiaoya doesn't have to take action himself to command the number of corpse worms. Hundreds of them came together, and they were wiped out in no time...

And after Li Xiaoya wandered through the sea of ​​insects for a long time at an astonishing speed, Li Xiaoya became a little depressed. Although he killed so many zombie worms, there was no sign of them decreasing...


Killing all these corpse worms is simply a fool's errand...


What's even more troublesome is that Li Xiaoya has traveled tens of thousands of miles in the worm sea on the 16th floor, but he still hasn't found a way to get to the 16th floor. This makes Li Xiaoya a little depressed...

Good thing!

Huangtian paid off. Li Xiaoya then shot in the direction of more high-level zombie insects, and finally came to a place where it seemed that he should be able to go to the sixteenth floor... (To be continued

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