True Immortal Fate

The Romance of the True Immortals Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1261: Attaining the Tao

"How is our human race doing in the Thirty-three Star Realm?" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard this, and he muttered to himself, with some hesitation. To be honest, he ascended to the Thirty-three Star Realm, and he was actually busy with Zhang Hong's injuries, and he spent half of his time in the Heavenly Demon Continent, and then came to the human race's territory in the Dongxia Continent. To be honest, he didn't pay much attention to such issues... However, the Taoist Ancestor must have his reasons for asking this... Speaking of the human race, it actually feels similar to the Heavenly Demon Continent. When Li Xiaoya was traveling around for a while, he felt that the human race and the various human races seemed to be not so harmonious, with many contradictions. Compared with the demon race, it seemed to be a little worse... ··Thinking so, he suddenly remembered what the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma said, and said: "I heard that although there are thirty-three great star realms, the only great star realm where our human race controls territory is the Dongxia Continent in the thirty-three star realm! In other star realms, our human race's status does not seem to be very good, so our human race should not have any status in the great star realm?"

Li Xiaoya's so-called "heard" was naturally what the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma said about the situation of the major star realms. The status of the human race is really not very good. The main ones who control the great star realms are still the demons and immortals. Although the dragons, monsters, and insects in the thirty-three star realms share the world with the human race, these three races are actually It is just a branch of other star realms. The real situation is that among the remaining 32 large star realms, these three races also have one or two star realms under their control...

In terms of strength, the strength of the human race is indeed not considered a large race within the scope of the entire large star realm. It is just a small corner...

"Well! Not bad!" Hearing this, Daode Daozu smiled and said approvingly: "I didn't expect that you know a lot and are not confused by the appearance of this Dongxia continent!" The voice paused, and then sighed and said: "Alas! Yes! It is really too difficult for us humans in this large star realm!" After that, he looked at the sky with a serious face, and suddenly said to Li Xiaoya: "In the future, maybe only I'm counting on you...!"

"What do you need me to do? I'll do my best!" Li Xiaoya said respectfully. Just as he guessed, Daozu Dao spent so much effort to train him, it was not as simple as finding a disciple. He had some guesses in his mind. Seeing Daozu Dao didn't say anything and just looked at him, he said tentatively: "Master means that our human race should take over other continents..."

Although Li Xiaoya didn't finish his words, his meaning was very clear. There are four major races in the thirty-three star worlds. If the human race wants a larger living space, then doesn't it have to defeat and drive away the cultivators of the other three races and occupy other continents? That means launching a war...

"Haha!" Hearing this, Daozu Dao suddenly laughed. His smile was a little strange and bitter, which made Li Xiaoya a little confused and wondered if he had guessed wrong? Thinking this way, it was a bit embarrassing. But Daozu Dao saw that Li Xiaoya was a bit embarrassed, and smiled bitterly and said, "It's a good idea, but you know, it's not easy for us humans to survive in the Thirty-Three Star Realm. It's undoubtedly a pipe dream to drive away the other three races. However, their strength is not much different from ours. Even if we can defeat other races by chance, will their fellow races in other star realms sit idly by?"

"...Disciple is stupid!" Li Xiaoya understood instantly that if a fight really came, the human race would suffer. Even if he had great magical powers, he couldn't change the situation of the entire star realm by himself. Besides, Li Xiaoya's magical powers were invincible among the Qiankun period cultivators of the same level, but compared with Daozu Dao, a great cultivator in the Immortal Tribulation period, he could be dealt with with just one finger. Naturally, there are some great cultivators in the Immortal Tribulation Stage in his three major races... Let alone the Immortal Tribulation Stage, even cultivators in the Great Power Stage are enough to give Li Xiaoya a hard time, but he himself took it for granted... Thinking so in his heart, he hurriedly said: "What should the disciple do?"

"Well! Since you asked, I will tell you directly!" Seeing Li Xiaoya asking this, the Taoist Ancestor smiled slightly, looked him up and down, and said with a smile: "With your current cultivation, there is only one thing you can do now, that is, practice well! When you surpass your master's cultivation, you may be able to do that thing!!"

"Ah!" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but exclaimed, but then he thought, if it was really something that he could do with his cultivation, would the Taoist Ancestor still have to go to great lengths to train his disciple? However, to reach the level of Daozu Daode, that is the Immortal Tribulation Stage. It would take Li Xiaoya thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, to reach such a level... And this required Li Xiaoya's level to surpass Daozu Daode in order to accomplish it. That... Li Xiaoya really couldn't imagine how amazing his magical powers would be needed to accomplish such a thing... And Daozu Daode added two words: "Maybe!" In other words, even if Li Xiaoya's cultivation reached the level of Daozu Daode, he might not succeed. Wouldn't he need the cultivation of a true immortal? Thinking of this, Li Xiaoya looked at Daozu Daode in horror and asked again, "Master! What do you want me to do?"

"Haha! Forget it! It's useless for you to know now, it will only increase your troubles!" I saw the wrinkled skin on the face of the moral Taoist ancestor smiled and became fascinated after hearing this, and after a pause, he said solemnly: "You Just remember, always be prepared!”

"Yes! Master!" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he heard this. Since the moral Taoist ancestor was unwilling to say it, maybe this matter is really not what he can do now. Maybe it is beyond his reach... Busy He replied respectfully, his voice paused, and he remembered something about himself, and hurriedly asked the moral Taoist ancestor: "By the way! Master! I have something I want to ask my master for!"

"Say!" Daode Taoist Ancestor said calmly when he heard this. His expression seemed to know what he was doing, and he smiled and said, "Is it for your parents?"

"...Master's cultivation, could it be that he is not in the Immortal Tribulation Stage? Is he a genuine immortal?" Li Xiaoya felt a move in his heart when he heard this, and was secretly shocked. He couldn't help but smacked his tongue and thought to himself, indeed, judging from the feeling, Although Ziguang Daozu is also a monk in the Immortal Tribulation Stage, facing Ziguang Daozu and Daode Daozu is not the same feeling at all... He thought so in his heart, and without beating around the bush, he hurriedly said: "Yes! The disciple's parents are now unable to ascend in the human world. How can disciples help their parents in the human world?”

"Well! People are unfilial! They are in vain as sons! Very good!" The Taoist Taoist Master nodded approvingly after hearing this, but it was contrary to the common view among ordinary cultivators that cultivating immortals should be ruthless and sacrifice righteousness. He paused in his voice and touched his hand. With only a few small beards, he said in a deep voice: "It depends on you! Do you want your parents to live forever or stay with you for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years!"

"Huh?" Li Xiaoya was a little surprised when he heard this. Does this need to be said? He hurriedly replied: "Of course I hope that my parents can achieve immortality!" His voice paused, and then he said hesitantly: "How should I do this?"

To be honest, Li Xiaoya himself is not yet sure that he will have eternal life, and he is not sure about his parents, because the qualifications of the two elders are really poor. However, if he can ascend to the upper world, with Li Xiaoya's current cultivation level With countless cherished treasures of heaven and earth, it is quite certain that his parents will be able to advance to the level of immortality. This will at least enable them to live for tens of thousands of years, and with his current level of cultivation , living for a million years is considered a normal thing, but the moral Taoist ancestor is so sure, which naturally makes Li Xiaoya very surprised...


"It's easy to let your parents ascend to the upper world and stay with you for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years! If I do it myself, I can steal the sky and change the day! It's not impossible to avoid the catastrophe!" Daode Daozu heard. Yan Shi nodded and smiled. Seeing that Li Xiaoya was a little moved, he smiled slightly and continued in a paused voice: "However, if this happens, your parents must have completely lost the hope of advancing to the avenue. After all, it is hidden. However, as for the Heavenly Way, if your parents suffer a heavenly tribulation, it will definitely be much more shocking than ordinary monks, and they may not even die because of it. And this heavenly tribulation, including advanced heavenly tribulations, will be ten times more severe than ordinary heavenly tribulations. Times, even dozens of times...!

"Then what if I want my parents to attain Taoism and live forever?" Li Xiaoya's face became a little solemn when he heard this. Before the Taoist Taoist finished speaking, he interrupted the Taoist Taoist's words and said, as a son of man, his parents will naturally live by his side forever. Indeed, , maybe Li’s mother Li Muzhi is too bad, and now she will have difficulty even if she ascends, but even if it’s one in a thousand, no! One in ten thousand hope, naturally, I hope that my parents will attain Taoism and live forever, so I naturally ask about what I hope for in my heart. I said this while looking at the Taoist ancestor with firm eyes...

"Okay! Okay!" I don't know what the Taoist Taoist ancestor was thinking. He praised repeatedly, and after a pause, he said in a deep voice: "If you want your parents to get eternal life, you have only one way, which is to accomplish that thing!"

"That thing!?" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he heard this, and he naturally knew that the Taoist Taoist Master was referring to what he wanted Li Xiaoya to do in the future. His heart moved, and he frowned and said, "That's not until the disciple has enough cultivation. Later?"

"No! For your parents...oh! And for your Liu Xian'er and Zhang Hong's avenue, you must start preparing from now on! Only then can you have hope of success!" The Taoist Taoist shook his head when he heard this.

"Then what should the disciple do?" Li Xiaoya hurriedly asked after hearing this.


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