True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Human World Disorder Chapter 1265 Many Benefits

(It was actually written as May Day...)

"Hey! Master!" When Li Xiaoya saw this scene, his heart moved. Although Li Xiaoya recognized these elixirs, they were all very rare and did not belong to the Thirty-Three Stars Realm. He showed a hint of embarrassment and hurriedly said to the Taoist Dao Ancestor: "These There are a lot of things that don’t seem to be from the Thirty-Three Star Realms. Don’t I have to go to other star realms to find them?”

"That's right!" Daode Taoist Ancestor said in a deep voice when he heard this, and suddenly said with a wry smile: "As a teacher, for some reasons, I am not allowed to leave the Thirty-three Star Realm, so I have no choice but to let you go!" The voice paused and continued. Said: "But you don't have to worry about these heavenly materials and earthly treasures. After you reach the stage of great power, I will ask Xueyu to go with you. At the same time, during this period, our clan alliance will pay attention to collecting these things! Maybe, by then, , you don’t have to look for it!”

"Yes!!" Li Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. In this case, although there are five conditions, the third one to become the Holy Son has actually been completed. There is no need to rush for the last one... As for the matter of cultivation, naturally you can just practice hard on your own, and you can also understand and cultivate the spiritual secrets of all things together, but the most troublesome thing is left... The second condition: 100 million racial contributions. Thinking of this, I hurriedly went to court. Dao Dao Ancestor said: "Master! You just said that the matter of 100 million racial contributions, how about it be completed quickly?" He remembered that Dao Dao Ancestor told him that Dao Dao Ancestor had already made arrangements for this matter of racial contribution... …

"That's right!" Daode Taoist Ancestor smiled when he heard this: "Actually, it's difficult for others, but it's easy for you!" Li Xiaoya looked a little confused. Continued: "Do you still remember the purpose of the Hell Tower selection?"

"Huh? To choose the Holy Son?" Li Xiaoya said hurriedly after hearing this.

"No!" Daode Daozu shook his head when he heard this and said, "Have you forgotten? What is the duty of General Qiankun?"

"Master, are you talking about the racial battlefield?" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he heard this, and then he realized that he had misunderstood. He immediately reacted and said hurriedly.

"That's right! In the race battlefield! As long as you kill the enemy monks, you can get the race contribution points!" Hearing this, the Dao Dao Ancestor hurriedly said: "As far as I know, killing a Taixu stage monk will cost 10,000 race members. The contribution value for killing a Qiankun Stage monk is 500,000! A Mighty Stage monk is worth 10 million!”

"Like this?" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he heard this, but his face looked a little unnatural. Could it be that the purpose of going there is to accumulate racial contribution points through constant killing? This is actually not in line with Li Xiaoya's personality. He is not a bloodthirsty person. However, the moral Taoist ancestor said that he must have arrived. He thought so in his heart and hurriedly asked: "By the way! Master! What about the Immortal Tribulation Period?" 100 million contribution value?”

"Uh?" Daode Daozu rolled his eyes when he heard this, with a rare funny look. It made Li Xiaoya feel that this master had the charm of the liar master back then. The Taoist Taoist couldn't help but scolded: "Boy! If you really have such ability one day, a monk in the Immortal Tribulation Stage will not be as simple as you think!" The voice suddenly changed. After a pause, he continued to explain: "All the major races have long agreed that Immortal Tribulation Stage monks are not allowed to participate in any race wars. If a fight really breaks out, I am afraid that even the star realm will not be able to bear it! Naturally, there are no Immortal Tribulation Stage monks in the racial battlefield! You just It’s a waste of time. There are only a few monks in the powerful stage!”

"Haha!" Li Xiaoya laughed when he heard this, but he just asked casually. Indeed, not to mention the racial battlefield, it is between the major races in the Thirty-Three Stars Realm. Although they are hostile to each other, there is also a contract between them. Monks with a level above the Great Power level cannot go to the territory of other races. Of course, if they are not discovered, they can go secretly, but this behavior is easily provoked. Of course, ordinary alien worlds There are some special beings in the demon clan who don’t care about this... They have no taboos...

"Hmm!" The Taoist Taoist Master suddenly said, as if he really remembered something, "Boy! If one day there is such a magical power that kills a monk in the Immortal Tribulation Stage, I advise you not to do it easily!" He was not doing it this time. To test Li Xiaoya's meaning, the reason why the Taoist Taoist cannot leave the Thirty-Three Star Realms is actually... he killed many super monks, and now they have almost become public enemies of other star realms, so there is a saying...

"Uh! If others don't mess with me, I won't kill anyone!" Li Xiaoya said hurriedly after hearing this, but he knew it was not the moral Taoist's intention to test...

"Okay!" The moral Taoist ancestor nodded when he heard this. He glanced at Li Xiaoya and felt that this worry was a bit premature. Li Xiaoya is only in the Qiankun stage now. How can he have the strength to kill a super monk? With this thought in his mind, he changed the conversation to the original topic and said: "Although it is difficult to refine the small star realm of the human world, if the refining is successful, the benefits will naturally be considerable!"

"Huh?" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he heard this, and he also understood that if there were no benefits, there would be no monks to refine this small star realm, and it is obvious that all major races also attach great importance to it, and if there are no benefits, who would There must be other reasons for putting so much thought into refining the small star world, and Tao Dao Ancestor insisted on refining the small star world of the human world by himself. He thought so in his heart, and hurriedly said to Tao Tao Ancestor: "What are the benefits? ?”

"What are the benefits?" Daode Taoist Ancestor said calmly after hearing this: "The first benefit to your parents' cultivation is different. Secondly, although the secret realm created by the monks is almost the same as the small star realm, even The spiritual energy is even more abundant and amazing, and it is also suitable for the cultivation life of most living beings. However, you can see that the opened secret realm can only keep most monsters and beasts in captivity, but it is rarely inhabited by intelligent races, such as humans, monsters, etc. Wait... do you know why?" After saying this, he asked Li Xiaoya.

"This?" Li Xiaoya began to think deeply after hearing this, and murmured in his mouth. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case for the large and small secret realms he has seen over the years. Some of these secret realms are even much larger than the small star realms of the human world. , such as the Lingxiao Secret Realm, although there are many extremely powerful monsters, and there are even a lot of monsters, but there are really no intelligent races, logically speaking. This secret realm is so full of spiritual energy that it should be more suitable for human monks and other monks to live for a long time than many ordinary spiritual energy places. Why not... However, Li Xiaoya also thought of another thing, and his heart moved, and he hurriedly said: "Master! I have been to the secret realm of the inner clan of the demon clan before, so I can't..."

"That's different!" The Taoist Patriarch of Moralism interrupted Li Xiaoya's words before he finished speaking. His voice paused and he explained: "The reason why what I told you is not suitable for the existence of intelligent races. It does not only refer to us monks. But there are other ordinary mortals, etc. I told you before that the secret realm opened by monks is different from the original innate star realm, which is the life of the intelligent race. The secret realm opened by monks has no wisdom. We can only capture some monsters from the outside world. Why can’t we keep humans or intelligent species in captivity?”

"!" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he heard this, and he looked thoughtful, but he didn't interrupt...

The moral Taoist ancestor said this, but he did not wait for Li Xiaoya to think too much, and continued: "This is because no matter what kind of intelligent race life, there is an evolutionary process from low to high. This time is extremely long, although the secret realm can also Let the intelligent race evolve and even practice... but there is a very big flaw! In the secret realm, the intelligent race cannot evolve after reaching a certain stage. In other words, the secret realm opened up. The growth of life of intelligent races is limited. Take human beings as an example. If a human monk with immortal roots is placed in an ordinary secret realm, he starts practicing from the cultivation stage and reaches the spiritual stage, which is already the peak. At this stage, no matter how hard the monks in the secret realm practice, they can't make progress, and of course they won't be able to come out!" The voice paused and continued: "And the main reason for this is that in this secret realm, there is no When the small star world was born naturally, the mysterious primitive heavenly way that was born together with the small star world is the foundation of the small star world! This is also the reason why the monks of the small star world have to go through a heavenly tribulation before they can ascend through the ascension channel! "

"Like this!?" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard this, and said hurriedly as if he was remembering something: "What about the Great Star Realm?" He remembered that there is no such thing as ascension in the cultivation of low-level monks in the Great Star Realm...

"The Big Star Realm, like the Small Star Realm, is actually born naturally and primitively!" Daode Taoist Ancestor laughed when he heard this. Seeing Li Xiaoya's understanding, he continued: "And do you know the benefits of this?"

"If the disciple understands correctly, this secret realm can also trap intelligent race life, but the growth of the intelligent race life born is limited, which means that it is not destined to the great road! Only the intelligent race life naturally born in the small star world has this potential! ?" Li Xiaoya thought for a moment after hearing the words, and then answered. After saying this, Li Xiaoya himself understood that the inheritance secret realm of the Tianyao Clan is different. The inheritance secret realm of the Tianyao Clan is very simple. The monks in the secret realm of inheritance are all from the outside and are not born naturally. It is the same as Li Xiaoya who went to the secret realm of Lingxiao to practice seclusion. It does not require the Taoist Taoist to explain. He understands that the secret realm of inheritance is the same as the secret realm of other monks. The growth of monks is limited. For example, disciples of the Inner Clan in the Secret Realm of Heavenly Demon Clan who have cultivated to the peak of the Taixu Stage will no longer be able to practice any more. For example, if Li Xiaoya in the Secret Realm of Lingxiao has cultivated to the Great Power Stage, they will no longer be able to practice further...

"Although it is not entirely correct, it is to the point!" Daode Taoist Ancestor laughed when he heard this, and continued after a pause: "You are right, this is the difference between the secret realm and the small star realm, and you have to know that this The biggest benefit is that after refining, monks from the small star realm can ascend. In the past, our thirty-three star realms ascended through natural tribulations. However, after refining, if monks from the small star realm in the human world ascend, But under your control, you can reduce the power of the Heavenly Tribulation and allow more monks to ascend. And for these ascended monks, you can let them establish a sect for you and become your power! This is something that many monks are extremely eager to achieve! !”

"Is that so!?" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard this, and said hurriedly: "Isn't this disciple already a monk of the Human Race Alliance? Why are you still starting a sect?"

"This is just one of the benefits!" Daode Taoist Ancestor laughed when he heard this: "However, the Human Race Alliance is the guardian of the human race and exists for the benefit of the entire human race. It is composed of countless sect monks. It doesn't matter if they establish a sect. "Yes!" The voice paused and continued: "Besides! You don't want to establish a sect, but it is also very useful to let more monks ascend to enhance the strength of our human race!"

"Oh! So that's it!" Li Xiaoya suddenly realized that although he was not interested in starting a sect, it didn't mean that others were not interested, and he quickly replied.

"There is a third benefit!" Daode Daozu continued: "The third great benefit is that this small star realm is an absolute life-saving thing!"

"Save your life?" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he heard this, and he said in surprise. As his cultivation level increased, the dangers he encountered became more and more alarming. If it weren't for his good luck and amazing magical power cultivation level, I'm afraid that He died a long time ago. There are really not many magical powers and treasures to protect his life. Hearing this, he was naturally a little interested. Although he is not an ordinary monk pursuing immortality, it is okay. Who wants to die?

"That's right!" The Taoist Dao Ancestor nodded and said in a deep voice: "You know that monks above the Qiankun stage cannot go to the small star realm, right? But there are exceptions. After you refine the human race's small star realm, even though you are A powerful monk, you can go back to your little star realm anytime and anywhere! If you encounter any danger, you can go back at any time!"

"That's good! In this way, the chance of the disciple's death is much smaller!" Li Xiaoya said happily after hearing this. He was originally very worried that once he was connected to the human world and the small star world, his destiny would be connected to the small star world. If he died accidentally, wouldn't it affect all living beings in the human world? Although the Taoist Taoist ancestor also told him that the life span of the small star world in the human world is less than 100,000 years, but there are still 100,000 years left. If Li Xiaoya encounters any danger and dies within these 100,000 years, wouldn't it be considered as affecting all living beings in the small star world? And now that there are such functions, Li Xiaoya is naturally a little happy...

"Yes! There are many benefits to refining the small star world, so I won't go into details!" At this time, the Taoist Dao Ancestor saw that Li Xiaoya had already understood, and hurriedly said: "And you can weigh the benefits yourself. !" The voice paused and continued: "As for whether you succeed or not, it all depends on you!"

"Yes! Disciple understands!" Li Xiaoya replied respectfully after hearing this. This is not only for the so-called incident of the human race, but also for his parents, senior brothers and masters of Tiandao Sect, etc...

"Just understand!" Daode Dao Ancestor nodded after hearing this, and then continued: "But before that, you have to go to a place first!"

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