True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1283: The Land of Earthly Spirits


According to the regulations of the racial battlefield, when killing a foreign monk, as long as whoever gives the monk a fatal blow, the merit belongs to that monk...

Of course, this killing refers to killing the soul, Yuan Ying, Yuan Shen, etc. in one pass, so this can explain how difficult it is to kill the monk. Of course, if the physical body of the foreign monk is killed, it will also Half of the merit reward...

And this is why the merits of Alishan, Dilong Yunyi and Qiongqi are different. Alishan still maintains the third level merit because she has killed two Qiankun monks before, while Dilong Yunyi and Qiongqi have different merits. It’s not surprising that there is only one level one reason. Of course, Alishan was able to kill two Qiankun Stage monks back then, which was also the reason why everyone helped. There was a little conflict because of this back then...

In view of the uneven distribution of merit for killing monks in the past...

Everyone also discussed again. Although everyone's killing merits cannot be distributed, if the mission is completed, the rewards of the merit mission will be divided less, or not at all...

Of course!

This is also based on everyone working together to kill the monks. [Baishuzhai.]

After everyone knows enough about the racial battlefield, time is almost up.

Everyone began to accept the task.

As everyone has discussed before, first accept missions with a star rating of three or four, which will help the team run in and accumulate some experience...

The acceptance of tasks is also restricted by the merit level. According to the captain's merit level, groups with merit level below five can only accept ten tasks at a time, those with levels five to ten can accept twenty tasks at one time, and those with level eleven or above You can accept thirty tasks at once...

Li Xiaoya naturally completed ten tasks at once...

Eight of them are three- or four-star missions, and two are five-star missions.

The reason for accepting the mission in this way is also the result of everyone's discussion. Three- and four-star missions are easier to complete. It's just that everyone comes to join forces, and the five-star level mission is the highest star level mission that everyone can accept. It is used to earn merit and find heavenly materials and earthly treasures...

Because of this racial battlefield!

As mentioned before, this racial battlefield was originally an ancient star realm that was broken into pieces due to the war between humans. Although it exploded, it formed this strange space, and among the countless lands suspended in this racial battlefield, However, there are many ruins of ancient monks, and there are many treasures of heaven and earth that are not found in the Thirty-Three Star Realms and are even relatively rare in the major star realms. They grew in this racial battlefield. And many of the missions of the battlefield monument are to go to these ancient monk ruins to find some heavenly materials, earthly treasures and even treasures...

Of course!

In addition to the things needed for the mission, the remaining treasures found while doing the mission naturally belong to the major monks. This is also the main reason why this racial battlefield is so dangerous, but there are still many monks coming. , which is also why some monks survive in this racial battlefield for a long enough time. There is naturally a reason why you can make great progress in cultivation...

Another thing is that in addition to the danger of the alien monk team, the danger on this racial battlefield is that after the big star world was shattered, there were many powerful ancient monsters left behind. , there are even some monk race sects left behind. Living on some lands, if you go to those places, you are in danger of being attacked by these ancient monks and ancient monsters, and some tasks also require you to kill these ancient monsters or ancient monks.

Of course!

The ancient monsters and ancient monks who were able to survive each had amazing magical powers. Generally speaking, most of these tasks are high-star tasks. Li Xiaoya and others did not receive tasks of this level this time...

As the Lingxiao boat flew quickly in one direction, although it met some foreign monks on the way, the speed of the Lingxiao boat was really amazing. The foreign monks wanted to chase everyone but it was too late. Without knowing the situation and the opponent's strength, those foreign monks did not dare to pursue them...

Although Li Xiaoya and others know that killing foreign monks can gain a lot of merit, the people who have been along the way are all monks from the demon clan. In view of the alliance between the two parties, there is no need for everyone to go out to find the monks from the demon clan to kill them. On the surface, you just have to get by...

On the other hand, the opponent has a large number of people. Looking for monsters to kill them in the area where the monsters are active is asking for trouble. It is likely to cause a large number of monsters to besiege. Naturally, although Li Xiaoya has a mission of 10 million meritorious deeds, He himself is not a murderous person. If it is not necessary, he still focuses on completing tasks and killing monks at will. This is not his style...

Although it sounds like you can get meritorious service by killing foreign monks in the racial battlefield, and it seems reasonable to kill these foreign monks, Li Xiaoya feels that everything is good in the racial battlefield, and being bloodthirsty is not a good thing. Although it is contrary to the way of nature, it is natural selection, and the strong is respected, but it cannot break the way that Li Xiaoya insists on. Stick to your heart, God has the virtue of good life, fraternity has no respect, and the strongest heart will be strong. Maybe this is Li Xiaoya The reason why I can only win the love of heaven and have endless luck...

Killing is not what Li Xiaoya pursues, but being killed is not what Li Xiaoya hopes for. Li Xiaoya naturally has his own limits. His Taoist heart is relieved and he has no shame in the world. That's it...

Of course, just because Li Xiaoya is like this doesn't mean that others agree with Li Xiaoya's Taoism, but now that Li Xiaoya is the captain, naturally Li Xiaoya has the final say...

The Land of Earth Spirits is where Li Xiaoya's special team is about to go on a mission. The first mission of Li Xiaoya's team is here.

The mission star rating is four stars, and the reward for meritorious service is five thousand meritorious deeds and five spiritual jade Tianyang stones.

The mission location is in the Land of Earth Spirits. The mission goal is to find the Earth Spirit Swamp and kill an Earth Spirit Dragon.

The content of this mission is not complicated. It is to kill an earth spirit dragon. However, no one knows what level of monster this earth spirit dragon is. However, this dragon has always been a very powerful monster, even if it is with everyone. Generally speaking, if you are in the Qiankun stage, it may be a little difficult to kill, and the Earth Spirit Swamp sounds like it is not a good place to go, and a swamp with dragons is not a good place to go...

More importantly, besides finding the dragon. There may be other monsters operating in it, which are not so easy to deal with...

Of course!

Everyone accepted this task and was naturally somewhat confident...

In this land of earth spirits, in addition to this task, Li Xiaoya also accepted two three-star tasks. One was to find twenty fire grass growing in the earth spirit swamp, and the other was to kill the swamp polyps and obtain the swamp water. Hydra's ten inner elixirs were each rewarded with two thousand meritorious deeds. No other rewards…

And in this land of earth spirits, it is close to the area where the demon clan operates. Naturally, we are not afraid of the dragon clan monks coming. Even if they come, we are not afraid of a big battle...

And why don't everyone do tasks in the activity areas of their own tribe? Of course it can be done, but. Generally speaking, there are really not many missions that can be accepted in the activity area of ​​​​their race. Even if they can be accepted, they are some guarding and other missions. They only have one-star and two-star appearances. Not to mention the merits, it is still a waste. less time...

Most of the missions are actually in some dangerous places outside the activity areas of monks of various major races...


Two days have almost passed...

"Captain! There are still thousands of miles to reach the land of earth spirits! Are there any traces of us hiding in the shadows?" Alishan was seen saying to Li Xiaoya who was meditating.

"Okay! Let's go out!" Li Xiaoya opened his eyes and said after hearing this.

The reason why everyone uses flying boats. Firstly, Feizhou Quickly reduces the mana consumption of flying escape. Secondly, it saves time, meditates and practices, exchanges of practice experiences, etc. And Li Xiaoya's Lingxiao boat has treasures such as the Five Elements Spirits on it that can purify spiritual energy. It is naturally beneficial to meditate and practice here. And when Li Xiaoya's Lingxiao boat went to find the second update, it was also transformed by the second update. once. The defense and speed are faster than before, and there is a refining room above. The alchemy room is naturally the best tool for flight. As the captain of a group, Li Xiaoya cannot be stingy about not using this high-flying flying boat...

Everyone flew out of the Lingxiao boat and stopped in the air. Li Xiaoya made a hand seal, and the Lingxiao boat's spiritual light surged and turned into a surge of spiritual light. It flew into a ring on Li Xiaoya's hand. This ring was naturally not The Secret Realm Ring is the latest storage ring re-refined in the second update. The space is more than ten times larger than that of Li Xiaoya’s Qiankun Bag. It was also when Li Xiaoya went to find the second update this time. One of the treasures given to Li Xiaoya for refining. When the second update was in the human world, he was able to refine space treasures such as the Qiankun Treasure. Now, after nearly a thousand years of research, the level of natural weapon refining has greatly improved. Young master, the current level of weapon refining is naturally astonishing. Refining this storage space ring is naturally within reach...

Now this storage ring can hold ten more Lingxiao boats, not to mention the thousands of feet long Lingxiao boat. And the second update gave Li Xiaoya a dozen such storage rings. , one of them contains the treasures refined over the years in the second update, the other contains countless mechanical puppets, the treasures given to Li Xiaoya in the second update, and the others are empty...

Putting away the thousand-foot-long Lingxiao boat in everyone's surprised eyes, Qian Nianqi couldn't help but sigh and said: "Hey! Captain! Your storage ring has such a large space. Is it the legendary one?" Qiankun Tiandi can’t stop it?”

"That's not the case!" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard this, and hurriedly replied. He also knew about the Qiankun Heaven and Earth Ring. It is said to be the largest space ring in the Thirty-Three Stars Realm. It can hold even a piece of the Universe, Heaven and Earth. He didn't know the details. Li Xiaoya has never seen it before. He also wanted to receive a storage ring like this before, but he saw it in many stores and there was no such thing. The largest storage space ring he has ever seen is just a little bigger than his Qiankun bag. The price It is also very surprising. Naturally, Li Xiaoya did not spend this unjust money... He wronged the spirit stone to get this storage space ring. The second update is that the refined storage ring is the largest storage ring that Li Xiaoya has ever seen in the thirty-three worlds. The treasure of things is more than ten times larger, and it naturally makes everyone very surprised that it can hold the flying boat thousands of feet long...

"Let's go! Ahead is the Land of Earthly Spirits!" Di Long Yunyi's eyes also flashed with a hint of wonder. Seeing that Li Xiaoya was unwilling to say more, he didn't ask, and pointed thousands of miles ahead, where there was a mist, as if It was a gray place, and he said...

"Okay!" Everyone hurriedly replied, and they all flew in that direction...

The void space in the battlefield of this race is very strange. Let’s call it the sky, but the air is a bit thin, and the aura of heaven and earth is very amazing. It’s not like the legendary starry sky nine days away, where there is no aura in the air every day...


Look at it, it looks like a starry sky. It's dark all around, and there are dots of stars as far as the eye can see. It feels like a starry sky. In fact, these starry dots are not starry sky, but huge pieces suspended in the air. Continent…

"Boom! Boom!" There was a roaring explosion in the sky. Some spaces exploded with shocking space cracks, forming circles of space whirlpools, and shocking space storms erupted... Even if the monks in the Qiankun period were caught Entering the space storm, there is no way out. Since the opening of this racial battlefield, monks from all major races have been sucked into the space vortex. Needless to say, the monks who were sucked in were not sucked into the space vortex. The storm was rolled into pieces and disappeared into the vortex of space, never to appear again...

Therefore, since ancient times, all major races have warned monks who come to the racial battlefield not to be involved in the space whirlpool cracks. There is no chance of survival...

Naturally, everyone hid far away, but sometimes, this space vortex was not fixed, it was often erratic, and another one would burst out somewhere...

Although all major races have repeatedly emphasized not to get close to the space vortex, from time to time there are still unlucky monks who are sucked into the space vortex and disappear into the race battlefield, never to appear again...

"Let's move forward invisibly!" Li Xiaoya hurriedly spoke to everyone, and after a pause, he said to Dong Santong: "Fat man! It's up to you! Let's get together!" After that, he waved to everyone and said...

"Okay!" Dong Santong replied hurriedly, his fingers made dazzling kneading gestures, and his whole body flashed with spiritual light. After a while, a white light covered everyone, and no one suddenly showed any breath...

"Let's go!" Everyone has learned about Dong Santong's shocking invisibility technique. The only one who can hide everyone in a large area without leaving any trace... Dong Santong's magical power...

This is also an important reason why Li Xiaoya and others dare to go to the area where the demon clan is active...

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