True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1293: Establishing Authority

"Hmph! Do you still want to take action?" When the Dark Night Clan monk saw Li Xiaoya approaching, he suddenly felt an invisible pressure that made his skin numb. However, he refused to show weakness and said in a deep voice with a cold snort.

"I don't want to do anything!" Li Xiaoya smiled slightly when he heard this. His smile looked a little sinister, and his extremely handsome face showed a bit of evil. He suddenly said in a deep voice: "This time our special team went on a mission and met another member of the Dragon Clan. Stop! I suspect there is a spy within our human race!" After saying that, he looked directly at the Dark Night Clan monk, which clearly meant that you were a spy...

"You... are talking nonsense!" The Dark Night Clan monk's aura was suddenly locked, and his head seemed to be suppressing a huge mountain. He involuntarily took a step back. His aura was completely inferior to Li Xiaoya's. Suddenly he realized something, and... He straightened his back and scolded in a deep voice...

"Hmph! I'm talking nonsense! Then have you heard with your own eyes and ears that Li said those arrogant things?" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly and said in a deep voice.

"This...!" The Dark Night Clan monk was suffocated when he heard the words, and was horrified in his heart. This Li Xiaoya's aura was so strong that he felt a little breathless. For a moment, he couldn't answer. I was so angry, why was I afraid of this Li Xiaoya? With this thought in his mind, he hurriedly said: "Huh! Have you ever said that? I don't know. Anyway, this is how it was spread!"

"Oh!!" Li Xiaoya looked stunned after hearing this, his eyes suddenly flashed with golden light, and he shouted in a deep voice: "I dare you, you are a spy!!" After that. Golden light suddenly burst out all over his body, and the whole hall suddenly shook...

"Damn it!" The Dark Night Clan monk retreated in fear when he saw this. Suddenly a gray light burst out from his hand, and a huge gray hand grabbed Li Xiaoya...

"Hmph!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly when he saw this, and suddenly a golden light burst out from his hand, and he slapped the big gray light hand that the Dark Night Clan monk had grabbed...

"Bang!!" An earth-shattering sound like a clash of metals suddenly erupted. Li Xiaoya's big hand actually defeated the big gray hand and slapped the Dark Night Clan monk in the face...

"Go!" The Dark Night Clan monk, whose cultivation level was at the Qiankun stage, would be afraid of Li Xiaoya's attack. Suddenly, gray light burst out from his hand. A flash of spiritual light suddenly burst out, and an extremely sharp and gleaming dagger blocked Li Xiaoya's wrist. Although Li Xiaoya's speed was amazing, if he didn't stop, he would have hit the blade of the treasured dagger directly. Looking at the sharpness of this dagger, it is obviously not an ordinary treasure. If this flesh and blood body is slapped, the monks who practice the amazing body refining technique will also be injured...

It was obvious that this monk was forcing Li Xiaoya to stop...


"Phew!" Golden light suddenly burst out on Li Xiaoya's arm, and there were countless dragon scales as small as grains of rice. They were so dense that he had no intention of stopping...

"Qiang!" A harsh sound of metal collision suddenly erupted, and the dagger was suddenly knocked away by Li Xiaoya's wrist. Li Xiaoya's wrist sparkled with golden light, but nothing happened...

Just when Li Xiaoya's palm was about to slap the Dark Night Clan monk hard on the face.


"Fellow Taoist! Stop!" A rough and arrogant voice shouted in a deep voice. At the same time, several astonishing golden light beams suddenly burst out and shot towards Li Xiaoya's back. It was obviously his plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao...


"Pah!!" A harsh slap suddenly erupted. I saw that the Dark Night Clan monk's face was extremely deformed after being beaten, and his entire body was involuntarily sent flying...

That's a Qiankun Stage monk!

And at the same time!

"Qiang Qiang Qiang!!" Li Xiaoya's other hand shot towards his back without looking back. He directly blocked several golden light beams and flew away without even moving...

Li Xiaoya's blow was so powerful that the entire body of the Dark Night Clan monk flew out of the hall.

"Bang!" At this time, the Dark Night Clan monk was thrown heavily on the ground at the door, and several monks ducked away...

And this time!

"How brave!" A furious voice roared at Li Xiaoya, and a burst of golden light burst out. A man wearing red armor, with skin like metal all over his body, about two or three feet tall, with an extremely ferocious face, the Jin clan monk rushed towards Li Xiaoya. He rushed over and slapped Li Xiaoya hard with his big, shiny, metal-like hands. The space seemed to collapse and twist wherever he passed. It was obvious that he wanted to seek justice for the Dark Night Clan monk...


"Hmph!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly when he saw this. There was a burst of orange light under his feet, and a burst of golden light burst out of his arm. His big hand suddenly grabbed the golden hand. He was joking, competing with Li Xiaoya in strength, this is not seeking death... …


"Bang!!" A shocking and muffled sound suddenly erupted, and the golden hand grabbed by the Jinren monk was forcefully caught by Li Xiaoya. Li Xiaoya's figure was as stable as a mountain, motionless, and suddenly there was a monstrous atmosphere. The strong wind is splashing...

"Humph! Get out of here too!" Li Xiaoya swung his arm fiercely and shouted in harmony. The entire huge figure of the Jin monk was involuntarily thrown away by Li Xiaoya...

"Ahem!" At the door a hundred feet away, the Dark Night Clan monk was about to stand up dizzy. He was coughing and spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood. It seemed that Li Xiaoya was not in a hurry at that moment...


"Bang!!" The Jin clan monk thrown out by Li Xiaoya hit the Dark Night clan monk on the head...


"Bang!" I saw the two people collided with each other and made a muffled explosion. They hit the ground hard, causing a burst of dust to fly...

Li Xiaoya's magical powers don't seem to have much power, but they control almost no anger at all. When he grabbed it with his big hand, the space cracks and strong wind were blasted out. He was unexpectedly caught in the palm of Li Xiaoya's hand, without even breaking out...

This place is the mission workshop of the human race. If it is destroyed, there is no telling what kind of trouble it will cause. Li Xiaoya will naturally have to control the explosion of his spells...


After Li Xiaoya was cleansed and indoctrinated by the Bipolar Dark Flower back then, his entire body is now as powerful as the powerful monsters, especially in terms of physical defense. Although Li Xiaoya's physical defense was also powerful before being washed and improved by the twin polar underworld flowers, when he used the Ten Thousand Beasts Body Refining Chart, the golden light spirit pieces on his arms were not so small, but larger. Now they have become When it is smaller, its defense power increases several times. As far as Li Xiaoya's own feeling is concerned, I'm afraid that ordinary true fairy treasures can no longer hurt Li Xiaoya's physical body...


Just now, Li Xiaoya dared to use his wrist to catch the dagger treasure of the Dark Night Clan monk. This is the real benefit that Li Xiaoya has experienced over the years.

As for strength, although the body refining technique of the Jin clan monk is also powerful and is naturally practiced with the body refining technique, it is compared to the body refining technique like Li Xiaoya's. That's far from it...

And Li Xiaoya also deliberately did not destroy the entire mission workshop, so he just used earth spells to release all the excess strength thousands of feet underground, so that he could remain motionless as a mountain...


"Ugh!!" The Jin clan monk and the Dark Night clan monk turned pale. Suddenly a burst of light flashed around his body, and he stood up quickly. Standing hundreds of feet away, he looked at Li Xiaoya with a horrified expression. It was obvious that Li Xiaoya had no intention of killing the two of them, but just wanted to teach them a lesson...

"You...!" The two monks looked at each other tremblingly, unable to say a word. It was obvious that Li Xiaoya's magical power was unexpectedly powerful...

And this time!

"Boohoo!" A burst of spiritual light flashed in the air, and four spiritual lights appeared in the air. Four monks landed in front of Li Xiaoya...

"Fellow Daoist Li! Please show mercy!" One of the Chinese people from the late Qiankun period with a short beard hurriedly said to Li Xiaoya, with fear in his eyes!

"Are you in a group?" Li Xiaoya looked at the postures of several people, his eyes moved, and he said in a deep voice.

"That's right! We are indeed in the same group! I am the captain of Group 31! Lei Yang!" Lei Yang, the Chinese human race with a short beard, said hurriedly, paused in his voice, and said sincerely to Li Xiaoya: "Fellow Daoist Li, it's really I'm sorry, two of our team members have offended each other, so I ask you, fellow Taoist Li, to be kind and stop pursuing me!"

"Boss Lei! You..." After hearing this, the Jin monk said dissatisfiedly, but was stopped by Lei Yang's look, and said in a deep voice: "Isn't it embarrassing enough?"

"...!" Immediately, the golden human race monk and the dark night human race monk looked at each other and did not dare to say more...

And this time!

"Whoosh!" A burst of sound broke through the air, and Alishan and other monks from Li Xiaoya's special group all appeared behind Li Xiaoya, looking like they were confronting Lei Yang's thirty-one group...

"Hmph! After the slander, will everything be fine?" Dong Santong snorted after hearing Lei Yang's words, and said coldly and slowly, if Li Xiaoya hadn't stopped him just now, maybe the first one to go up was not Li Xiaoya, but Dong Santong. Yes……

"Fat man!" Li Xiaoya heard this and scolded him coldly, but he didn't let Dong Santong say anything more. In fact, if the Dark Night Human Race cultivator hadn't dared to attack just now, Li Xiaoya wouldn't necessarily have whipped that guy away, but since he whipped him away Of course, he didn’t regret it anymore. When he saw Lei Yang, a Chinese human with a short beard, his face was alternately red and white, he was obviously very unsightly. Li Xiaoya didn’t care whether Lei Yang’s face looked good or not, he said coldly. : "Hmph! I don't care what other people say, but you actually said it in front of us. It's obviously a bully that goes too far. If I didn't say it, others would think that we are a special group that is easy to bully!" Although Li Xiaoya has always had a good life, but He was not a weakling who allowed himself to be bullied. If these monks hadn't been too provocative, Li Xiaoya wouldn't have personally taken action to scare these talkative monks...

"You...!" Hearing this, Lei Yang was choked, but it was obvious that the shocking momentum that Li Xiaoya had just used to suppress the cultivators was obviously not something that ordinary cultivators could match. If he wanted to fight with Li Xiaoya and others, it was obvious that although Li Xiaoya's side had fewer people, they were four Qiankun period cultivators. Alysan, Dillon Yunyi, and Qiong Nanqi had all been famous in the racial battlefield before. They were ruthless characters who had killed dragon cultivators. Although there were two more people on his side, it was obvious that they were not enough for Li Xiaoya to weigh alone... He was very annoyed. Just now, they were all in the task workshop, just queuing up for the room door diplomatic tasks of other star levels. This process was naturally clear, and it was normal for Li Xiaoya to be angry, but the cultivators dared to provoke Li Xiaoya and others like this, obviously they also had something to rely on...

No words were said!


"Swish, swish, swish!" A sharp sound of breaking through the air flew up, and a flash of light was seen in the sky. A dozen monks wearing red armor, but wearing a mask to cover their faces, suddenly fell among the crowd...

"Hmph! What are you doing? Don't you know the rules?" One of the tall monks in red armor, who was nearly ten feet tall, shouted in a deep voice.

"It's them! They started it first!" The eyes of the Dark Night Human Clan monk lit up, revealing a hint of viciousness, and suddenly pointed at Li Xiaoya and said in a deep voice.

"You are fighting here? Don't you know the rules? Which group are you from?" The armored monk's eyes moved when he heard the words, and an astonishing pressure pressed towards Li Xiaoya, and asked in a deep voice, looking like an interrogation...


Although the pressure from the armored monk was amazing, Li Xiaoya did not react at all. Instead, he answered, "I am Li Xiaoya, the captain of the special team! This monk spread rumors that are detrimental to unity in our human alliance at will. I want to arrest this guy for interrogation!"

"Special team!" Upon hearing this, the armored monk was stunned, very surprised, and said in a deep voice: "It's you?"

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya said in a deep voice.

"Don't listen to his nonsense! It's obviously his revenge!" The Dark Night Human Clan monk cursed angrily: "You can even come up with such a reason...!"

Other monks also started to discuss:

"Yes! They obviously fought!"

"Yes, how did he become a spy?"

"Haha! Is Li Xiaoya dizzy?"


However! What shocked everyone was!

"Catch him!" The armored monk suddenly moved his finger, pointed at the Dark Night Human Clan monk and said in a deep voice: "Catch him back to the Criminal Law Hall for interrogation!"

As soon as this was said!

"What!?" All the monks were shocked and exclaimed...

"What? Why did you arrest me? I'm not a spy!" The Dark Night Human Clan monk also looked shocked and said repeatedly.

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