True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1303 Nine Dragons Pulling a Cart


In this way, it disrupted some of Li Xiaoya's plans. Li Xiaoya planned to evolve the Fire Dragon Sword in this racial battlefield.

Now that this problem has arisen, although Li Xiaoya is not afraid of trouble, he will not ask for help.

However, since the plan had an accident, it naturally had to change. The Fire Dragon Sword could not be used, but it could still be advanced. Anyway, he had many other methods and magical powers. After killing the dragon monk, he obtained the dragon's corpse and the monster. Keeping all the pills and everything else, and finding an opportunity to absorb and refine them together with the Fire Dragon Sword is a foolproof strategy...

After all, Li Xiaoya's current level of magical power does not require the use of the Fire Dragon Sword. There are very few monks at the same level who can match Li Xiaoya's level, so naturally he is not afraid of not using the Fire Dragon Sword.


There was too much noise about the Fire Dragon Sword's advancement, and Li Xiaoya didn't want Alishan and others to know that the Fire Dragon Sword would evolve, nor did he want to attract the attention of the alien monk...

Li Xiaoya has also decided a long time ago that next time he wants to refine the Fire Dragon Sword, he will find a safer place, or even go to other star realms to evolve...

Therefore, Li Xiaoya does not plan to use the Fire Dragon Sword unless necessary...


After killing the dragon monk, Li Xiaoya felt for the first time that the dragon monk really should be classified as a monster, because it was obvious that the dragon monk's demon pill was very similar to that of the monster, but instead Monster monks are similar to humans, except for the difference in appearance. However, this dragon monk obviously does not regard himself as a monster, maybe in essence. Because the Dragon Clan has been very powerful since ancient times, it has established its own racial civilization and cultivation system, so it can be considered racial...

However, Li Xiaoya also has his own plans. He will not use the Fire Dragon Sword to absorb the dragon monk's demon elixir in these dangerous places for the time being. He may make plans after returning to Daoshan.

Naturally, because these dragon corpses and demon pills are very useful to monks. If Li Xiaoya wants it, he will have to use some treasure materials to discuss with Dong Santong, Alishan and others, and change them to compensate them. That's all...

Everyone was flying all the way, and soon they were thousands of miles away, shooting in one direction...

Not long after Li Xiaoya and others killed the dragon spy who turned into a demon monk.

call out! An astonishing surge of spiritual light. Instantly flew into a huge cave...

"Report to Mr. Longshuai!" I saw a dragon monk with red scales all over his body. He quickly flew into the cave with an anxious look on his face. He flew into an empty cave and said urgently in the air. Then he knelt down directly on the ground.

"What's going on?" This cave is the cave of Commander Long. I saw the giant red dragon sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking like he was practicing. Hearing this, he opened his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Something bad happened! The secret camp where Jin Jiulong and the others were located was destroyed by the human monks, and Jin Jiulong and the others' demon elixirs were also captured!" The dragon monk hurriedly said. He said with an anxious look.

"What!? How could they be discovered?" After hearing this, Master Long Shuai shouted in an extremely furious voice.

"I don't know this subordinate! It was the human monks who came here on their own!" After hearing this, the dragon monk said in a deep voice. After a pause, a flash of inspiration appeared in his hand, and a crystal-clear fist-sized bead appeared. He raised his hands above his head and said with utmost respect: "This is the memory image that was sent back at that time! Please take a look at it, Lord Dragon Clan!"

"Damn it! Human race!" Master Long Shuai cursed, and suddenly his huge dragon eyes flashed with light. The bead in the hand of the dragon monk surged with white light, and countless white light points flew out, forming a three-dimensional surge of light dozens of feet in size in the air, forming an image...

In the image, I saw countless images of huge boulders suspended in the air. It seemed that it was exactly where the dragon monk was, where the huge meteorite boulder was...


"Boohoo!!" A burst of spiritual light surged, and suddenly five figures appeared in the air, followed by a burst of blue light from one of the monks. Released two huge blue-light giant swords, and struck the huge boulder head-on... It turned out to be the scene of Li Xiaoya's special team attacking the demon camp...

"It's him!! It's indeed him!" When Master Longshuai saw the huge dragon eyes of one of the monks, he suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, looking at another chubby figure. He said in a deep voice: "And this fat man, he should be Dong Santong..." When he saw Li Xiaoya using the God-Shaking Fire Stick, Lord Long Shuai continued: "That's right! This natal magic weapon, the God-Shaking Fire Stick... That’s right!”

"Huh? This boy has extraordinary magical powers!"

"What kind of treasure is that crown!"


"...!" When the Dragon Clan monk kneeling on the ground heard this, he was horrified. It was obvious that Master Long knew these monks...

It took a lot of effort to finish reading it... The last scene is when Li Xiaoya and others flew far away and flew out of the screen...

"Tsk! Didn't you use the sword?" At this time, Lord Long Shuai completely regained his composure. A hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but he murmured in disappointment, then closed his eyes and thought. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Very good! Pass the order down, pay close attention to the whereabouts of these two monks, they are the target we are looking for!" Lord Long Shuai said, and the dragon claw pointed at the void twice, and a burst of red light runes surged, and instantly flew into the bead in the hand of the dragon claw monk...

"Swish!" The bead surged with red light, and two spiritual figures flew out of it, with a very clear appearance, It was the figures of Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong, very clear. After the two figures flew out, they were suspended in the air...

"Yes! Lord Long Shuai!" Hearing this, the dragon cultivator replied in a deep voice, with two blank animal skins in his hands. He muttered something and pointed his finger at the two figures in the air. With a flick of his finger, the two figures flew into the animal skin with a surge of spiritual light, revealing a very clear picture of Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong...

"Very good! Notify the first group! Dragon Group 1 and Dragon Group 3 to set off immediately to find the whereabouts of the special group of the human race!" Lord Long Shuai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Hearing this, the dragon cultivator replied in a deep voice.

"And let our other insiders pay special attention to the whereabouts of the special group!" Lord Long Shuai continued.




When the dragon cultivator left the cave, the huge body of the Dragon Marshal suddenly moved, looked up at the top of the cave, and muttered to himself: "Hehe! Very good! Li Xiaoya! I was able to take the dragon soul from you back then, which is why I am where I am today. It seems that you have to give me another big gift... Hahaha!" After the Dragon Marshal said this, he suddenly laughed complacently, and there was no fury in front of him...

The whole huge cave was echoing with the proud laughter of the Dragon Marshal...


And in an unknown distance...

The whole sky was dark and the black air was constantly surging, forming countless Countless monster heads were floating in the void...

On the ground, there were countless huge black bodies with purple-red blood vessels beating constantly. With the beating, countless black air was constantly gushing out...

"Ahhh!" The whole land was filled with the evil breath of destruction. Countless black monsters roared and roared, biting each other and fighting. The whole ground was full of such a scene. The purple-black blood splashed out to form purple-black rivers, emitting an extremely unpleasant bloody smell. Black air like the heads of black monsters kept coming out of it...

At this time!

"Boom!!!" A shocking thunderbolt from the blue sky, the sky seemed to explode suddenly, and a huge black hole appeared in the sky. A burst of black light surged, and countless black air in the sky was stirred up, and suddenly it spun wildly in the sky, forming a huge black space vortex...


"Ka Ka Ka!!" A burst of black light suddenly appeared, and two huge black hands grabbed out from the black light vortex, tearing the void apart on both sides...

"Swish!" The black light surged, and a tall, golden-skinned, metal-like, alien monk with horns all over his body appeared in the air...

"Demon Star Realm!" The monk took a long breath, and suddenly showed an imperceptible smile, muttering to himself, as if he was very satisfied...


"I'm back!!!" The monk suddenly opened his eyes, and let out a roar that shook the sky and the earth, and a circle of shocking sound waves burst out...

"Boom!!" A muffled explosion that shook the earth and the sky burst out crazily, and the void in the sky exploded. Countless huge and incomparable black space cracks burst out, and the void continued to madly collapse, spreading madly in all directions, and the sky and the earth changed color...

And the whole ground was also rumbling and shaking crazily, and countless black monsters on the ground directly roared to the sky and exploded...

"Crack, crack, crack!" The whole ground was cracking and cracking crazily, stirring up a sandstorm, and the area within a thousand miles was covered by this black light. The sound was like rushing straight into the nine clouds, and it was madly rolling and flying towards the front...

The power of this monk's roar was so powerful.


"Boom! Boom!" Suddenly, there was a startling roar and explosion from the horizon. Hundreds of miles away, nine huge black dragons, each several thousand feet long, were pulling a carriage several thousand feet long, as big as a hill, made of countless black bones. On both sides of the carriage were hundreds of neatly arranged monks wearing countless black armors, holding flags and ceremonial guards, and flying towards the monk...

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