True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1318: Running Away is the Best Way

Li Xiaoya knew that the damn Yan Longzi (Old Dragon Head)'s magical power far surpassed his own, and it was impossible to kill Yan Longzi. Moreover, the reason why Li Xiaoya did not use the Fire Dragon Sword was because he was guessing that this Yan Longzi From the beginning to the end, Zi seemed to be forcing Li Xiaoya to use the Fire Dragon Sword. With Yan Longzi's cunningness, it was impossible for him to know that he had a treasure like the Fire Dragon Sword, which was extremely harmful to the dragon clan, and not prepare any way to deal with the Fire Dragon Sword. **, once the Fire Dragon Sword is released, the situation will become even worse...

And since he can't defeat Yan Longzi, Li Xiaoya won't force him. This is not a dead end in the Tower of Hell. If he can't defeat him and doesn't run away, isn't this a dead end? It’s not like his head was broken and he ran away on his own. It was Yan Longzi who was anxious...

However, in this case, Dong Santong and others in the Lingxiao boat could not be left behind to escape on their own, so they used the Immortal Chain...


"Boom boom boom!!!" A sonic boom shook the world, a crazy roar exploded, and the body of the bloodthirsty gorilla that Li Xiaoya transformed into was directly blasted hundreds of miles away, and the air in his path was Shocking and muffled sounds continued to erupt...

"Clang, Clang, Clang!" A burst of harsh collision sounds erupted. The entire Dragon Horn and Bone Dragon Slash was actually blocked by the white light shield erupting from the Immortal Chain. The sky continued to collapse crazily. The void cut open countless black and white space cracks, and the space cracks for hundreds of miles in radius continued to collapse...

"Damn it!" Even Yan Longzi felt that his mind was a little hurt, but. Being suppressed by him forcefully, he never expected that Li Xiaoya would resist the blow with only the Immortal Chain and break the plan. He couldn't help but cursed in annoyance...


From the beginning to the end, Yan Longzi has been calculating that it is simply impossible to get Li Xiaoya to hand over the Fire Dragon Sword obediently. But as long as Li Xiaoya takes out the Fire Dragon Sword to fight, he is 90% sure to win the Fire Dragon Sword. He is a great monk in the powerful stage. And with his identity in the Dragon Clan, how could it be possible that he only had the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash, a treasure that opened the sky, and the Dragon Ancestor had already given him a treasure to deal with the Fire Dragon Sword...


This Li Xiaoya just doesn't use the Fire Dragon Sword...

At this point, the only thing left to do is to kill Li Xiaoya...

"Ouch!!" While thinking this in his heart, Yan Longzi did not give Li Xiaoya a chance to breathe. The huge dragon mouth let out an earth-shattering roar, and the huge dragon claws grabbed into the void, and the dragon horn bone Dragon Slash swirled and surged in the void, and he was about to use the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash again...

Only this time!

"Ouch!!" The bloodthirsty orangutan transformed into Li Xiaoya also let out an earth-shaking roar. Behind the entire huge figure was an astonishing burst of golden light, and storm golden light wings appeared behind it. This Storm Golden Light Wing has always been a flying escape treasure that Li Xiaoya relies on. Naturally, he has added countless materials to refine and strengthen this Storm Golden Light Wing. It has already reached the level of a true fairy spirit treasure. This treasure At one point, Li Xiaoya naturally wanted to escape...

"Boom!!" There was a shocking explosion, and the golden storm wings behind Li Xiaoya flapped. The body that was blown away suddenly accelerated and flew forward at a crazy speed, instantly turning into a shocking multi-colored light. Exploding wildly towards the front. In the blink of an eye, he flew hundreds of miles away...

"Damn it!" When Yan Longzi saw this, he couldn't help but cursed angrily. It was impossible for this Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash to attack Li Xiaoya who was flying away so fast. As Yan Longzi cursed, countless weapons all over his body The red light suddenly burst out, and he chased Li Xiaoya crazily forward...

And on the other side, thousands of miles away...

"Boom, boom, boom!!" I saw the Lingxiao boat erupting with a shocking silver light. Spewing out countless silver flames, it rushed forward with a crazy impact and flew up. The speed was simply outrageous...

turn out to be!

The bloodthirsty orangutan that Li Xiaoya transformed into used all his strength to push the Lingxiao boat thousands of miles away, and the monks in the Lingxiao boat accelerated with all their magic power. Although there is one less Li Xiaoya, the speed of this Lingxiao boat is much faster than that of more than a year. This is naturally because most of the people were injured back then. Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong's mana has not fully recovered, and their mana is only 10% to 20%. But now everyone's injuries are 30 to 40% better, and the total output has exceeded that of that year...


Now, astonishing mana is pouring into the Lingxiao boat, and it has reached the critical point of the Lingxiao boat. If more mana is to be input, I am afraid that the Lingxiao boat will be directly exploded by the mana...

In a short time, he had already traveled more than 1,500 miles away...

And at this time, in the cabin...

"Tsk! Damn it! Fellow Daoist Alishan! You go first! I'll go back to rescue senior brother!" Dong Santong suddenly gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoist Dong, I'll go with you!" As soon as she said this, Alishan said in a deep voice.

"Let's go back too!" The others also said in unison in a deep voice. It was obvious that their bloody nature was inspired by Li Xiaoya. They had never thought that a monk would treat everyone like this...

"No!" Di Long Yun Yi said in a deep voice, which made everyone glare at him. Did they ignore everything just to escape? Seeing this, Di Long Yun Yi hurriedly explained: "If we all go back, we will not be able to save Captain Li! Instead, it will make Captain Li more passive. Have you forgotten how we implicated Captain Li just now?"

"That's right!" Without waiting for everyone to speak, Dong San Tong said in a deep voice: "If you go back, you will not only be unable to help, but also drag down Senior Brother. Don't let Senior Brother down. I am the only one who is not injured here. I am sure to rescue Senior Brother!" After that, without waiting for everyone to answer, a white light flashed and flew out of the cabin...

"......!" Everyone looked at each other when they heard this. Among the people here, Dong San Tong's cultivation is the lowest. Now he is only the second level of the initial stage of Qiankun. However, everyone is very horrified by Dong San Tong's light attribute magical power. It is indeed the most suitable person to rescue Li Xiaoya...

"Let's go! If we don't hold back, we will help!" I saw Ailishan gritted her teeth and said He said in a deep voice, and then his whole body burst into purple-red light, and he continuously inputted mana into the formation, and said to everyone in a deep voice: "Increase the input of mana!"

"Okay!" Everyone answered in unison, knowing that this was the reality, and they had no choice but to accept it, and each one of them inputted more mana...

"Boom boom boom!!" The entire formation was a surge of amazing mana, and the Lingxiao boat burst out with amazing spiritual light, and it shuttled forward at an amazing speed. The speed obviously did not slow down because of Dong Santong...

At the moment when the Lingxiao boat flew forward, a white light flew out of the Lingxiao boat. It was Dong Santong. Dong Santong's whole body flashed with white spiritual light and disappeared into the air, flying away invisibly...

And on the other side...

"Boom boom boom!!" The storm golden wings behind Li Xiaoya flashed wildly, and Li Xiaoya flew forward at an extremely terrifying speed. And then...

Behind, five or six hundred miles away...

"Ahhh!" A series of earth-shattering howls and roars, the old dragon head roared and roared, turned into a terrifying red light and shook wildly, the sky was rumbling and constantly surging with huge space fluctuations, the entire void was shaking, and it chased madly in the direction of Li Xiaoya, and it was obviously two or three points faster than Li Xiaoya, and was closing the distance with Li Xiaoya little by little...

After a few breaths, it seemed to be hundreds of miles closer to Li Xiaoya...

"Tsk! Damn it!" Li Xiaoya knew that his current escape technique was not comparable to Yan Longzi's, and he cursed with a smack of his mouth. Of course, he also knew that it was impossible to prevent Yan Longzi from chasing him. Thinking of this in his heart, he suddenly made frantic hand gestures with his hands, and muttered something in his mouth. A mysterious and difficult formula came out of Li Xiaoya's mouth, and Li Xiaoya Countless colorful spiritual lights surged all over his body. As Li Xiaoya chanted a spell, his entire bloodthirsty gorilla appearance was rapidly wriggling and changing. His huge ape arms began to become slender, and his body was constantly lengthening. His body seemed to have shrunk a lot. His big feet were also wriggling and shrinking rapidly, and constantly turning into a very slender appearance...

"Hehe! Li Xiaoya! Don't even think about running away!" At the moment when Li Xiaoya changed, the Flame Dragon Son actually caught up with him for more than a hundred miles. He couldn't help but roared in a deep voice with joy. After that, the huge dragon mouth chanted a mysterious spell, and the entire huge dragon body was constantly vibrating circles of shocking red light runes. When he opened his mouth, the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash was sprayed out again, and in the void, it turned into a Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash that was thousands of feet long...

And at this moment...

"Chiu!!! "A loud and extremely piercing bird cry suddenly burst out. In just a few breaths, Li Xiaoya had turned into a huge, slender, golden-feathered Peng bird with a pair of huge feathers. The Peng bird had a huge feather thousands of feet long on its head, which was exactly the appearance of the ancient demon beast Tianyu Peng bird. It was said that Tianyu Peng bird was an ancient demon beast with the bloodline of the ancient divine bird Kunpeng... The blood essence was obtained from the Hell Tower...


"Go!" When Li Xiaoya turned into Tianyu Peng bird, Yan Longzi had finished chanting the spell, and the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash turned into a huge one. With Yan Longzi's roar, the huge dragon claws pointed heavily in the direction of the Tianyu Peng bird that Li Xiaoya turned into in the void...

"Boom!" The huge Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash broke through the void, cutting a black and white space crack tens of thousands of feet long in the void, and blasted towards Li Xiaoya...

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