True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1327 Battle of Wisdom and Courage

"Heavenly Tribulation Thundercloud!" Dong Santong and Li Xiaoya naturally reached the thundercloud that was constantly violently surging in the sky, and couldn't help but exclaimed...

Who is this disaster going to hit? Both of them and Yilong couldn't help but have such a thought flashing through their minds...



An unknown premonition surged into Li Xiaoya's heart, and an extremely mysterious power of the laws of heaven and earth suddenly locked onto him...

"Rumble!!" I saw countless thunderclouds rolling and surging in the empty sky. A series of shocking surges. The whole sky was filled with wind and clouds, gathering above Li Xiaoya's head. The whole sky was extremely violent. Power particles surged within it, and the entire void for hundreds of miles was filled with circles of shocking thunderclouds...

"Li Xiaoya!"

"Senior brother!" Yan Longzi and Dong Santong both discovered that the target of this disaster was Li Xiaoya in the middle. Their faces changed and they exclaimed in shock...

"Damn it! What's going on? Why is the catastrophe coming at this time?" Li Xiaoya exclaimed when he saw this. He has only been practicing for more than two thousand years, and there is still quite a long time before the catastrophe...

"Damn it! Li Xiaoya! Give me the Fire Dragon Sword, and I will help you survive this longevity disaster!" Yan Longzi suddenly shouted to Li Xiaoya as if he remembered something. ..

"The Shouyuan Heavenly Tribulation? Why is the Shouyuan Heavenly Tribulation coming!?" Li Xiaoya was stunned and couldn't help but secretly thought, but he immediately realized that it was a magical power that consumed lifespan and cultivation level. Before, Li Xiaoya often competed with those with high cultivation level. In the battle between his monks and monsters, he often has no choice but to use this magical power that consumes his life span and cultivation level. It is okay to say that this cultivation level can be recovered through practice. But with this life span, Li Xiaoya believes that he has reached the realm of fake immortality. , with his magical powers. It will definitely be no problem to survive the ten or eight life span tribulations...


This time, he had a big battle with Yan Longzi, constantly using magical powers that consumed his longevity and cultivation. Although Li Xiaoya was in the realm of fake immortality, the reason why he was fake was because of this longevity disaster. Li Xiaoya and Yan Longzi were chasing after him. , can only rely on the support of the magical power that consumes life span and cultivation. Naturally, life span is also consumed a lot. In addition, the previous consumption is equivalent to Li Xiaoya's life span of more than thousands of years. Unknowingly, Time has reached the critical point of launching the Shouyuan Heavenly Tribulation...

Li Xiaoya's mana had been exhausted just now. It is the first time to truly reach the longevity tribulation. This is a catastrophe that occurs once every five thousand years, and Li Xiaoya's real age is only more than 2,000 years old. Naturally, this is the sequelae of the magical power that burns longevity and cultivation. Already...

"Don't even think about it!!" Li Xiaoya knew what was going on, but he shouted angrily and stubbornly: "Do you think I would be afraid of this small catastrophe?" He suddenly thought of the role that catastrophe had on him when he was in the human world. It’s not big, so I’m naturally not afraid…

"Damn it! Do you think you can survive this longevity calamity with your injuries? Give me the Fire Dragon Sword!!" Yan Longzi roared with extreme fury after hearing this, even though he has practiced a lot. For thousands of years, I can't help but be furious. This is the first time I have encountered such a stubborn guy who is desperate for his life. The huge dragon claws are pulled fiercely, and the Ten Thousand Dragon Altar in his hand is filled with an astonishing burst of blood-red light...

"Buzz!" I saw the red light thread vibrating continuously, forcefully pulling Li Xiaoya back...

"Old dragon head! If you pull again! I will cut off the light thread!" Li Xiaoya roared angrily. After saying that, the Hell Crown on his head was filled with circles of golden runes, pretending to activate the Hell Crown...

"You!!" Seeing this scene, Yan Longzi choked and immediately didn't dare to pull anymore. He yelled angrily: "Damn it! What on earth do you want to do?"

"Hmph! If you want the Fire Dragon Sword, you can!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly when he heard this and said in a deep voice.

And this time!

"Rumble!!!" There are more and more thunderclouds surging crazily in the entire void, constantly erupting with scalp-numbing roars and explosions. The entire void was immersed in the black thundercloud, and in the boundless black thundercloud, circles of light began to ripple, creating an invincible and shocking pressure. Suppressing and attacking Li Xiaoya...

At the same time, Yan Longzi and Dong Santong were also affected by this thundercloud. Once the Shouyuan Heavenly Tribulation comes, Yan Longzi and Dong Santong will also be affected...

"What conditions do you have? Tell me quickly!!" Yan Longzi roared when he heard this.

"You help me resist this thunder disaster first!" Li Xiaoya rolled his eyes and said in a deep voice, making this very shameless request...

"Then give me the Fire Dragon Sword first!" Yan Longzi was so angry. His current situation was not very good, but he still gritted his teeth and roared in a deep voice, demanding that the Fire Dragon Sword be given to him first...

"No!" Li Xiaoya said in a flat voice. It's a joke. Give the Fire Dragon Sword to Yan Longzi first. It's strange that this old guy won't slap his butt and run away... He said in a deep voice: "You help me resist this disaster first. !”

"Damn it! Then let's leave this damn space vortex first!" Yan Longzi also knew that it was impossible for Li Xiaoya to give him the Fire Dragon Sword, so he turned around and said, he had thought about it and left the space vortex. He would not help him during the tribulation. Countless tribulation divine thunders were blasted down, and Li Xiaoya was still half alive. However, it was not easy to snatch the Fire Dragon Sword from Li Xiaoya's hand... I thought so in my heart, the dragon claws are red light. He violently pulled Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong away...

"No! Just help me get through the disaster like this!" Li Xiaoya was not an idiot, he roared angrily, his figure shook with circles of golden light, and he pulled forcefully to prevent Yan Longzi from pulling him back...

"Damn it!" Li Xiaoya's almost shameless request made Yan Longzi feel like he was going crazy. Even if he lived another eight hundred lifetimes, he would never encounter such an unlucky thing, such a shameless his eyes wide. The dragon's eyes, almost crazy, roared and shouted: "Asshole! Asshole! Damn bastard!!" How to live like this? Aren't you afraid of being sucked into the space vortex? "


If Yan Longzi's huge figure were to get close to the space vortex, the suction force generated by the space vortex would be even more amazing. Once the space vortex is activated, no matter how high Yan Longzi's cultivation level is, he will be doomed... …

Even if he is beaten to death, he will not get close to the space vortex...

And this time!

"Rumble!!" The thunderclouds in the sky began to rotate and surge, seeming to gather a surge of shocking mana. The entire sky shook out circles of ripples, and countless lightning threads continued to flow in them. surges up...

"Okay! I'll come over! Don't make a mistake!" Li Xiaoya seemed to be compromising, and suddenly changed his words and ordered: "Okay! Pull me over!"

"Tsk!" Although he was extremely unhappy and furious, he was dissatisfied with Li Xiaoya's tone. He let out a chirp, and the blood-red Ten Thousand Dragons Altar on the huge dragon claws surged with an astonishing red light... He pulled Li Xiaoya's figure and flew over quickly. …

Gradually, he got closer and closer to Yan Longzi, and Yan Longzi's figure also quickly retreated. Once Li Xiaoya escaped from the space vortex... Yan Longzi flew away, making up his mind and secretly thinking... …


"That's not right!" Yan Longzi suddenly trembled, and suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis coming towards him crazily. He suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked behind Li Xiaoya, and couldn't help but exclaimed: " What about the fat man?"

Li Xiaoya turned into a bloodthirsty gorilla and Dong Santong, who was captured with the Hell Crown behind him, disappeared...

"Roar!" Li Xiaoya suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, and his entire extremely huge figure shook out an astonishing surge of golden light. His entire extremely enlarged figure began to squirm crazily, roaring and roaring: "Do it!" After saying that, the extremely huge head suddenly turned around, and Dong Santong was already behind Li Xiaoya's huge bloodthirsty orangutan. With Li Xiaoya's violent head shake...

"Boom!!" A shocking sound suddenly erupted, and Dong Santong's entire figure was thrown away...

"Dead dragon! Your grandpa is here!" I saw Dong Santong roaring angrily. The green light wings behind him flashed fiercely and there was an astonishing boom. In an instant, Dong Santong's figure disappeared into the air, and his figure appeared instantly. The appearance of writing dozens of miles in front of Yan Longzi...

"Go!" Dong Santong used his hands to perform an astonishing magic spell on his bald head...

"Buzz!!" Dong Santong's whole head seemed to have turned into a dazzling sun, suddenly bursting out with a dazzling white light...!

"Oops!" Yan Longzi only felt a stinging pain in his only eye. His eyes turned white and he couldn't see anything at all... But he reacted quickly enough and subconsciously slashed the Dragon Horned Bone Dragon in front of him to block it. In front of me...

"Boom!!" A soft and inaudible sound broke through the air instantly, and a harsh sound broke through the air instantly, rushing towards the direction of Yan Longzi...


A ray of white light instantly passed through the dragon horn, bone and dragon slash barrier in front of Yan Longzi...

"!!" In front of Yan Longzi's remaining huge dragon, a white light suddenly burst out...

"Poof!!" There was a muffled sound, and a white light penetrated directly. With a bang, countless white lights burst out in Yan Longzi's dragon eyes, and countless dragon blood splashed everywhere crazily...

And this time!

"Come here!" Li Xiaoya let out a shocking roar, and his entire huge arm suddenly pulled the huge arm in his hand, and the accompanying Yanlongzi

"Ouch! My eyes!!" The entire huge figure of Yan Longzi suddenly stopped. The entire extremely huge figure was pulled by Li Xiaoya's sudden divine power, and he couldn't help but let out a shocking scream. Phew, rushed towards Li Xiaoya...

"Damn it!" Yan Longzi has now become a blind dragon. This monk's eyes are not like arms and arms. They can be regrown with great magical powers. They can only dig out other monks' eyes. They are dragon eyes. Used to embed it back, Yan Longzi's huge figure suddenly soared into the clouds and flew toward Li Xiaoya's location... (To be continued.)

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