True Immortal Fate

The Romance of the True Immortal Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1334 The True Immortal Ar

And this time

"Rumble!!" I saw huge whirlwind boulders with a radius of five or six thousand miles, being sucked in by the huge space vortex...

When Li Xiaoya, Yan Longzi and others fought in front of this space vortex, the space vortex was only hundreds of miles in size. Now it is dozens of times larger, thousands of miles in size. Looks like this, no wonder the suction range extends to thousands of miles...


It was Qian Yu who saw the opportunity early, and his cultivation experience was not comparable to that of ordinary monks...

Now, the ancient flying boat has been stagnated five or six thousand miles away from the whirlpool in the space. Outside the range of the suction force, Dong Santong has been holding down Dong Santong's body with his eyes full of horror, watching the countless boulders being swept away by the space. The vortex sucked it in and murmured: "What's going on? Why did the vortex in the space suddenly grow so much? Could it be that something happened to Junior Brother Li inside?" Thinking this in his heart, he hesitated a little. Now in this space The vortex became so big and the suction force was so amazing that no matter how high his cultivation level was, he would not be able to rush in...

But that shocking golden-red light that made his heart palpitate also made him extremely frightened. Such an astonishing and shocking power of the law, even though he has been practicing for so many years, he has never seen it before... What on earth is that? What is Gao. The shell is the most beautiful and the most beautiful one is the most beautiful one.


"Rumble!" An astonishing roar and vibrating sound came down from the void...

"What?" Qianyu Taizu's expression suddenly changed, and he was secretly frightened, looking at the void above his head...


"Boom!" I saw bursts of astonishing multi-colored auras surging in the sky. The void shook out like a huge space vortex. A shocking aura appeared out of thin air. The entire sky shook out with circles of ripples. The whole sky seemed to be shattered...

"Huh? This aura!" Qianyu Taizu was stunned as soon as he felt this earth-shattering aura. He was secretly shocked and thought to himself, looking at the sky in horror...


"Hoo ho!" A figure with colorful lights appeared in the air...

"Sure enough, it's him! He actually alerted this old guy? He's so beautiful?" Seeing this, Qianyu Taizu was stunned, and secretly exclaimed in shock, but his face suddenly became extremely respectful, and he looked towards that day The figures with colorful lights in the sky said respectfully: "Thousands of people from the human race pay their respects to the Supreme Immortal Tianmei! The Supreme Immortal will enjoy eternal blessings and live as long as the sun!"



Could it be the legendary true immortal? It’s no wonder that Qian Yu Taizu, a great monk in the powerful stage, was so respectful when he saw this person... he flattered him respectfully...


"Boohoo!" I saw a surge of colorful auras on the figure with colorful auras. I saw a figure with skin as fair as jade and a golden crown on his head. Two long beards drooped down, and there was a petal-like mark in the middle of the eyebrows. The handsome and stern-faced young man was wearing a purple-gold silk suit with colorful auras constantly flashing on it. The young man appeared in the air, and his whole person was exuding There was a faint and shocking pressure, and the surrounding void space was distorting, trying to avoid the appearance of this monk...

"Yeah! No more courtesy!" When this beautiful goddess Tianmeitao heard this, her face showed no expression at all, and she suddenly said casually. The voice sounded like it was coming from nine days away, exuding a kind of earth-shattering coercion, which made Qian Yu Taizu feel in a state of mind... The voice paused, and Tian Meitao was looking at the huge space vortex in the void. He frowned and said, "What's going on?"

"Reply to the Immortal Tianmei!" After hearing this, Qianyu Taizu hurriedly replied: "A few of us from the human race and an old guy from the dragon race met here...!"

"Hmph!" Before Qianyu Taizu could finish speaking, the Mei Tao man snorted coldly that day, and a wave of Tao Tan's pressure directly suppressed Qianyu Taizu's explanation. Qianyu Taizu was shocked and almost fell down on the deck. However, the entire void looked like there was no mana fluctuation at all. It seemed that he had suppressed the powerful Qianyu Taizu with his voice alone. Seeing the Qianyu Taizu's expression changed drastically, he said coldly: "Am I asking you this?"

"Dare I ask what the Immortal is asking about?" After hearing this, Qianyu Taizu's heart moved, but he asked with the utmost respect: "What is the treasure that appeared? Where did it go?" Not that he was really afraid. She looks so beautiful today...

"Let me ask you! What is the treasure that appeared? Where did it go?" Tianmei Taoren said in a deep voice with a commanding tone. He looked at Qianyu Taizu as if he was looking at an ant, not polite at all...

"Yes! Immortal Tianmei!" Qianyu Taizu didn't look angry at all, and continued hurriedly: "I don't know who that thing is, but the space vortex is not that big in the first place. It is the treasure that makes the space vortex It was blown open like this!”

Although the beauty of the beauty was shocking that day, Qianyu Taizu didn't mean to tell the truth. He said carelessly, what he meant was that he wanted to get that thing in the vortex of space by himself...

"In that space vortex?" After hearing this, Tianmeitao frowned slightly and murmured: "This is a bit troublesome. If you are involved in this space vortex, it will be difficult to find it. !" After saying that, colorful spiritual light surged all over his body, and his body moved and disappeared into the air in an instant...

"Swoosh!" At the mouth of the space vortex, a colorful spiritual light flashed, and Tian Meitao appeared in the space vortex...


"Boom boom boom!!" The space vortex seemed to be stirred by an invisible huge hand, and the shocking suction was stirring in it...


Tian Meitao's whole body stopped in front of the space vortex, and his whole body was motionless. Such a shocking suction swept over Tian Meitao, and even a corner of his clothes was rolled up, as if the suction of the space vortex had no effect on him at all...

"Hmm? Sure enough, there is a trace of good fortune!" Tian Meitao stopped in the space vortex for a while, and suddenly moved. With a muffled explosion, he plunged directly into the space vortex, and the colorful spiritual light burst out, and then disappeared...


Is this Tian Meitao really a true immortal?

Otherwise, the great cultivators would enter a space vortex from which they would never return, but in front of Tianmei Taoren, they could come and go freely as they pleased?

On the other side…

“Huh! Even Tianmei Taoren’s clone was alarmed. What kind of treasure is that?” Qianyu Taizu muttered to himself as he watched Tianmei Taoren disappear into the air. After that, a burst of spiritual light suddenly appeared on his body. He hesitated for a moment, and looked at Dong Santong who was completely ignored by Tianmei Taoren on the ground. He said hurriedly, “Tsk! Let’s hide this kid first!” After that, he grabbed the unconscious Dong Santong, who was so angry! A burst of spiritual light surged, and Dong Santong's entire body flew to Qian Yu Taizu's hand and disappeared in an instant...


Qian Yu Taizu controlled this huge flying boat and slowly flew towards the direction of the space vortex...


And in that space vortex...


"Swish, swish, swish!!" Boom, boom, a series of shocking space storms continued to roar and burst, countless space forces rushed and splashed everywhere, bursting everywhere like sharp blades...

And in this extremely violent space vortex, Tian Meitao's body was shining with colorful spiritual light, and he ignored the extremely violent space force and flew over very quickly, while flying While muttering, "What an amazing power of creation, it must be an ancient artifact. If we get this thing, the strength of our thirty-three-star world will increase a lot... Huh?" While speaking, Tianmei Taoren had already flown into the space vortex for thousands of miles. Suddenly, as if he discovered something, his figure suddenly accelerated and flew forward...

"Dragon skin?" Tianmei Taoren was seen grabbing a huge red dragon skin that was like metal and muttering to himself... After that, his figure flew forward quickly... This amazing space vortex was no obstacle at all in front of this true immortal...


As far as Qian Yu Taizu knew, this Tianmei Taoren was actually just a clone. However, some cultivators cultivate clones that are as powerful as their original bodies, which is not surprising. If Li Xiaoya's Yiyuan Huaying Jue is cultivated to the highest level, it will be almost divided into five to condense five clones. It's a pity that the Yiyuan Huaying Jue is too profound. Even with Li Xiaoya's cultivation and talent, he can only practice the entry level...

After flying tens of thousands of miles, I saw that the end of the space vortex was almost reached...

I saw that at the end of the space vortex, there was a gray gas that was constantly rotating...

"Huh?" Tianmei Taoren was stunned, and his body suddenly stopped, with some horror in his mouth He murmured, "It's actually the place where immortals fall! This is troublesome!" He was hesitant while speaking, not as decisive as before...

"Tsk! Just go to the edge and take a look!" After hesitating for a while, Tian Meitao smacked his lips and murmured. After that, a layer of colorful spiritual light surged all over his body, and soon he turned into a colorful spiritual light shield and flew towards the gray light circle...

More than an hour later...

In a colorful spiritual light glittering in the void at an unknown distance...

"Bad luck! Bad luck! My clone can't get out!?" Tian Meitao was sitting cross-legged in the void, and suddenly opened his eyes and cursed in a deep voice... (To be continued.)

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