True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1340 A world without spiritual energ

This simple question could trap Li Xiaoya for several days, which was actually beyond Li Xiaoya's expectation. In these three or four days, Li Xiaoya had actually studied the entire method, which was the most common method to drive blood circulation throughout the body.

At the beginning, Li Xiaoya did not want to make the period so difficult. He first understood the principle, and then studied it in depth after success. Just like a baby learning to walk, it is natural to learn to crawl first, then learn to walk, and finally learn to run...

Li Xiaoya tried various methods to drive blood flow in the body in the past few days, but he was always unsuccessful. The most successful one was to control it with feeling, but it still failed...

After thinking hard for several days, Li Xiaoya thought from the perspective of blood circulation, from the most fundamental point, why the heart speeds up when people are nervous, how blood enters the heart and then comes out, and what are the benefits of this...


Cultivators always talk about comprehending, understanding, and realizing the Tao. In fact, this is a process of self-questioning and self-answering. In this process of self-questioning and self-answering, the most real answer is found, which is to solve the origin of Tao, so as to understand Tao, use Tao, resolve Tao, control Tao, and conquer Tao...

And Li Xiaoya's comprehension method is also the same, constantly asking questions, looking for the most real answer...

After a few days of continuous comprehension, self-questioning and self-answering, and proposing whether one plan after another is successful, this is the basic method for cultivators to pursue the Tao of Heaven. In fact, it is also the reason why the minds of immortal cultivators can make such precise inferences. If it were a mortal's brain, they would have wanted to explode their heads long ago...

Will control!

Will controls the circulation of blood, this is the answer Li Xiaoya found.

It's obvious.

Li Xiaoya knew that Tianshang Gongzi and Yang Shao had not practiced any immortal cultivation magic. The method is not the so-called martial arts mind method, but the internal force of cultivation is driven by the operation...

And after Li Xiaoya's inference, why can people use the most basic thing of running to comprehend, in fact, it is constantly the immortal cultivation method or the martial arts mind method, this is when they just started to practice. They both practiced meditation, but the difference was that one practiced mana and the other practiced internal strength...

Li Xiaoya recalled that when he was practicing the technique, Senior Brother Liu Hang personally watched over him for several months before he started...

And he didn't have any mana at that time, so what did he rely on to practice?

The answer is will.

For Li Xiaoya at that age, he practiced meditation for one or two months to cultivate a trace of will, and then he successfully practiced the technique...

What exactly is will?

In fact, will is a part of the human inner self, to put it more clearly, it is the power of the mind's command.

For example!

What does a person want to do. This is a process of objective psychological rationality and subjective psychological needs. For example, when a person is hungry, he will think about eating. This is a subjective fact and belongs to the basic physiological needs of human beings. What to eat is a process of subjective psychological needs, which starts from what people want to eat in their consciousness...

What does this have to do with will?

To be more direct, will is related to willpower. Willpower is actually such a power that does not exist subjectively, but it is an extremely powerful force from the spiritual level...

It drives people's actions for the purpose of physiological needs, such as what I just said. If people want to eat, they have to farm, hunt, and so on, and what to eat depends on people's requirements for food...

As the secular saying goes. Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as one is determined.

This is actually the embodiment of willpower...

Among immortal cultivators and ordinary mortals, this strong willpower actually represents the strength of achievement...

Back to the issue of cultivation!

And the same is true for cultivation. Because people want to be strong, they have to practice to promote the physiological operation of the human body, thereby answering the psychological need for strength...In this way, in fact, the driving force of any cultivation method at the beginning is willpower...

After studying this...

Li Xiaoya naturally wants to try to operate this method.

Speaking of it!

As a great cultivator of the Qiankun period, Li Xiaoya has gone through countless hardships. From the time when he was a child, he had no intention of pursuing the Tao and only wanted to eat and drink well and live a stable life. Now he is a great cultivator of the Qiankun period, with an extremely tenacious heart for the Tao... After so much training, his willpower is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators and mortals...

And willpower cannot be quantified by any realm. It can only be said that Li Xiaoya's willpower is extraordinary...

This forced drive of the blood in his body to circulate, rushing towards the heart...


"Gurgle!" As soon as Li Xiaoya forced the technique to work, his entire body began to surge with an amazing sound like a spring... The blood vessels on the exposed skin surface suddenly swelled, and countless blood vessels on the entire body bulged, looking very ferocious...

"Hulala!" Li Xiaoya's chest also swelled violently, and the color of his skin began to change, becoming more and more red...

"No! No!" Li Xiaoya felt a pain in his chest, and cried out in his heart, and hurriedly stopped the operation of the technique...

"Zizizizi!" After a while, Li Xiaoya's body shook and squirmed, and the bulging blood vessels on his body quickly relaxed...

"Hey! There was no such situation when those two boys performed that skill. I guess I didn't control the strength well!" Li Xiaoya thought for a moment and murmured in a deep voice, but the rapid rhythm of the blood just now was , which made him seem to have regained some physical intuition. At least he could feel his limbs. His hand was cut off by Yan Longzi. It hadn't even been connected yet. Naturally, only An arm... Let Rang feel the rapid circulation of the blood, and it seems a bit like the operation of the immortal cultivation technique, but it is not able to absorb spiritual energy.

Controlling the blood flow in this way made Li Xiaoya feel that he could recover much faster than doing nothing but meditating...

However, being able to control blood circulation means that this technique has taken the most solid first step. Obviously Li Xiaoya's idea is right. If you want to control blood circulation, you have to rely on willpower to drive...

With the idea in mind, Li Xiaoya summarized it again, rethought some details of this technique, and after a period of experimentation and understanding...

Before I knew it, another three or four days had passed...

In the room where Li Xiaoya is...

"Hoo ho ho!" I saw an invisible whirlwind spinning around Li Xiaoya's whole body. The space was shaking with ripples, and the whole room was filled with astonishing wind...

in this way……

Has Li Xiaoya's magic power been restored...

Of course not.

I saw.

Li Xiaoya's figure does not appear to be emitting any spiritual energy fluctuations, and the skin all over his body has the appearance of vaguely mysterious runes that are stirring, but these runes are not painted on or anything, but are stirred up by Li Xiaoya's skin. , forming formations...

After several days of research and understanding, Li Xiaoya finally completed the technique of controlling blood instead of spiritual energy. The power was somewhat beyond his expectation. Obviously, this technique of controlling blood has great prospects.

However, after a day or two of controlling the blood flow, Li Xiaoya's body has not recovered much, and he is still unable to move. Obviously this is impossible...

After studying this technique, Li Xiaoya could control the blood in his body, so he used blood vessels to bulge on his skin and pieced together some formation patterns. These were ordinary formations. Although Li Xiaoya didn't have any knowledge of formations. No matter what research, I can still learn this ordinary formation, and the only use of this formation is to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

When Li Xiaoya thought about it, no matter how powerful the formation that controlled blood circulation was, it couldn't be compared to his own magical powers...

Of course.

With Li Xiaoya's super willpower and control ability, there is no problem in controlling the blood in his body to create so many formations...



"Tsk!" Li Xiaoya suddenly stopped exercising, squeaked, and said helplessly: "Damn it! Why don't you have any spiritual energy?" As Li Xiaoya stopped exercising, the formation runes on his body bulged. It disappeared slowly. Now that he can't move a finger, naturally he can only use this method...

Li Xiaoya has tried several formations, but he hasn't absorbed any spiritual energy at all. This is really impossible. Li Xiaoya can't figure it out. Even the places with the most exhausted spiritual energy still have spiritual energy...

At first, Li Xiaoya thought it was because his body had encountered a problem and could not absorb mana, but later, he observed carefully and found that this was not the case at all, but that the formation did not absorb any spiritual energy from the void at all. It looks like, but there is simply no spiritual energy in the air that monks need for cultivation...

No spirit?

Li Xiaoya felt ridiculous when he thought of this idea. Although aura is extremely important to monks, in fact, the growth of all things in the world requires aura. Only then can the monster genius treasure be born. How could there be no aura?

But in fact, Li Xiaoya couldn't find anyone to ask, and he could only feel depressed in his heart. Even if he couldn't use magic, he couldn't even absorb spiritual energy. Could it be the reason for the Fire Dragon Sword...

Li Xiaoya thought of the Fire Dragon Sword that flew into his eyebrows, and thought to himself...

While Li Xiaoya was thinking...

"Huh? Someone is coming!" Li Xiaoya suddenly noticed something, his heart moved, he closed his eyes and started meditating again, looking like he was practicing...


After a while, a burst of footsteps came from far and near... (To be continued.)

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