True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1353 Dragon Fight

"Damn it! If I had the Fire Dragon Sword in my hand, I would kill all of you guys with one sword!" Hearing this, Li Xiaoya cursed in his heart.

Indeed, if the Fire Dragon Sword was in hand, with the Fire Dragon Sword's power to devour the dragon clan, the dragon clan would really be killed one by one. Unfortunately, Li Xiaoya can only think about it now...

Thinking so in his heart, Li Xiaoya did not rush up to fight with those blue dragons... Li Xiaoya's body moved, and a wave of air rushed out of his body. Li Xiaoya's body flew up and flew directly to the back of the flying bird. With a roar, a circle of purple mist swirled and surged with his one arm, and he pushed the rolling and shaking flying bird fiercely...

"Bang!" A burst of purple air suddenly blasted out from Li Xiaoya's palm, and a palm hundreds of feet big blasted out instantly, and a shocking muffled explosion sound instantly broke out...

"Boom!" The huge metal lump of the flying bird suddenly blew up, and it was directly overturned by a palm and flew out, shaking the flying bird along the way. The strong wind and waves on the side...

"You go first!" Li Xiaoya shouted in a deep voice. He felt that he and the dragon clan had some incompatibility. Every time they met, nothing good happened...

"Boom boom boom!" The flying bird was bombarded and flew away for dozens of miles. It just turned over. The people in the flying bird were not stupid. They knew that it was not very realistic for Li Xiaoya to block three giant dragons alone. They could not care so much for the time being. Judging from Li Xiaoya's amazing cultivation that could fly in the air, Li Xiaoya was at least a master of the heavenly level. It was much easier for him to run than himself...

There was an amazing roar and explosion, and the flying bird burst out with amazing red light and flames, and a shocking muffled explosion sound was blown, and it flew forward frantically...

And the blue dragon would not let the flying bird escape so easily.


"Ahhh!" One of the dragons let out a startling roar, and the whole sky was shaken and sent out circles of sound waves. In this place of fallen immortals, no matter whether it is monsters or cultivators, they cannot use magic power and consciousness. If they only rely on physical strength, the monsters will naturally have the upper hand...

And the physical strength of the dragon clan is extremely strong among the monsters. Now in this place of fallen immortals, the dragon clan is obviously practicing physical strength very deliberately, and the physical body is naturally stronger...

What puzzled Li Xiaoya was that this dragon was so huge that it exceeded the average dragon cultivator of the thirty-three-star realm, but it could be felt that these three dragons were not dragons that had practiced magic, because it could be felt. There was nothing special about the aura of these three dragons, just like they were particularly powerful monsters...


"Aoao!" Although this giant dragon can only use the power of the demon beast, Li Xiaoya is even worse. He can't even use his physical strength, and can only rely on blood power. Otherwise, he would not take these three blue dragons seriously... One of the blue dragons roared twice, and its huge body shook a circle of shocking air waves. Its huge body rushed towards Li Xiaoya fiercely. Before the dragon arrived, the shocking gale had already arrived in front of Li Xiaoya!

"Hmph!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly when he saw this. With his current body, it was obviously irrational to compete with this giant dragon in strength. With Li Xiaoya's cold snort. Boom! ! A burst of purple air burst out from Li Xiaoya's body. Li Xiaoya's whole body moved, turning into a perfect arc, and directly circled above the giant dragon...

"Hah!!" A shocking roar. Li Xiaoya rolled in the air and kicked the dragon's head heavily. His big foot scraped a terrifying gust of wind in the air. He directly hit the dragon's head...

"Bang!" There was a muffled explosion.

"Ah!" The dragon screamed, and its head was hit and rushed to the sea surface...


"Whoosh whoosh!" Li Xiaoya rolled in the air and spun around. Looking around, he saw that the other two dragons were chasing the flying bird... He opened his eyes, paused in the air, and then burst out with amazing purple air, turning into a wave of air, chasing the two dragons...

And on the other side!

"Ah!!" The giant dragon that was hit by Li Xiaoya and smashed directly onto the sea surface let out a terrifying roar, and the entire water surface was shaken by waves and ripples. The entire huge dragon tail slapped the sea surface heavily, boom! ! ! With a shocking explosion, the sea surface directly exploded into a vortex of thousands of feet of suffocating waves, and the entire huge body rolled away madly, and it didn't look like it was seriously injured at all...

"Strange! It doesn't hurt at all?" The blue dragon rolled up in the sky, looking extremely furious, but it felt that the place where it was hit didn't hurt at all, and couldn't help but shouting with joy: "Catch him! This heavenly master is injured!"

Although Li Xiaoya was trying hard to catch up with the two blue dragons, the speed of the two blue dragons was obviously a little faster than Li Xiaoya, and Li Xiaoya couldn't catch up with him even if he tried his best. Fortunately, the speed of the flying bird was no less than that of the blue dragon, and it seemed that it should be fine for a while...

And at this time!

The two dragons in front were stunned when they heard the shout of the dragon behind them. Suddenly...

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" The two giant blue dragons let out an earth-shattering roar, turned their dragon heads and rushed towards Li Xiaoya... Obviously, compared with those few Tianyuanmen warriors, if they can kill Li Xiaoya, For experts, the rewards they receive should be even more amazing...

Hear this!

"Tsk! I'm willing to come here!" Li Xiaoya also heard the cry of the giant dragon and knew that he had been exposed. Indeed, compared to the physical strength, he is now only equivalent to the strength of the earth. Against this The giant dragon with rough skin and thick flesh is too weak in lethality. In addition, there are no weapons to use. The power of the blood power attack alone cannot pose any threat to the giant dragon... Li Xiaoya let out a chirp in his mouth. , secretly complaining in his heart, but after all, he has defeated the masters of the Thirty-Three Stars Realm, how can he be afraid of these few giant dragons with only the power of flesh?


"Ouch!!" Three giant dragons, two in front and one in back, surrounded Li Xiaoya. The giant dragons roared with earth-shaking roars from their mouths, and they were about to surround Li Xiaoya...

Although he is at a disadvantage against this giant dragon in terms of strength, Li Xiaoya's figure is as small as an ant or an elephant compared to this giant dragon...


"Whoosh!" Li Xiaoya's body shook violently, and his body suddenly stopped in the air, and shot straight into the sky...

And the three giant dragons were charging straight over. Their speed was too fast and their bodies were too huge. Their entire bodies could not stop the inertia of the impact, and they were about to collide with each other... …


"Boom boom boom!!" The three giant dragons reacted quickly enough. They grabbed each other with a huge dragon claw directly from the depths of each other. The three dragons collided with each other and shook the space. In the circle of the sky-shaking wind, these three giant dragons borrowed each other's strength to stabilize their bodies. The entire huge dragon body violently rolled up the sky-shaking wind in the air. The entire extremely huge dragon The figure flew into the sky and pursued Li Xiaoya directly in the sky...

"Tsk! This damn rotten dragon!" Li Xiaoya groaned when he saw this scene in the air. It was obviously beyond his expectation that these three giant dragons would have such a tacit understanding...

In fact, this is of course!

These three dragons were born from the same litter, but the triplets have a good understanding of each other...

"Drink!" When Li Xiaoya saw the three dragons soaring into the sky and chasing after him, he shook his body violently in the air, let out a roar, and suddenly rushed down towards one of the giant dragons...

"Ouch!" When the giant dragon saw this, it opened its eyes fiercely. It grabbed the huge dragon claws from the sky and grabbed Li Xiaoya. Wherever it passed, the air in the space continued to vibrate with sharp winds like sharp blades... …


"Boom, boom, boom!" Li Xiaoya's body was continuously shaken by three shocking purple air waves, and the entire falling speed suddenly increased several times...


"Boom!" Li Xiaoya actually shot directly towards the gap between the dragon's claws grabbed by the giant dragon. In the slightest moment when the dragon's claws grasped tightly, he actually rushed through the dragon's claws grabbed by the giant dragon, and The dragon's claws grabbed the air and shook the sky with a shocking wind...

In the eyes of the giant dragon, all he could see was that Li Xiaoya passed through the dragon's claws in an incredible way, and his whole figure was getting bigger and bigger...


It shot directly into his eyes...

"Drink!!" Li Xiaoya let out a shocking roar. Countless blood veins burst out on his only arm, and his entire arm turned purple. In an instant, his entire figure was in front of the dragon's eyes. As Li Xiaoya With this roar, he hit with a fierce punch... I saw that Li Xiaoya's fist violently shook out countless phantoms, and actually punched thousands of punches in an instant...

"Boom!!" A earth-shaking explosion erupted. Thousands of punches actually hit the dragon's eyes at the same time, making a shocking explosion... countless purple-red blood and countless amounts of blood. The flesh and blood spattered and exploded, and the dragon's entire eye, which was several hundred feet in size, was blown to pieces by Li Xiaoya's blow...

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai!!" The giant dragon couldn't help but let out a fierce howl, and its entire huge body was directly blasted away... (To be continued.)

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