True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1380: Changing Situations


When the water dragon tribe was looking for the whereabouts of Aozhu and other water dragons, they knew that this was the closest to the human race, so they naturally suspected the human race...


The remaining water dragons on the Water Dragon Island were all ordinary dragons. Even the slightly stronger dragons were taken away by Aozhu and killed by Li Xiaoya in the Sunshine Sea...

The remaining water dragons only dared to secretly look for the whereabouts of Aozhu's many dragons...

By chance.

The noise of the battle between Li Xiaoya and the nine-tailed three-eyed fox was so shocking that a giant dragon happened to be nearby and dived over out of curiosity. The battle was seen by the giant dragon of the water dragon clan...

However, the water dragon was not a cultivator, but just an ordinary giant dragon. Seeing the battle from afar, it was so scared that it ran away without saying a word...

The water dragon did not recognize the nine-tailed three-eyed fox, but it still had a very deep impression...

When Aozhu returned to the water dragon clan to deal with the oolong incident, he happened to tell the dragon clan that they were going to fight against the human race, and asked the water dragon to join the battle. First of all, they had to find the whereabouts of the nine-tailed three-eyed fox. In this way, the water dragon naturally reported the matter to Aozhu...

The authenticity of the matter was confirmed again and again.

Aozhu also knew the importance of this matter, and he hated Li Xiaoya to death. Maybe the dragon clan was in big trouble this time. He was in a hurry and went to find the black dragon commander to report the matter...

Of course.

He naturally wouldn't say that the water dragons on his Shuilong Island had not been destroyed, but that the water dragons that survived by chance discovered it, naturally...

After knowing this, the Black Dragon Commander was naturally shocked. The nine-tailed three-eyed fox was actually killed by the new human race? The shock in the Black Dragon Commander's heart can be imagined. Naturally, he didn't dare to be reckless and sent a large number of spies to investigate the matter...

It was indeed found out from some ordinary warriors on Tianyuan Island that there were indeed many warriors on that island who could prove it. On that day, the entire Tianyuan Island was shaking wildly, and a shocking roar came from the horizon, almost shaking the entire sea and sky to collapse and tsunamis rolled, as if the whole world was about to end...

The Black Dragon Commander also personally went out and secretly captured several human warriors and forced them to tell him about this matter. It was true. The Black Dragon Commander was naturally very angry and had a headache at the same time...

In this way, the dragon race naturally confirmed the fact that the nine-tailed three-eyed fox was dead. This is not a question of the dragons and demons joining forces to attack the human race, but a question of how the dragons should defend themselves if the human race attacks the dragons...

The Black Dragon Commander and Tianyuan Nine-tailed Three-eyed Fox have been dealing with each other for so long that they are naturally very familiar with each other's details. The Black Dragon Commander believes that if he fights Tianyuan alone, he is still a little behind...

For a long time, the dragons have always had the upper hand, because the ordinary dragons and dragon cultivators of the dragons are much stronger than the human and demon races. Once a fight breaks out, the warriors and ordinary cultivators of the human race will definitely not be able to resist... The loser will definitely be the human race...

But because of such a huge threat from Tianyuan, the dragons cannot attack the human race with all their strength, let alone the demons. Although the Nine-tailed Three-eyed Fox is also in the Great Power Stage, its magical power cultivation is the lowest among the three. If a fight breaks out, the side with the advantage will fall to that side. It is a fence-sitter...

It is precisely because of this that the nine-tailed three-eyed fox is also a rare helper. No matter whether it is the human race or the dragon race, as long as the demon race fully supports it, it will be a big advantage to destroy the other party...

And the nine-tailed three-eyed fox is not a pushover. Naturally, it knows the advantages of its own demon race and does not directly support that race. It is neutral, which can maintain the most favorable situation for the demon race. Because no matter which race wins, the demon race will become a foil for others. It is okay for the human race, maybe it is just an alliance in name, and the human race is the leader. If the dragon race wins, then the demon race will be in danger...


The nine-tailed three-eyed fox weighed the pros and cons and realized that the human race had the upper hand. If they fought, they would have a good chance of winning. That’s why it decided to contact the human race. But Tian Yuan had already planned it. He had waited for many years for Li Xiaoya to help him. This time, he would not only get rid of the dragon race, but also the demon race...

It was a coincidence that the nine-tailed three-eyed fox came to Tian Yuan’s door and helped him. If he got rid of the nine-tailed three-eyed fox first, he would save a lot of effort. So he naturally let Li Xiaoya do it...

And now.

The death of the nine-tailed three-eyed fox has led to the situation that the human race is now the only one in power. Originally, if there was no Li Xiaoya, the black dragon commander plus the nine-tailed three-eyed fox would have won against Tianyuan. If the dragon and demon tribes' ordinary giant dragons and demon tribesmen joined together, it would be very easy to deal with the human warrior army and human cultivators. It was almost a 100% victory situation...

At this time, the nine-tailed three-eyed fox died, and the human race had an additional Li Xiaoya who was more powerful than the nine-tailed three-eyed fox. The advantage was suddenly on the human side. The demon tribe was doomed to decline without the nine-tailed three-eyed fox...

On the dragon side, the black dragon commander could not withstand Li Xiaoya and Tianyuan. Although the dragon tribe's ordinary giant dragons and dragon cultivators still had a considerable advantage, he would not let the black dragon commander fight to the death to stop Li Xiaoya and Tianyuan...

The Black Dragon Commander was also a cunning guy. He knew that the Nine-tailed Three-eyed Fox had fallen and it was something that could not be saved. He did not have such a supernatural power to save the Nine-tailed Three-eyed Fox, but he also knew that the current advantage of the Dragon Clan was the strength of the dragons and the strength of the dragon cultivators, so he wanted to continue to expand this advantage...

The best thing would be to bring the demon clan that had lost the Nine-tailed Three-eyed Fox with them. So, immediately, the Black Dragon Commander told the demon clan that the Nine-tailed Three-eyed Fox had been killed by the human race and had fallen...

Who knew that.

The entire demon clan was shocked and terrified. Without the Nine-tailed Three-eyed Fox, the pillar of the demon clan, it was conceivable that the demon clan would survive in the Land of Fallen Immortals. The Black Dragon Commander naturally proposed that the demon clan should avenge the Nine-tailed Three-eyed Fox. In the name of revenge, he hoped that the demon clan would be temporarily commanded by himself...

When this proposal was made, the Black Dragon Commander thought that the demon clan would agree immediately...

Who knew.

The bad thing is that the nine-tailed three-eyed fox is an ancient demon beast, and it is not really a demon cultivator. If it were not for the fact that it had to rely on the great power of the nine-tailed three-eyed fox to survive in this land of fallen immortals, I am afraid that no one would care about the nine-tailed three-eyed fox. It would be a joke to ask these demon cultivators to avenge the nine-tailed three-eyed fox. Naturally, it is impossible to help the nine-tailed three-eyed fox to avenge...

In addition, the demon cultivators clearly remembered that before the nine-tailed three-eyed fox disappeared, the black dragon commander came to the demon holy city in person. It was because of the black dragon's arrival that the nine-tailed three-eyed fox launched the so-called holy war. Naturally, they did not believe the words of the black dragon...

However, the demon cultivators did not He was a fool to offend the Black Dragon Commander at this time, but he delayed it, saying that there was no solid evidence yet and he couldn't be so hasty...

In short, he delayed it and secretly contacted the human race, because according to some messages left by the nine-tailed three-eyed fox when it left, the so-called holy war did not specify whether it was against the dragon race or the human race, but all signs showed that it was not the human race that was to be dealt with, but the dragon race...

So, the demon race naturally became suspicious of the dragon race...

Maybe the disappearance of the nine-tailed three-eyed fox was caused by the Black Dragon Commander...

There are quite a few demon cultivators who have this idea...

Tianyuan received some contacts from several groups of demon cultivators, so he naturally knew all these things.

This made Tian Yuan very happy. Just when he was about to go to sleep, someone gave him a pillow. He would not be polite to the demons and dragons. He directly denied the fact that the nine-tailed three-eyed fox was killed by Li Xiaoya. Instead, he refused to admit it and blamed the black dragon for killing the nine-tailed three-eyed fox. The human race did not know about it at all...


The dragons are not human. Although the demons do not have the powerful nine-tailed three-eyed fox, it is very easy for the dragons to crush the demons. However, the dragons still need the demons to help deal with the human race. Naturally, they cannot attack the demons at this time. Instead, they should try to win over the demons...


Sometimes, this situation is like a woman. The better you treat her, the more she thinks you have ulterior motives and the more vigilant she is towards you. The situation of the demon clan is the same. The more the Black Dragon General tries to win over the demon clan to fight against the human race, the more the demon clan monks think that you, the Black Dragon, have ulterior motives and want to use the demon clan as a gun. Over the years, the demon clan naturally knows the morality of the dragon clan...

Even if it is a million retreats, it will come back. Even if the demon clan monks know that the nine-tailed three-eyed fox was killed by the human clan monks, they will surrender to the human clan if they want to surrender. The human clan is much better than the dragon clan in nature...

Even if the dragon clan beats the human clan, the demon clan will not have an easy life in the future, but helping the human clan to fight the dragon clan will naturally have some benefits, at least, it can maintain the status quo...

So for a while...

The entire Falling Immortal Land finally became turbulent because of the death of the nine-tailed three-eyed fox...


And at this time.

Li Xiaoya didn't know anything else.


At the bottom of the sea, Li Xiaoya was now immersed in a scarlet liquid, with purple-gold mist emitting from his body, which was constantly surging and rotating in the liquid...

This ball of blood essence of the nine-tailed three-eyed fox, which was originally a huge ball of a thousand feet, was now only a hundred feet in size. It seemed that it would not take long for Li Xiaoya to completely absorb it...

After absorbing such a large ball of blood essence of the nine-tailed three-eyed fox, Li Xiaoya's progress must have been extremely amazing, right?

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