True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1395 Reattachment of Broken Arm

I saw that in the depths of the seabed, the seawater was emitting a faint colorful spiritual light. Because the seawater had been in the ancient spiritual energy formation of heaven and earth for too long, the spiritual energy contained in the seawater was actually more amazing than the spiritual energy in the air on the sea. This is sea water, it is simply liquid spiritual energy...

Of course, compared to the purity, the spiritual energy in the sea is much more mixed, not that pure, but it is not because of the sea water that surprised the two of them...

But because of the underwater world...

I saw that the entire seabed was full of liquid and colorful spiritual light surging slowly. The seabed was actually very clean and thorough. I saw that among the rocks and sand on the seabed, there were countless elixirs of heaven and earth growing. , these elixirs of heaven and earth exude an astonishing medicinal fragrance, and the entire seabed is a little mixed because of this medicinal fragrance...···

And the age of these elixirs is really scary, almost all of them are tens of thousands of years old...

More importantly, among some elixirs, you can almost see a kind of elixir called demon fetus grass everywhere. This elixir is not of much use to human monks. It just makes some elixirs to lure monsters. , and for monster beasts, it is of great use. This monster fetus grass is an elixir that can speed up the pregnancy and reproduction of monster beasts...

Let's just say, in such an environment, with such amazing spiritual energy, countless elixirs and this demon fetus grass, it is strange that there are not many demonic beasts in this ancient spiritual energy array...

However, although there are countless these elixirs, Li Xiaoya can see that many of them are actually ordinary elixirs, and there are not many truly rare and good ones. It's just that the age is too long... But with such a long year , the properties of this medicine are naturally amazing. If you refine it casually, I'm afraid it will be an amazing repair elixir...

However, what made the two of them dumbfounded was that the spiritual energy in this place was so amazing. There was no need to take elixirs for this practice. So many elixirs were useless?

Of course not...

With Li Xiaoya's current level of alchemy, he would not simply refine elixirs with amazing spiritual energy. The vastness of the elixir path would naturally not stop here. Like some legendary gods and goddesses, they spent their entire lives refining elixirs. On the road, the vastness of the way of elixirs, Li Xiaoya felt more and more as his level of alchemy improved...

Now that the spiritual energy contained in this place is so amazing, it is naturally impossible to refine a pill with amazing spiritual energy. However, it is a pill that can speed up the absorption of spiritual energy and purify the absorption of spiritual energy. This is what Li Xiaoya was before he was sucked into this place of immortality by the space vortex. The direction I have been researching...

Now, with so many genius treasures on the seabed, it is naturally a good opportunity to experiment with refining. Of course, Li Xiaoya can also refine many pills that are very useful for the recovery of his cultivation...


Of course not now. First, the two of them still have to open up the cave...

The two of them wandered around the bottom of the sea for a while. Although the elixir and spiritual energy were amazing, both of them had very extraordinary knowledge. Naturally, they would not be too indulged in it and forget the priorities...

After searching for a while...

The two of them discussed it in a trench on the bottom of the sea. It would be a good idea to open a cave directly on the cliff of the trench...

With their magical powers, it is very simple to open a cave even at the bottom of the sea. However, the backflow of sea water is a problem at the bottom of the sea, and the two of them came up with a solution...···

The location of the two people's caves is exactly opposite the cliff of the trench. They are hundreds of feet apart. Although the two have a good relationship, practicing martial arts and other things are secret matters. Naturally, they will not live in the same cave. bingo……

Li Xiaoya's cave was to open a passage tens of feet deep directly on the cliff, and open up a square space tens of feet in size, and then open up seven or eight small rooms. All the cave walls were directly connected to Li Xiaoya's entire body. They are all integrated into the stone wall. With the ability of Li Xiaoya's earth-based immortal root, the cave wall has condensed a large amount of earth spirit power, making the cave wall as smooth as a mirror and as hard as steel. This has solved the problem of water seepage. , then Li Xiaoya used a spell to drive all the seawater out of the cave, and then set up a ban at the entrance of the cave to block the inflow of seawater...

Then I set up lighting spiritual stone lamps in the cave, cast fire spells to dry the entire cave, and then placed some water-proof beads to prevent accidents. Then I added several layers of lighting to the passages of the cave, which solved the problem of the cave...


Now a new problem has arisen. Although this restriction has isolated the inflow of seawater, it has also isolated the spiritual energy in the seawater from the outside. The spiritual energy contained in the seawater is really amazing, and this isolation from the outside is too much. Pity…···

Li Xiaoya referred to the caves built by Tian Yuan. Tian Yuan built a huge pool in the cave design, allowing seawater to pour in through the pipes. It would be a good idea to form a swimming pool...

Li Xiaoya naturally made reference to it, and also built a pool in the middle of the cave, and created a lot of channels under the cliff, so that water could be poured in to form a circulating pool, which solved the problem...

With the two people's magical abilities, although it was very complicated to open this underwater cave, it only took an hour or two to do it...

After opening up the cave, Li Xiaoya and Tian Yuan agreed on how to contact each other, sealed the cave, and began to practice in seclusion to recover...


After sealing the cave.

Li Xiaoya did not start practicing in seclusion right away, but he had a very important thing to do right away, which was to reattach Li Xiaoya's severed hand...

Li Xiaoya can use his magic power and cultivation. With Li Xiaoya's magical power and cultivation, it is no problem to make his arms grow immediately, but this consumes a lot of life force, energy and magic. This ancient spiritual energy array has not yet been truly established. It is safe. Naturally, it is impossible to consume a lot of vitality, energy and mana to grow arms. Who knows what dangers will be encountered later?

On the other hand, when his arm was cut off by Yan Longzi, he put the severed hand into his storage ring. The broken arm was still there, and reattaching it would be more energy-intensive than growing the arm again. The vitality, energy and mana are much less...

Therefore, Li Xiaoya naturally had to find a safe place to put his broken arm back...

Now that the cave has been opened and it is considered safe, the arm will naturally be reattached. It is a pity that the broken-arm blood sword cannot be used in the future...


With Li Xiaoya's magical power of condensing energy from the Dragon-Destroying God Art, this condensed sword is not a piece of cake...

I saw.

"Phew!" A flash of light flashed from Li Xiaoya's hand, and the severed hand appeared in front of him. The arm was well preserved, but the color was a bit pale, and it looked a bit livid...

Li Xiaoya was a little frightened when he thought of the danger that day, and without thinking too much, he saw a flash of light in his hand, and some bottles of elixirs flew out and landed in front of him. With a finger, the openings of these bottles I opened it directly, and saw dozens of kinds flying out with Li Xiaoya's finger...

"Condensation!" Li Xiaoya shouted in a deep voice, the colorful spiritual light burst out from his hand, and he grabbed these elixirs fiercely. The elixirs gathered together and were constantly stirred by the colorful spiritual light. After a while, they turned into a ball. It looks like a sticky black-blue liquid and emits a strange medicinal smell...···


"!" The purple armor on Li Xiaoya's body dissipated, exposing his upper body. He saw a burst of blood flashing on the hand of the severed arm, and the place where the cut and severed arm was made slowly began to squirm, and it actually oozed out. Blood streaks came out, and after a while it became blood red, as if it had just been cut off...

"!" Li Xiaoya's brows twitched involuntarily, obviously in great pain, but he endured it and hurriedly moved his fingers towards the liquid...···

"Huh!" The medicinal liquid flew directly towards his severed hand and was applied on it. Then Li Xiaoya grabbed the severed hand and closed it directly to the place where the severed hand was. The medicinal liquid seemed to be very viscous. Glued it on directly...

Naturally, this is not as simple as sticking it on. I saw Li Xiaoya sitting down cross-legged, all his magic power started to circulate, and countless colorful spiritual lights rushed into his arms. After a while, Li Xiaoya's arms were covered with countless colorful lights. The aura flashed and condensed towards the arm, causing Li Xiaoya's severed arm and hand to be directly wrapped in an astonishing layer of colorful aura...

In the colorful aura, I could only see the muscles of the arm jumping, and the skin of the severed hand slowly changed from iron blue...

As for Li Xiaoya's meditation, several hours have passed...

"!" I saw the spiritual light on Li Xiaoya's arm dissipated, and I saw that the broken arm had completely healed, with no traces on it at all, as if there had never been such a thing as a broken hand...

"Huh! It's finally healed!" Li Xiaoya's broken hand's fingers trembled very flexibly, but there seemed to be no problem. He couldn't help but let out a long breath, looking somewhat relieved. However, suddenly Li Xiaoya frowned again. , murmured: "However, this arm has not been transformed by blood kung fu, so it is much weaker than other parts. It seems that it will take some time to practice this arm!" With this in his mouth, he has no intention of continuing to practice. ······

"It's time to let Xian'er and Senior Sister Zhang Hong come out!" Li Xiaoya suddenly showed a hint of excitement on his face, murmuring in his mouth, and suddenly pointed at the secret realm necklace on his chest... toward the secret realm necklace Send a message...

I saw.

"Phew!" A burst of yellow aura surged, and two beauties who had been thinking about it day and night appeared in front of Li Xiaoya, and suddenly a gust of fragrant wind blew towards his face...···

The two soft and delicate bodies threw themselves into Li Xiaoya's arms...···

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