True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1441: The Magical Use of the Clone

Boom boom boom! !

Clang, clang, clang! ! !

In the desolate world, there was an astonishing muffled sound of explosions, concussions and explosions, countless orange and golden lights erupted, and harsh metal collisions and explosions erupted in constant concussions...


"Boom!!" There was an astonishing muffled explosion, and two figures were blasted against each other in the void. The whole world shook violently, and a figure was directly blown away...

"Bang!" There was a muffled explosion, and the figure directly hit the ground, and countless rocks splashed and exploded...


"Boom!" An astonishing roar and explosion erupted directly from the ground. A huge fist composed of thousands of feet of huge rocks blasted out in an instant, hitting the golden figure in the sky. past……

"Stop!" The golden figure suddenly shouted in a deep voice...

"Rumble!!" The huge rock fist violently shook with a burst of strong wind, and countless strong winds surged out... stagnated in the air, and was about to bombard the golden figure in a fraction of a second. It was hit... a burst of orange light converged, the huge rock fist surged and exploded, and countless rocks fell down...

"Phew!" The golden figure also surged with spiritual light, and instantly revealed its true appearance. This person was none other than Li Xiaoya...

And this time...

"Whoops!" A burst of spiritual light surged, and the surrounding environment also rippled with a squirming movement, and the environment began to become blurry...

"Huh!" There was a flash of light, and a figure with shining orange light rose into the sky and flew towards Li Xiaoya. In an instant, he was in front of Li Xiaoya. It was Li Xiaoya's earth element clone. I saw that the clone was covered with blood. The criss-crossing sword marks are healing quickly...

"Good guy! This is much better than I thought!" Li Xiaoya looked at the earth element clone with satisfaction and murmured.

Just now.

Li Xiaoya activated the magic-fighting formation that Liu Xian'er had set up for him before, and he didn't care that the large amount of mana consumed in condensing the earth-type clone method had not been recovered. Let's try this clone's power...

This earth element clone is naturally not comparable to Li Xiaoya's original body, but its defensive power is very amazing, and as long as the earth element clone is immortalized by condensing the One Yuan Transformation Art, the earth element clone will not die, and the earth element skills can be used. That power is only a little less powerful than the earth magic power displayed by Li Xiaoya...

If you really compare. That magical power is estimated to be 60% of the strength of Li Xiaoya's body...

Of course, this does not include Li Xiaoya's use of various Kaitian treasures and other auxiliary aids. Even so, if it is really compared. That is also the strength of the Great Power Stage...

This is equivalent to Li Xiaoya having one more powerful monk to help him.


This is not the limit of the earth system clone. As Li Xiaoya's cultivation continues to increase, the earth system clone's magical power will naturally increase significantly. The earth system clone can also practice some earth system magical powers. Refining earth attribute treasures. This can also increase strength, so the potential of this earth system clone is still extremely amazing...

Naturally, Li Xiaoya understood that the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma lucidum back then was not just a boast. The magical power of Yuanyinghua Jue was really amazing, and it was not in vain that he had practiced it for so many years...

And the most important thing is!

This is not the limit of the One-Yuan Infant Transformation Art, but the beginning of the One-Yuan Infant Transformation Technique. Li Xiaoya was so happy now that he successfully formed the earth-type inner elixir Podan-breaking elixir, and the remaining four elements of the inner elixir Podan-breaking elixir were formed. Isn’t it just a matter of time before Ying succeeds?

Li Xiaoya thought of these five clones that were as powerful as the earth clones. If you add me to it, the power of joining forces can even challenge a great monk in the Immortal Tribulation Stage... I get excited just thinking about it...

Of course.

The premise is that Li Xiaoya can successfully form the inner elixir of the other four series...

"...But!" Li Xiaoya suddenly murmured: "Let's restore our cultivation first!" After saying that, he pointed his finger, and a burst of spiritual light surged from the earth element clone. In an instant, it turned into a spiritual light and flew into Li Xiaoya's body... The figure flew towards the secret room...


In order for this earth-type clone to successfully break the Dan Dan and form a baby, Li Xiaoya spent a lot of mana and spiritual consciousness, and most importantly, a lot of Yuanying's vitality. Naturally, the mana must be restored first, and the Yuan Ying's vitality must be fully restored before the other four series of Dan Dans can be successfully formed...

This magical power and spiritual consciousness are not bad. Li Xiaoya uses a lot of elixirs and can fully recover in a short time, but this Nascent Soul Yuan Qi is different. It is the foundation of a monk. Once the Yuan Qi is consumed too much, Li Xiaoya will be affected in all aspects, such as Shou Yuan. The decrease in longevity, the accelerated decline of the longevity tribulation, the reduction of spiritual consciousness cultivation, etc. This is why Li Xiaoya felt a little reluctant to part with the Yuan Ying Yuan Qi the last time he formed the inner elixir of the metal system, which led to a direct failure... …

This step cannot be replaced by any method. The only way is to separate the vitality from the Nascent Soul of one's own body. Only then does this scene appear...

Water and fire are connected. What's even more troublesome is that when the Yuan Ying's vitality recovers, even with the support of a large amount of pill scooping power and so on, the recovery speed is very slow. This is what Li Xiaoya is most worried about...


Now that I see how powerful this earth-type clone is, it is acceptable even if I spend the energy and time that I have to say...

Li Xiaoya flew back into the secret room of seclusion and began to resume seclusion...

Time flies, time flies!

In the blink of an eye, more than thirty years have passed...

Sure enough, as Li Xiaoya expected, with the experience of successfully creating his first clone, he condensed the second inner elixir of the water system in just over thirty years, and successfully broke the elixir and formed a baby water system clone...

In the past thirty years, it took Li Xiaoya more than ten years to restore 80% of the strength of the original Nascent Soul. He couldn't wait to condense this second clone. This was mainly because Li Xiaoya discovered that this has the earth element. After Nascent Soul, the mana cultivation he cultivated can actually increase his own cultivation. Although the speed is not very fast, it still surprises Li Xiaoya enough. This clone can also benefit from cultivating the original body. If this spreads out, other monks will only Afraid of going crazy...


As far as Li Xiaoya knows, this monk has cultivated to the Immortal Tribulation stage. Basically, monks in the Immortal Tribulation stage have more than one clone, so naturally. Li Xiaoya has never been exposed to the strength of this clone, so naturally he doesn't know yet. It is said that he can practice both at the same time...


Li Xiaoya thinks that if he can quickly form a water-type Nascent Soul, he will be able to break the Dan Dan and form a baby. On the contrary, it makes him recover faster...

So this actually made Li Xiaoya make this decision...

The price Li Xiaoya paid was mana and consciousness. The Yuanying's vitality has been greatly depleted again, and the original Yuanying's strength is only 60%...


It was also as Li Xiaoya expected, when Li Xiaoya was meditating in seclusion after getting the water clone. The speed of recovery has increased by two-fifths. Considering Li Xiaoya's current cultivation level, it is already extremely terrifying. Of course, the speed of recovery is also two-fifths faster... …

He also practiced retreat, healing and meditating for almost forty years. Li Xiaoya once again successfully condensed the third clone of the wood system. As a result, Li Xiaoya now has three powerful clones...

However, since then, Li Xiaoya has encountered a troublesome problem, because Li Xiaoya, the inner elixir of the metal element and fire element, failed once. Before the inner elixir returned to its peak, if this broken elixir formed a baby, it would fail. The probability is extremely high. Li Xiaoya could only patiently practice and study the One-Yuan Infant Transformation Technique, while practicing the magical powers of his body and three clones...

Li Xiaoya succeeded in gaining three more clones. The speed of his cultivation and practice were naturally much faster, a full three-fifths faster. In other words, it is 60% of the original...

Of course.

Because of this, Li Xiaoya's Yuan Ying Yuan Qi was seriously injured, and it would be very troublesome to recover. Therefore, Li Xiaoya's body cultivation has not only not improved much over the years, but has also regressed a lot. Instead, he fell back to the first level of the Great Power Stage...

However, with the current training environment and the auxiliary training of the three major clones, Li Xiaoya believes that his own body will be able to restore his cultivation level very soon. Naturally, by then, the fire and metal inner elixirs will probably also be available. He has almost reached the peak of his cultivation, so he will naturally break the elixir and form a baby. Li Xiaoya, who has already succeeded three times, is naturally very confident that he can succeed...

And in the more than a hundred years since Li Xiaoya successfully cultivated the One-Yuan Infant Transformation Art into three clones, the situation of Zhang Hong and others has naturally moved in a good direction...

The first is Zhang Hong. Because Zhang Hong is now the only one among the three who has not succeeded in the great power stage, seeing that Li Xiaoya and Liu Xianer are practicing hard, he naturally has to do his best to practice. However, although the improvement in magical power cultivation has been huge, generally The monsters of the same level are no longer Zhang Hong's opponent, and their physical and mental abilities have increased significantly. It is estimated that even if the attack fails, they will not lose their lives...

Therefore, more than 20 years ago, Li Xiaoya agreed to Zhang Hong's retreat to the powerful stage. He has been in retreat for the past few years to prepare for the powerful stage...

The other one is Liu Xianer.

Although Li Xiaoya has been in seclusion, except for the time when he broke the pill and formed the second clone, he did not visit Liu Xian'er. He still visited Liu Xian'er every thirty years. Although Liu Xian'er's cultivation did not improve much, in the end When Li Xiaoya went to see Liu Xian'er's situation, Liu Xian'er said that as long as she was given another hundred years, the remaining formation would be completely absorbed, and now Liu Xian'er could fully control the gap in the formation to enter and exit freely...

However, Liu Xianer refused to leave the remnant formation even if he failed, which gave Li Xiaoya a huge headache...

The last thing is that yuan.

Tianyuan's current cave was enveloped by an astonishing aura. Li Xiaoya went to see it once, and it was difficult to get even close. It was obvious that he was not far away from successfully breaking into the Immortal Tribulation Stage...

Time passes little by little...

One day forty years later.

Li Xiaoya was meditating in a secret room. Three avatars were sitting nearby. They all had a different appearance of a mysterious and mysterious rune on their foreheads. Of course, the light they emitted was also different...


"Buzz! Boom!" The entire Phantom Island suddenly shook with a rumble, and an indescribable and extremely powerful momentum rose up...

"!" Li Xiaoya was horrified, and his eyes suddenly opened...

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