True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1473 The Fourth Plan

"Drink!" Seeing this, Li Xiaoya dared to take any chances. The invisibility technique was obviously of no use at all. He roared fiercely, and a burst of golden light burst out from behind. The golden storm light wings suddenly appeared behind him. With a roar, a fanning storm burst out. , Li Xiaoya's entire figure turned into an astonishing beam of light...

"Boom!" And the golden lightning network composed of countless spears to ward off evil spirits had completely covered the surrounding sky, and directly covered Li Xiaoya...

"Drink!" Li Xiaoya roared again, a burst of shocking sword energy burst out from his body, and a burst of shocking golden light burst out from the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon in his hand, and the whole sky was shaken by circles of shocking swords. The intention was shaking crazily in all directions...

"Boohoo!" As Li Xiaoya's hand slashed out with a backhand, the Dragon Horned Bone Dragon Chop, countless golden sword lights shot out in an instant, turning into a huge sword light lotus that rushed out in an instant, creating an astonishing scene. The sword light burst into the sky and struck towards the evil-warming god's thunder grid...

"Boom boom boom!!"

"Clang, Clang, Clang!!" I saw a crazy explosion of earth-shaking golden light and electric light splashing everywhere, a violent storm of metal collisions and heavy blows, crazy explosions, and in the blink of an eye, the spear was blown away in an instant When it came out, the entire power grid was bombarded with a huge hole...

"Phew!" Li Xiaoya burst out with a burst of spiritual light and flew out of the hole in an instant. Obviously these guardians could not stop Li Xiaoya's appearance. As soon as Li Xiaoya flew out, he shouted in the direction of everyone: "These guardians are hiding and hiding. But, prepare other plans! I'll stop them first!" After saying that, his figure flashed in the sky several times, and the five figures suddenly appeared in the air. They were Li Xiaoya's five figures. A clone...

"Boohoo!" I saw that each of these clones was full of aura, and their hands looked like long swords of different colors...

"Go!" Li Xiaoya moved fiercely and took the lead in killing the guardians. The other clones also rushed over...


In an instant, Li Xiaoya led five clones and fought with the guardians. Although the guardians were numerous, their strength was obviously not as terrifying as the four-handed squid beast said. Li Xiaoya was also extremely measured in his actions, just blocking these guardians. The siege of the defenders did not take action to kill these guardians. Naturally, they would not let these guardians become stronger with more killings...

"Tsk! It really doesn't work?" Everyone naturally heard Li Xiaoya's words. They looked at each other and said helplessly, obviously a little disappointed...

"Brother Tianyuan! Those guardians don't seem to be as powerful as expected! Why don't we use the fifth plan. Use the freezing technique to freeze these guys!" Liu Xianer and Zhang Hong saw that Li Xiaoya had the upper hand, but they were not in a hurry. Liu Xianer hurriedly suggested...

"No! We'll wait and see what the situation is like!" Tian Yuan thought for a moment after hearing this, then suddenly shook his head and said, "This guardian shouldn't be that simple!"

"Okay!" Liu Xianer and Zhang Hong looked at each other and had to answer...

I saw...

Li Xiaoya and the guardians fought together, directly leading the guardians to You Dou, allowing the guardians to chase and kill for a long time without hurting Li Xiaoya...

And this time...



"Boom, boom, boom!" These guardians chased Li Xiaoya for a while, and suddenly stagnated in the air as if they felt that they could not chase Li Xiaoya...

"Huh? Won't you kill him?" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he saw this. He looked at the guardians in surprise and murmured, then stopped...

"Huh?" Liu Xian'er and others also showed a hint of surprise...


An amazing scene appeared...


"Buzz!" Each of these guardians retracted the spears that were chasing Li Xiaoya. Their eyes suddenly burst into red light. They raised the spears and actually bombarded the guardians around them...


"Bang! Bang!" I saw these guardians actually killing each other. There were bursts of earth-shattering explosions and the sound of collisions...

"My xxx! This is so shameless!!" Li Xiaoya started scolding directly. He didn't know the purpose of these guardians, but this guardian died once. The strength will skyrocket once, so Li Xiaoya held back his hand and did not kill these guardians. I never thought that these guardians would kill each other to increase their power...


"Buzz buzz!!"

"Papa papa!!" The wounds that these guardians stabbed each other healed quickly, and their bodies shook out circles of astonishing circles of evil-fighting thunder, golden light, and their bodies were obviously nearly twice as powerful. Their appearance... each of them looked extremely angry, with a lot of astonishing golden light and golden immortal inscriptions on their bodies...

"Boom, boom, boom!!" I saw the wings behind these guardians flapping violently, and their speed also increased significantly. They directly danced the spears, swung the shocking evil-proof thunder and rushed towards Li Xiaoya...

"Drink!" Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoya's eyes flashed with golden light, and he deliberately tried the power of this guardian who had died once. In an instant, Li Xiaoya and several guardians took the spears in their hands several times in succession...

"Clang, Clang, Clang!" A violent metal collision erupted, and the sky shook out circles of shocking golden light ripples. Countless golden light cracks came out of the sky, and shocking winds continued to shake out in all directions. , the whole sky was shaken with thunderous roars and explosions that were constantly erupting...


Li Xiaoya's main body seemed to be able to hold on completely, but the golden fire clone among the five clones was hit after a few hits. Li Xiaoya had to put it away. The three powerful clones were still able to hold on...


After these guardians died once, their power surged and they were already close to the powerful stage. If they died again, Li Xiaoya would not be able to stop them...

And at this time...

"Damn it! So that's how it is!" Tian Yuan and others also saw this situation. Seeing the strange behavior of the guardians killing each other, they didn't know that these guys had been thought of by the designer a long time ago. If they continued to kill each other, although the guardians must have a power limit, I am afraid that after two or three times, these guardians will be so powerful that everyone will be invincible...

"Prepare the fourth plan! It depends on you!" Tian Yuan shouted to everyone, but the last sentence was said to Liu Xian'er...

"Okay!" Liu Xian'er replied hurriedly, and her figure suddenly flew out first. Tian Yuan followed and said to Zhang Hong and others: "You take it with you and take action when necessary!"

"Yes!" Zhang Hong and the four-handed baby fish beast replied hurriedly.


"Swish!" Liu Xian'er flew out of the light shield, and her figure flew several times continuously, and flew to the middle. Her slender jade fingers quickly moved, and Liu Xian'er drew golden fairy characters one by one...

At this time...

"Boom boom boom!" Some guardians obviously noticed the appearance of Liu Xian'er and Tian Yuan, and dozens of guardians frantically flapped their huge wings and came towards Liu Xian'er...


"Hmph!" A figure flashed, and Tian Yuan's figure instantly appeared in front of Liu Xian'er. Black and white light burst out in his hand, and two long swords, one black and one white, appeared in the air. He suddenly moved his figure, and instantly blasted out countless black and white sword beams...

"Clang clang clang!" A series of earth-shaking explosions blocked the attacks of those guardians...

At the same time!

"Li kid! Implement the fourth plan!" Tianyuan shouted in a deep voice, paused, and continued: "Don't let these guys kill each other!" The main purpose is to protect Liu Xian'er...

"Okay!" Li Xiaoya heard this and naturally knew what the fourth plan was. He replied in a deep voice, and flew towards Tianyuan while fighting and retreating...

At this time!

"Swish, swish, swish!" Liu Xian'er quickly drew countless golden fairy characters, and countless attacks coming towards her were blocked and flew away by Tianyuan...

After a while!

"Go!" Liu Xian'er had already drawn the shape of a huge golden fairy character formation. She made a delicate sound and shouted in a deep voice. Suddenly, her slender jade finger pointed at the void...

Buzz!!! The entire huge golden fairy character formation was a burst of golden light and flew into the void, boom boom boom! I saw those golden immortal characters constantly rotating and vibrating in the void, and a huge space vortex gradually vibrated and became bigger and bigger...

"Swish, swish, swish!" Liu Xian'er also quickly retreated, and shouted loudly: "It's done! Quickly throw these guardians into the space vortex!"


This is the fourth plan of everyone. If these guardians cannot be killed and become stronger and stronger, they will open up a space vortex, throw these guardians in, and use the space vortex to transfer these guardians to other places. No matter how powerful these guardians are, it will be useless...

"Well done!" Tianyuan said excitedly when he saw this, and was about to take action...


"Ka-ka-ka!" These guardians suddenly stopped one by one...

"Damn it! These guys want to kill each other again!" Everyone was shocked. If these guardians come again, there will be hundreds of guardians in the powerful stage. That will be a big trouble...

"Stop them!" Tian Yuan shouted loudly. While speaking, the black and white swords on his hands burst into a shocking splash. His whole body was swirled by a huge black and white Tai Chi phantom. The two swords violently shook out countless black and white swords of thousands of feet. The whole sky was shaken by amazing ripples...

"Swish, swish, swish!" A crazy shocking sword light swirled, and countless black and white sword lights rolled into a black and white tornado sword light, which rolled up the entire light shield range... (To be continued...)

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