True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1508 Disappeared

"Are those damn dragons ready to retreat?" Li Xiaoya couldn't help but secretly thought...

Although only two groups of Dragon Clan teams were killed, it had already caused the Dragon Clan a lot of heartache. Those who entered the hinterland of the human Dongxia Continent were all elites of the Dragon Clan. More than a dozen people died at once, and the Dragon Clan Naturally, he couldn't bear it anymore and would make the dragon team hide and stop attacking. That would definitely make sense... However, if this happens, it would be troublesome for Li Xiaoya to find those dragons... Li Xiaoya thought this and felt a little embarrassed. After searching for a long time, I still couldn't find any information about the location of the Dragon Clan monk...

"Huh?" Suddenly, Li Xiaoya's heart suddenly moved, as if he had found something, he couldn't help but whisper to himself: "No, those dragons haven't retreated yet, and there is no whereabouts of this dragon monk in the sea area! He must have been hidden, look for it carefully. Look for it!" With this thought in his mind, Li Xiaoya flew to low altitude this time, increasing his spiritual consciousness and searching in all directions on the ground...

And just when Li Xiaoya couldn't find his target anywhere...

In the vast land, Long Ancestor looked like he was cultivating as always.


"Boohoo!" Three figures appeared in the air instantly. They were the three dragon clan elders in black, red and blue...

"See Dragon Ancestor!" The three elders said respectfully in unison.

"Well! Is there any news?" The Dragon Ancestor asked in a lazy and deep voice without even opening his eyes.

"Our spies have checked Qingchu!" Elder Black Dragon said hurriedly: "We have found out the latest news about Li Xiaoya!"

"Yes! Say it!" Dragon Ancestor opened his eyes suddenly when he heard this. A huge wave of air shook out, and he said in a deep voice with astonishing momentum. The entire sky echoed with Long Ancestor's amazing voice...

"Yes!" Elder Heilong said hurriedly and respectfully: "Li Xiaoya was practicing in Daoshan's cave a few days ago. In fact, he is no longer in Daoshan's cave now. He has quietly left Daoshan..."

"We have left Daoshan! Have you found out where you went?" Long Zu said in a deep voice when he heard this, interrupting Elder Black Dragon's words...

"According to the spies' information!" Elder Black Dragon said hurriedly: "Li Xiaoya seems to have been ordered to leave Daoshan to support the war between the human race and our dragon race. Most likely, he went to the Tianmu Mountains. Our people are urgently investigating where Li Xiaoya is. Traces of the Tianmu Mountains...!”

"Okay! If you find out, report it immediately. I will kill that damn guy myself!" Long Zu said in a deep voice when he heard this. A monstrous murderous intention shot up into the sky. It was obvious that he had a very shocking murderous intention...

"Yes!" All the elders replied in unison, but the black dragon elder continued: "However, there has been some problem recently in the race war between our dragon clan and the human race...!"

"What's the problem? What about the golden dragon?" Long Zu was suddenly stunned and narrowed his eyes. He asked in a deep voice, and then realized that the golden dragon didn't appear to be coming...

"Elder Jin Long is just going to deal with that problem!" Elder Black Dragon replied in a deep voice. After a pause, he hurriedly said: "However, the details will have to wait until Elder Jin Long comes back!"

"Well! Forget it, let him handle it! Let's wait until he comes back!" Long Ancestor thought for a moment and said in a deep voice. If the Black Dragon elder didn't say anything, it would definitely not be a big problem...



On a sea surface...


"Whoosh!!" The wind roared crazily on the sea. Tsunamis thousands of feet high are constantly rolling up. The entire sea is dark, countless raindrops are flying everywhere, and the spiritual energy in the air is also very chaotic...

"Huhuhu!" There are also circles of chaotic air in the space, and the wind blades are constantly rolling. If you accidentally get involved, your life will be ruined...


"Boohoo!" On the extremely violent sea, there were three figures in black robes, flying forward quickly. I saw that the entire bodies of these three black-robed figures were holding up a dark light shield, allowing the shocking wind to roar and impact, and even the air wind blade to impact. He was also blocked and sent flying, and his defense power was obviously very amazing...

"Tsk! This human race is really lucky. There are such natural barriers on both sides of the sea, which makes it impossible for the dragon race to attack from the sea!" One of the black-robed monks said in a deep voice, in such a big place The black-robed monk's voice did not dissipate at all amid the hurricane, and he could hear it clearly...

"Tsk! What kind of natural barrier? This was created by those old fellows of the human race a long time ago!" Another black-robed monk said in a deep voice.

"Huh? There are human monks more than a thousand miles ahead!" The black-robed monk flying at the front suddenly said in a deep voice.

"That's great! Let's go kill those damn ones!" After hearing this, one of the black-robed monks said in a deep voice...

"Why are you anxious?" The black-robed monk flying in front said in a deep voice: "First of all, let's not show any traces, and don't forget our goal! Leave other humans alone!"

"Okay! It's all up to you, Boss Fei!" The black-robed monk said helplessly, mumbling for the third time: "Hey! We have been in the Thirty-Three Star Realm for several years, and we haven't killed a single human race. , so boring!”

"Cut the nonsense!"




On another sea surface, just like the sea surface where the black-robed monk was, there were extremely violent hurricanes and space wind blades...

And there were actually more than a dozen figures on the sea surface... No, it should be said that human-shaped dragon monks were flying quickly forward...

And in the lead were two old dragons, one red and one blue. They had a huge light shield on their bodies, blocking most of the attacks and protecting the dozen dragon monks following behind them. Most of these dragon monks were in red and blue scales, and only one or two were in other scales...

"Elder Lan! How long will it take us to get there?" The red dragon elder said in a deep voice to the blue elder beside him while flying away.

"We can fly out of this sea area in half an hour!" The blue elder said in a deep voice.

"There's still half an hour left, damn the human race, no wonder our army can't communicate on a large scale!" Elder Red Dragon muttered upon hearing this...

"Yes! If not, how could we possibly fight with the human race in the Tianmu Mountains?" Elder Blue Dragon said hurriedly.

"Well...!" Elder Red Dragon said hurriedly, and suddenly his expression changed, and he said with surprise and joy: "There are signs of human races on the side ahead!"

"Well! There are seven or eight people, kill them!" Elder Blue Dragon also naturally seemed to have discovered it, and said in a deep voice.

"Okay! I'll surround them from the right, Elder Blue, you go from the left!" Elder Red Dragon said hurriedly.

"No problem!"




"Damn it!" In a cave, a curse echoed directly...

After a while...

"Swoosh!" A burst of blue light suddenly appeared, and a figure flew out of the cave. At the same time, the whole cave was shaken by a burst of orange light. In an instant, countless rocks surged, directly sealing the entire cave...

And this figure was a slender figure of an ordinary Blue Moon human cultivator, exactly that Li Xiaoya...

"Seven or eight human cultivators were killed, it seems that the Dragon Clan or "They won't give up!" Li Xiaoya was looking into the distance, muttering, and then he paused and said in a deep voice: "These guys must be coming from the sea. Now that we can't find the dragons in the inland, we might as well intercept them!" As he said this, Li Xiaoya's figure suddenly burst into a flash of light, and he shot in one direction at an extremely fast speed. After a few flashes, he appeared thousands of miles away...


Li Xiaoya has been searching everywhere for places where dragon cultivators have appeared these days. After searching for a long time, he didn't meet even one dragon cultivator...


Just as Li Xiaoya guessed before, because he killed two groups of dragon raiding teams, these active dragon groups, like before, as long as the human race sent out powerful monks to sweep, these dragon raiding teams converged and hid everywhere... Wait until the storm is over, and then come out to make trouble...

It is a very troublesome and headache thing, which is also the main reason why the human cultivators have not been able to completely drive out these damn raiding teams and have not achieved much results...

And Li Xiaoya's two successful annihilation of dragon cultivators can be regarded as the two most successful times. At this time, the dragons hid again. Even if Li Xiaoya is a powerful monk with a cultivation level far beyond the average, he can't do anything...

Because, this thirty-three-star world is really too big...


While waiting in the temporary rest cave, Li Xiaoya checked the message of the communication ring, but he knew very well that four or five human monks were killed in the patrol on the sea, and two of them were powerful monks. The remaining few were also injured to varying degrees. After a lot of effort, the news came...

Li Xiaoya thought that since he couldn't find humans anyway, this group of dragon monks might come to support him, so he planned to strike first...

Li Xiaoya found a city with a few escape techniques and directly teleported to that direction with the teleportation array...


Li Xiaoya was still a lot late...

When Li Xiaoya arrived at the sea area, there was no news about the dragon monks...


Another piece of news came that the dragon team had recently been found to be active in another area, which was a place to attack...


Li Xiaoya hesitated a little, as if he had calculated it over and over again, and it seemed that there seemed to be a lot of tricks... (To be continued...)

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