True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1545 No Enemies, No Gathering

Above the thousands of feet high woods, a soundless light flashed in the air and disappeared in an instant...

In the light, there was a handsome man, a human cultivator wearing a very ordinary blue-purple robe, who flashed in the air and disappeared in the air... The speed of the escape technique was really shocking...

And this cultivator was naturally none other than Li Xiaoya...

Li Xiaoya suddenly went to a place so amazingly. Could it be that his injury was healed and he was not afraid of encountering monsters?


Li Xiaoya's injury has almost completely healed, and you can tell by his fast escape speed...

Of course.

Not completely healed...

During the forty years here, Li Xiaoya enjoyed the delicious taste and amazing effects of the "delicious" Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine. The speed of recovery and healing was amazing...

In addition to the "delicious taste", this Red Lotus Immortal Fruit Wine is really an incredible super good thing. Li Xiaoya gritted his teeth and spent just forty years to refine...

The injury has been completely healed, and this Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine has an extremely good effect of improving physical fitness and flesh. Not only has Li Xiaoya's injury been completely healed, but his bones and flesh have also grown a lot, and it has increased by about one tenth...

Don't underestimate this one tenth...

Li Xiaoya's body is already strong enough. Even if it grows a little bit, it is still much stronger. This one tenth is equivalent to him using the Ten Thousand Beasts Refining Diagram to refine the essence and blood of dozens of ancient monsters in the powerful period... It takes at least thousands of years to do it...

In terms of mana and consciousness, it has also recovered to the ninth level, although it is not yet at its peak. But relying on his physical body alone, Li Xiaoya was able to walk around in this wild continent without any problem...

The most important thing was the Nascent Soul.

Regarding the Nascent Soul.

Li Xiaoya's Nascent Soul was burning destructively. Although he had the Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine, the Nascent Soul was only restored to 60%...

If it weren't for the Nascent Soul to be restored to more than 60%, Li Xiaoya would not have taken the Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine for such a long time...

For more than 40 years, Li Xiaoya didn't know how he survived...

Because the taste of this Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine was really too heaven-defying. However, Li Xiaoya found that the taste of this Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine seemed to be a kind of practice, and he had to endure this Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine. It actually made his will and soul seem to change imperceptibly...

This was discovered after he had taken Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine for more than 20 years. It turned out that Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine also had the effect of strengthening will and soul...

Although the idea of ​​will is still relatively empty, strengthening the soul is a real good thing for cultivators. In addition, there is the will. At that time, the Great Immortal Hao Cang only had a trace of will left. So many cultivators have gone without returning...

And Li Xiaoya had also discovered the wonderful use of will when he practiced the Blood Boiling Blood Power Technique before, which naturally has a lot of benefits for him in the future...

This is also one of the practices that Li Xiaoya gritted his teeth and endured the Red Lotus Immortal Wine and Fruit Immortal Wine to practice and recover...

In general.

Li Xiaoya felt that although his injuries were not completely healed, if he did not count the clone of the One Yuan Infant Art, his combat power should be one or two points stronger than before he fell into this wild continent...

The main aspect has been improved by one tenth, which is already too great...


Li Xiaoya is not worried about anything now, at least. There shouldn't be any powerful monsters that can threaten him...

Naturally, he didn't delay. He packed up two days ago and set out to find the direction to go back...

It is worth mentioning that.

This Five Elements Color Ganoderma seemed to be really drunk that day and had completely fallen into a deep sleep. Li Xiaoya was quite helpless. It was really uncertain when the Five Elements Color Ganoderma would wake up. Could it be that he really had to wait for decades?

If the Five Elements Color Ganoderma could lead the way. That would be much easier. Although Li Xiaoya hadn't asked the Five Elements Color Ganoderma whether it knew how to leave this wild continent. But it was very clear that the Five Elements Color Ganoderma could find the exit with great accuracy in the complex Tiandi Henggu Aura Array that Liu Xian'er had no way to deal with...

This wild continent should naturally not be difficult for the Five Elements Color Ganoderma...


No matter how Li Xiaoya looked for the Five Elements Color Ganoderma, the Five Elements Color Ganoderma didn't say a word, and it was obviously really asleep...

In fact.

This can't be blamed on the Five Elements Color Ganoderma.

This Five Elements Colored Ganoderma drank so much Red Lotus Fairy Wine at once. The fairy spirit and medicinal power contained in this fairy wine are not comparable to ordinary things...

Li Xiaoya took several years to refine just a few drops. It would be strange if it didn't take so long to refine the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma after drinking two bottles in big gulps...

Five Elements Colored Ganoderma couldn't wake up, and Li Xiaoya had no choice but to find a way to go back by himself. He couldn't think of relying on others...

Another thing also caused Li Xiaoya to be a little restless. That is, in recent years, his spiritual consciousness has recovered quickly. He has almost recovered completely. During this period, he kept trying to contact Liu Xian'er, but he never got in touch...

Since we are in the same star realm, how could we not be able to contact him based on his expression? Naturally, I have a lot of worries. What I said before can be attributed to the fact that my expression has not fully recovered...

And now that they have recovered to 90%, but they still can't be contacted, it can only mean that Liu Xianer's expression is damaged or she is no longer in the Thirty-Three Stars Realm...

Needless to say, Li Xiaoya's feelings for Liu Xian'er, naturally he wanted to go back to see the situation, what happened to Liu Xian'er...

As for not being in the Thirty-three Star Realm, Li Xiaoya had thought about it, but felt that it was unlikely...


What Li Xiaoya doesn't know is that Liu Xian'er is no longer in the Thirty-Three Stars Realm now, so he can't contact Liu Xian'er...

on the other hand.

Li Xiaoya also knew that Zhang Hong was trying to reach the powerful stage. After so many years, he didn’t know whether he had succeeded or not. However, he did not make any decision to contact Zhang Hong, so as not to affect Zhang Hong’s advancement...


Zhang Hong is now in the cave in Daoshan. I don’t know how many restrictions there are, and I can’t actually contact most of them. After all, Zhang Hong’s cultivation level may still be at the Qiankun stage...

Due to various considerations, Li Xiaoya naturally wanted to go back in a hurry...

And when Li Xiaoya shot in one direction... he carefully avoided those monster beasts with astonishing cultivation levels, and those low-level monster beasts were too lazy to take action...

There seemed to be no trouble along the way...

When Li Xiaoya came to a somewhat familiar ground...

"Huh? This place seems...!" Li Xiaoya flew over a depression, which looked like it was covered with extremely tall trees. However, compared with other giant trees that were thousands of feet tall, they were far behind and looked like small trees. …

Li Xiaoya looked at it and recognized it. Isn't this where he first encountered the unicorn wood beast?

With this thought in his mind, Li Xiaoya shot forward again...

When Li Xiaoya flew hundreds of thousands of miles away...


"Ouch!" A familiar earth-shaking roar roared into the sky, and the whole world reverberated with an astonishing vibration and hum...

"Huh? This sound?" When Li Xiaoya heard the roaring sound of the monster, his face suddenly moved, and his body suddenly moved. Stagnated in the air...

"Huh? Is it that guy!?" Li Xiaoya sensed his appearance, and suddenly a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and suddenly he murmured to himself: "Good guy! I didn't go to find you, you It’s delivered to your door, let’s see how I deal with you!”

After Li Xiaoya said that, he did not avoid any high-level monsters he encountered like before. Instead, there was a surge of black light on the body, and the invisibility cloak appeared on the body, immediately wrapping the entire figure... and slowly disappeared into the air...

Thousands of miles away...

In the midst of a huge group of rocks...

I saw that the ground was full of broken rocks and trees, and there were huge potholes everywhere...

And in the midst of ruins!

It always had a huge horn. It has green hair on one end and countless huge scales on its body. It looks like a giant monster beast that is as big as a mountain with a very unique look. It's exactly what that unicorn wood beast looks like...

I saw the unicorn wood beast biting and devouring a body that was several thousand feet long and covered in blood and flesh. I can’t even tell what kind of monster it is from the corpse of the monster…

The method of cultivation of this monster beast is basically different from that of monks. Devouring flesh and blood is one of them, and the most common one is this one. It strengthens itself by devouring the body of monster monks. For monster beasts, Whether it is a monster or a monk, the higher the level of cultivation, the greater benefit it will have to monsters...

What monsters like most is to devour monks. On the one hand, the physical body of monks through cultivation has greater benefits, is easier to absorb, and is more delicious (of course! For monsters).

On the other hand, this monk is smaller and can absorb refining better...

However, few cultivators seem to appear in this wild continent...

Naturally, it was impossible for the unicorn wood beast to find some monk to devour, so the only option was to attack the monster. The furious roar it just made was exactly like a battle with this monster...

The winner is naturally the unicorn enjoying the spoils of war...

I saw that the unicorn wood beast was constantly devouring the body of the monster, and it looked like it was not willing to refine even a trace of blood...


"Ouch?" The unicorn wood beast's furry ears suddenly twitched, as if it had discovered something, and just when it was about to react...


"Drink!" An earth-shaking roar suddenly shot up into the sky, the whole sky shook, and a huge golden fist instantly broke through the void and struck out...

"Ouch!!" The unicorn wood beast reacted really quickly. It let out an earth-shaking roar and grabbed it with its big hand. Circles of dark green light instantly swung its entire huge arm...

"Crack, click, click!" A burst of astonishing and ear-piercing muffled explosions continued to vibrate, and the huge arm of the unicorn wood beast turned into a huge wooden iron hand...

"Boom!" A thunderous and muffled sound erupted instantly. The huge figure of the unicorn wood beast instantly shook the ground with countless cracks, and the extremely violent wind swept out crazily. , countless rocks splashed everywhere...

The person who took action was naturally Li Xiaoya...

He used his invisibility cloak to sneak over. Naturally, he discovered the unicorn wood beast that had attacked him all the way. He was discovered by the unicorn wood beast when he was not recovering from his injuries and almost lost him. Xiao Ming, although Li Xiaoya is not a murderous person, he does not want to repay his vengeance. Even if he didn't look for the unicorn wood beast, it would have been a good idea. Now he just happened to meet him on the way... It would be strange for Li Xiaoya not to cause trouble for this unicorn wood beast...

Naturally, he came quietly...

However, this unicorn wood beast is also in the powerful stage, and it is also an ancient monster. It reacted just as it was about to make a sneak attack...


"Boom!" The huge arm of the unicorn wood beast turned into metal and wood, and fiercely pumped towards the golden fist that Li Xiaoya bombarded...


"Boom!" There was a thunderous explosion, and the whole valley was shaken by a burst of shaking. The whole world was shaking and exploding crazily... The boundless wind, golden light, and dark green light burst into the sky, continuously filling the sky. The vibrations stirred and exploded...

"Crash!!" I saw that the entire valley with a radius of thousands of miles was collapsing crazily, and the rocks were constantly being swept away...


"Crack, click, click!!" A harsh crackling sound continuously vibrated and exploded on the Unicorn Wood Beast's arm, and countless dark green lights surged and shook wildly...

"Ouch!" A shocking scream roared from the mouth of the unicorn wood beast...

"Boom!" A sky-shaking roar suddenly erupted, and the unicorn wood beast's huge figure, which was as big as a mountain peak, was directly blasted away. Boom! Boom! ! There was a shocking roar, and the vibrations surged, and countless rocks and peaks were shattered by the impact... The entire body of the unicorn wood beast was actually blasted thousands of miles away, creating a huge trench along the way...

With just one punch, this powerful unicorn wood beast was blown away?

"Whoosh!" I saw Li Xiaoya's figure turned into a golden light, flashing dozens of times in the void, and instantly caught up with the unicorn wood beast, obviously about to attack again...

"Wait!" The unicorn wood beast opened its eyes in extreme fear. Its entire body was trapped in the belly of a huge mountain. Countless rocks collapsed. It was obvious that it knew that it was not the opponent of the sneak attack, and it hurriedly He shouted loudly: "Fellow Taoist! I have something to say!!"

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