True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1560: The Power of the Golden Sun G


The golden sword light released by Li Xiaoya's Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash caused the golden light threads to surge and explode, and it was about to hit the Golden Dragon Princess...

Once hit, even if the Golden Dragon Princess had the golden armor to defend herself, she would not be able to withstand the attack of Li Xiaoya's greatly improved swordsmanship...


The turning point of everything!

It is precisely because of that Jinyang Gourd!


"Go!!" The huge body of the Golden Dragon Princess continued to rotate, like a rotating vortex of golden light, from which came a shocking roar...


"Boom!" An earth-shaking muffled sound exploded, and the Jinyang gourd instantly became tens of thousands of feet in size. A burst of golden light surged from the mouth of the gourd... It was directly a golden light. The vortex vibrated out of the big mouth of the Golden Sun Gourd, and a burst of golden light surged in the sky. The dazzling golden light made the air thousands of miles around tremble...


"Boom, boom, boom!" The Jinyang gourd violently shook out circles of astonishing golden light, trembling crazily in the sky, and booming into the sky, spewing out a frightening power of mana and law...

Keep up!

"Huhuhu!" A strong wind roared and exploded, and countless golden flames spurted out from the golden sun gourd in an instant...

See this!

"This... is the Golden Sun Fire Flame!" Li Xiaoya's face changed when he saw this, and he exclaimed in extreme surprise...

Golden Sun Flame!

Rumor has it that it is the sharpest fire in the world, because it is a fire made from the metal of countless genius treasures calcined by the Sun Fire of the Immortal Realm. It is so powerful that it cannot be compared to ordinary fire... In addition to the scary high temperature , and there are extremely amazing laws of metal properties, even if the metal of extremely amazing heavenly materials and earthly treasures touches the golden sun flames. It melts into vapor in an instant...

And this Jinyang gourd can actually contain such sharp Jinyang flames... This must be magical...


As soon as the golden sun flames are released...

Come and gain the upper hand with the Bagua Golden Light Sword Formation...


"Boom boom boom!!" I saw that the golden sun flames were like pouring oil. Boom boom boom exploded with a shocking roar and explosion, and continuously exploded countless golden flames crazily. In an instant, there were countless golden flames for thousands of miles. Burning like crazy...

"Puff puff puff!" When the golden light sword formation Bagua Sword Formation released by Li Xiaoya was touched by the golden light flames, it instantly exploded into countless golden flames and was directly melted...

"Tsk!" Li Xiaoya chirped in annoyance when he saw this, and the storm golden light wings behind him flapped violently, boom! ! There was a shocking roar and explosion. Li Xiaoya's entire figure flashed several times in an instant. His figure transformed from one to two, and from two to four. An astonishing surge of golden light suddenly transformed into thousands of Li Xiaoya's figures...


"Hoo ho ho!!"

"Bah, bang, bang," I saw the golden sun flames swirling and burning crazily in the air. Thousands of miles of space turned into nothingness, constantly collapsing, and the space shook out with boundless hot wind...

And this time!

"Come!" The golden dragon princess in the whirlpool of golden light has stopped spinning. The huge dragon's mouth is mumbling words, and a mysterious and incomprehensible language trembles out. The whole sky is filled with amazing circles. The golden light surged, and the whole world echoed the Golden Dragon Princess's powerful voice... The Jinyang Gourd became increasingly brighter. The entire sky was trembling... As the golden dragon princess let out an astonishing roar... the huge dragon claws fiercely grabbed the void...

"Boom!!" I saw that the countless golden sun flames were stirred up as if by an invisible huge hand. The golden sun flames in the entire sky were rumbling and vibrating, as if they were being guided, crazy. They rushed towards the Golden Dragon Princess crazily...


Is this Golden Dragon Princess crazy? Let this golden sun burn you?

Of course not...


"Boom boom boom!!" As soon as the countless golden sun flames touched the figure of the golden dragon princess. Those golden sun flames seemed not to burn the Golden Dragon Princess, but instead possessed her body. The entire huge figure was instantly covered with countless golden flames...

In an instant!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The golden dragon princess turned into a giant dragon of tens of thousands of feet of golden light and flames. A pair of eyes stared at Li Xiaoya fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "Damn it! Li Xiaoya! The princess must burn you to ashes today!" Say it! Ouch! ! ! An earth-shattering dragon roar. Boom! There was an earth-shattering thunderbolt, and the huge figure directly impacted in the direction of Li Xiaoya...

And Li Xiaoya!

"Buzz buzz!" I saw that Li Xiaoya had transformed into countless figures in the void, and saw that countless Li Xiaoya's figures were actually performing amazing sword skills, constantly turning into countless golden lights in the sky...


I saw...

As countless figures frantically performed sword moves in the sky, the entire world was filled with an astonishing icy coldness. The shocking golden light erupting from Li Xiaoya's body had turned into countless ice halos that were surging and oscillating crazily. surge up...

In an instant...

"Kakaka!" In the sky, countless icy icicles shook and swirled wildly...

"Go!" Li Xiaoya saw the shocking posture of the Golden Dragon Princess charging... Suddenly, they roared in unison... With Li Xiaoya's earth-shaking roar, countless Li Xiaoya's figures instantly soared into the sky, and in the sky, they continued to see the shocking cold light explosion...

In an instant!

"Swish, swish, swish!" A burst of crazy blue sword energy surged, and it forcibly resisted the scorching heat of the boundless golden light and golden sun flames. Countless Li Xiaoya's bodies formed a huge and extremely complex circular sword formation...


Li Xiaoya's earth-shaking roar, countless Li Xiaoya's figures instantly blasted out with a sword at the same time...

"Boom!!" With a shocking roar, countless figures simultaneously blasted out a huge blue light sword light thousands of feet wide...

In an instant!

"Swish, swish, swish!!" A piercing sound of breaking through the air roared up, and countless blue sword beams blasted out at the same time, spinning violently in the sky, and in an instant, it turned into a blue light ball tens of thousands of feet large. Wherever it passed, the world rolled up a shocking blizzard, and a burst of extremely cold air from the world whistled out crazily...

This Golden Sun Flame is the strongest and most powerful flame in the world. Although most of it is composed of the power of the golden law, using sword energy plus the water law that restrains the fire system...

Naturally, it is the best way to break it...


"Boom!" The huge ice ball sword beam rolled up the blizzard, and directly hit the Golden Dragon Princess who turned into the Golden Sun Flame...


"Ah!" The Golden Dragon Princess did not dodge or evade, but let out an earth-shaking roar. Her huge body burst into even more amazing golden light and flames, and she directly hit the blue sword light ice ball that was rushing towards her...


"Boom!" A roar that shook the sky and exploded instantly. The whole world was shaking violently, and the whole ground was constantly turning into nothingness. Endless blue light, golden light, and flames surged and exploded... The Golden Dragon Princess actually smashed the entire huge blue sword light ice ball with one head, and the boundless and extremely cold blue sword light rushed and burst everywhere, and wherever it passed, it was madly bursting. The space was condensed into countless ice...


"Puff puff puff!" Those blue sword beams hit the Golden Dragon Princess, and they couldn't get close to her. Once they touched the Golden Sun Flame on her body, they instantly vaporized and turned into countless blue light spots...

It turned out that they couldn't stop the Golden Dragon Princess...

Just see!

"Ahh! Die!" The huge body of the Golden Dragon Princess rolled up endless flames and rushed directly towards Li Xiaoya... She didn't care about the attack at all, and roared loudly. She rushed towards the countless Li Xiaoya figures in the sky...

And at this time!

"I don't believe it!" Li Xiaoya roared angrily, boom boom boom! Countless figures scattered, turning into countless beams in the sky, and instantly turned into a half-moon formation... The buzzing and shocking sword energy burst out from every Li Xiaoya. A shocking sword energy that shook the world rose up, and the whole world was filled with an even more shocking icy sword energy...

"Go!" Countless Li Xiaoya roared in unison, and the swords in their hands blasted out, boom! ! Swish, swish, swish! A shocking explosion. Countless blue sword beams of thousands of feet in size rushed out crazily, constantly gathering into a dazzling blue half-moon sword light of tens of thousands of feet in size...

In an instant!

"Crack, crack, crack!" A piercing explosion suddenly rose. The twisting and wriggling space was frozen, and the whole world seemed to be cut in half by this blue half-moon sword light. The whole world was madly surging with boundless cold air...

A wave!

The terrifying cold air that frightened the monsters within tens of thousands of miles rushed out...

"!!" The determined Golden Dragon Princess saw this move, and her scalp tingled. This move made her feel irresistible and felt a palpitation from the bottom of her heart...

The Golden Dragon Princess has always been one of the top super powerful people in the Dragon Clan's powerful period. She is invincible, which is why she has such a great reputation... Some Dragon Clan monks even call the Golden Dragon Princess the first powerful person in the Dragon Clan...

Although she led the Dragon Clan to lose the war to the human race before, she has always been very confident. There are many factors in the war, and the responsibility for the loss is not entirely hers...

She insisted on believing that if she met Li Xiaoya, with her magical powers and the artifact in her hand, Li Xiaoya would definitely not be her opponent...

Who knew.

This fight immediately fell into a disadvantage, and had to use the Golden Sun Gourd artifact...

And so.

The power of this attack was truly horrifying...

"Ah!" Although Princess Jinlong was horrified, she was also a veteran. If she didn't have the Golden Sun Gourd, she might not be able to block this attack, but the Golden Sun Gourd has more than just this magical power... In an instant, Princess Jinlong let out a thunderous roar that shook the world, and the entire sky was filled with a piercing space collapse...

In an instant!

"Buzz!" With a buzzing explosion, boundless golden light surged in front of Princess Jinlong's body, in an instant!

"Hoohoo!" The Golden Sun Gourd appeared in front of Princess Jinlong, blocking her like a huge shield...

"Ah!" Princess Jinlong's huge body suddenly rolled towards the huge Golden Sun Gourd, rolling the Golden Sun Gourd into a circle and rolling it into one, looking like it was hovering on the Golden Sun Gourd...

"Boom boom boom!" Princess Jinlong burst out countless golden lights and poured into the Golden Sun Gourd. The whole Golden Sun Gourd was a burst of dazzling golden light, and countless golden sun flames gushed out. The whole Golden Sun Gourd and Princess Jinlong were boundless golden light and flames...


The whole gourd mouth fell towards the direction of the blue and golden sword light that Li Xiaoya bombarded... Facing Li Xiaoya's square...


"Buzz, buzz, buzz!" Countless extremely mysterious golden talismans vibrated on the Golden Sun Gourd, and the whole sky was shaking... Countless golden lights gathered on the mouth of the Golden Sun Gourd, turning into an extremely huge golden flame...

"Ah!!" The Golden Dragon Princess let out a dragon roar that shook the sky, and a pair of huge claws slapped the Golden Sun Gourd fiercely...

"Bang!!" A roar that shook the world and exploded instantly, and the Golden Sun Gourd, which was tens of thousands of feet big, shook violently, and the whole sky shook, shaking countless space cracks, and the golden light from the gourd mouth suddenly burst out, boom! ! A dazzling golden light shook the sky...


"Boom, boom, boom!" A huge golden light beam wrapped in golden light and golden sun flames that was tens of thousands of feet big rushed out instantly, and wherever it passed, the world continued to turn into nothingness...

Instantly! The golden beam of the Golden Sun Fire fiercely hit the blue crescent sword light of tens of thousands of feet that Li Xiaoya had blasted out...

"Boom!" A thunderous roar rose up, and countless golden lights, Golden Sun Fires, and blue sword energy rose up, and the surrounding area was filled with a shocking aura, surging...

"Ka Ka Ka!" The huge blue moonlight sword light that Li Xiaoya had blasted out seemed to have the upper hand, and it forcibly broke through the golden light, Golden Sun Fire, and rushed out...

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