True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1569: Ghost Tree Forest

"The space hole will be activated only when these two things are combined. Logically speaking, you can go in directly, but what is it that attracts these two things over there?" Li Xiaoya looked at the monster and the life. The direction of the breath battle, I thought to myself, without much hesitation, a black light flashed on my body, and the invisibility cloak appeared on my body, wrapping my entire body, and disappeared in a blur...

Although the key and the metal ball seem to be a set of space treasures that open holes in space, these two things are moving because something is attracting the key and the metal ball over there. Otherwise, Li Xiaoya would really I can't remember having these two things on me...


Since it can attract the key and the metal ball, the thing over there must be related to the key and the metal ball, so it can be attracted. Although there is a hole in this space, it may not be possible to get in... maybe the thing that appears is It is the most important place to enter that green space hole...

Li Xiaoya naturally wanted to go over and take a look. Maybe that was what those two guys were fighting over. This might be something important that could change the whole situation... Although he was a little worried about Xiaobai, the Green Thunder Pengniao, this might be the one that made him Get out of trouble, and even find Xiaobai, the key that allows you and Xiaobai to get out of trouble together...

Because Xiao Bai's situation is no better than his own. The bloodline of divine beasts and the Immortal Spirit Grass of Ten Thousand Tribulations, aren't those things that the wilderness and many monster beast monks dream of?


"Boom boom boom!!"

"Bang, bang, bang!!" As Li Xiaoya concealed his figure and quietly shot forward, the howling and roaring roars of the monsters and the earth-shattering muffled sound he heard became clearer and clearer, and the bang The clanking bamboo and wood collided with each other, and the strange and sultry explosions continued to shake the sky, and the appearance became more and more shocking...

"What on earth is this monster fighting? Look at the aura, it seems to be a tree spirit or something!" Li Xiaoya quietly hid his whereabouts. He quickly headed forward, and in a short while he seemed to have traveled thousands of miles...

I saw that as I went further forward, these weird giant trees became bigger and bigger, and the aura of life became more and more intense...

"Huh? This place has such amazing spiritual energy!" Li Xiaoya flew away, feeling that the farther he went forward, the denser the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this place. Li Xiaoya couldn't help but secretly thought, obviously this place is not an ordinary spiritual energy. Land, my heart is searching for the memories of those monster beasts that have searched for their souls...

"Huh? This is the Ghost Tree Forest?" Instantly. Li Xiaoya has found it. Generally speaking, monks will not find all the memories of these monsters when they search for their souls, but they will temporarily store them in the sea of ​​consciousness. Just search for the information you need. Otherwise, this monster has been alive for who knows how long. The amount of memory is so amazing that if it is released all at once, the monk will disappear even if his spiritual consciousness is strong enough. Besides, once these memories are released, if they are no longer useful, they must be completely erased. Otherwise, it will cause confusion in the monk's memory and consciousness...

It’s better to just look for whatever you’re looking for…

According to Li Xiaoya, the memory of the monster was found...

This ghost tree forest is actually a place where ancient giant trees grow. This place. It happens to be near the Ten Forbidden Lands of Hurricane Land and the Wuji Shenguang Mountains, and it just corresponds to them. It is said that some of these ancient giant trees have already transformed into spirits. Generally, monsters will never come back if they enter. In addition, these ancient trees grow weirdly, so they are called the ghost tree forest by monsters. However, there are only Only high-level monsters know that this ghost tree forest actually seems to contain a strange aura. Generally, monsters below the Qiankun stage will never come back if they enter...

Some powerful stage monsters have joined forces to go in, but they were very disappointed when they went in. In addition to the ruins that were completely destroyed by monks or monsters, the most noteworthy thing is the one in the center of the ruins. A super old tree...

As for the ancient tree that transformed into a spirit, no one has ever seen it...

"Could it be that... that monster is fighting the tree spirit?" After searching for the news, Li Xiaoya secretly thought in his heart. With this thought in his mind, he flew over the trunks of more and more ancient trees...


"What a big tree!" Li Xiaoya looked forward and saw a huge shadow appearing in the sky above the countless tree crowns, covering the entire sky. There were countless clouds surrounding the sky. Looking at the crown of the ancient tree, it looks like it reaches the sky. Look, this ancient tree must be at least tens of thousands of feet high. Isn't this really amazing?

I think so...

At the same time, Li Xiaoya also saw...


"Boom, boom, boom!" I saw earth-shattering roars coming from below the huge ancient tree, and the entire huge ancient tree was shaking like crazy... There were also earth-shattering roars and explosions... …


"Boom, boom, boom!" I saw an extremely huge thing, like a tree and vine that was thousands of feet thick, directly bombarded out, and there was a shocking explosion...

"Ouch!" A shocking and pitiful roar was heard, and a huge, thousands-foot-tall body was covered in black steel needles, with four huge ears, and its eyes erupted with blood-red and fierce light. The orangutan was whipped out by the huge tree vine...

"It's the four-eared giant ape!" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he saw the monster that was blown up. He immediately thought to himself, it's strange, why did this four-eared giant ape suddenly appear? He flew over a little and saw that this huge ancient tree was originally in a low-lying area in a valley, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles in radius. This ancient tree was obviously much taller than what Li Xiaoya saw, as high as 70,000 to 80,000 feet...

It's obviously not an ordinary existence...

However, Li Xiaoya was naturally not in a hurry to show up. He would first find the thing that attracted the key and the metal ball. That was his goal...

Just see!

"Boom boom boom!" Seven or eight extremely thick vines followed and soared into the sky, pulling towards the huge four-eared giant ape. The air was surging with the earth-shaking magic power, shaking crazily...


"Ahhh!" The huge body of the four-eared giant ape shook violently in the void, and boundless black and purple light surged. A pair of huge arms madly punched out thousands of punches, and each punch hit a black and purple light circle that shook the sky. The bombardment caused a shocking wind to whistle in the area of ​​thousands of miles, and countless trees and leaves were flying around frantically...


"Bang, bang, bang!!" A series of shocking roars and explosions, the huge fists of the four-eared giant ape kept hitting the huge vines that were whipped over, and the whole sky was shaking with circles of shocking winds. The whole sky was shaking wildly, and the vines were shaking, and even one of them was not broken...

Obviously, the strange power of this four-eared giant ape is not comparable to that of ordinary monsters...

Looking at this scene.

"It is said that the strength of the four-eared giant ape is extremely amazing, and now one of them is indeed extraordinary!" Li Xiaoya said in his heart.


A scene that shocked Li Xiaoya even more appeared...

Just saw.

"Buzz! Crash!" The huge tree shook crazily. Countless leaves rustled and shook out bursts of green light...

"Crack!" The broken vines of the huge tree actually glowed with green light, and with a series of muffled crackling sounds, they grew a large section again in an instant. In an instant, the huge vines grew out again... Boom boom boom, rolling up the boundless gale and lashing at the four-eared giant ape...

"Immortal body?" Li Xiaoya saw this scene, and his heart moved. He couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise and joy. He was surprised that this huge ancient tree would have the immortal body that only the very rare wood monster had. He was happy that Li Xiaoya had completely confirmed that this huge ancient tree was the tree with extremely strong life breath that his spiritual sense sensed. But the reason for joy is not this, but the amazing ability of this ancient tree to drive its vines autonomously. First of all, this huge ancient tree has already opened its spiritual wisdom. Otherwise, how could it drive its vines to fight with the four-eared giant ape...

And if this ancient tree contains an immortal body and such a strong vitality, Li Xiaoya believes that as long as he can find a way to extract the vitality of this ancient tree. His injuries must be healed at least dozens of times faster...Because the magical power of the immortal body must be cultivated with extremely powerful vitality as a foundation to be successful...And most of the successful cultivations are wood-type tree monsters...

Of course.

Li Xiaoya has such a strong vitality. It is not enough to cultivate this immortal body, it must be strengthened at least ten times...So most of the human cultivators and monsters who can successfully cultivate this magical power are in the immortal calamity period or even the real immortal cultivation...


Li Xiaoya was not in a hurry to take action. He waited to see the situation. First, the cultivation of the four-eared giant ape had reached the late stage of great power, and with amazing divine power, if Li Xiaoya wanted to deal with the four-eared giant ape, it would be better not to fight head-on. The same was true for the ancient tree. With the magical power of the immortal body, its cultivation was not inferior to that of the four-eared giant ape, and it might even have a considerable advantage... Although he should be able to deal with these two guys, I am afraid that it will consume a lot of energy. It is better to wait until these two guys are almost done...

The most important thing is that Li Xiaoya still has to find the thing that attracted the golden key and the metal ball. Find that thing first...

However, Li Xiaoya also inferred that the thing was probably on the super ancient tree, because the ancient tree looked inconvenient to move, probably because it was not completely spiritual...

And if the four-eared giant ape got the treasure, he would definitely leave first. If he would not stick to this super ancient tree and toss it here, I am afraid he would have left long ago...

Of course.

It was not certain whether the battle was for that thing, of course, it would depend on seeing it clearly, but it was most likely that thing...

He concluded so in his mind...

Li Xiaoya flew down to the woods. Although Li Xiaoya had amazing skills and the invisibility cloak, if he got too close to the four-eared giant ape and the ancient tree, he would be in danger of being discovered. If he went from below, he would have a better chance of finding that thing, and it would also be safer...

Li Xiaoya flew slowly and quietly in the midst of countless branches and trees, without making any sound, and the whole sky was shaking with a powerful and shocking aura...

Li Xiaoya did not dare to take out the key and the metal ball, as it would be bad if the other party discovered his movements...


When Li Xiaoya slowly flew forward along the dark and dense tree...

"Boom boom boom!"

"Hua la la!"

"Ao ao!"

The four-eared giant ape was fighting with the super ancient tree more and more vigorously. The whole forest was shaking crazily. Countless strong winds were whistling and surging. The whole ghost tree forest was shaking...

I only heard...

"Damn it! You old tree! That thing is useless to you! Give it to me quickly! Otherwise, I will notify the Giant Ancient Ape King and let him deal with you!" The four-eared giant ape seemed to be really angry. The immortal body of the super ancient tree was really amazing. After fighting for a long time, he consumed so much mana and strength, but he couldn't do anything to the super ancient tree. Naturally, he was very angry...


"Boom boom boom!" The super ancient tree did not emit any sound, but instead blasted out more huge vines to escape and attack crazily, obviously not afraid...

"Damn it!" The four-eared giant ape roared in anger and attacked crazily...


"Giant Ancient Ape King!" Li Xiaoya was shocked when he heard the name. This Giant Ancient Ape King is a genuine immortal calamity period monster. Like the Sky King, he is one of the few emperors in the Savage Continent, and his strength is one of the best in the Savage Continent...

Naturally, he is also a tough guy... Hearing the words of the four-eared giant ape, Li Xiaoya also knew that the four-eared giant ape might be the subordinate of the Giant Ancient Ape King. If the Giant Ancient Ape King came to the prosperity, it would be A guy who is extremely difficult to deal with...

Thinking so, Li Xiaoya moved forward more carefully...

After a while, Li Xiaoya came out of the forest without any danger. He saw a huge valley in front of him. There was a cliff in front of him. The huge ancient tree grew in this place. It was indeed in a low-lying valley...

However, this low-lying valley was too low. The trunk of the super ancient tree was below the valley. It was obviously more than 10,000 feet higher than the outside. The bottom was gray and unclear...

When Li Xiaoya was in front of the cliff, looking for the thing that attracted the treasure of the metal ball...


"You are here...!" An old and hoarse voice suddenly sounded in Li Xiaoya's ear...

"!!" Li Xiaoya was shocked when he heard it, and almost cried out. However, his consciousness did not sense the monks coming from the surrounding area, including the super ancient tree and the four-eared giant ape. Naturally, he was surprised...

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