True Immortal Fate

Eight Immortal Fates Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1580: The Tomb of the Twin Emperors

That same day!

Almost one-third of the thirty-three-star monks, mortals, and monsters saw it. The entire sky of the thirty-three-star world was blasted with a giant hole, and the entire sky was continuously vibrating with circles of black light and golden light. , rushed from this continent to another continent... Many great monks felt a burst of super powerful breath colliding in the sky...

A few days later...

It spread throughout the Thirty-Three Stars Realm...

The news that the Great Brahma Immortal Emperor of the Thirty-three Immortal Realms was injured and fell asleep shocked many monks. What kind of monks could have such amazing magical powers? It was rumored that the Immortal Emperors of the Thirty-Three Immortal Realms who could cover the sky with one hand were seriously injured. Their strength was so real It’s amazing enough…

As for what exactly happened, the people who really knew the inside story did not reveal any information, so the monks and mortals added a lot of talking points...

And the wild continent...


"Boom ww." ".掎 close婩叩 Du Mu Zhanmo Liao inferior Quail Yibin┗thua 阍谔樓氐敝laxNohuan Department of Nalong?br\u003e

"Hoo!" I saw Li Xiaoya's entire body stagnant in the void, holding the bloodthirsty divine dragon-slaying sword with a dim light in his hand. He was panting, and the muscles on his entire body were thin. After looking around, Li Xiaoya showed a ferocious smile and murmured: "Damn it! Do you know how powerful it is?"

After the bloodthirsty divine dragon-slaying sword advanced to the level of the artifact, its power was indeed not astonishing. Even the Heavenly Dome Emperor was already at the Immortal Tribulation stage, and had used dozens of treasures to protect himself, including two of the Opening Treasures. , but none of them could block the bloodthirsty divine dragon-slaying sword that Li Xiaoya used a lot of mana to blast out...

Even the Yuanshen Demon Infant had no time to escape before he was blasted into nothingness by Li Xiaoya's sword, and his body and treasures were almost destroyed. I can't die any more...


Li Xiaoya could only hit this one sword with all his strength. If he used another sword, he might not be able to save his life. It would be unlucky for the Sky Emperor to encounter Li Xiaoya when his anger fully exploded...


"Oh!" An earth-shaking roar of monster beasts sounded directly from the horizon, rushing towards Li Xiaoya...

"Huh?" Li Xiaoya's face changed when he heard the voice. A flash of inspiration flashed in his hand. He put away the bloodthirsty divine dragon-slaying sword and looked up at the green light curtain in the sky...

I saw.

"Puff!" The golden light on the lusè light curtain has been almost corroded by the gray light, revealing pits...

"Hmph! The Wild Continent! The Immortal Court! The Dragon Clan! Just wait for me!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly. He said coldly through gritted teeth, and instantly rose into the sky, rushing towards the green light vortex...

"Buzz!" Li Xiaoya's hand flashed with inspiration, and a hexagonal spiritual tablet appeared in Li Xiaoya's hand instantly. It was the golden key and the metal ball that got the spiritual tablet...


"Buzz!" Circles of green light enveloped Li Xiaoya's entire figure, and Li Xiaoya rushed into the green light screen without even thinking...

The moment Li Xiaoya entered the green light curtain...

"Boooooo!" A burst of astonishing black and white light waves rushed toward Li Xiaoya crazily. The black and white interlaced light waves actually contained a pressure that was comparable to the Dragon Ancestor and the Immortal Court, and was even more powerful. Looks like, just afraid of the black and white light waves coming over. Li Xiaoya's entire body was about to be crushed into powder...


"Puff!" As soon as those interlaced black and white light waves touched the green light covering Li Xiaoya's body, those interlaced black and white light waves separated instantly, forming a vortex of interlaced black and white green light that enveloped Li Xiaoya's entire figure... "Buzz." "Buzz!" is spinning...

On the other hand...

"Whoosh!" The huge green light curtain also began to shrink, becoming smaller and smaller...


"Ouch!" A monster beast roared that shook the earth. Madness is erupting in the sky...

"Boom, boom, boom!" A giant giant has a double-twisted head, like two sharp swords on its head. It looks like a giant lizard, but it has a pair of giant wings. . The monster beast that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, in the middle of the world, looked at the green light curtain in the sky that was gradually converging...

"Ouch!" This monster beast let out a roar that shook the earth. The entire huge body shook violently with circles of shocking black and purple light. The entire body shrank sharply, and violently shook out a strong wind. He rushed up instantly, and his body transformed into hundreds of feet in size. He rushed towards the green light curtain...


"Poof!" This monster beast rushed into the green light curtain...

"Immortal Tribulation Stage Monster!" Li Xiaoya, who was surrounded by the light wrapped in black and white interlaced light waves, instantly changed his expression, and was about to use some magical power...

An amazing scene appeared!


"Ouch!" The demonic beast obviously saw Li Xiaoya and let out an extremely excited roar. It opened its huge mouth and fiercely charged towards Li Xiaoya...


"Swish, swish, swish!" A shocking burst of black and white light waves rushed towards the monster crazily, and instantly, they crushed the monster's body... Gurgle! ! As soon as those black and white light waves touched the light shield of the monster's body, the black and white light waves continued to vibrate out...

"Ah!" The monster couldn't help but screamed crazily...

It took less than one ten-thousandth of a breath!

"Puchi!!" The demon beast in the Immortal Tribulation Period was crushed into powder in an instant, and turned into nothingness in an instant...

Seeing this...

" powerful!" Li Xiaoya saw this, his face changed, and he exclaimed. Fortunately, he was protected by the green light, otherwise, his end would be no different from that of the demon beast...

He was secretly glad...

When he first got the golden demon beast and the metal ball, he was not reckless, otherwise, he would have been finished long ago. Fortunately, he found the spirit tablet a few days ago...

Li Xiaoya was thinking so in his heart...


"Buzz!" Li Xiaoya suddenly felt dizzy, and his whole body was involuntarily spun by the black and white light waves...


"Buzz!" A burst of black and white light waves suddenly rose. Li Xiaoya's figure instantly disappeared into the air...

When Li Xiaoya's figure instantly disappeared into the air...

"Puff!" The huge green light curtain on the Savage Continent also shrank, and soon disappeared into the air...


When many monsters flew to this place...

There was only that huge black space hole in the void, which had not disappeared for thousands of years...

Because two immortal calamity period monsters died directly in this place, this place was later renamed by monsters and called the Double Emperor Tomb...

And the instigator Li Xiaoya and the Blue Thunder Peng bird disappeared...

The high-level monsters continued to search for hundreds of years and did not find any news about the Blue Thunder Peng bird and Li Xiaoya...


The news of the Wanjie Immortal Spirit Grass on this Savage Continent soon spread throughout the Thirty-Three Star Realm, attracting the attention of many high-level cultivators, including many large sects and families. Even the four major races sent monks to the Savage Continent...

The turbid waters of the Savage Continent became even more turbid...

It took a thousand years...

to calm down...

Of course, it was not entirely because they could not find Li Xiaoya and Qinglei Pengniao in the Savage Continent that they left... because of the crisis that broke out in the Thirty-Three Star Realms...

Of course, this is a later story, let's not talk about it for now...


When Li Xiaoya's figure instantly disappeared in the black and white light waves over there...

In the Human Race Alliance Dao Mountain, Daozu Daozu suddenly opened his eyes, frowned and said: "What's going on? Li's induction disappeared? Is there something wrong?" Thinking so in his heart, he couldn't help but fight... Just as he was about to cast a spell...


"Buzz buzz buzz!" A burst of colorful spiritual light suddenly surged in the void... A colorful spiritual light figure appeared in the air. Looking at the appearance, it was Daozu Daozu's apprentice. The figure of the Snow Region Great Ancestor...

"Master! Zhang Hong seems to be advancing!" The shadow of the Snow Region Great Ancestor appeared in the air, and it was Chao Chao Daozu who said in a deep voice...

"Zhang Hong!" Hearing this, Daozu frowned and said hurriedly: "Okay! Master will go right away!" After that. The figure was surging with colorful spiritual light, and instantly disappeared in the air...

After a few breaths...

"Buzz buzz buzz!" The colorful spiritual light surged and Daozu appeared in the air instantly, and in front of him was Li Xiaoya's Shengzi Peak...


"Whoosh hoosh!" The whole sky is now a red light shaking and surging wildly. A mysterious law force in the whole world is constantly shaking...

"Huh! I hope it will work!" Daozu saw this scene, frowned, and murmured. The figure moved violently, and flew towards the void to the cave...


In the secret realm of the human world!

On a vast land with colorful spiritual light...

The land is full of various natural treasures, spiritual medicines and fruits that emit amazing medicinal fragrance... The whole world is emitting an amazing spiritual energy...

And on this land emitting colorful spiritual light, a beautiful fairy-like girl in white palace clothes is barefoot in it, planting a spiritual medicine...

The movement is extremely gentle, and the delicate jade hand is holding a small jade shovel to dig a small hole... It is obvious that she is concentrating seriously...

And the amazing spiritual energy emitted by the whole land continues to spread in all directions... It nourishes the whole world...

...To be continued...)

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