True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Disorder in the Human World Chapter 1607: Balance of the Five Elemen

Li Xiaoya sat cross-legged in the cave...

"Swish, swish, swish!" A burst of colorful spiritual light swirled, and the five kinds of five-element spiritual light almost completely merged together, becoming more and more powerful...

On the side, the Five-element Colored Ganoderma stopped absorbing the immortal stone from the sky, and its whole body was swirling with colorful spiritual light. The five-element spiritual light that Li Xiaoya radiated all rushed into the Five-element Colored Ganoderma frantically...

This is because the five-element spiritual light on Li Xiaoya's body is now surging too strongly. If it leaks out, it will be easily discovered...

Adhering to the principle of keeping good things within the family, the Five-element Colored Ganoderma directly treated itself as a bottomless pit, allowing the five-element spiritual light radiating from Li Xiaoya and the leaked spiritual energy and five-element law power, the original force all to be absorbed in, which made the Five-element Colored Ganoderma a rare good thing. How could the Five-element Colored Ganoderma refuse such a good thing...

Time passed little by little...


"Swish, swish, swish!" Li Xiaoya's swirling colorful spiritual light was completely integrated together. You are in me and I am in you. There is no distinction between you and me. The whole colorful spiritual light is surging with an extremely amazing breath...

"Hey!" The Five Elements Colored Ganoderma stood up suddenly at this time, shouted in a deep voice, and shook violently. The speed of absorbing the colorful spiritual light on the body was more and more amazing. Even if the colorful spiritual light gushing out of Li Xiaoya's body was powerful, it could not withstand the crazy absorption of the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma...

And at this time...

"Success!" Li Xiaoya shouted excitedly, his eyes suddenly opened, a burst of divine light rushed out, and the colorful spiritual light on his body swirled and rushed into Li Xiaoya's body crazily, and all converged in an instant...

"Hey! Why did you stop? I haven't absorbed enough!" The Five Elements Colored Ganoderma saw this scene and said with a sigh. The voice was full of pity...

"So... the five elements are balanced like this!" Li Xiaoya ignored the five elements colored Lingzhi, but looked at his hands and couldn't help muttering... The voice was full of incredible...

"Hey! What's wrong? Feeling good, right?" Seeing Li Xiaoya like this, the five elements colored Lingzhi smiled at Li Xiaoya as if teasing... The cute baby voice said such words, which made people feel weird...

"Hey! What do you mean it's good? You don't know!" Hearing this, Li Xiaoya laughed dumbly.

"What do you mean I don't know!? I am the five elements balanced... How could I not know?" The five elements colored Lingzhi said hurriedly after hearing this, and changed his words halfway through, but didn't mention the appearance of this god...

"Quack! Are you the five elements balanced?" Hearing this, Li Xiaoya was stunned. He said hurriedly.

"Of course! Who am I, Guagua?" Five Elements Colored Ganoderma said complacently...

"Oh!" Li Xiaoya said oh when he heard it... He thought to himself: "No wonder Five Elements Colored Ganoderma doesn't look good at ordinary times, but its magical power is so amazing...!"


When Li Xiaoya successfully refined the Five Elements Balance Pill, the five elements of the immortal roots in his body were completely balanced, and the feeling was indeed different. After the five elements were balanced, Li Xiaoya felt that the magical roots in his body had now formed an amazing cycle, and there was a feeling of self-contained world in his body...

Li Xiaoya felt that if he wanted to cast a certain series of spells in the past, his skills would immediately switch to a certain series of spells. Although the process was fast, it still required such a process, but now he could cast that series of spells at will. He could cast it...


According to the law of mutual generation and mutual restraint of each series of spells, Li Xiaoya felt that no matter which series of spells he cast, the power of that series of spells would surge by more than 30%. If the two magics of the mutual generation are used together, it will naturally be more powerful...

More importantly, after the five magics are balanced. Li Xiaoya feels that his Heavenly Dao Five Elements Jue has been practiced, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy and refining pills has also increased a lot. It feels like it has increased by nearly half...

In other words, if there is no bottleneck, Li Xiaoya estimates that the speed of practice will increase by nearly half. The level that originally took a thousand years to practice, now it will only take five or six hundred years to practice...

This improvement is simply heaven-defying...

It is worth it that Li Xiaoya spent more than a year to completely refine it successfully...

Of course, Li Xiaoya himself can't say the benefits of this all at once, and can only slowly experience it in the future practice...


Although the Five Elements Balance Pill was successfully practiced, allowing the five elements in Li Xiaoya's body to form a cycle, Li Xiaoya has not decided to go out to find the way back...

Because the current situation is different from before.

There might have been unknown dangers before...

But now it is clear that the top super cultivators in the fairy world, the Saint Lord, and the four immortal calamity stage are eyeing him covetously. These five alone are enough to make Li Xiaoya suffer...

Although Li Xiaoya's magical powers have improved a lot due to the effect of the Five Elements Balance Pill, he can only deal with one immortal calamity stage. It is not a good idea to wander around in this state...

It is even more not a good idea to go out after cultivating to the immortal calamity stage. Even if Li Xiaoya has great luck, it is very difficult to advance to the immortal calamity stage without thousands of years and great opportunities...

And Li Xiaoya chose a compromise method...


"Boom!" A burst of blue light emerged, and Li Xiaoya's water clone appeared in the cave...

As Li Xiaoya's Five Elements Immortal Roots have driven the balance, the water system clone has also grown a lot... Although Li Xiaoya's body does not go out, it does not mean that he is behind closed doors and allows the water system clone to go out to find out the news...

the difference is……

"Go!" Li Xiaoya touched his forehead, and a burst of blue light spurted out, rushing into the water clone. The blue light looked like a halo of countless memories... and instantly poured into the body of the water clone...


"Buzzing!" A burst of blue light emanated from the water clone's eyes, and the water clone's eyes suddenly looked bright and intelligent...

"This feeling is really special!" I saw the water clone suddenly murmuring to himself. After saying that, a burst of blue light surged, turning into countless blue light filaments, and rushed out towards the huge blue light ice gate...

Passed directly through the ice gate and fled along the passage...

But Li Xiaoya's body directly said to the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma: "That's right! Guagua! Do you have any magic tricks that are suitable for balanced Five Elements spells?" Although he has many tricks, the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma lucidum has a lot As a man with magical powers, the good skills he practices each time are given to him by the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma. There are quite a lot of good things in the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma. I don’t know where the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma comes from so many good skills...

"A five-element spell suitable for balancing the five elements!?" After hearing this, the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma murmured: "Let me think about it..." After saying that, a flash of light flashed on his hand, and clusters of light flew out... He murmured in his mouth : "Five Elements Transformation Technique, Five Elements Qiankun Sword Technique, Five Elements Heaven and Earth Hunyuan Fist...!"

This group of auras looks like spells, many of which Li Xiaoya has never heard of before... Li Xiaoya is a little stunned. This is just talking, this Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma actually produces so many spells. He couldn't help but ask: "Hey! Guagua, where did you come from to get so many spells?"

"I used to... let an old guy throw it into the study...!" After hearing this, Wu Xingcai Ganoderma said casually, throwing out light balls in his hand and flying out, but it seemed that he suddenly realized something, the sound He stopped speechless and hurriedly said, "It's okay. If you want to learn it, just learn it. I have so many magical powers and techniques here that you can learn them for as long as you like!"

"Uh... I'm asking you...!" Li Xiaoya hurriedly asked after hearing this...

"Ah! I'm going to practice, please take your time to choose!" Wu Xing Cai Ganoderma said with a "Ah" before Li Xiaoya could ask, interrupting Li Xiaoya's words. He didn't want Li Xiaoya to ask more questions, and his figure It turned into a streak of colorful spiritual light and flew out, flying toward the Heavenly Immortal Stone... A burst of colorful spiritual light surged around his body, absorbing the golden light of the Heavenly Foreign Immortal Stone...

"Tsk...!" Seeing the appearance of the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma, Li Xiaoya didn't know what the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma was thinking, so he squeaked, and without asking any questions, he picked out the pile of skills and magical powers from the Five Elements Colorful Ganoderma... …

And on the other side...

Li Xiaoya's clone traveled all the way, hiding traces in the blink of an eye, and disappeared far away in the blink of an eye... Since the clone itself, the spiritual self is restricted, Li Xiaoya can only attach his own consciousness and intelligence to it. This avatar should have extremely high intelligence for the time being, so that it can play a detection role. Otherwise, if it is tens of thousands of miles away from Li Xiaoya, it will be out of control...

It's exactly what Li Xiaoya wants, let the clone go to find out the news. Even if it is discovered, it is just a clone. If it is destroyed, it will only take some time to practice again, which is much more convenient...

on the other hand……

In the Holy King Continent!

A very gorgeous building, with countless huge pillars thousands of feet high, supporting a towering and huge complex that is hundreds of miles long. The architectural style of the whole building is very weird. With a whoosh, an extremely huge battleship came in and out of this building...

This is the Fairy Palace that unifies the fairy world where the Holy Lord is...

"Listen, it's up to him to send this news out. All you have to do is wait for the outsider to show up!" I saw a dark shadow sitting on a huge black and purple metal chair. He said in a deep voice to the four great Immortal Tribulation Stage monks in front of him...

"Yes! Lord Holy Lord!"

…(To be continued…)

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