True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1673: Top-quality Immortal Peach

"There are good things up there!" Li Xiaoya was extremely experienced. As soon as he smelled the amazing aroma, he knew that the things were definitely not ordinary good things. He was secretly happy in his heart, but he was not too eager and slowly headed towards the top of the peak. The stairs went up...


"Huh?" Li Xiaoya's face moved, as if he had discovered something, and as if he felt something in his heart, a wave of blue and red light burst out of his body... and his body disappeared instantly...

And the moment Li Xiaoya disappeared from the spot...

"Boom!" A burst of astonishing bursts of air-piercing explosions struck madly in the direction of Li Xiaoya, boom! ! A huge ball of golden light that was tens of feet in size slammed into where Li Xiaoya's figure was just now. The entire mountain peak seemed to be shaking in an astonishing way. Countless rocks and rocks were splashed everywhere, and the ground in the passage was covered with debris. A huge hole thousands of feet wide was smashed out, and a bottomless hole suddenly appeared on the ground...

"Boom!" Li Xiaoya's figure instantly appeared hundreds of feet away, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and he looked fiercely towards the place where the golden light struck...


Ahead is a huge open space. In the middle of the open space, there is a huge flower bed-like thing dozens of feet high. There is actually a huge tree planted in it...


It should be said that it is a huge peach tree. I saw that this peach tree was hundreds of feet high and looked extremely ancient. And on this peach tree, there were peaches the size of heads. The peaches are extremely beautiful and emit an extremely attractive aroma. Each peach emits a golden light surrounded by a trace of gold... Not only that, the leaves of the entire peach tree are emitting golden light waves that vibrate. ¤Literature Bar: wxba¤ There are ripples shining in the void, which looks very tempting...

" five-million-year-old fairy peach?" Looking at those tempting peaches, Li Xiaoya didn't seem to pay attention to them. Instead, he looked around vigilantly to see what had suddenly attacked him just now. I don’t know what it is, it’s almost silent. If the high-level monk’s spiritual consciousness cultivation hadn’t reacted quickly enough... I might have been hit. Look at the power. Although the explosion is not very powerful, look at the direct penetration. An attack that revealed a huge, bottomless hole. It still made Li Xiaoya break into a cold sweat...

Because, from the moment he climbed up from the cliff, he knew clearly that the rock was no less hard than an ordinary monk's magical weapon, and harder than ordinary steel. Such a deep pit was created all of a sudden. Obviously it's not an ordinary attack, and it's also silent...

Naturally, Li Xiaoya was very wary...

at the same time……

Li Xiaoya also recognized the origin of those shining golden peaches... They were real legendary peaches. Of course, they were not the kind of fairy peaches that ordinary mortals thought. Eating them could lead to immortality... If such a thing really existed Waiting for the benefits, what kind of immortality should a cultivator do...

Xiantao, like many cherished elixirs of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, is also divided into years. Generally speaking, it takes a thousand years for a fairy peach to bloom, a thousand years to bear fruit, and a thousand years to mature. This is already the lowest level of fairy peaches that can be taken by monks. These fairy peaches are very beneficial to low-level cultivation to improve physical constitution, fairy roots and the like. Especially the fairy peaches are spiritually gentle and are one of the few that can be taken directly to improve physical fitness. One of the spiritual fruits of Immortal Root...

but. For powerful monks like Li Xiaoya, this kind of fairy peach can be eaten as an ordinary fruit. Just have a taste... Of course, since the appearance of fairy peaches is extremely rare, the environment required is also very rare. Even ordinary fairy peaches are almost invisible in many star realms...

The fairy peaches produced by the fairy peaches are mature. If they are not picked for a long time, they will not fall off and rot like ordinary peaches... they will always be on the fruit tree and will not fall off. The longer the year, the The more spiritual energy of heaven and earth is absorbed, the better and better the effect will be on the monks...

After the fairy peach matures, every thousand years, it will expand a little, and the effect will be a little stronger... However, any heavenly material and earthly treasure fairy grass elixir has an age limit... There cannot be infinitely growing heavenly material and earthly treasure. …

There are also many types of fairy peaches, some of which cannot grow after ten thousand years. That is to say, fairy peaches will stop growing after ten thousand years. Those that increase spirituality... most of the ones that appear in the world of immortality are this kind. Xiantao......

As far as Li Xiaoya knows, he has seen it in some books and illustrations in the market. Among the fairy peaches, there is a kind of top-grade fairy peach. It is said that the growth limit of the fairy peach is five million years. This is the real fairy fruit. This kind of fairy peach is different from ordinary fairy peach. The fairy peach is different. It takes ten thousand years to bloom, ten thousand years to bear fruit, ten thousand years to mature, and then another ten thousand years to grow. It is a treasure that is very useful to powerful monks like Li Xiaoya. Not only can it Improve physical fitness, increase cultivation, increase spiritual awareness, and five elements attributes. It is said that it can also increase the effect of breaking through bottlenecks. What is even more terrifying is...

If this top-quality fairy peach grows to its limit, the head will be as big as a skull, emitting a golden light, and is known as the real fairy fruit...

It is said that a monk once obtained a fairy peach that was one million years old. After taking it, he directly broke through the bottleneck of cultivation and became a great monk in the Immortal Tribulation Stage...


In front of Li Xiaoya, there is actually such a huge fruit tree with the best fairy peach. Look at the golden fairy peach the size of a head condensed on the fruit tree. At a glance, there are dozens of them. If you can get it, , Li Xiaoya feels that there is great hope for him to advance to the Immortal Tribulation Stage...


Li Xiaoya had not yet been tempted by the countless top-quality peaches, and had lost his cool. After experiencing countless reincarnations, Li Xiaoya's state of mind had long gone beyond the realm of not being happy with things. Although he still showed joy on the surface sometimes, that was also As a person and a monk, he should only have expressions, but from inside, Li Xiaoya is actually extremely calm and will not lose his due calmness...


"What exactly is attacking me?" Li Xiaoya looked in front of the top-quality fairy peach for a long time, but couldn't find any clues. He couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart. Considering his cultivation level, what was attacking him? If no trace can be found, then there are only true immortal cultivators...

But if he is really a true immortal, then there is no need to go to such trouble. If the sneak attack is extreme, after a few spells, Li Xiaoya will only die...

Unable to find any clues, Li Xiaoya didn't dare to act rashly. He couldn't help but turn his gaze to the bottomless hole that was bombarded by the strange golden light. He saw that there was a trace of white gas coming out of the hole, which was bombarded. The entrance to the hole that came out was as smooth as a mirror, and it was obvious that such a deep hole was suddenly made without any obstacles...

"What an amazing penetrating power...!" Li Xiaoya sighed in his heart again, feeling that the penetrating power of the golden light was not ordinary, and knowing such a powerful attack, he could only use the Kaitian Zhi. It can only be attacked with the full force attack of Baolong Horn Bone Dragon Slash or Hell Crown...


The attack just now made him feel no strong power of law or anything like that, which made him feel a little unsure...

And when Li Xiaoya stopped in front of the top-quality fairy peach tree, a pair of eyes in the huge and empty hall was staring at the screen of light where Li Xiaoya was, observing Li Xiaoya's every move...

"Hmph! You can still remain so calm in front of the best Xiantao. It seems that you are the outsider without a doubt..." The owner of those eyes said coldly, actually revealing Li Xiaoya's identity. This voice After a pause, he continued to say coldly: "Only if you pass the eternal reincarnation set up by the old man Xianzu, you can have such a calm state of mind. It seems that the plan is half successful... But! You can really endure this fairy peach. Temptation? Hehe...!

He paused and looked at another light curtain. In the light curtain, he saw more than a dozen figures fighting in a vast valley with dozens of strange monster monk-like monks... Look, they are exactly the same. It was the monks who were descendants of the immortal clan led by King Bai Zhen and Zhen Ningzi...

And the valley is not small, with a radius of hundreds of miles. It is surrounded by a gray-black light curtain. It is obvious that a ban surrounds the entire valley... I saw the monks who besieged Baizhen King Zhenningzi. The demon monks who were also in the stage of great power defeated Bai Zhen Wang Zhen Ningzi and his group of monks in defeat...

If King Bai Zhen and Zhen Ningzi were not brave enough and had amazing magical powers and cultivation treasures, most of the monks in the Ten Thousand Island Continent would have been killed long ago. How could they still persist until this point...

Rao is so...

There are only a dozen or so monks left among the twenty-odd monks descended from the Immortal Clan in King Bai Zhen's group, and it is obvious that many have fallen away...

"Hmph! These two boys have pretty good magical powers. If they weren't the descendants of that old Immortal Ancestor and trained them up, they would be two Immortal Tribulation Stage cultivators!" The man looked at them for a while and snorted coldly. said...


"Huh?" The eyes turned to Li Xiaoya's side again, and Li Xiaoya in the light curtain seemed to be making some preparations. Seeing this, the owner of the eyes sneered and said: "Sure enough! Hehe... I still can't help it. Come on!"

"I understand... It turns out it was you who attacked me!" Li Xiaoya said with a look of sudden realization. Looking ahead, he saw that the front was empty, except for the top-quality fairy peach tree, there was nothing else...

Could it be! ? Was it the fairy peach tree that attacked Li Xiaoya?

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