True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1678: Counter Devouring

"What is that?" Li Xiaoya's heart tightened, and he thought to himself, and his body quickly ran forward...


"Hua La La!" A tidal-like roaring and shaking sound suddenly rose, and a group of strange insects with heads as big as heads, smooth and slender backs, sharp mouths, and barbed teeth all over the body flew out. The whole place was densely packed with the appearance of that strange insect...

It turned out to be the soul-sucking beetles that attacked the monks of Bai Zhenwang and his group before!

"Soul-sucking beetles?" Li Xiaoya instantly recognized those soul-sucking beetles, but unlike the monks of Bai Zhenwang and his group, Li Xiaoya's face was not surprised, but very pleasantly surprised... The body stopped running away, but paused. In an instant, Li Xiaoya stopped and his face was full of ecstasy...


"Chichichichi!!" There was a burst of extremely piercing chirping, and the extremely ferocious soul-sucking beetles suddenly opened their huge bloody mouths, making an amazing buzzing and vibrating sound. The wisps of spiritual mist in the space instantly rushed towards the sharp teeth of those extremely soul-sucking beetles...

"Hualala!" There was a shocking rush like a tide, and the soul-sucking beetles rushed towards Li Xiaoya frantically. So many soul-sucking beetles gathered together, so densely packed that they were everywhere. Countless spiritual mists rushed towards him. These soul-sucking beetles rushed over, forming a white mist-like gale, and in an instant formed a circle of tsunami, dozens of feet high, sweeping towards Li Xiaoya frantically...

"Hehe! There are so many of them... So many soul-sucking beetles are so good...!" Li Xiaoya snorted twice in a row, and said with a calm face, not panicking at all...

In an instant...


"Hua Lala!!" These soul-sucking beetles formed a tsunami that instantly submerged Li Xiaoya's entire sky and rushed towards Li Xiaoya. Looking around, Li Xiaoya's figure could not be seen...


"Chijijijiji!!" These crazy soul-sucking beetles suddenly shook and moved, making a sound that seemed to be very scared, and suddenly seemed to want to fly in all directions like a tide...


"Buzz buzz buzz!" A harsh and unpleasant buzzing sound broke out from the countless soul-sucking beetles, and a blood-red hurricane of strong winds instantly swept through the countless soul-sucking beetles. In an instant, the entire soul-sucking beetle group seemed to explode, and countless soul-sucking beetles were shaken away...

"Buzz buzz buzz!" The blood-red vortex hurricane spun wildly, making a harsh buzzing sound, and in an instant it had swept through, and actually swept towards the countless soul-sucking beetles. Wherever it passed, the swarms of soul-sucking beetles were instantly sucked into the blood-red vortex and disappeared instantly, as if the blood-red hurricane would devour the countless swarms of soul-sucking beetles...


And in the hall...

"Tsk! It's the rumored steel beetle! No wonder the soul-sucking beetle is so terrified! Outsider! I'm getting more and more interested in you!" Looking at the scene on the light screen, the figure with a human head and a snake body said in a deep voice with a smack of his mouth...

The voice paused, and turned to the monks of King Bai Zhen. It was seen that the monks of King Bai Zhen had already entered a staircase and were quickly rushing into an extremely tall building...

"Looking for death...!" Looking at this scene, the figure with a human head and a snake body spit out two words coldly and said in a deep voice...


Just as the figure with a human head and a snake body said...

"Buzz buzz buzz!" The steel beetle released by Li Xiaoya had indeed evolved to a bottleneck. Each of these steel beetles is comparable to a cultivator of the Qiankun period. It is okay to deal with ordinary cultivators of the same level in the Great Power period, but it is definitely impossible to deal with cultivators and monsters in the Immortal Tribulation period...

Li Xiaoya has been trying to find a way to make this steel beetle advance. However, according to the many materials he found about this steel beetle and the discussion with the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma, there are only two ways: one is to kill a large number of monsters and cultivators for advancement... This large number does not mean hundreds or thousands of monsters, but tens of billions of monsters and cultivators...

Li Xiaoya is not a bloodthirsty cultivator, so he naturally won't use this trick...

The second one is. Let the steel beetle devour other insect monsters, preferably spiritual insects with extremely amazing spiritual energy, and this soul-sucking beetle is one of the ones Li Xiaoya has reserved. This soul-sucking beetle is also an extremely sharp soul-sucking insect. It has an extremely amazing reproductive capacity and power. Most importantly, it likes to devour the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Wherever this soul-sucking beetle appears, the spiritual energy will be quickly sucked dry... The spiritual energy contained in its body is very amazing...

It is also a very difficult soul-sucking beetle...

I didn't expect to see so many soul-sucking beetles here. No wonder Li Xiaoya is so happy...

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

"Puff puff!!" I saw the blood-red hurricane formed by the steel beetle. Wherever it passed, the soul-sucking beetles were constantly sucked into it, and instantly turned into green liquid and exploded. In an instant, they were swallowed up...

Although this soul-sucking beetle is powerful, the steel beetle seems to be naturally restrained by this soul-sucking beetle. It just rolled up the boundless wind and soon drove the swarms of soul-sucking beetles everywhere...

"Hehe! It would be great if all these steel beetles advanced to the powerful stage...!" Li Xiaoya looked at the joyful appearance of the steel beetles and couldn't help but have such a thought flashing through his mind...

And just when Li Xiaoya was overjoyed...


"Chichichichichi!" Those soul-sucking beetles were driven madly by the steel beetles and retreated into those houses. The green liquid in their eyes continued to fall...


"Buzz buzz!" The steel beetle did not let go of these delicacies so easily. It suddenly split off the ground, split into dozens of blood-red hurricanes, and chased directly into those houses...


"Crash!" There was an earth-shattering roar and explosion, and the sound of insects and vibrations shook the houses in the city. It was obvious that the steel beetles were killing people inside... There were even several buildings that were damaged due to the fight between the two. , collapsed...

"Go!" Li Xiaoya suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a burst of golden light surged around his body. A golden figure appeared in the air. It was Li Xiaoya's gold-type clone. The gold-type clone moved with golden light and flew into one of the buildings. Already...

And Li Xiaoya didn't waste any time. He didn't have time to wait here for the battle between the steel beetles and the soul-sucking beetles to finish. He moved and quickly rushed towards the traces where King Baizhen and other monks had run. , the figure disappeared into the horizon in a few seconds...

Li Xiaoya actually planned to let the steel beetle toss around here and let the gold-type clone protect it here. He would go to the front and take a look, plus the wood-type clone that was released in front of him to look for elixirs...


Li Xiaoya only has one fire-type clone left...


Li Xiaoya's action of releasing the golden clone naturally did not escape the eyes of the huge black shadow with the head of a human and the body of a snake that had been observing secretly. Seeing this scene, the eyes of the black shadow with the head of a human and the body of a snake suddenly opened wide. He said in surprise: "Two origin clones!? How many cards does this damn outsider have?" He said this, suddenly making up his mind, and said coldly: "It seems that my plan needs to be changed... Such qualifications...are really rare...!"

And Li Xiaoya rushed forward quickly. Along the way, he saw that the ground on the stairs was full of potholes, collapsed rocks and trees, etc. It was obvious that King Baizhen and other monks were hunted down so hard that they even Li Xiaoya also saw several magic weapons and weapons left on the ground where only a pool of blood was left. Apparently they could not escape the pursuit of the soul-sucking beetle and were directly sucked into human bodies. The appearance of...

Li Xiaoya looked at the treasures left behind, and they didn't look like they had been touched by monks. Of course, he couldn't. He cleaned them up with a spell and put them away directly...

The monks who came here were all powerful monks, and they left behind treasures that even Li Xiaoya didn't need, but they could be replaced with many good things, so they were naturally put away...

"Then why did King Baizhen run away so eagerly, even without the treasure left behind?" Li Xiaoya was also a little strange in his heart, and thought to himself, it is obvious that Li is in more danger than he imagined...

Although Li Xiaoya was very fast, he still deliberately slowed down to avoid any danger...


It seemed that along the way, any ambush traps had been cleared away by King Baizhen and his group of monks. After passing through several mountain peaks, there seemed to be no trace of the soul-sucking beetle... Apparently he had given up on the pursuit...

After passing a mountain peak, Li Xiaoya even saw a puppet similar to the huge puppet that Li Xiaoya, Xu Shaogui and the other monks killed in the treasure cave. Look at the puppet's appearance of being riddled with holes. , apparently besieged and destroyed by the monks...


"Huh? This valley...!" Li Xiaoya finally found the place where the astonishing blue-green light beam erupted. Seeing the situation in front of him, Li Xiaoya was stunned. His face looked a little surprised at the person in the valley in the distance. Huge potholes hundreds of miles in size and thousands of feet deep, the entire valley was blasted out with countless bottomless grooves, and the slightest trace of chaos was emitted...

This Immortal Ancestor Immortal Mountain is not an ordinary place. The rocks on the ground are much tougher than ordinary rocks and trees. Something can actually blow up this Immortal Ancestor Immortal Mountain like this. It is obvious that it has suffered an extremely shocking attack...


"Rumble!" A shocking vibration came from a distance...


"It's that kid!!" A voice that sounded like it was vibrating from a cave roared from a distance... (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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