True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1697 Hiding and Escape

Li Xiaoya naturally doesn't have the ability to compete with the mythical beast...


"Tsk! It is indeed a basalt beast!" Li Xiaoya is now sitting on a huge rock in the middle of a huge world. It looks like he is on a high mountain. He chirped and looked at a huge light curtain in the void. Looking at the basalt beast going berserk...

I saw how familiar the world in front of me was. Below was a medicinal garden dozens of miles in size. The medicinal garden was covered by colorful spiritual lights. The ground was actually filled with colorful soil... There is also a huge tree planted in it...

On the other side is a building...the elegant appearance of a small bridge and flowing water...

And in front of the medicine garden is a huge white bird that appears to be attached to the ground...

This place is nothing else...

It's in Li Xiaoya's secret realm necklace...

"Buzz!" Suddenly, Li Xiaoya's body was filled with blue-green light. Li Xiaoya's entire aura suddenly weakened, his face turned pale, and he looked very weak...

"Hey! This life explodes...!" Li Xiaoya frowned and muttered to himself. After that, he took out a small bottle, opened the small bottle, and poured out a ball of blue-green shining liquid, which was enough. The appearance of dozens of drops is exactly the source of life...

turn out to be. Literature Museum

Before Li Xiaoya received the inheritance of the Law of Life from the remnant soul of the Immortal Ancestor, he was very curious about that time when King Bai Zhen used the Divine Scepter of Life to use the magical power of Life Burst on himself. It was actually able to allow him to directly break through the cultivation level. With the cultivation level of a great monk in the Immortal Tribulation Stage of Ten Breaths... Naturally, he really wants to cultivate such magical powers...

After receiving the inheritance of the Law of Life from the Immortal Ancestor's Remnant Soul, he was naturally overjoyed to find out that he had the same magical power of the Life Law in the application of the Life Law from the Immortal Ancestor's Remnant Soul. With this kind of magical power, at critical moments when encountering monster monks who are too advanced in cultivation, they can use such amazing magical powers to burst out extremely powerful magical powers...

Kill the monk or monster in a short time, or use it to escape and save your life...

After coming out of the fairy world, there was nothing wrong along the way. I just wanted to practice this magical power as a fairy. After several months, I finally realized it...

However, he is different from King Bai Zhen who used the Divine Scepter of Life to unleash this burst of life. With the magical power of King Baizhen, he can use the divine staff of life to use the divine power of life, which can last for ten breaths of life. Although Li Xiaoya's magical power is much higher than that of King Baizhen, he does not have the divine staff of life. Such an artifact. If you use it now, it only lasts for five or six breaths...

Of course……

This is because Li Xiaoya's understanding of the Law of Life is still too shallow. As long as Li Xiaoya's cultivation and magical power improves, and his comprehension of the Law of Life progresses, it will naturally take longer and longer to use this magical power that bursts out of life, and the amount of time will skyrocket. The cultivation power will become more and more amazing...

Back then, the Immortal Ancestor was able to exert the power of a monk. In addition, a fairy world can withstand the siege of several super races, relying on the super magical power of this burst of life. Although many true immortals in the fairy world have died, in fact, the true immortals of other races that besieged the fairy world have fallen. More……


Use this form of life explosion. In fact, it has side effects just like the magical power that consumes longevity. The one difference is that this burst of life mainly consumes vitality and the power of the law of life. For cultivation, the consumption of longevity is relatively small. Naturally, the consumption depends on the time of casting...

In addition, after using this magical power, the monk will have a period of weakness for as many days as the time spent using this magical power, and his magical power will only be half of its original strength. It can be said to be a double-edged sword... A magic power that can be benevolent without success...

And Li Xiaoya had just succeeded in cultivating this magical power these days, and he was unlucky enough to encounter the mythical beast Xuanwu... It was naturally a matter of Li Xiaoya's luck...

What's even more terrifying is that the mythical beast Xuanwu didn't care about anything and found out that Li Xiaoya was attacking Li Xiaoya. He obviously hated the monk very much...

In an instant...

This mythical beast Xuanwu was too terrifying. With such a cultivation level, Li Xiaoya thought that he would not be able to escape this mythical beast with his own cultivation...

He could only use all his strength to burst out with this life, temporarily raising his magic power to the Immortal Tribulation Stage. His speed increased instantly, and after teleporting several times, he flew hundreds of thousands of miles away, and escaped from the sight of the mythical beast Xuanwu. He directly got into his secret realm necklace to avoid the mythical beast Xuanwu...

Will do this...

That's because although Li Xiaoya used the magical power of Life Explosion and his cultivation level has been upgraded to the Immortal Tribulation stage, it is still far behind compared to the mythical beast Xuanwu... In addition, although the speed of escape of the Life Explosion magical power is fast, But there was only a few breaths, and there was no way to escape from the range of the divine beast Xuanwu's consciousness...

And the surroundings are in the void and chaos, there is no place to hide and be invisible. Even if Li Xiaoya uses the fog shadow robe and the invisibility technique to hide, with the shocking attack range of the divine beast Xuanwu, Li Xiaoya will probably have a hard time hiding anywhere... Once you are hit, your body will definitely be exposed...

In this case, it will naturally be discovered...

But the secret realm necklace is different. This secret realm necklace is originally a special treasure. It will not leak any breath. Li Xiaoya has been carrying it for so many years, and no cultivators or monsters have discovered it. It is only the size of a fingernail, but it is extremely tough. Especially after Li Xiaoya cultivated the magical power of opening up the secret realm, the secret realm necklace needs to be continuously strengthened before it can withstand a larger and more abundant spiritual energy...

Especially after the five-color divine soil was put into the space of the secret realm necklace, it continuously nourished and refined the secret realm necklace. The current secret realm necklace is thousands of times larger than when Li Xiaoya first came from the Huangling Gate. The space range is tens of thousands of miles. The toughness of the entire secret realm necklace is no worse than that of the general defense type of the treasure of the sky...

This has no breath leaking out, and it is only the size of a fingernail, and it is different from the one in front of him. Compared to the huge Xuanwu beast that is millions of miles away, it is not even as good as a speck of dust...

Although the Xuanwu beast is powerful and its cultivation is amazing, it is too difficult to find a tiny speck of dust-like secret necklace in millions of miles...

This is also the reason why Li Xiaoya's brain's calculation reaction speed is amazing enough after the reincarnation of thousands of lives, and he can make the best choice in an instant...

And in this case...

Even though the Xuanwu beast has amazing cultivation, Li Xiaoya still escaped the Xuanwu search...

When the Xuanwu beast showed its head, Li Xiaoya finally confirmed that it was the Xuanwu beast...

"Tsk! How unlucky!" Li Xiaoya looked at the Xuanwu beast on the light curtain, which was madly bursting out with amazing magic light waves to find his whereabouts. The amazing attack range made Li Xiaoya very frightened... Li Xiaoya is A helpless look...

I had just escaped from the danger in the fairy world, and I just happened to meet the mythical beast Xuanwu. You should know that most of the mythical beasts are free in the void and chaotic space outside the major star realms. First, their bodies are too huge... Secondly, the true immortals of various races like to catch mythical beasts as mounts, or hunt mythical beasts, get the blood of mythical beasts to cultivate their bodies, etc., in order to protect themselves, they rarely appear...

Even in the void and chaotic space, it is rare to encounter mythical beasts, let alone this mythical beast Xuanwu, which has existed since ancient times. I don’t know how many years it has lived in this world... It is also one of the extremely rare mythical beasts. Some true immortals rarely see it once in tens of millions of years of cultivation...

And just by chance, Li Xiaoya ran into it. How could Li Xiaoya not feel unlucky...


"Ah!!" The mythical beast Xuanwu found After a long time, he still didn't find any trace of Li Xiaoya, and he left with a very depressed look...

Li Xiaoya was not in a hurry to come out...

Because the entire secret necklace had been frozen in a piece of ice tens of thousands of feet in size, and the ice also contained the law power of the Xuanwu beast... First, there was still a possibility of being discovered if he went out, second, it would take some time to break the ice, and third, Li Xiaoya's life burst also consumed a lot of vitality and lifespan...

Although Li Xiaoya got a lot of life source from the treasure beast cave, it would take a lot of time to refine and recover completely...

And Xiaobai was at the foot of the mountain, possessing the ground to practice, and there was no movement...

After the five-element colored Ganoderma lucidum in Li Xiaoya's body got the life source, it fell asleep without making any sound, and it was obviously refining...

"Huh...!" Li Xiaoya suddenly let out a long breath and murmured, "I don't know how Xian'er and the others are...! "After saying that, he shook his head, sat cross-legged on the stone, closed his eyes and began to practice...

As Li Xiaoya's body flashed with spiritual light, two figures flashed out, which were the earth and fire clones...


"Buzz buzz buzz!" As Li Xiaoya practiced the technique, the air around him suddenly rippled amazingly, and a burst of colorful spiritual light rippled on his body. Countless colorful spiritual light spots flashed in the void and rushed into Li Xiaoya's body...

Among those countless colorful spiritual light spots, there were even smaller blue-green light spots mixed in, which was exactly the appearance of the breath of life...

Li Xiaoya restored his cultivation in the secret realm necklace and meditated...

The huge ice that was vibrating and rotating in the void and chaotic space slowly flowed in one direction in the void...

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