True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1699: Chaos King Beast

If we talk about what cultivators are most afraid of encountering in the void and chaotic space of the major star realms, there are naturally many things, but this chaos crack must be one of them...

As the name suggests, the chaos crack is a void space that contains chaotic energy and chaotic laws far beyond the general area, forming a space division crack that divides the void into several spaces. Generally speaking, the danger in the chaos crack is not very great. As long as the cultivator or monster has enough cultivation and has good enough defensive magical treasures, generally speaking, there will be no life-threatening danger...

Unless there is an ancient beast Chaos King Beast in the chaos crack or the power of the law of destruction contained in the chaos crack is quite amazing, even a cultivator with the cultivation of a true immortal is extremely dangerous, and he will lose a layer of skin if he does not die...

Needless to say, the ancient beast Chaos King Beast is one of the special beasts, especially likes to absorb the chaotic energy and the chaotic breath. This chaos crack contains such an amazing The power of the law of chaos and the energy of chaos are naturally the favorites of the Chaos King Beast...

So generally speaking, when encountering a Chaos Crack, the chance of encountering a Chaos King Beast is very high...It is said that the formation of this Chaos Crack is also related to the Chaos King Beast, but this cultivator rarely encounters this situation, and most of the cultivators who encounter it die...

The so-called chaos is actually the chaos of various law forces intertwined together to form an extremely chaotic law space, which is a hodgepodge...

But generally speaking, among the law forces contained in the chaotic energy, the law of destruction and the law of life are relatively rare...

This book of the Law of Destruction contains the power of destruction. The power of general laws is very difficult to be compatible with the power of the law of destruction. It is either swallowed by the power of the law of destruction, or the power of the law of destruction is offset by the power of other laws...So once the power of the law of destruction appears in the Chaos Crack, it must be an extremely amazing power of the law of destruction. The large-scale destruction law power of the Literature Museum is naturally extremely dangerous...

As for the power of the law of life, it is even less, because the void chaotic space is not suitable for the survival of life. Only high-level cultivators can offset the power of the law of chaos with their super amazing cultivation...

If the law of life appears in a certain area, there is only one situation, and a new star realm may be formed... Of course, this process is scary...

And cultivators are actually very rare in these two situations. The reason why they are afraid of encountering this chaos crack is that the extremely amazing chaotic power of the law of chaos in the chaos crack must contain a space vortex and the power of the law of space. Once sucked in... it will directly throw the cultivator to a certain place in the void chaotic space...

Because. The void chaotic space is infinitely wide. Even if the life with the cultivation of the true immortal is endless, it is impossible to fly throughout the entire void chaotic space, because this void chaotic space is not only infinitely wide. And it is expanding automatically all the time... Theoretically, it is impossible to fly to the edge of the void chaotic space...

And the space vortex in the chaos crack will randomly send the cultivator to every corner of the void chaotic space...


Even if you don't encounter any chaos beasts, the law of destruction... Once you are caught in the chaos crack, you will be caught in the space vortex in an instant, and you will be thrown to a place in the void chaotic space at random...

If you are lucky, you won't be thrown too far. You can still find the original way...

If you are unlucky, you will be thrown to an unknown corner, and you can't find the star realm to return to for thousands of years, which is naturally very troublesome...

Even worse is that you can't go back directly...

However, this situation is generally rare...

It is worth mentioning that the chaotic space contained in Li Xiaoya's Yin-Yang Chaos Divine Cauldron is also an extremely vast chaotic space. The size is naturally not as large as this void chaotic space, but to a certain extent. It is also infinitely large, because as Li Xiaoya's cultivation improves. If the Yin-Yang Chaos Cauldron is truly controlled, the chaotic space of the Yin-Yang Chaos Cauldron will also grow infinitely, especially if Li Xiaoya controls the Chaos Law...

It's a pity that Li Xiaoya has not even comprehended the superficial aspects of the Chaos Law, let alone controlling the Chaos Law... However, this is not Li Xiaoya's fault, because in the world of immortal cultivation, even among the True Immortals, there is no record of any cultivator who has successfully comprehended the Chaos Law...

There is an example of the demon beast, that is, the Wonton King Beast living in the Void Chaos Space, which controls the Chaos Law, so the Chaos King Beast is so terrifying... Generally, True Immortals have few opponents...

By comparison, this Chaos King Beast is even more terrifying than the Divine Beast Xuanwu As for who is stronger, the only way to tell is to fight...

"What the hell is this place!" Li Xiaoya was naturally very depressed. He had just escaped from the mouth of the divine beast Xuanwu, and immediately encountered this damned chaos rift... This made Li Xiaoya feel a little weird. It seemed that it shouldn't be. According to the information left by the immortal ancestor's residual soul, although this fairy world is very far away from the major star realms, it is not a dangerous place. It is just hidden. As long as you go to the nearest twelfth star realm, you can find the star realm teleportation array to go back to the thirty-three star realms... However, encountering the rare divine beast Xuanwu for cultivators was enough to surprise Li Xiaoya...

In fact, the secret necklace was trapped in the iceberg released by the mysterious beast Xuanwu, and it did not fly far. It just flowed within a radius of tens of millions of miles... because the speed was too slow...

It was extremely rare to encounter the mysterious beast Xuanwu in this place, and now it encountered this rare chaos crack, which means that there were two dangers in one place, which naturally made Li Xiaoya feel something was wrong...

At this time...

"Whoosh whoosh...!" A shocking black and white space vortex swirled endlessly, and from it, a shocking whistle and boundless strong wind were constantly vibrated...

Looking around, there were all terrifying space cracks, and there were huge space vortices swirling inside, which made Li Xiaoya feel horrified...

On the light screen, the ice on the secret necklace was shaken into endless fragments, and the entire secret necklace was exposed in the storm of boundless space chaos... It was flying towards a huge space vortex...

"It's just a matter of fate!" Li Xiaoya looked at the scene. He muttered to himself. From Li Xiaoya's tone, it seemed that he hadn't taken any countermeasures...

In fact, when Li Xiaoya discovered this situation, the secret necklace had already been sucked into the chaos crack. With his repair ability and the treasures on his body, if he insisted on escaping from the chaos crack, it was possible, but the risk was also great... It consumed a lot of his mana to repair...

Li Xiaoya didn't want to encounter this situation again when his mana had only recovered 70% to 80%. That would be too troublesome...


Li Xiaoya felt that it was much safer to be in the secret necklace than to go out by himself...

It seemed to confirm that Li Xiaoya's idea was correct...

When the secret necklace surged towards one of the black and white interlaced space vortexes...


"Boom boom!" A shocking gust of wind whistled and shook, and in the boundless chaos crack, nine huge sun-like light spots suddenly shook out. The countless chaotic energy that was shining rippled and vibrated, and an extremely amazing space ripple broke out...


"Hoo, hoo, hoo!" A shocking gust of wind whistled, and the chaotic cracks were filled with the breath of black and white light waves, as if being pulled, and rushed madly towards the direction of the even larger sun-like light spot...

Hua La La! ! A shocking rushing sound shook out, and the ice also rushed in that direction...


In this moment...

Li Xiaoya vaguely saw nine dazzling spots like suns. What kind of sun was that? It turned out to be the eyes of nine monsters, and in the boundless chaotic cracks, under the eyes of nine huge monsters. Faintly, you can see a huge black shadow that is millions of miles long and is even larger than the mythical beast Xuanwu, but you can't see what it looks like...

It looks like a monster with many wings...

"Is it the Chaos King Beast?" Seeing this scene. Li Xiaoya couldn't help but exclaimed in shock in his heart, although he didn't see the appearance of the monster clearly. But some books that Li Xiaoya had read had records that the Chaos King Beast had nine eyes and many wings. In the void chaotic space, its flight speed was extremely fast, and it was also the only monster that could open up a space channel to cross the space in the void chaotic space... Li Xiaoya couldn't help but secretly thankful that he didn't go out just now, and thought to himself: "Fortunately I didn't go out!"


This Chaos King Beast looked even more amazing than the mythical beast Xuanwu. The last time he escaped, he had already used the life burst to escape, and the Chaos King Beast had the fastest escape technique in the void chaotic space. If I go out, I will definitely be discovered by the Chaos King Beast...

You know...

The divine beast-level monsters are extremely afraid of cultivators knowing their location. They will kill the cultivators they see to avoid exposing their location and attracting the attention of high-level cultivators. The value of divine beasts is really amazing. Although in terms of individual cultivation, divine beasts still have an advantage over True Immortal-level cultivators, the characteristic of cultivators is that they live in groups...

If their location is exposed and a large number of True Immortal cultivators come, then even if the divine beasts have amazing cultivation, they cannot resist the large number of ancestral cultivators...


Under normal circumstances...

If a divine beast encounters a cultivator, it will not let him go easily. This is what Li Xiaoya encountered when he asked the blue thunder roc Xiaobai about it in the inheritance left by his ancestors. The blue thunder roc had this record in its ancestral heritage, so it was not surprising that it knew...

So, if Li Xiaoya came out of the secret necklace to escape from the chaos crack, I am afraid that with the consciousness of the Chaos King Beast, Li Xiaoya would have discovered Li Xiaoya long ago. Facing the Chaos King Beast, Li Xiaoya would naturally be finished... So I was a little glad... I didn't come out of the secret necklace. Once I came out... my breath would be exposed...

Although this is a long story...

But Li Xiaoya only saw the eyes of the Chaos King Beast in the swirling mist of the boundless black and white space. In an instant, the absorption power of the space vortex suddenly surged...

"Whoosh!" With a startling wriggling, the secret realm necklace was already sucked into a space vortex...

"Sure enough...!" Li Xiaoya looked at the crazy spinning waves of black and white light in the void, which dazzled the cultivators. Li Xiaoya's face changed, and he murmured, and his fingers suddenly made a series of quick gestures. With the movement of his fingers, the whole sky suddenly became filled with golden runes... and became extremely thick...

The secret realm necklace that was spinning and flying in the space vortex suddenly became bright with a burst of golden light, and became... It became a small bead shining with golden light, constantly blocking countless space light blades that were impacting it...

What surprised Li Xiaoya was...

Generally, space vortexes are not too long...

But this one is a bit too long...After several hours, there was no feeling of going out...

Li Xiaoya simply...

"Go!" Li Xiaoya quickly made hand gestures with his fingers, and a black and white light wave flew out of Li Xiaoya's body. The Yin-Yang Chaos Cauldron flew out mixed in the black and white light wave...The Yin-Yang Chaos Cauldron swelled up when it saw the wind, and fell to the ground, the whole The ground shook violently, and the Yin-Yang Chaos Cauldron turned into a giant cauldron hundreds of feet in size and fell to the ground...

"Anyway, I have nothing to do, let's see if there is any way to get this damn fairy peach out!" Li Xiaoya looked at the huge Yin-Yang Chaos Cauldron and muttered. After that, a blue light surged on his face, and countless blue light consciousness surged into the Yin-Yang Chaos Cauldron...

When Li Xiaoya considered advancing to the Immortal Tribulation Period these days, he did not include the five million year old top-grade fairy peach, because Li Xiaoya had already tried it, and the golden light that burst out of this top-grade fairy peach tree The light was extremely terrifying...

There was no way to do it for a while...

And now that it was finally clear, I had to study it carefully...


A few days later, the result still disappointed Li Xiaoya. This top-grade fairy peach tree was too difficult to approach... No wonder the Saint Lord Demon Marshal couldn't get the fairy peach with his magical powers...

And it spun in this space vortex for several days...

Finally, after three days...

The secret necklace finally left the space vortex...

"Tsk! This damn place!" Li Xiaoya looked at the light curtain and couldn't help but smack his mouth and muttered to himself...

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