True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1716: The Undersea City of Time

In the midst of the boundless blue sea and sky, below is the rippling blue water slowly surging, and a wave of waves trembles...

And among the waves are pillars tens of thousands of feet high, reaching straight to the sky. As far as the eye can see, there are pillars like this that stretch out endlessly. The scene is very spectacular, and there are countless amazing things on the pillars. The appearance of the Golden Immortal Wen is emitting astonishing golden light toward the sky, continuously shaking out amazing light waves. Countless golden lights pour down from the entire sky, causing the entire bead to continuously stir up amazing golden light, reaching straight to the bottom of the sea...

In the seabed tens of thousands of feet deep, the boundless golden light formed a light shield thousands of miles wide, and within the light shield was the appearance of a white palace building. Look at the countless golden immortal inscriptions on these buildings, which are obviously the immortal stars. The construction of the World Immortal Clan...

I saw that the building was very heavily guarded, and there were many fairy monks wearing golden armor and white cloaks patrolling...

In a secret room in a building, I saw that the entire secret room was actually made of silver-white metal, and was isolated by a piece of transparent crystal-like glass of unknown material. Half of it was extremely spacious, I saw that it was tens of thousands of feet in size. There were countless metal refining machines inside, which were vibrating slowly without making any sound. Each metal machine had dozens of metal pipes, and each one was different. They are the same, but obviously have different functions. Those metal mechanical components are made of unknown metals, and there are some extremely mysterious golden immortal inscriptions on them, which make some of these metal machines run astonishingly fast, but there is one thing. Nothing happened...


What can be seen is that among these metal machines, there are more than a dozen transparent glasses of different sizes filled with some liquid. (Literary Museum) If you look closely, most of them are actually filled with demon-suppressing milk, and a few are filled with some purple-gold liquid, which looks like the essence and blood of some kind of monster. There is also a bottle The source of life filled with blue and green runes...

I saw that as those metal machines continued to operate, the various spiritual liquids were slowly decreasing... It's just that the decrease rate was too slow, and most monks couldn't see it...

On the other side of the transparent crystal-like metal glass... there is a space that is only three feet square. The walls and floor of the space inside are covered with golden runes surging... The entire secret room is just a small gap. There is nothing there, it seems to be a completely sealed space...

However. On the ground of that space, a figure with colorful auras surging appeared to be sitting cross-legged... I saw that the colorful auras all over the figure were pouring in quickly, with a trace of blue-green light. The appearance of the silk... Looking at the face of this monk, there is no doubt that it is that Li Xiaoya...


If someone looks outside the transparent glass, they will see it inside the glass. The speed of the colorful spiritual light and blue-green light waves surging around Li Xiaoya's body seemed to be many times faster... But when viewed through the glass, it seemed to be quite normal. The whole thing was a strange scene...

Could it be that Li Xiaoya is still in a different dimension...

I don’t know how long it took...

"Huh!" The colorful spiritual light on Li Xiaoya's body slowly converged. Li Xiaoya opened his eyes suddenly, and an astonishing divine light rippled out, and his body exuded an astonishing and suffocating aura. He seems to be much stronger...

I saw Li Xiaoya slowly stood up, looked around, and murmured to himself: "This time and space is really amazing, it can actually slow down the passage of time. In that case, one thousand years will turn into three thousand years." , completely enough for me to advance to the Immortal Tribulation Stage..."

Time and space?

One thousand years turned into three thousand years?

This is such a heaven-defying and shocking magical power. I’m afraid it can only be described as a miracle...

And why is Li Xiaoya here?

turn out to be!

That day, Immortal Tianyu "abducted" the second update. Dong Santong relentlessly inquired about what True Immortal Tian Yu had told him and what things he was hiding from him...

Fortunately, Li Xiaoya used the Moon-Slashing God's Light Blade, the treasure that opened the sky, which he got from the treasure cave to kill Dong Santong...

And later. Two powerful-stage immortal monks came, saying that they were arranging a place for Li Xiaoya to practice and live. They took Li Xiaoya with them, and Dong Santong also followed. However, Dong Santong showed his friendship as a landlord very well and told Li Xiaoya this along the way. A special place in the fairy star world...

Li Xiaoya was not polite, he just asked if he had anything to ask. He had read some introductions to the Immortal Star Realm from some classic books before, but they were not very detailed. Naturally, there was no one to explain the journey...


The two powerful monks wanted to take Li Xiaoya to use the teleportation array to go directly to the destination. However, at Dong Santong's request, they took Li Xiaoya to see the Immortal Star Realm and flew directly to the destination in a flying boat. …

On the flying boat, Dong Santong ordered the best fairy wine and fruit to entertain Li Xiaoya... In fact, most of them went into Dong Santong's stomach. Although he was highly cultivated, Dong Santong's problem of delicious food and drink has not changed yet... It makes him happy. Li Xiaoya couldn't laugh or cry...


It is said that Dong Santong introduced it.

This Immortal Star Realm is really special. In terms of the size of the entire Immortal Star Realm, it may be as big as three Thirty-Three Star Realms. This shows how terrifyingly large this Immortal Star Realm is...

However, the population of the entire Thirty-three-Samsung World is only one-tenth of that of the Thirty-Three-Samsung World, which makes Li Xiaoya a little strange...

It was only after Dong Santong explained that Li Xiaoya suddenly understood that this Immortal Star Realm was extraordinary... In this Immortal Star Realm, there is only one race of monks, the Immortal Clan, who monopolize the entire Star Realm. The reason why there are so few monks in the entire Immortal Star Realm is not because Although the reproduction ability of the immortal race is worse than that of other races, it has some influence. The main situation is that there is not a single mortal in the population of the Thirty-three Star Realm, which is one tenth of the population. In other words, the immortals in the entire Immortal Star Realm The clan members are all immortal cultivators...

Calculated in this way, it is extremely terrifying. As far as the Thirty-Three Stars Realm is concerned, the ratio of monks to mortals without immortal roots is one thousand to one. In other words, among the racial tribesmen of the Thirty-Three Stars Realm, one person Among a thousand tribesmen, there may be only one who is a limited cultivator who can cultivate immortality...

This calculation is very terrifying. This means that if we talk about the number of monks, the number of monks in the Immortal Star Realm is a hundred times that of the Thirty-three Star Realm...

If you change it to the ratio of the human world and the star world, it would be even more amazing. It is basically like one in ten thousand... or even less than one in ten thousand...

This is not astonishing. What is even more astonishing is that, on the whole, the cultivation base and magical powers of the monks in the Immortal Star Realm are much higher than those of the monks in the Thirty-three Star Realm. On the contrary, there are fewer low-level monks. , after all, the spiritual energy of this Immortal Star Realm is not comparable to that of the Thirty-Three Star Realms. The spiritual energy is so strong that even the least qualified monks can advance to the Nascent Soul Stage within a hundred years. It can be seen that this Immortal Star Realm How outrageous...

It is said that there are hundreds of true immortals in the Immortal Emperor’s Court in the Immortal Star Realm. The number is really shocking...

In this way, the strength of the entire Immortal Star Realm is worthy of being one of the strongest star realms among the thirty-three star realms, and only the Demon Star Realm of the Demon Clan can compete with it...


It is said that the entire Immortal Star Realm is completely forbidden to monks of other races, unless they are licensed foreign monks like Li Xiaoya. Otherwise, if monks of other races are allowed to come in at will, I am afraid that the monks of other races will run away in a swarm. Come and settle in this fairy world...

After all, with such amazing spiritual energy, even if you don’t take any pills or anything, it would be much better to practice anywhere in this Immortal Star Realm than in an ordinary place...

What made Li Xiaoya a little curious was that it was rumored that there were no monsters in the Immortal Star Realm, which was very surprising to Li Xiaoya. Naturally, he asked Dong Santong...

When asked, Dong Santong also looked extremely resentful... The difference between this Immortal Star Realm and other star realms is that the monks are too powerful. As early as ancient times, all the monsters in the entire Immortal Star Realm have been killed. Now, some more powerful mythical beasts and the like have to leave the Immortal Star Realm and go to survive elsewhere...

In Dong Santong’s words, the Immortal Star Realm is boring enough, but he wanted to find a monster to fight with, but he couldn’t find anyone to kill monsters for fun, so he could only simulate formations and find monks to fight monsters. Although killing feels very real, there is no loot after all...

Li Xiaoya was left alone in the Immortal Star Realm. Li Xiaoya probably thought it suited him very well, but it would have been a torment for a militant like Dong Santong. No wonder Dong Santong was so resentful that the Immortal Star Realm was not good...


Li Xiaoya was curious, if there were no monsters or anything like that, wouldn't the entire Immortal Star Realm lose its balance? Of course not. After all, the Immortal Clan is a super clan that controls more than a dozen star realms. Among the star realms it controls, there are some where there are many monsters. The Immortal Clan monks can go there when they have sufficient cultivation. Those astral hunting experiences...

In the Immortal Star Realm, there are no monsters on the surface. Many places have set up secret realms of monsters for monks to go in to hunt and gain experience. There are often hunting competitions in some cities, etc...

Of course, there are no secret realms for monsters above the high-power stage in the Immortal Star Realm. The cost is extremely high and such a secret realm is difficult to set up. The growth of this high-power stage monster is also extremely slow, killing If one of them is missing, it will naturally be impossible to cultivate them. Secondly, the powerful stage monsters already have the magical power to break through the secret realm and may run away at any time...

Therefore, if monks in the powerful stage want to hunt monsters, they can only go to other star realms... And because of Dong Santong's special status, the Immortal Emperor simply does not allow Dong Santong to leave the immortal star realm... That's why Dong Santong is so resentful …

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