True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1747 Conspiracy

"No need! Let me do it! I'm an alchemist!" Li Xiaoya saw Dong Santong's surprised look and hurriedly said, and then he went forward. There are naturally certain skills to extract the essence and blood of monsters, which are generally mastered by alchemists. Dong Santong has never done this. Li Xiaoya has extracted the essence and blood of ancient monsters countless times over the years, so he is naturally very skilled. Dong Santong has basically never been exposed to the art of alchemy...

Naturally, he is not very good at refining the essence and blood of ancient monsters, so he looks a little surprised...

"Okay! Brother, you should do it!" Dong Santong was naturally happy to hear this...

"...Okay then!" Fu Yuchen didn't seem to have any objections, and answered casually, looking around...

"Wait a minute!" Li Xiaoya answered casually, and was about to start, but suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said: "By the way! While we have time, let's explore the spirit stone mine here, maybe there is something Discovery is!"

"Let me do it!" Xiao Qian said hurriedly after hearing this, her figure flashed with green light, and she drilled directly into the ground...


Li Xiaoya didn't say anything more, walked to the huge three-headed mutant wolf king, and a flash of light appeared in his hand, and the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash appeared in his hand...

To refine the blood essence of this ancient monster, you don't need fur and monster core skeletons...

These three mutant wolf kings are monsters in the Immortal Tribulation Period, and those materials are naturally very precious. Even the four cultivators are very rich, and the Immortal Tribulation Period monster core fur is hard to come by...

This wolf skin is a good thing for refining defensive armor and defensive treasures, and wolf bones can be used to refine offensive treasures, or strengthen the flesh and bones, not to mention the monster core...

Of course, all of them must be taken away first...


"Done!" Li Xiaoya said in surprise, looking at a ball of golden liquid the size of a head in the void. *Literature Museum* After saying that, he put away the amazing red flames, grabbed a small exquisite red bottle with his big hand, and with a wave of his finger, the ball of golden liquid flew into the small bottle and disappeared in an instant... Then Li Xiaoya carefully covered it up...

"Haha! Success?" Dong Santong, Fu Yuchen, and Xiaoqian, who were sitting together on the other side, stood up hurriedly after hearing this. They leaned towards Li Xiaoya, and Dong Santong said excitedly...

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya said lightly, and then he moved his finger and threw the small bottle towards Dong Santong. He said in a deep voice: "Junior Brother Dong, you put it away!"

"Okay!" Dong Santong put it away without hesitation...

"Daoyou Li! We have already discussed it! We will stay here for half a month. First, we consumed a lot in this battle and need to recover some mana. Second, the content of spiritual stone ore in this place is very amazing. There are many top-grade spiritual stones underground. Maybe we can find a lot of spiritual stone essence. It would be a pity to throw it away!" Fu Yuchen said to Li Xiaoya...

"Okay!" Li Xiaoya agreed without saying a word... He hurriedly said to everyone: "Then let's divide the spoils of the wolf king's body!" After that, he pointed to the wolf skin that looked like a huge mountain. Wolf bones and the like...

"Okay!" The cultivators naturally had no objection. If you have treasures but don't share them, you are a fool...Except that Li Xiaoya came to help Dong Santong, and Dong Santong came for the trial...

Xiaoqian and Fu Yuchen also came for the countless good materials and things in the Guangming Star Realm...


In the depths of a mountain that was like a pillar of heaven that was unknown how far away...


The huge white giant roc was attached to the giant nest...In front of it were four groups of dark mist, but the purple-black flesh was gone. Instead, four huge black shadows appeared...

One of the black shadows had a pair of huge flesh wings, a pair of horns and four arms...

The other three black shadows all had four huge flesh wings. The bodies were covered with black horns, and the dead were shrouded in black mist, and their figures could not be seen... They looked like they were suspended in the void and talking...

"Daoyou Baiye! You said that your plan is to wait here for the immortals to take the bait?" The giant roc of divine light said to the shadow of Baiye Demon Lord...

The demons of Baiye Demon Lord like darkness by nature. After the giant roc of divine light saw their true bodies, they naturally covered their bodies with black light and black mist, and did not like to show their true bodies...

Hearing this...

"That's right!" The shadow of Baiye Demon Lord showed a pair of scarlet eyes, full of With a murderous light in his eyes, he said in a deep voice, with a hint of excitement in his voice. He paused and explained, "In this case, Daoist friend, you have the protection of the four of us. Just wait for the Son of Light of the Immortal Clan to take the bait... But I have a better idea!" The Hundred Nights Demon Lord suddenly changed the subject halfway through his speech and proposed another thing. It seemed that he had a better idea. He paused and said hurriedly, "Daoist Shen Guang, haven't you and the Light Element Demon Kings joined forces? As long as you join forces, plus the help of the four of us, it is not impossible to go out together to find that damn Immortal Clan cultivator..."

"This plan is feasible...!" As soon as the words came out, the giant roc of divine light showed excitement in his eyes, muttered to himself, paused, pondered for a while, and said to the Baiye Demon Lord: "Then fellow Daoist Baiye, please stay here. You can choose any mountain here to live. I will contact other fellow Daoists and ask them to come to my place to join me. What do you think, fellow Daoist Baiye?"

"Okay! Let's do it. If it's just a few of us, it's possible that the son of light of the fairy clan will escape. It is said that the magical power of that guy's escape is extraordinary!" Baiye Demon Lord nodded and replied, and he didn't seem to have any objection...

This is their plan...

"Chirp!" The giant roc of divine light opened its mouth and chirped several times...

"Whoosh!" A burst of white light flashed, and several huge A white giant roc flew out from several surrounding mountains... and flew towards Bai Ye Demon Lord and his guys...

"Daoyou Bai Ye! Follow my disciples to find a suitable place...!"





The divine light giant roc and the four demons of Bai Ye Demon Lord seemed to have reached an agreement after a conversation... and was taken away by the white giant rocs...

"......!" The divine light giant roc looked at the dark light of the four demons, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he murmured in a low voice: "What a demon clan... a good idea... But... Although the demon clan is annoying... the immortal clan has been waiting for this day for so many years, no one can want to kill me...!" After that, a low bird cry came out of his mouth. A burst of amazing runes flashed, and suddenly ten white light balls came out of its mouth. As the giant roc opened its mouth and spit out violently towards the sky...

"Puff...!" A burst of white light splashed and shot away...

"Swish, swish, swish!" A burst of amazing light flashed, and these white light balls instantly turned into a light thread that flashed in the air and disappeared into the horizon...

And the giant roc of divine light murmured with sharp eyes: "At this point... it's out of our control...!"



And at this time...

"Boom!" A shocking black light exploded, and in an instant a mountain was blasted into a huge, bottomless, black hole...

"Okay! We are here, you go!" The figure of the Hundred Nights Demon Lord said in a deep voice to one of the white giant rocs...

"Yes, senior!" The white giant roc really didn't like the terrifying aura that made him terrified and numb from the Hundred Nights Demon Lord, and said with extreme respect, his voice paused. He continued, "Seniors, we will be on the mountain ahead, and we won't let other tribesmen disturb you! If you have anything to say, just tell us...!"

"Go!" Bai Ye Demon Lord said in a deep voice...

"Yes!" The white giant rocs were as if they had been pardoned, and hurriedly flew away...

"......!" Bai Ye Demon Lord looked around with his scarlet eyes... and said in a deep voice, "Let's go in and talk!"


Under the leadership of Bai Ye Demon Lord. The four demons instantly flew into the huge black hole...

After a while...

"Woo woo woo woo!" The entire huge mountain was busy with waves of amazing black mist surging wildly, a piercing whimpering and buzzing sound of ghosts and wolves howling, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable. Countless black and strange ghosts of demons and monsters gushed out and continued to spread in all directions... In a few breaths, the entire space of hundreds of miles was covered in it...


"Boom!" The ground shook with an astonishing roar, and huge black pillars emerged from the endless black fog, with countless blood-red runes surging on them. A blood-red light shield was formed, covering the entire space of hundreds of miles in radius...


It was the protective ban set up by the Baiye Demon Lord and other demons...

In the giant nest, the Divine Light Giant Peng seemed to have sensed the breath, and a trace of coldness flashed across its green eyes, and it said coldly: "Do these damn demons really think this is their territory?" After saying that, it closed its eyes and rested...


In a huge valley. This valley was the valley where Li Xiaoya, Dong Santong and his group of monks killed the three mutant wolf kings...


Now this valley is completely different from its original appearance...

Looking around, there were huge flashing potholes everywhere, and there were bursts of amazing muffled and broken rocks, and rocks were dozens of feet big, with a pair of huge arms. The metal puppets holding long swords were constantly digging, and countless huge spiritual stones shining with white light were dug out...

Some puppets that were only a dozen feet tall were holding storage bags to store these huge spiritual stones...

And in the center of this valley...

I saw!

A huge pit hundreds of miles in size was slowly expanding, and countless metal puppets were busy...

And this huge pit was bottomless, and there were bursts of amazing white spiritual energy gushing out of it. The whole valley was flashing with circles of spiritual light, and countless spiritual light threads were gushing out of the surface...

Obviously, this huge pit must have been dug by these metal puppets...

These are naturally the puppets released by Li Xiaoya. These puppets were recently refined in the second generation. They are high-level puppets with a certain degree of intelligence and extremely strong combat power, which is almost equivalent to the Qiankun period cultivators...

But Li Xiaoya was asked to use them to dig spiritual stones, which is a bit of a waste of talent... However, if he doesn't let the puppets do it, do you want the immortal calamity period cultivators to do it themselves?

And at this time...

Li Xiaoya is now in a huge and extremely empty cave, sitting cross-legged in meditation, with bursts of amazing spiritual light flashing on his body, and his figure is rippling towards the spiritual light, and he looks like he is practicing rapidly...

I don't know how long it has been...


"Hmm?" Li Xiaoya suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had discovered something. He quickly stopped practicing and stood up, muttering, "Did you really discover it?" After that, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he removed the restrictions on the cave. In an instant, Li Xiaoya disappeared into the air...

"Swoosh!" A flash of inspiration came to his mind, and Li Xiaoya appeared above the huge, bottomless hole...

"I found something good!" Li Xiaoya looked at the huge hole, and suddenly He said in a deep voice...

As soon as he said this...

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!" A flash of light appeared, and Dong Santong, Fu Yuchen, and Xiaoqian appeared beside Li Xiaoya in a flash...

"What did you find? Spiritual stone essence?" Dong Santong said to Li Xiaoya...

"No! You will know when you go down!" Li Xiaoya replied hurriedly, and his body paused, and flew down to the huge bottomless pit...

"......!" Dong Santong and the other three monks followed without saying a word...


The bottom of this huge pit is even bigger, and it is hollowed out in all directions. The entire space may be even larger... All the way down, there is an extremely astonishing white light and spiritual energy...

"Huh? What is that?" The cultivators flew down tens of thousands of feet, and suddenly saw countless metal puppets busy below. Seeing what the countless metal puppets dug out below, they were stunned and said with great surprise...

In the open space, there was a crystal clear hill thousands of feet in size, emitting waves of white light, half of which was exposed in the open space below, and a trace of white light flowed in it... It emitted an extremely astonishing spiritual energy fluctuation...

"Isn't that the spirit stone essence?!" Xiaoqian said with a frown...

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